Chapter 107: Crazy woman

Since the turmoil caused by Sona's disappearance subsided, the people of Noxus have begun a nervous revival life.
The Noxian military, which had been short of troops due to civil strife, was in a serious crisis of disintegration after the war.
The Noxian nobles who had been dormant during the war finally couldn't bear their ambitions. They tried to make their family the supreme center of power in this now-noxious Noxus.
However, at this time of crisis, the eldest lady of the Kekao family, Catalina Kekao, thundered out and used drastic means to tidy up all the nobles who made trouble.
Immediately afterwards, Catalina issued a new decree: During the reconstruction of Noxus, all noble Tibetan private troops are strictly prohibited. Anyone who violates the order will cancel the noble title of the family and confiscate half of the property for the reconstruction of Nok. The official military and public facilities of SARS.
As soon as this decree was issued, the nobles immediately took the lead in handing over all the private army in Tibet to the military.
The combined number of these private armies is twice as many as the armies that once resisted Ionia and Demacia. It can be seen that these nobles are injuring their own country in order to satisfy their ambitions.
In view of the number of these ghostly nobles, Catalina did not dare to be too radical to uproot them all.
Fortunately, these nobles are in separate camps, and there is no unity, otherwise Catalina will not be so smooth to subdue these nobles.
In a small tavern in a village on the western border of Noxus, a young man who had just returned from the central city of Noxus was advertised with the people in the tavern about what he had seen and heard in the central city.
After hearing about Katerina's deeds, the people around were also excited, and asked questions around the young people.
"Boom!" The closed wooden door of the tavern was knocked down directly at the door.
The people in the bar also quieted down in an instant. This person who can kick the door with one foot is probably not something they can provoke.
Outside the bar, a woman wearing a shabby white cloth covering one third of her knees and wearing handcuffs on her feet walked in slowly.
Quietly in the tavern, the sound of shackles and chains collided. The woman's arms were also exposed because of the shabby clothes. Her arms, legs and feet were covered with scars and dirty dust.
The young people who had just returned from the central city saw the people in the tavern with fear and panic in their eyes, which was a little hard to understand.
Isn't this dirty woman with messy hair just a little bit stronger? Would a group of them still be afraid of her alone?
The young man was arrogant and unhappy, planning to go forward and teach the woman with short hair.
A middle-aged uncle next to him saw that the young man was going up to find something, and immediately stopped him.
"Young man, don't provoke her, that's a crazy woman!" The middle-aged uncle pulled the young man and whispered.
While speaking, the uncle did not forget to carefully watch the crazy woman walking towards the bar, for fear that what he said would be heard by the woman.
Seeing the young man's face unconvinced, the middle-aged uncle hurriedly pulled him towards a corner of the bar.
After sitting down, the middle-aged uncle said to the young man: "Young man, don't be convinced. The horror of that woman is not what you can imagine. She suddenly appeared in our village yesterday."
"Isn't there any shackles on her feet? If you look carefully, you will find that there are Demacia's emblems on the shackles. She is probably a repeat offender of Demacia, and escaped to our Noxus! "
The young man disapproved, and said, "So what, can she beat us so many alone?"
The middle-aged uncle looked solemn and nodded: "Just yesterday, she just came to our village. She was walking around on the street and talking crazy, she was a crazy woman. Some young men in the village saw that she was dirty. , But she looks good and wants to molest her, guess what?"
"What?" The young man was aroused by curiosity.
"A dozen young people were severely injured by the sword in her hand that looked like flowing clouds. If she wasn't a lunatic woman, she would just sway and ignore the people she fell to the ground. I'm afraid They all have to die in her hands, you better not hit her attention!" Speaking of this, the middle-aged uncle looked at the mad woman sitting in front of the bar with fear.
The young man lost his temper after listening to the uncle's narration.
In front of the bar, the mad woman said coldly to the waitress: "Prepare me a wine bag and fill it with your strongest wine!"
How dare the waitress not listen, she nodded and said yes, and began to prepare several wine bags for the crazy woman before going to the wine cellar in the backyard to fill the wine.
"Father... is dead..."
"No...No more..."
As soon as the mad woman finished her request, she began to mutter something she didn't understand, which made people completely confused.
She touched the saber hanging around her waist, her face as gray as death.
There is only a closed confinement room in the memory of a mad woman, and a female demon with a blue complexion constantly lashes her body with various criminal methods.
Fragile memories, and a man who claimed to be her father was killed by the female demon to save her.
Fragments of painful memories hit her mind, causing her to fall to the ground in pain and twitching constantly.
No one in the tavern dared to approach this mad woman, they were afraid that this mad woman would violently hurt others.
The waitress who ran to the wine cellar before came back and shivered when she saw the mad woman falling to the ground and convulsing.
After hesitating for a long time, the waitress approached the crazy woman carefully, and whispered: "I will install the wine you want."
liqueur! The mad woman's right eye was covered by messy hair, and her left eye looked at the waitress savagely, grabbed one of the bags of spirits, and drank with one breath.
With a few grunts, a bag full of spirits was drunk by the crazy woman.
"Ha...Ha...Ha..." The crazy woman panted, and the sharp pain in her head eased a lot.
"" the mad woman whispered in despair, looking at the empty wine bag in her hand.
Seeing this, the waitress on the side handed all the extra bags of spirits to the crazy woman.
The mad woman picked up a few bags of wine and staggered out of the tavern under the gaze of everyone in the tavern.
The moment she disappeared at the entrance of the tavern, everyone's hanging hearts were released.
Zuan, a hidden research room, Oriana looked tremblingly at her father who was sitting in front of the office desk and was mad.
Just now, her father, as if going crazy, kept tearing up his design drawings these days.
Seeing her father's angry look, Oriana stood still and shivered for no reason. She was very afraid of such a father.
She knew that she had better not do anything at this time. If she tried to persuade her father to go crazy, she might be beaten. Although she didn't feel pain, she still didn't like being punished by her father.
Listening to his father's nonsense about the research structure of the demigod machine, Oriana, who had little research on science and technology, did not understand at all. But the way her father always makes Oriana feel uneasy.
Even sometimes, the look in her father's eyes made her feel creepy.
Dr. Refek turned around, his eyes glowing with a deadly gloom. He stared straight at Oriana and said, "Get me the pipe."
Oriana screamed, and handed her pipe tremblingly to her father.
Dr. Refik ignored Oriana's horrified gaze, lit his pipe and took a few bites.
Before long, the dark room was filled with heavy smoke.
The depressive atmosphere made Oriana very uncomfortable. If she is led by her father like this, she is afraid that she will really degenerate into a robot that only knows how to execute orders.
"Click"! The pipe broke in two in Dr. Refek's hand, and Oriana on the side shuddered in fright.
She really didn't know how her father became like this, and she was eager to understand what happened to her father.
"Anna, it's time for us to kill!" Refik's indifferent voice quickly occupied Oriana's brain like a virus, making her unable to be distracted by other things.
Oriana's expression gradually became mechanical, dull like an empty shell without thought. Even her voice became like a real robot.
"Yes, my father, Oriana follows all father's instructions!"
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