Chapter 927: slow

The Aegean Sea has always been calm, but it suddenly became a hot spot in the world at the end of January 1995.
The "Turkey" suffered a great loss, and two second-hand American "Olik" class destroyers were sunk. This is a ‘big ship’ with a full load of 3,000 tons. Although it was manufactured at the end of World War II, it is a proper main force after modernization and modification.
The'native chicken' immediately jumped and scolded that Greece launched a despicable and shameless sneak attack. But Greece immediately counterattacked that it was the ‘Turkey’ warship that irradiated its own warship with fire control radar, but it has always exercised restraint and did nothing.
The two sides quarreled for a long time, which alarmed NATO. These are two allies, and it would be too embarrassing to fight inwardly. The Brussels headquarters immediately dispatched military personnel to investigate.
The investigation first clarified one thing. The warships patrolling in the sea area where the incident occurred did not launch missiles, but only conducted tactical evasion and electronic countermeasures.
As for who sunk the ‘Native Chicken’ warship? This must be checked carefully. After all, the warship was sunk and the officers and soldiers on the ship suffered heavy casualties. This is indeed strange.
The media has many speculations about this. Some say that the mysterious underwater submarine fired missiles, some say that Greece is covering up the facts, and some say sea monsters are infested.
Every hypothesis can trigger heated discussions. Anyway, the media likes to create gossip hot spots to facilitate making money. The NATO investigation team originally thought it would take a lot of effort to find out the matter, but...
A local TV station in Greece received information from an anonymous person that the F-16 fleet of the ‘Turkey’ Air Force had inherited the fine traditions of its ancestors and sunk its own warship by launching missiles.
The news said that there were noses and eyes, and the radio communication of the naval and air force decision-makers at the time of the incident was exploded. It also specified that the F-16C of the 132th Fighter Wing code-named "Dagger" performed this mission. .
Just somehow?
When conducting target guidance, the F-16C locked on two warships of its own navy and fired four harpoons in a row, sinking them in one fell swoop.
The TV station also disclosed the radio communication between the two'Turkey' F-16Cs and the 3rd Fighter Command after the missile was launched. The two fighters were very happy at first, and yelled excitedly on the radio.
But the command quickly scolded the two pilots for being stupid, because the missile hit its own warship. The two men were arrested by the military police immediately after landing and were subject to military investigation.
This news is beyond the imagination of normal human beings, but it is indeed the most consistent with the facts.
The focus of public opinion all over the world immediately focused on the ‘earth chicken’-originally everyone could pity them for sinking two boats, but now they all have the idea of ​​watching jokes.
Twenty years ago, the ‘Turkish’ Air Force did something similar. It also regarded its own warship as a Greek warship, which resulted in a fight between the navy and the air force.
At that time, both the navy and the air force had their own losses, and they all declared that they had won a huge victory, and then they were mocked by the whole world for decades.
Here again?
Traditional arts!
The official media of the ‘Native Chicken’ originally denied this fallacy, thinking it was a rumor by shameless people, and intended to discredit the great ‘Native Chicken’ navy and air force.
But this excuse stopped shortly after. Later, the official media of the ‘local chicken’ was like a dead dog. No matter how lively the media outside seemed like a carnival, they didn’t think it was such a thing.
This attitude is almost as if not confessing, the media all over the world followed up and laughed at the bravery of the ‘Turkish’ air force for dealing with its own navy.
The Greek media even burst into laughter, changing tricks every day to damage their old enemy's low combat power, wishing to push the opponent flatly and restore the glory of Constantinople.
Just when the ‘native chicken’ was being smashed, the ‘Holy Light’ group once again filed an application with the Bosphorus Channel Management Department in early February to request an aircraft carrier to pass through the strait.
The ‘local chicken’ is still treated as a buzzword and ignores it.
As a result, the Fifth Air Wing base guarding the capital Ankara experienced a big explosion at the oil depot. The flames blazed to the sky. It was big news again. Despite the heavy casualties, the base also blew up a dozen F-16C/Ds parked in the hangar on the ground.
Of course, after cleaning up the ruins, it seemed that the body debris was missing. Even the aviation spare parts and ammunition in the warehouse are much less, and I can’t find out where I went.
The ‘Holy Light’ Group filed another application in March, still asking for the carrier to go home-anyway, the outfitting of the aircraft carrier is extremely complicated and it is not a matter of one or two years. With the equipment and skilled workers of the Nikolaev shipyard, the progress can be faster.
I can't afford it, so I don't know how many bases there are waiting to be fried.
However, the ‘native chicken’ still has to bargain, and the
Holy Light
must surrender the seized market and stop the rampant smuggling of the native chicken in the domestic market.
So a group of extremist terrorists raided the Turkish Central Bank in Ankara. They transported tons of high explosives by truck and tried to blow up the bank's underground vault.
Terrorists are not new in the new century. There were more terrorists in Europe in the 1970s and 1980s. The Irish Republican Army, Spain’s ‘ETA’, and Italy’s ‘Red Brigade’ are very trendy and arrogant!
Relying on the desperate fight of the garrison troops, this terrorist attack on the'native chickens' failed. The treasury was kept, but a small hole was blown up-at least this is what the ‘local chicken’ media reported.
The gold and foreign exchange reserves in the central bank’s treasury are foolproof, so the people and the international community need not worry about it. Only because the treasury needs to be rebuilt, financial controls are temporarily imposed to stop the free exchange of foreign exchange.
As soon as the news came out, Duang's Lira exchange rate for the ‘local chicken’ collapsed.
The old lira has a large face value and is worthless. At every turn, hundreds of millions of liras can be exchanged for one dollar, which is not as good as the big ruble, and it is better than Zimbabwe’s ‘butt wipe paper’.
The ‘local chicken’ official media didn’t say how much losses were caused by terrorist attacks. They only adhered to financial control, no longer carried out free exchange, and controlled the loss of foreign exchange.
In fact, the economy of the ‘local chicken’ has always been bad, or it has never been better. Its economy, as long as it has one-tenth of its capacity, will not be looted by foreign capital from time to time.
This will be so miserable that they officially called on ‘native chicken’ immigrants in Europe to donate money to the country, and also issued special bonds to raise money to tide over the difficulties.
Even the Yankees can't stand this kind of tragedy. Michelle's father couldn't help revealing some information to the ‘Tuji’ through diplomatic channels-are you stupid? I haven't figured out who is fixing you after so long?
The ‘native chicken’ is still stunned-we love peace and are an important cornerstone of regional stability. We have never had any grievances with any country or organization, and we have never thought about rectifying anyone.
Old George's blood pressure rose in his Washington office, and he yelled at the ‘turkey’ diplomat:
Idiot, is there in your mind? Otherwise, how could you be so inept?
It's been three times and haven't reacted yet? Still have to be stiff. Your incompetence really broke the limit. Listen... let the aircraft carrier go across the strait, otherwise you wait to eat the nuclear bomb. "
I don’t know if I was really frightened by the Yankees, or was reminded to the point. The ‘Tuji’ seniors seemed to be frightened by extraordinary powers. At this moment, they suddenly realized-Oh, it was an aircraft carrier? !
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