Chapter 879: Failed again

Zhou Qingfeng stayed at the hk convention and exhibition center for less than half an hour before leaving, and he did not spend five minutes sitting at the conference table. Michelle, who came from Washington to preside over the operation, was disrupted.
Slapped the idiot who messed up the meeting, Michelle hurried out of the meeting room. In the walkie-talkie she carried with her, there were continuous reports from her subordinates.
"Target is taking the elevator to the parking lot."
"Group A is guarding the exit of the parking lot and has not yet found the target vehicle."
"Group B is not yet in place, it will take about two minutes."
"Where is Group C? Did the monitoring post of Group C find out?"
"Group A went to support Group C, and their people did not reply."
"Group B, where are you? Answer me, your current position."
Michelle hurried to the elevator, hoping to catch up with Zhou Qingfeng and the others. But when the elevator rose from the underground parking lot to the third floor, a strong blood came out from the opened elevator door.
The fight between "Holy Light" and the CIA has always been tragic.
In Eastern Europe, Marcos's men were killed, imprisoned, instigated and separated, and hundreds of people were lost in two years. Had it not been for Zhou Qingfeng to train Marcos with a group of backbones with special capabilities, Boryspil Airport would have long been unable to keep it.
In Southeast Asia, the ‘Holy Light’ began recruiting ‘development and construction’ personnel in 1993, and expanded east and south from Myanmar. In the hands of the Western and local forces, the group has sacrificed more than 30 people.
At this moment, Michelle saw three headless bodies lying in the elevator. Judging from her dress, it was the member of Group C who followed her this time, who should have been staring at the underground parking lot.
These three are all veterans with more than ten years of overseas operations experience. They carry body armor and submachine guns and other equipment with them, and most people are not their opponents at all.
But now the heads of the three veterans exploded, and the whole elevator was stained blood red with broken bones. The splashed brain pulp stuck to the inner wall of the elevator, and it was falling ticking down.
When the elevator door opened, Michelle was scared back a few steps. The first few American members who participated in the negotiation also rushed over, especially the idiot who folded the paper airplane ran in the forefront. When they saw the headless body, they fell on the spot in shock and yelled.
The elevator doors opened and then closed automatically.
Michelle was heartbroken outside the door but she could only stomped her feet. She quickly grabbed the walkie-talkie, "I'm Michelle, the action failed, and I evacuate. Repeat it again, don't approach the target anymore, evacuate immediately."
When the call button was released, there was a rustle from the intercom.
After waiting a few seconds without reply, Michelle called again. But the sound of conversations that had just happened one after another disappeared without a trace, and there was nothing in the contact channel.
The three who died were not shot heads. Their heads were completely blown up, as if they had been smashed with fists directly by someone in anger.
The origami idiot fell to the ground, kicked back, and screamed in horror. He retreated and shouted, "What's going on? Call the police, call the police."
Michelle really wanted to shoot the idiot who messed up the meeting.
There were originally two attempts at this meeting. One is to trick Zhou Qingfeng out and kill him directly. If it can't, then use an agreement to bind the ‘Holy Light’ and stop him from expanding.
Through multiple pressures to force opponents to make mistakes, the CIA has become proficient in this technique. There are special classes to teach lying, fraud, and theft. As long as the enemy can be dealt with, it is the glory of America.
Monotheistic cleansing pagans are all this routine. They don't have any psychological burdens, but do similar things with a strong sense of mission and responsibility.
In order to trick Zhou Qingfeng out, Michelle took a lot of effort. Infiltration, separation, and false news, there were no one hundred or eighty spies sent to the headquarters of the'Holy Light' in the past two years.
Most of them are "meat buns hitting dogs without going back," a small number of them were instigated and turned into double agents to cheat the CIA many times, and their own intelligence network in the imperial capital was detected.
The CIA didn't understand that the anti-interference ability of'Holy Light' was surprisingly strong. They even suspect that an inner ghost is sending messages unscrupulously, otherwise they can't explain it.
In the end, the fighting between the two sides was too fierce and the personnel were damaged too much. The CIA had to express a bit of ‘sincerity’ and was willing to talk to the ‘Holy Light’. But this time the negotiation was still messed up.
The senior U.S. Department of Commerce official who was scheduled to appear before boarded the plane suddenly changed his mind and refused to come, and sent a trash fish as a representative. Michelle knew it was bad when she heard the news, but it turned out to be worse than all she had expected.
"It's over, don't try to trick that guy out again." Michelle was weak. After the failure of this operation, the opponent will definitely retaliate, "I don't know how many people are going to die to make the arrogant gang of Washington sober."
The guards from the convention center came quickly, and the British Royal Police also came to wash the floor. A total of nine bodies were found around the exhibition center, all of whom were brought by Michelle.
The opponent did not show any mercy because of the western face of the deceased, but instead killed them by extremely cruel means. These are all elite agents who have been trained for many years, and every loss can make the CIA feel distressed.
"Can you find out how Zhou Qingfeng escaped?" Michelle asked to see the surveillance of the exhibition center. The royal police did not stop, but the center guards were helpless.
The surveillance was ruined.
The mysterious and unpredictable Zhou Qingfeng came, and he left without a trace.
According to Michelle’s analysis and judgment, hk is completely Zhou Qingfeng’s site. Everyone here is suspicious, and may be a hidden stake of the ‘Holy Light’,
hk should not be selected for this meeting.

The CIA's actions were not visible, and the tragic deaths of nine Westerners could only come to an end. Michelle has a big head and has to accept reprimands from Washington and Langley headquarters. She was suspended again and asked to return to the United States immediately.
"How many times has it failed?" Michelle stood behind the glass curtain wall of the Convention and Exhibition Center, overlooking Victoria Bay. The beautiful white sail shadow in the bay lost its color in her eyes.
No matter how strong the background and family background, a public official who fails too much will be considered incompetent and lose the resources he had in the past. The family will hide her, give her a sum of money, and let her do some easy work.
Michelle didn't want to go back. She is still young, she still wants to achieve something, and she has great ambitions. But she had no chance, no retreat.
The ringing phone rang, and the little foreign girl lowered her head and scanned her eye number. She was surprised to find that it was her dead subordinate. She raised her eyebrows in confusion, but still connected, and shouted ‘hello’.
A low man's voice came from the mobile phone, "Should I call you Miss Michelle or Miss Megan?"
Michelle's brow furrowed even tighter. The pseudonym "Meghan" had been useless for two years. To be precise, she only used it once. Few people can still call out this pseudonym.
The little girl bit her lip, took a deep breath, and replied, "You can call me Megan."
"Oh, it seems that we are still old friends." The man on the phone sneered: "Are you willing to come to Shenzhen? We can talk in person. Avoid the interference of those idiots."
The little foreign girl was dizzy and didn't know how to answer for a long time.
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