Chapter 817: In a hurry

When Tamba left the hotel, his steps were relaxed and he looked cheerful. He is the lucky one who has won the grand prize, and the peak of his life is approaching. Behind him, two BBC reporters looked like old trees in the village, looking far away from the hotel entrance, their faces stiff.
For Westerners,'Asia, Africa and Latin America' should be a backward and ignorant place. The aboriginal should have a pleasing smirk, stretch out his dirty hands, look up at the white man from afar, and try to ask for something.
Jack London is the American who wrote "Love Life" and went to elementary school. He also wrote an "Unprecedented Invasion", imagining the use of biological and chemical weapons to wipe out the Chinese.
This short story was written in 1910. Jack London imagined that in 1976, white coalition forces would encircle China and kill all natives like dogs. This should be inspired by the destruction of the Indians, Mayans, and Aztecs by infectious diseases.
The reason for the massacre is simple-there is no common psychological core between white people and China, and there are too many Chinese.
"Baipi" loves life, but their definition of life is different from ours.
When it was discovered that the low-level creatures in their eyes were likely to have defrauded themselves of five hundred dollars and a miniature camera, the hearts of the two British guys burst. They couldn't call Danbo back, they could only spread their grievances on the hired translator.
"In the future, you must translate our words truthfully, and you can't modify them randomly. Now is the stage of collecting materials, and the authenticity of the materials must be guaranteed. How to process the materials in the later stage is our work, not yours. Remember, you are just a translator."
An Englishman poked his finger on the translator's chest, and the latter was annoyed and hurt. But he just got caught in the trick of eating inside and out. He could only bow his head and admit his mistake and ask for forgiveness. As for the future...
Until the Englishman finds the next reliable translator, the current translator does not intend to change it. They are a group, and no one can do without anyone.
"Where is the next interviewee?" The two reporters looked through the interview book and thought that the interviewees the translators were looking for were not reliable. "Or we can interview randomly. Just start from this hotel."
There are some small businessmen in the hotel, they are walking among the war-torn states, making friends with the leaders of the forces, and letting goods and currencies flow.
The powers of the various states also need merchants, otherwise, even if they grow a lot of tobacco fields, there is no need to buy living materials? This thing cannot be eaten or worn.
The businessman knows a lot of information and is a good interviewee. The reporter pulled up the translator and found a middle-aged man who was eating in the hotel.
After opening his mouth to identify himself, he still asked the old question, "What do you think of the intruder from the north?"
The middle-aged man has a dark face and strong arms. He has a calm expression and eats slowly, but he has a rifle at his feet. There are two young people at the same table, who should be subordinates.
Regarding the reporter's question, the middle-aged businessman raised his head slightly and sneered: "That's an investor invited by the country. People with ulterior motives will slander them as intruders."
"But these so-called ‘investors’ are killing people everywhere, we have evidence. They slaughtered a lot of people, don’t you think this is too cruel? This is an invasion."
The BBC reporter tried to correct the opinion of the middle-aged businessman, but the other party still sneered, "Too few kills, so we should kill more."
This view is so appalling that reporters and translators are stunned.
"The bandits who were eliminated were all bandits who caused wars everywhere and caused vendettas, and we suffered from them. No one wants to live in anxiety all day.
You people in the West are human beings, and we people in the East are also human beings. We want to stay in an orderly place, not in an environment where we might be killed when we go out, or even burned to death at home.
I am willing to pay taxes, be a guide, and take refuge in the "Holy Light". I only hope that they will manage the place well.
But you Britons hope that there will be wars everywhere in order to profit from it. In the past we had no choice but to be bullied by you. Now we want to live in a different way. "
Middle-aged businessman sitting at the table, eating a simple dinner. He made no secret of his hatred for Westerners and stared at two British reporters viciously.
The Brit looked at each other's eyes and knew they were wrong, but they were still waiting for the translation. But the translator rushed to shout to the middle-aged businessman: "You are too ignorant, the people from the north are just using you. Do you really think what they are saying is true?
Although there is no evidence yet, the "Holy Light" definitely has a conspiracy. They may have done something good, but they are an evil group sanctioned by the United States. We are a free and democratic world and they must be driven out. "
The interpreter was very excited, and the middle-aged businessman also became loud, "Stop playing this set with me. I have also stayed in Yangon. I'm tired of your bullshit.
There is no evidence, right? Because you don't care about the evidence at all. You just want to make trouble. If necessary, you can fabricate evidence.
You don't care how many meals the people in the village eat a day, or how broken the huts live in, let alone how many children die before they reach adulthood.
As for the local rebellion, you have nothing to do with them for decades. After all, you stay hundreds of kilometers away, live in a big comfortable house, and lead a life of classy people.
What else did you do besides calling and calling? Now someone comes to help us, but you are bolder and bring foreigners to make trouble. This means that a civilized man will not die, will he? I want to prove you wrong. "
The middle-aged businessman scolded to the end and flicked the rifle under his feet. Two of his men also stood up and pointed their guns at the British.
The British only heard that his translator suddenly quarreled with the interviewee, and saw the muzzle raise his hand quickly. The translator also shouted: "I am an employee of the British BBC, and I have an overseas passport."
"I don't recognize this." The middle-aged businessman pulled the trigger and all three bullets were shot into the translator's chest. The latter fell to the ground and died instantly.
The Brit was so scared, he raised his hand and backed away, turned around and hid in the hotel kitchen.
There is no back door in the kitchen. The Brit turned around like a hurried mouse, begged to the cook, curled up behind the cupboard, hoping for shelter.
The cook at the hotel was inexplicable and went outside to check the situation.
After a while, the cook came back to signal that the Brit could go out. But the two Englishmen refused to leave behind the cabinets, until the officials from Lashio came over, they walked out of the hotel kitchen tremblingly.
The people in the hotel were very calm, except for a pool of blood on the floor of the lobby, as if nothing happened. The middle-aged businessman who shot the gun has long disappeared. As for the translation...
"We will be responsible for tracking down the murderer, but it will take time. The body was sent to the hospital morgue. We don't have an ice coffin here. If no one claims it, we will go to the burial tomorrow. Do you want to bring the body back to Yangon?"
The officials in Lashio stared at two Brits. The latter shook his head directly. They only asked for help in getting a car, hoping to return to Yangon as soon as possible. The rest can only hope in God.
The matter was over. The Brit paid the funeral expenses and paid the hotel a compensation. Finally, he hired a broken car at a high price and left Lashio griefly. They even forgot about Danbo and lost five hundred dollars with a miniature camera.
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