Chapter 24: Play Snow (2)

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The low red brick building, the dirty narrow road, the blackened wall with oil smoke, the two hot cauldrons propped up the street, rolling the turbid noodle soup. The elder sister Chen, who was nagging her son, scolded the noodles with bamboo slips and put them in a bowl, pouring a spoonful of broth.
Before going out every day, they always go to Sister Chen's noodle restaurant to eat a bowl of fragrant milk noodle soup. The habit that has not changed for many years.
The expression of not giving up has changed from panic to daze. He also wanted to try her, of course she was not fooled. However, she knew that her legs were shaking. If Moruo Fei called out the name of her previous life at this time, she would probably collapse immediately.
Mo Ruofei pulled into the approach without abandoning, staring at her eyes fiercely, and said with a sullen face: "Are you calling me Brother Shan again?"
Do not give up trying to calm down, but also want to scream desperately. She turned to look at Chen Yu. If anyone could resolve the pressure that Moruo Fei put on her, only Shi Yu, Chen Shi.
Mo Ruofei's strangeness, and his unyielding look made Chen Yu frown. He pushed Qinger away and walked quietly, "Let go."
Moruofei didn't seem to see him, his eyes didn't move, his hands were tighter.
His behavior annoyed Chen Yu. He reached out and took the other hand that he didn't give up trying to pull her away.
One hand was held in Chen Yu's warm hands, but pain came from the other wrist. What should she do? With this cheap brother, what is she afraid of? Don't give up and decide to play.
She wowed and cried: "You made me call your brother, what's wrong with me ?! I was originally a wild seed that my mother doesn't want my father to recognize! I'm not your rare sister, let me go!"
She shook Morrofe's hand hard. The fear that shattered the heart, and the heavy past life that stuck to her. Tears burst into tears, and she kept crying and shouted, holding her hands in their hands. She jumped up and kicked Morrofi with her feet.
Chen Yu heard the wild seed, his heart was sour, and his palm turned up to hit Moruo Fei's door. While he was unconsciously letting go to stop it, he would not give up and embrace him. He snapped: "Mo Gongzi! What are you doing ?!"
Well done! Pretty! Do not give up the applause, buries his head in Chen Yu's arms. She shivered and cried vigorously: "I want Uncle Jiu, Uncle Jiu! I beg to Jiu Shu!"
Moruofei clenched his fists and was awakened by the cries of heartbreaking tears. what happened to him? He asked her to call his brother, when he suddenly heard her shouting, how could it be out of control?
If it was her, how could she not recognize him? How could she not come to rely on him? If it was her, how could she be willing to live alone in this strange world? Even if he owed her in the previous life, he beat her, he caused her to fall off the cliff. But in this unfamiliar world, he is also the only person she is familiar with and close to.
The most important thing in front of me is how to explain to Chen Yu. Moruofei II was a man, and he had long been a master of the people from the market to the business world. He had made up his mind early, and said with a look of sadness: "Shizi, it is rude. Don't give up, you forgive brother."
He could deceive everyone present, but he could not deceive her. I don't give up, I just hope that I can leave Mofu smoothly. She raised her head and screamed: "You said you called Yishan, you said let me call you Brother Shan, I'm right, I'm right! I don't want to stay in Mofu anymore, I'm going to find Jiushu, my flower family Ten generations of begging, I will not starve! "
"Shut up! What kind of system do you want to ask for?" Chen Yu shouted.
Not giving up is a seven-point panic and a three-pointer. When Chen Yu roared, he took the opportunity to push him hard, turned his head and ran to the backyard Songlin. He ran and cried: "Who said I am the lord? I am not! I am a beggar! I do n’t want to stay in Mofu What a lady! I hate you! "
"Miss!" Qing'er lifted her skirt and chased after her.
"Qing'er! Let's go. She doesn't give up her self-esteem. She doesn't like someone watching her cry. Want to understand how she will come back." Moruofei stopped Qing'er.
Do not give up the cunning look of shaking in front of him. If she is really willing to be a beggar, she will not promise to be the righteous daughter of Lord Lin Zhuang, nor will she promise to come to Wangjing with him. This girl just wanted to consolidate her position through this matter. Moruofei repeatedly thought through the thoughts and thoughts, and thought to himself.
At this time, Mo Bo just brought in the food box and saw several maidservants with fears. The young master and Shizi looked ugly, and he would quit when he was startled.
The terrified Linggu was worried about how to make the siege. She was stunned and stopped him: "Mobo, are you bringing the soup to the miss again? Miss she ... I want to stay alone for a while. Give me the soup, I'll heat it up before I drink it for the miss."
Mo Bo saluted Moruo Fei and Chen Yu: "The lady's injury is still not good. The lady told her to stew the soup every day to drink it. Linggu, remember to let the lady drink when it is hot."
He handed over the food box and retired with a respectful salute.
