Chapter 51: Dangdang Acacia (1)

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The venue for the bid opening of Neiku is located at the Zuixian Tower in Wangjing City.
The Zuixian Building is a Siheyuan building. In the middle of the room are the seven kings, the son Chen Yu, the in the palace, and the household minister.
In the left and right rows of chambers are merchants who came to bid.
The four compartments near the main room were distributed to four people. Other merchants are sorted in order.
The door of the restaurant was closed from the beginning of the hour. The guards of Ouchi and the soldiers of the Kyoto Prefectural Palace surrounded Zuixianlou with water. The streets around were blocked and it was difficult for birds to enter.
Chen Yu put on a fuchsia python robe today, wore a jade belt around his waist, and wore a gold cicada crown. Graceful and luxurious. The Seven Kings only attended today. When he went to the hall in such a stop, all businessmen knew that Shiziye was the master of today. I was also a little uneasy. Who knows that under the auspices of Shizi this year, will the opening of Neiku bring out unexpected new tricks?
Chen Yu's eyes swept away, and the eunuch, the chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, asked Xiaomi to read the imperial edict. Chen Yu smiled slightly: "This year's father is not in good health, and Yu presided over the bid opening. In order to avoid the tug of war, each bidder has only three bidding opportunities this year. The time is limited to a pillar of incense. The old rules, each round of bidding Sing the bid on the spot, the one with the highest price will be paid. Ashe! "
His stone Ah Shi was once in charge of the task, and there was a light of excitement on his face. He opened his throat and sang the first item purchased.
Chen Yu smiled and gave him an encouraging look. Regardless of the reaction of the merchants, he collapsed and entered the room.
Time is short, to determine the opponent's reserve price, this is not to ask everyone to fight the thinnest profit to submit the target silver? The merchants were dumbfounded and helpless. The sound of the abacus in the compartment became more intense.
Official silver circulation rights, tribute porcelain, silk tea, horses, pills, herbs, fruits and vegetables were awarded.
The person sitting in the main room looks fine. Seven Kings and Hushang Shangshu played Go. Chen Yu leisurely drank the tea.
The sound of the abacus in the courtyard crackled. The accountant gentlemen who are good at calculation are calculating the profit margin for the owner based on the purchase quantity announced today.
Chen Yu was sitting at the door of the main room, and the warm sun was very comfortable. He drank slowly with his tea cup, and looked at the four rooms next to the main room. The doors of the four people's compartments were tightly closed, and the awards now awarded had nothing to do with them, and no sound was heard from the compartments. His gaze stopped at the door of Mingyue Mountain Villa.
Yesterday, the Seventh Prince told him that Moruofei had no poisoning and would take care of it. Chen Yu wondered if Mingyue Mountain Villa would win the bill today. Which merchant on the meeting place was arranged by Mingyue Mountain Villa?
He couldn't help but look back at the Jiangnan Zhu Mansion. Grandpa Zhu no longer personally participated in the bid opening of Neiku many years ago. I heard that Zhu's business is managed by four chief executives. The four directors are named after Fu Lu Shouxi. Before participating in the bid opening, Zhu Fu only sent the chief executive Zhu Fu to come. This year is very special, all four of Zhu's chief executives are here. This made him feel that this year's Neiku bid opening would have something unexpected happen.
Opening, singing and calibrating items are going on. Similar to previous years, there are some small climaxes that are not very intense. Chen Yu's new rules made merchants shout the price to the apex of small profits almost in the first round of bidding. There is no profit to make, and most businessmen are reluctant to do it, even if they do business with the emperor.
With the reduction of the bidding items, there seems to be no change this year. The official horses of Feiyunbao, the tribute porcelain of Mingyue Mountain Villa, and the silk tea leaves of Zhufu in Jiangnan were successfully obtained without exception.
In the field of medicinal materials, Yaolingzhuang won the support of Mofu and defeated the bidding of large medicinal materials vendors from both the north and the south. It is a dark horse this year.
Chen Yu and the Seven Kings deliberately deliberately put the official bank circulation right at the end.
Moruofei did not come, and Mrs. Mo opened the bid to the price of last year.
Everyone in the main room is waiting for the people from Mingyue Mountain Villa to jump out and fight against Mofu. They looked at the courtyard one after another, paying attention to who was the Mingyue Mountain Villa.
A thin line of fragrant incense burned to the end, and no second bid was sent. Is everything an illusion? No one is fighting with Mofu? What medicine is sold in the gourd of Mingyue Mountain Villa?
