Chapter 1169: Elementalist and Shapeshifter

The black cloud obscured the sky, and the terrifying black magic distorted the power structure of this area. It was incompatible with the scorching sun and desert surrounding the black cloud, spreading the shadow of death.
In the center of the black cloud, a dark shadow island castle stands in the shadow.
At this moment, the demon leader Calista of Shadow Island is seated on the throne on the top of the castle, and his right index finger is rhythmically tapping the skull-decorated armrest.
The ghost fire lamp in the upper hall spontaneously ignited the dark blue flames, and after a while, an undead soldier with ripped armor stumbled in.
"'s not good, Lord Calista, something big has happened!"
Calista looked down at the flustered soldier with his wild and blue eyes gleaming without emotion, and waved his hand for him to continue.
"There has just been an attack at the junction of the Voodoo Land and the Shurima Desert. The soldiers in my camp were attacked by a group of wild animals!"
Beast? Smelling the breathless report of the undead soldier, Calista took a few glances at the undead soldier whose armor was about to be broken. This was only one of the lowest-level undead in her undead army.
But even the lowest rank undead soldier is not something that ordinary beasts and humans can contend.
A group of wild beasts... is it a ferocious beast like a wolf infected by the dead spirits of the undead? Or a mutated beast infected by the black devil energy?
After thinking about it a little, the ghost fire in Calista's eyes condensed: "Describe your fighting situation to me, the more specific the better!"
At the junction of Shurima and the land of voodoo, the undead soldier who went back to report to Calista didn't know that he was able to leave alive because the attackers deliberately let him go.
The beasts of different shapes are hidden in the swamp and jungle, quietly observing the camp of the undead army.
At this time, a wild beast that ran out of the Shurima desert came into their sight. Seeing the appearance of this beast, these scattered beasts began to consciously gather in the same direction.
When all the beasts gathered, their beast bodies began to anthropomorphize, and their bodies stood upright. When they were fully transformed into human beings, the beast human who retreated from the Shurima Desert spoke: "The undead soldiers who have been released have arrived at the nearest Shadow Island castle."
The brief words revealed a huge amount of information, and everyone seemed to have expected him to say that for a long time, and did not show any surprised look.
There was a breeze in the surrounding grass, and they all looked at the moving grass, and a woman with a domineering atmosphere led two men in long robes over.
"His Royal Highness, why are you here? There are many undead and demons here, which is very dangerous!"
The visitor smiled confidently: "As the future heir to the throne of Ixtal, the most gifted elemental envoy, this danger is not a big deal. Besides, is there a group of shape-changers like you? I miss me There shouldn't be any danger, right?"
Her words also revealed her identity, she is Qiyana, Princess of Ixtar. And the person she called the shape changer was obviously Ixtal.
"Yes, I will do my best to protect the princess!"
Smelling the respectful reply of the shape changers, Qiyana nodded slightly, and looked at the two people beside her by the way: "I also brought out two more elemental agents this time. You can retreat after completing the task. Guaranteed."
"Thank Princess!"
Rather than listening to them thanking themselves, Qiyana wants to hear valuable information: "How about, is it possible to carry out a second attack?"
"Back to your Royal Highness, you can act at any time!"
Affirmed by the shape changer, Qiyana looked straight, her eyes scorching into the black mist-shrouded castle in the distance: "Very well, let those dark and ugly monsters see our Yixtal's power!"
"Yes, Your Royal Highness!" everyone responded in unison.
A group of shape changers slowly lowered their bodies, and hurried to another undead soldier camp not far away.
As their bodies gradually become beasts, their center of gravity is getting lower and lower, but it is also becoming more stable. The eyes were like ferocious beasts in a hunting state, and the shape-changers who completely transformed into beasts also issued ferocious howls and threw themselves into the camp.
Their cry resembles bears, tigers, lions, wolves...Many beasts at the top of the food chain in nature are ideal objects for shape changers.
Compared with these top predators, shape changers who possess magical energy will have more pure and powerful power after shape change!
The simplest and most primitive method of warfare is often the most effective means of warfare. Under the biting and swooping of the shapeshifters, the undead soldiers had no power to parry, and could only scream the undead before being torn to pieces by claws and fangs.
Qiyana and the two elements she brought with him stood quietly in the distance, looking calmly at the shape changers under her command to kill the evil undead.
This time the shapeshifters did not choose to leave an undead soldier back to report to Calista, they killed an entire small camp of undead soldiers.
Before leaving, the shape-changers in the center of the dead camp engraved the four characters "Ixtal" on the sand with Xuttar's ancient characters, as well as a special symbol symbolizing Ixtar, and gave it magic. energy. In this way, the traces they leave will not be erased because of the wind and sand.
Looking at the shape changers who were preparing to evacuate the battlefield, a female elemental envoy beside Qiyana couldn't help but congratulate: "Your Royal Highness, I believe Ixtar's name will be disgusting in this group soon. Spread among the monsters!"
Qiyana didn't reply, but the firm and powerful look in her eyes explained everything. She was expecting nothing more than this.
I just don’t know if the shadow island demon leader who encountered when he rescued Ye Feng’s outsiders would see this scene... Qiyana’s beautiful eyes flickered, and she asked the shapeshifters to leave an undead soldier to report back. Just want to see if Calista is still in the Shurima Desert.
Although she is not even a demigod, she is confident that at the junction of the jungle and the desert, she brought her shape changers to retreat safely without injury.
Another purpose of this raid was to show the power of Ixtar's elemental emissaries and shapeshifters in front of the demon leader of Shadow Island!
In fact, as she expected, Calista covered this border area with divine consciousness after receiving the letter.
Seeing them arrogantly making waves in her sphere of influence, Calista's blue eyes were beating with angry wildfire.
With a wave of her right index finger, a ghostly spear penetrated the castle and shot directly at the shape changer who was about to retreat.
Perceiving Calista’s horrific murderous intent and death shot directly from the distant castle, even if it had been predicted, the shape changers still trembled, and they flee in the direction of Qiyana at the fastest speed. go with.
Qiyana and the elemental envoys around her also rushed to the shape changers in time to meet them.
With the help of the cover of the jungle, the figures of Qiyana who joined together gradually faded, and the power of the elements close to nature made them collectively into a state of invisibility.
This state of invisibility is not only a visual invisibility, but even their breath disappears instantly, making Calista unable to sense it temporarily.
The nether spear was thrown into the air, and Calista, who was sitting on the upper throne of the castle, trembled all over, crushing the infiltrating skeleton on the king's armrest.
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