Chen Yu glanced coldly at Moruofei: "Give me a reason!"
Moruofei had fully awoke, and he had thought about how to deal with it. He looked sadly at Songlin, and it took a long time to slowly say, "Yinger used to call me like this. I didn't want to mention the old things again, and I don't want to make Shizi more attentive."
Chen Yu suddenly realized. He naturally knows Ying'er in Moruofei's mouth. A year ago, the Neiku bidding, the Seven Kings invited the royal merchants to the banquet, and invited the blue house courtesans in Wangjing City to accompany them. A woman named Hong Ying sat next to Moruo Fei. When she saw Moruo Fei's man, a heart was attached to him. Moruo Fei pity the red cherry, but there is no love between men and women. He intends to redeem himself for Hongying, but Hongying commits suicide.
Chen Yu sighed: "If so, why should I not call you Brother Shan?"
Mo Ruofei smiled bitterly and said, "I regard Yinger as my sister, and I don't give up."
Chen Yu glanced at Song Lin and said worriedly: "Is there anything wrong with leaving her alone?"
"Shizi is at ease and does not give up very sensible. A person will come back if he wants to understand. Someone persuaded her to make the noise more severe."
"Okay, I'll believe you once. I won't tell my father about this. Yu will say goodbye."
Don't give up running to the pine forest. The heart was almost scared and almost popped out. If this continues, sooner or later she will show flaws.
She slumped in the snow under the tree. The pine tree was pushed down by the snow, like a fan-white screen blocking the outside world. I ca n’t see the house or the house, I ca n’t hear the voice, and I feel safe.
She will face it no matter how reluctant she is. When the cold wind blew, I sneezed and the sweat from my body made the clothes stick to the body coldly. If she thinks of herself, she should go back to Lingbo. Take a hot bath, put on dry clothes, roast a charcoal fire and drink the chicken soup that Mrs. Mo specially instructed the kitchen to cook for her, and eat delicious meals. She just didn't want to go back.
Thinking of Mo Ruofei's fierce eyes, he suddenly said: "Is Sister Chen's milk noodle soup delicious?" Do not give up annoyed and hit the pine tree with her head. How could she be so happy that she could forget her situation and forget the inexplicable familiarity that Moruofei had with her?
"Don't hit it, you'll be stupid again!"
Tearing familiarly, with a dull voice in a low voice. No tears burst into tears. She raised her head, and the lotus servant, who was hiding under her white cape, didn't know when she had arrived.
He stood quietly not far away. She wore her familiar black tights, cloaked cape, and black scarf. He looked at him blankly, tears slowly flowing down his cheeks. Surprise, feelings, grievances ... She can't tell what it's like now. But she knew clearly that she missed him that way.
Lian Yike looked silently through the snow-covered branches, sitting on his knees and holding up. She is like a squirrel in winter, her dark eyes are alert and alert at any time, and she will cover her face with a furry tail when in danger. He looked around and smiled, finding that he had found a good place. The snow-covered pine branches surround all sides, forming a natural barrier. If he didn't hear the subtle impact, Shirayuki's shaking motion, he could hardly find her.
He leaped forward, leaping over the pine branch and advancing in the air.
The white shadow flickered in front of him, and Lin Yike had taken off his cloak and covered him. The head was turned up, covering all her eyes. Do not abandon the subconscious want to lift the cloak to see him.
"do not move."
He didn't want her to see him, why should he come to see her? Is he sympathizing with her? Are you pitying her? Or did he have a strange relationship with her mother and forced him to come? Many guesses have never been abandoned, and no answer can be found.
Do not give up did not insist on lifting the cloak. After changing her previous character, she would desperately try to see his face. Now she doesn't dare to do this. She is afraid that after seeing Lin Yike, he will disappear from her forever.
She whispered, "You say you want to kill me. But the person who rescued me in Tianmen is you. The person who sent me chicken legs in the chaifang is you. The one who came to Mofu to see how I was doing was You. You are the best person for me except Jiushu and Ahuang. I have known for a long time that you will not come to kill me. "
Lian Yike replied quietly to her: "You are wrong. The Tianmen Pass to save you is pitiful. The person who wants to kill is Moruo Fei. I don't want to let the innocent people die. It's disgusting to see the delivery of chicken legs by Chai Fang. You eat the mouse, but you can't do it yourself. There are other reasons to sneak into Mofu to see you, but you don't care about how you are going. "
He denied everything, which made it very uncomfortable to not give up. How she wanted him to protect her and protect her. Deep in my heart, there is a dream that all girls have, the dream of Zixia Fairy. One day, someone will step on the colorful clouds and take her away. There is a person who can protect her and not let her live so hard.
The eighteen years of the previous life and the thirteen years of the present have passed by without help. Why is it so sad to hear him? Without abandoning his head, he picked up some branches and vented doodles on the snow.