Seeing the incense burned out soon, covering the surprises in her eyes, Chen Yu motioned to Ashi to sing the mark. At this time, the door of Zhu Fu's compartment opened, and an old man with a smile like a festive face steadily handed the sealed envelope up.
Jiangnan Zhu House wants to compete for the right to distribute silver? The Seventh King almost jumped from the chair. Why is Jiangnan Zhufu? He couldn't help but think of the run-up turmoil that Jiangnan merchants set off 20 years ago. Do they have to come back 20 years later? However, why shouldn't the Jiangnan Zhu Man jump out and fight. When did Mingyue Villa join forces with Jiangnan Zhu Mansion?
The envelopes staring at the table in the main room were speechless.
Hushang Shangshu opened the envelope, his eyes bulging into cross-eyed eyes, shaking hands and saying, "Four million ... two thousand?"
The shot was doubled, Zhu Fu's tone was so big!
Chen Yu took a breath, looked sympathetically at Mo Fu's tightly closed door, and let A Shi sing the mark.
After a trembling Jiangnan Zhu Mansion's four million and two calls, the sound of a tea cup hitting the tabletop in the room of Mo Mansion.
The door of the other room in the courtyard looked out of curiosity. Or excited or looking forward to the compartment with tight doors and windows looking at Mofu.
The second incense stick is lit again. A thin ray of green smoke drifted lonely in the incense burner. Burning inch by inch, also pressing Mo's nerves step by step.
Jian Sheng took out Mo Ruofei's handwritten letter from his arms and whispered: "Madam, the young master asked that once someone bids twice as much as Mo Fu, he will give you the letter."
Madam Mo, who was angry, opened the letter, and a heart fell to the ground with joy. In her eyes, as long as her son is okay, it doesn't matter if Zhu and Mo are fighting.
She smiled and showed the letter to the four shopkeepers of Fangyuan Qianzhuang, and said warmly: "Yishan said that at this point, Mofu could add another two million two, or give up. No matter what kind of result, we do n’t lose."
The four shopkeepers summed up: "Madam, let's add another one million or two silver. This year, even if the bank loses three million two on the official bank, with the brand of the emperor, this year, even if the bank is not profitable, it will not Lost. "
Mrs. Mo broadened her heart and smiled, "The shopkeepers will do."
So Mofu's five million two silver bid was handed out.
When Zhu Fu got it, he would lose 3 million two. If Zhu Fu didn't get it, Mo Fu would not make a profit, and he would not lose.
Mrs. Mo happily waited to see the good show in Jiangnan Zhu Mansion.
After a while of silence, Ashe sang out the second round of the standard loudly: "Jiangnan Zhu Mansion is 5.2 million silver."
The shopkeepers of Moyuanfangyuanzhuang stood up in shock, only two hundred and twenty thousand more? Could Jiangnan Zhufu have clairvoyant eyes? Can you see through the target of Mofu? For this calculation, the old shopkeepers who operated Fangyuan Money Village admired Mr. Zhu's accountant's account.
Mrs. Mo didn't understand this, she just smiled lightly: "Let's add another 100,000 in the third round. It doesn't matter if you have to."
Ashe shouted for a day, his throat was probably strained. He was hoarse when he sang for the third time. Perhaps he also felt strange. In the third round, Jiangnan Zhufu added another 100,000 yuan to Mofu ’s money.
In this way, in the eyes of everyone's envy, Jiangnan Zhu's government won the right to circulate the official bank in the admiration of the old shopkeepers of Mozhuang's Qianzhuang.
After checking the silver ticket, Chen Yu said to the old man who was happy in Zhu's house: "Dare to ask which head of the Jiangnan Zhu House?"
The old man chuckled and said, "You can't be the next, Zhu Xi, the fourth governor of Jiangnan Zhu's House."
Chen Yu apologized. Zhu Xi, the fourth director of Jiangnan Zhufu ’s abacus, did not miss an abacus. It's no wonder today that Zhu Fu can always press Mo Fu. He couldn't help but ask, "Would Zhu Fu have to lose millions of silver for the high price of the official bank?"
Zhu Xi touched his smooth big forehead and said with a smile: "My old lady heard that Wang Jing Mo's house is richer than Jiangnan Zhu's house. His old man was dissatisfied when he heard this. The right to circulate silver was grabbed. The old man said, if Mofu can't afford even millions of silver, don't use the word money in Zhufu in the future. "
The target of Neiku has been recruited. The doors of the compartments opened one after another, and the merchants only waited for the eunuch, who was the chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to leave with the sealed silver box open. When Zhu Xi said this, he was standing just under the main frame, and he was so full of breath that he surprised the four.
