Chapter 825: The victory is set?

In mid-April of the 2nd year of the Northern New Calendar, a coalition of nobles in their early ten thousand years arrived at the dense fog fortress south of Coldwind City. This is the largest army in the North in recent decades, with continuous camps covering the mountains and plains. The flags cover the sun, and you can't see the side at a glance.
The nobles of dozens of northern cities abandoned their usual grievances and stood on the same front to deal with unprecedented enemies. A ‘monster’ killed from the Black Forest, and a ‘cannibal’ to destroy the privileged class.
A golden tent was erected in the center of the camp, the Banshee flag of the Butcher family was erected high, and Lord Friedman entered here. He gambled all the wealth of the family and gathered tens of thousands of troops just to take down the small fortress opposite.
It is ridiculous that the Buche family became a nobleman by sealing the six-armed snake demon who broke into the main material world. Now their family is relying on snakes to fight.
As the target of this battle, the wall of the dense fog fortress is ten meters high, and the area of ​​visual inspection is not large. The nobles estimated that there were a thousand more people stationed in their heads, not more. ‘Cannibal King’ is inside, and all problems can be solved by destroying him.
After the formation, more than a dozen cities and hundreds of representatives of large families gathered in a golden tent of hundreds of square meters. Everyone gathered together, staring with blood-red eyes, preparing for a cruel fight.
In terms of numbers, the nobility has an absolute advantage. They have nearly a thousand official wizards above level five, and more than five thousand powerful professional soldiers. Even the attendants are well-equipped after years of training.
Before, everyone was worried and felt that Victor Hugo was not easy to deal with. But now compared to the combat power, I suddenly felt that one's own odds of winning were more than 90%-relying on a large number of people, one person can drown an opponent with one spit.
"I plan to launch a night attack." Friedman took the seat and watched the heroes in the account. "Devils have night vision capabilities. A thousand timids can be used as cannon fodder, just to tear the enemy's defenses apart."
In the corner of the tent squatted a mad war demon that was more than two meters high. It looked like a huge and stout human-shaped toad, ugly and powerful. Its wide mouth is full of sharp teeth, its back is full of spines, and it carries two huge axes in its hands.
This monster was stinking all over, and no one approached for several meters. It is the commander of the demon army this time, two brass bells with big eyes always staring at the human skulls in the tent, and muttering devilish words that others do not understand.
When Friedman said that the ‘devil army’ was used as cannon fodder, everyone in the tent stared at the monster from the alien plane. Its original challenge level is 14, and it has 11 levels after the projection is weakened.
Level 11 is already very strong. The number of nobles and wizards in this tent does not exceed level 10. When such a powerful monster went to fight Vanguard and die, everyone felt that the odds of winning were even greater.
"Who wants to attack after the demon army?" Friedman looked around, "Our enemy is in the fortress. The family that invades first can get 10% more of the spoils."
Hearing that they could get 10% more trophies, the nobles started talking in private. Farrell, who was sitting under Friedman, sat still, and gave up this temptation after a little calculation.
One thousand cowardice seems to be a lot, but if this force can pry Victor Hugo's line of defense, Farrell's two thousand men and horses will not be blocked outside the fort.
He has launched several tentative attacks in the past two days, and each time he has not taken advantage of it, he can be regarded as thoroughly learning the strength of his opponent.
But Farrell didn't grab it, and he stood up against a stout old noble.
"Your Excellency Friedman, our Knights of the Crown of Thorns in the Great Night City are willing to grab this honor."
The Great Night City is to the north, deep into the Black Forest. The old nobleman who wanted to take credit was called Jeck, a poor man. The Knights of the Crown of Thorns had a nice name, but it was actually poor. The internal races are mixed, with many orcs and even jackals joining.
However, the Knights of the Crown of Thorns has a large number of 800 troops, the largest Knights in the North. The Jackal soldiers are completely beasts, powerful and fast, and they are really a powerful combat force that dares to fight and fight.
In particular, jackals can also see things in the dark, are cruel and fearless, and are more able to cooperate with the demon army, much better than humans relying on potions and arcane assistance.
Jek also waved his hand, and five strong and fierce young men stood up behind him, "I have five sons, all of whom are the best fighters in the North. They are willing to serve Lord Friedman to kill Vic. Much. Hugo's head."
The five young people are very strong, well-built, and have cold eyes. They did not wear armor, their upper body was exposed, showing thick arms and thick chest muscles. In the eyes of others, they are indeed good warriors, enough to run wild on the battlefield.
Friedman nodded repeatedly, satisfied that someone came out to join him. He promised to provide five hundred archers to cover the warriors of the Great Night City to ensure that they can attack the city.
This is a thousand plus eight hundred plus five hundred, but it is a force in the early two thousand. The night attack also has a sudden bonus, and the winning rate needs to be improved.
Many nobles in the tent even feel that they are engaged in such a big battle, and they are afraid that they will destroy the enemy in one fell swoop tonight. Some people even regret why they didn't take the lead in the first attack. Maybe the advantage is their own.
There was noisy discussion in the tent, and only Farrell sneered in disdain: "Do these idiots think Victor Hugo is a bastard? Rush to die.
If you have seen that guy fly to the sky alone and chop off a dozen gargoyles in the blink of an eye, you won't have any idea of ​​winning easily. The nobles who participated in the war were lucky to survive half of the war. "
But Farrell didn't speak, he wished someone would bravely kill his opponent.
Friedman arranged for a few more troops to respond, and the tactical arrangement of the night attack this evening was over. This is the case for the noble army. The commander-in-chief only puts forward operational requirements, but cannot control how the order is fulfilled.
It was already before sunset in the evening, and the old nobleman Jeck, who had obtained the first attack mission, happily walked out of the golden tent with his five sons. They hurried to the camp where they were stationed and mobilized the hundreds of troops they brought.
The Knights of the Crown of Thorns had a lot of troops, and hurriedly opened fire to cook, ready to eat and drink to fight. The mad war demon also walked out of the golden-top tent, summoned the Flo and the coward, and prepared to attack the outer fortifications of the dense fog fortress.
For the devil, fighting is an indelible instinct imprinted in the soul. For them, the spurt of plasma is the supreme enjoyment, and the broken bones is a luxurious meal. The value of their existence is to destroy and destroy.
The terrifying bottomless abyss will drop meteorites without warning, blow up the cold wind of all frozen things, and raise volcanoes erupting lava. In this environment, the demons are not afraid of death at all. Because in the endless death, they will continue to get new life.
The human woman transformed into a snake demon also walked out of the tent. Its strange appearance attracted the eyes and ambitions of countless nobles. But the arcane vision of a wizard can recognize the body of a high-level demon, and prying eyes are often frightened.
The setting sun is casting the last gleam of light from the direction of the fort, and night is about to fall.
The snake demon pointed to the fortress and gave instructions to the mad war demon. The mad war demon armed with a double axe immediately roared and performed the demon's unique skill-summoning the same kind.
The axe blade hit the ground, and as the obscure demon language chanted, the plane channel opened, and another ugly and terrible war beast appeared. The nobles onlookers made a sound of surprise and joy. The battle tonight looks like The victory is set.
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