She suddenly threw off the branches and said angrily: "Since you are not really thinking about being good to me, why are you here? Are you coming to see me crying and seeing me sad? You can rest assured that I will only stay here for a little while , Just go back and be my Miss Mofu Qianjin as if nothing happened! It is a good day for me to eat, drink, eat, wear and warm up, but really go to the roof to beg? I am not so stupid! You will use it later If you do n’t come, I wo n’t miss you!

A windy chuckle came across my ears: "You think it's right. Be your Miss Mofu, and find a good family to marry in the future. You can be rich and safe in your life. Remember my words. I won't be in the future Come again. "
Turning around in panic, she saw a shadow on the tall branches, and she yelled, "Don't go! I haven't returned your cloak!"
Lian Yike wouldn't answer her again, and the figure disappeared in a flash.
He really left? He told her to feel at ease as Miss Mofu, to marry someone in the future? How could he understand her unwillingness from different worlds? For women in ancient times, this is the way to go in life. What about her? She wants to see her life at the age of thirteen? Why should she live the life they expect? Why do they pretend to arrange her life? Don't abandon the tears gushing from her lips. The suffocation in her heart made her uncomfortable. She choked off her cloak and dug out the snow. When the cold wind blew, she shivered with cold, but her heart was colder.
She is a real person. She reasonably knew that this cloak could not be seen by others. Deep down in my heart was a grudge against Lian Yike's heartlessness. Maybe she still has a little hope, hoping that the Lian Yike has not left, and is hiding somewhere in the pine forest to watch her. I hope he will worry about her freezing and come to her again.
However, after counting two hundred times, Lian Yike still did not appear. Do not give up trembling with arms folded and sitting in the snow. Disappointed his head.
Snow fluttered unconsciously from the sky and gradually covered the whole body. From a distance she looked like a small snowdrift under a pine tree, the lonely Ren Hanfeng blowing.
Do not give up thinking in a trance, he really will not come again, she should go back. She should go back to the charcoal fire to drink warm chicken soup and eat delicious food. Chill gradually soaked into her limbs, she was frozen unconsciously, and she was so tired that she really didn't want to move. There was light fine snow on her long eyelashes, and she was lost in a white dream.
As if I heard someone entering the pine forest, I heard Qinger Tangqiu shouting at her anxiously. Those voices are distant and fuzzy. Do not want to answer, the voice is like a faint white gas exhaled from the mouth, and the light is blown away by the wind.
It was getting dark, and lanterns and torches lit in the pine forest. Moruofei anxiously took the domestic servants to search for not to give up. Standing beside him was a Qingjun young man in Jinyi, his sword and eyebrows flying, his eyes sparkling. He copied his hands and said doubtfully: "Cousin, I haven't been able to find anyone for so long. Could he be taken away by the thieves?"
Thinking of the fireworks that had been touched by people on the twelfth lunar month, Moruofei was a little restless. He thought for a while and said: "Yunlang, this possibility is not ruled out. I will arrange for people to go out and look for it. You take some people to search the pine forest again. Don't let it go anywhere. You only come from afar. Before you enter the house, let you help find someone. Work hard. "
Yun Lang patted his shoulder and said: "Cousin is at ease. It's important to find someone. It's here for me."
Mo Ruofi became more and more worried, and she quickly left the Lingbo Pavilion.
"A group of two, find it again every ten steps. Don't let go of a corner!" Yun Lang took a torch and led the pine forest.
Hearing the movement in the pine forest, he opened his eyes while struggling. The person looking for her passed by not far away, and she could only watch with her eyes open, even with difficulty making a sound. She remembered Hua Jiu, who was frozen to death. She knew clearly that she would be frozen to death if she was not found again. Why is she so stupid? So stupid that he was frozen to death in order to block the air with Lian Yike? Don't give up biting your tongue. A bit of pain like a needlepoint supported her groping out of her arms. Her fingers were so stiff that she didn't feel it. She couldn't even feel the fire folds. Just hold the stroke on the pine tree by feeling. The fire flashed, the fire pleats fell from his hands, and instantly went out again. Without abandoning despair, he forced a whizzing voice from his throat: "I'm here ..."
Yun Lang seemed to see something, and it seemed that the light of the lanterns and torches of the servants flashed suddenly. He hesitated and bent down.
The torch shone, and behind the dense branches of the pine tree there was an indisputable figure. He was overjoyed and shouted: "I found someone! Go and inform the son!"
Yun Lang crossed the pine branches and walked to his side. He thrust the torch into the snow and grabbed a mass of snow and rubbed his vigorous face. "Wake up!"
There was a tingle in his face, and he said, "Do you still come--"
"Hey! Wake up, don't fall asleep!" Yun Lang took hold of his hands, and his tentacles were like ice, and he saw that his life was frozen. He drank quickly and asked the doctor, and quickly left the pine forest after picking up.
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