Zhu Xi's tone seemed as if he could throw millions at Zhu Nan's office, which made the merchants speechless.
Mrs. Mo was pale with anger, and said sarcastically: "The Zhu Man's hand stretched too long to reach Wangjing."
Three people walked out of the Zhufu box in turn. One of the thin old men rolled his eyes with his sparse beard: "The Four Seas Bank of Zhufu will open tomorrow at the door of Fangyuan Bank in Wangjing City. The new bank of Four Seas Bank will open, and the annual deposit rate will be six points before June! To deposit silver. "
The highest annual interest rate of Fangyuan Bank is five cents, and it is also aimed at the large deposits of large merchants. The annual interest of the small pen is only four points. No one could believe that Sihai Qianzhuang said this before obtaining the right to circulate the official bank. The official silver of the Great Wei Dynasty and the private house silver of His Majesty the Emperor will be circulated and circulated through Sihai Bank, and Sihai Bank will become a gold signboard. The businessmen who had no time to go suddenly gleamed. Even Hushu Shangshu is wondering whether to raise the silver in the treasury to 10 million and deposit it in Sihai Bank for more than a year.
Seven Prince Ye and Chen Yu glanced at each other, deeply admired. More than 5 million two-year-old silver came out of the Zhu Mansion. Once the annual interest rate rises, Sihai Bank will be able to absorb a large amount of cash in a short time. With money in hand, are you afraid that business is not easy to do? Over the past year, who made it clear that Zhu Fu made a loss? They admired the old Zhu, who didn't show up in Jiangnan.
The thin and thick old people said roundly: "The second husband of the old man Zhu House, Zhu Lu, and the general manager of Qianhai Qianzhuang. If your colleagues are free tomorrow, they will also come to Qianzhuang to hold a personal show."
A man dressed as a middle-aged scribe next to him walked gently to the front of the Seventh Emperor and Hushu Shangshu, saying: "Below is Zhu Fu, the general manager of Zhu Fu. Sihai Qianzhuang has obtained the right to circulate official and silver, and is doing his best for the emperor. Old rules, please ask Master Wang and Master Shangshu to cut the ribbon for Qianzhuang tomorrow. "
The Seven Kings and Hushu Shangshu naturally smiled and agreed. I once again lamented Zhu Fu's old plan. Opened business, obtained the right to circulate the official bank, the annual interest rate rose by one point. The appearance of Sihai Qianzhuang is bound to overwhelm the square of the door.
Another young man with a round belly like Maitreya embraced the gift post and walked directly to the fortress of Feiyunbao. Mrs. Mingyue and Mrs. Mo respectfully presented the gift post in front of him, and said with a smile: Opening, I also hope to come to watch the ceremony. Zhu Shou thanked the old lady. "
Yun Tieyi glanced at Zhu Shou's hand and smiled and clenched his fist in return.
Mrs. Mingyue, wearing a hat, smiled and said: "Who dare not give Zhu Baye's face? The concubine congratulated Zhu Fu first."
Seeing the scenery of Zhu Mansion, Madam Mo felt blocked. She knew that Zhu Fu would lose millions of two silver, but now the feeling is that Mo Fu lost all his face. With a sullen face, she took the gift post and handed it to Jiansheng and walked away.
At this time, three salutes were heard, and the door of Zuixianlou was opened. The four heads of Jiangnan Zhu House left in the warm embrace of businessmen and businessmen.
Moruofei has been waiting outside, seeing that Neiku has completed the bid opening, the officers and soldiers withdrew, he hurried to Zuixianlou. As she passed by Mrs. Mo at the door, Mrs. Mo whispered: "The Jiangnan Zhu House has taken away the right to circulate the official bank."
Moruofei didn't care to blame his mother, and there was worry in her beautiful eyes. Without the right to circulate official banks, Fangyuan Bank will be hit. Instead of abruptly dying in Mofu, the mountain rain is coming to the wind, and he is even more worried about the safety of Mofu. If he could do it again, would he hide his mother again? If it was not his mind to focus on the right to circulate the government and the bank and deal with Mingyue Mountain Villa, would he still live if he did not give up? However, it is too late to say that it is too difficult to look back.
He sighed softly and said in a low voice: "The mourning hall that is not abandoned in the Fuzhong has been set up. The mother is tired for a day, go back to the palace and rest. I will go to see the Seven Kings.
