Chapter 846: "Death is coming"

At ten o'clock at night, the headquarters is still very lively. The studios of multiple channels are busy, and the international news station’s evening talk show is being broadcasted globally.
The beautiful hostess invited several guests. Experts including police, politics and architectural design sat together to discuss the current hottest "New York Times" bombing.
The hostess is chatting with construction experts and asked how to prevent such vicious destruction. The expert frowned for a long time before saying: "From the current police investigation, it is difficult to explain how the criminals blasted the blast within the correct time."
"Is it difficult? Just throw a small piece of explosive with timer in all toilets." The hostess asked an idiot question with her charming smile.
The construction expert shook his head repeatedly, "This is really difficult. It's not like a case that can be completed by one person, requiring very close cooperation. Simply throwing explosives into the toilet can't accurately blast all the sewage pipes of the entire building.
If you want me to say, this is simply someone who has used magic to make hundreds of blasting devices stop in place after entering the pipeline. But this is incredible. "
"It sounds like this is a crime of high intelligence." The hostess asked the senior police detective again, "If this is not a personal act, what kind of organization can have such a precise blasting ability?"
Senior police detectives are more practical, "No matter what the difficulty is, since the case happened, it means that someone can do this. But this is really not a crime that ordinary people can complete, and our investigation is also moving in a relevant direction.
Generally speaking, people who do this kind of work will have a record, and they will not be purposeless just for disgusting people. For criminals to demonstrate their abilities, the next step is to ask the New York police or the federal government. "
Speaking of making requests, the officials sitting next to them immediately yelled: "The federal government will not agree to any requests from criminals, and violations will be severely punished.
Because this is not an ordinary criminal case, and the New York Times is not an ordinary media. This is a smear of the image of the United States. We will never compromise with criminals and must be brought to justice. "
Among the three guests, the words of federal officials were the most vague but the best understood. The hostess completely ignored the frowning brows of the senior police detective, applauded him on the spot, and asked: "What do the three think about the provocative letter presented by the New York police?"
The officials rushed and said: "The source of this letter is still unclear, and there is no need to be too nervous. This may be sent by someone who has just divorced in a dilapidated apartment, just to show his sense of existence.
I really pity the practice of anonymous letters, timid and incompetent, without any substantial harm. I believe that the police will catch the poor bug soon. This is not a problem at all. "
The encouraging words sounded more comforting than the experts and detectives, and the hostess smiled approvingly again. This is the rhythm of "big things turn into small things, small things turn into small things".
But as the hostess wanted to continue talking about some happy topics, the studio desktop suddenly vibrated.
All four people in front of the camera were stunned for a few seconds, staring at each other.
The construction expert first said quietly: "This vibration is abnormal. The Omni Building is a large building weighing tens of thousands of tons. I want to make its floor vibrate."
But the shock did not stop after the arrival, but became more concentrated and intense.
The hostess still remembered that she was broadcasting live all over the world. When she interrupted the expert, she smiled sweetly at the camera: "It may be that the room downstairs in the studio is under construction and renovation. This often happens. Don’t worry, let’s continue. A topic"
A stronger bang occurred in the studio, and the table surrounded by four people was shaking.
This can't even be concealed. The hostess can only ask the director on the sidelines for help, hoping to insert some advertisements so that the program can continue.
But separated by a layer of glass, the director was obviously more confused. For some reason, the screen cannot be switched between life and death. Audiences all over the world were staring at the four people in front of the camera in a daze.
But at this time, a wonderful drama came on.
Sitting still, the federal official sniffed, and said inexplicably, "What's the matter? I smell a bad smell." After speaking, he probed the left and right sides, trying to find the source of the smell.
With this probe, the officer screamed with his hands on the seat, raised his feet, and shouted: "Oh, shit! Has your toilet burst? There is a yellow and stinking unknown liquid flowing on the ground, who Can you tell me what it is?"
In fact, everyone smelled the stench, but it was not easy to speak up. It's okay if the official didn't say this. After speaking, all four people in front of the camera lifted their feet.
The hostess originally wanted to appease the three guests, but when the smell entered her nose, and then distinguished the composition of the unknown liquid, she even screamed and stepped on her seat with a pale face.
This time the problem is so serious that there is no global live broadcast.
On the other hand, audiences around the world feel that tonight’s talk show has reached its most exciting moment. It's more interesting to see a serious female host stepping on the chair to jump to the table on weekdays than listening to her nonsense.
The yellow foul-smelling liquid was poured in from outside the studio, which shows that the outside of the studio was flooded in a short time. The three guests can only stand on their seats and ask loudly what is going on.
But no one in the studio can answer, and even the cameraman cannot protect himself. As the yellow smelly liquid spread, he couldn't even find a place to stay.
At this moment, not only the floor was shaking, but the ceiling was shaking. I can clearly hear what is exploding one after another, bang bang bang destruction.
"Oops." The construction expert's expression became extremely bleak, "Are there any sewage pipes above our heads?"
This joke is terrible.
All four of them looked up. Federal officials became more restless, and pointed the finger at the police detective beside him and asked: "Don't you guarantee that there will be no accident? How to explain the current situation? The bomber is here, and he ran."
The police detective was annoyed that he couldn't break the neck of the federal official. This guy was speechless and turned an accident into a scandal. He could only be speechless right now.
The officials asked the hostess again, "Where are your security personnel? What are they doing? Why don't they show up? It's too dangerous here. We need to leave."
The hostess was also stupid, she just stared at the studio camera facing her and thought: "It's over, this is a global live broadcast. With this kind of broadcast accident, all the hard work is wasted."
Now no one cares about any broadcasting accidents, everyone just wants to quickly escape from this place of right and wrong. But the studio was full of yellow smelly liquid, and there was nowhere to escape.
The construction expert has been paying attention to the ceiling above his head. He even stepped on the table of the studio and pushed open the ceiling.
The internal pipelines of large buildings are very complicated. In order to facilitate maintenance, pipelines with different functions are hung from the ceiling. The construction expert only glanced at the suspended ceiling and said miserably: "It's over."
"We have a sewage pipe above our heads?"
"At the top of the studio are ventilation pipes and fire extinguishing pipes, but the situation is worse than this."
"How bad is it?"
"I smelled a smell of smoke, and I was also worried that the sewage pipe would be damaged."
Don't worry, the fire extinguishing nozzle on the top of the studio suddenly turned on and sprayed out!
This is really ‘shit to shower’!
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