Mrs. Mo glanced at her son resentfully. If it was not to hide her, how could she not give up on the flowers in spite of everything? This matter is a foregone conclusion, and it can only be seen how to cover up the matter. She watched her son hurriedly walk into the back of Zuixianlou and whispered: "For you, the mother is worth it even if she lost her life."
In the main room, the Seven Princes, Chen Yu and Hubu Shangshu are still discussing the Zhu Fu ’s bid today. Earned millions of silver for the Emperor's Neko, and all of them had happy faces on their faces.
Moruofei twitched in the yard a bit, and asked the bodyguard to report.
Hearing the Seventh Lord invited him in, Moruofei lifted his robe and entered the main room. The Seven Princes said gently: "The bidding of the Neiku, the higher the price, the Mofu loses the right to circulate the official bank. Master Mo does not have to be too sad. There is a chance next year."
Mo Ruofei responded respectfully, seeing that Hubu Shangshu was still there, he stopped talking.
Hushu Shangshu laughed and said, "Your grandfather, the official will return to the palace to resign. See you tomorrow at the Four Seas Bank."
After the others left, Mo Ruofei lifted his robe and knelt down to the seven princes. He whispered: "Yishan did not take good care of him, and he asked the prince to punish."
Seven Kings frowned and asked, "What's wrong with not giving up?"
Moruofei gritted his teeth and said, "Lian Yike entered Mo's house last night and was killed without poisoning. The Fuzhong Lingtang has been set up. Because the Zuixian Tower is closed, I have to wait until now to report."
"Boom!" A loud noise, and a "Boom" sound. Mo Ruofei looked up and Chen Yu split the fir round table in the hall in half with one palm, and the Seventh Prince fell backward.
"Father King!" Chen Yu gave Mo Ruofei a vicious look, and he lifted the fainted Seventh Lord.
Afu, the old serving on the side, was taken aback. He took the Seventh Lord and hugged him, and walked like an eagle, but he was a hidden master.
Chen Yu grabbed Moruo Fei from the ground and gritted his teeth and asked: "Who said it again, who entered Mofu at night and killed it? Whose temple is set up?"
Mo Ruofei took a deep breath and said: "The prince is sad. When A Langyin returned to his home, he found that he did not abandon the poisoning at the Lingbo Pavilion, and he was hopeless.
Chen Yu sneered at the corner of his mouth. Lian Yike, he is Lian Yike, dirty water splashed on him! Chen Yu loosened his shirt and shouted with black face: "Ashi, prepare a horse!"
Without seeing it with his own eyes, he never believed that he would die without giving up. Chen Yu drove the horse, and the whip raised the loud whip, and it drove all the way.
The Ah Shi behind him shouted loudly: "Spark off, flash off!"
Morofi, who was behind them, felt bitter in his mouth, but a heart gradually became hard. In any case, Mofu has to overcome this difficulty.
The hoof stepped heavily on the stone slab road, which could break the gold crack stone. In Wangjing City, the gentleman who only knows how to eat, drink, and have fun is the first time in the city. The sunset had gone down, and the residences in the distance gradually shrouded in the darkness. Chen Yu seemed to be going to darkness with one heart.
The gradually bright lights in the room gave him a glimmer of hope. Perhaps, what kept him hopeful was the words of Lian Yike's poison. Yun Lang has seen the Lotus Yike, he will never admit that he is wrong. Chen Yu hoped that Moruofei was lying. You do n’t feel any at all, you die without giving up? He refused to believe it.
In the distance, a few plain white lanterns came into view. Ma arrived at the gate of Mo House in a blink of an eye. Without waiting for the horse to stop, Chen Yu Lingkong jumped up immediately. Mo Bo, who was waiting at the door of the house, bent down to salute him. With a flower in his eyes, Chen Yu rushed in like a gust of wind.
The white spirit streamer rose high in the evening wind, and the white candle swayed on the hall.
Seeing a guest coming, the crying soul stomped like chicken blood and ripped open his throat to howl. The magic instrument in the hands of the monks once again sounded, and the excessive scriptures were sung unclearly in the mouth.
Mrs. Mo has changed into plain clothes. She sat on top of the hall of worship, hairpin hair white hair, her face calm. She made up her mind secretly, and if it was a disaster, she carried it alone.
Seeing Chen Yu come in with a straight face, Mrs. Mo stood up. She was just about to say something. Chen Yu had already passed her, grabbed the white drapery, and stood in front of the huge thick rosewood coffin.
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