Chapter 159: Twisted prince

In the western coastal area of ​​Demacia, a blond woman wearing silver-white soft cloth armor and holding a staff came to the beach with a mighty man in heavy armor on her back.
The nervous woman turned her head and glanced behind her, and after confirming that there was no one, she gently placed the man on her back on the beach.
"Brother..." The woman sat on the beach, her legs straightened, and then she put the seriously injured man's head on her leg.
The man seemed to hear the woman's painful call, he struggled to open his heavy eyelids, and the woman's vague face slowly came into his eyes.
Seeing the man's slightly squinted eyes, the woman showed a happy expression. She supported the man's head with both hands excitedly and leaned into her arms.
"Brother, are you awake?" The woman's haggard face was both joyful and worried, and her ambivalence was undoubtedly evident on her face.
The man squirmed his white lips to say something, but he coughed violently, and a faint blood stain overflowed from the corner of his mouth.
"Brother, don't talk, take a good rest." The woman lowered her head distressedly, her red lips lightly touched the man's forehead, and the tears from the corners of her eyes dripped down the cheeks on the man's face.
The scorching tears on his face deeply hurt the man's heart. He widened his eyes, exhausted his last strength and stared at the woman with anger, and said with difficulty: "Pull... pull... Kesi... go... ...To Ionia..."
Listening to her brother's words, Lux's heart was bleeding. The tip of her nose was blocked, and she sobbed: "Brother Galen, don't worry, Lacus will take you to Ionia, please don't say it...uuuuu..."
Galen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Lux's affirmation.
Losing his energy, he fainted again in Lux's arms, and just at this moment, Lux felt that several undead soldiers were searching for the fish that slipped through the net.
Galen's heavy body on Lacus's back found a place to hide the breath of the two through magic, and after the undead soldiers left, she put away her magic again.
Lacus felt a headache at the thought of the agreement with Galen. Demacia is in the western part of the Valoran continent, and Ionia is on the northeast corner of Valoran, separated by the vast sea of ​​defenders.
Moreover, she was forced to the shore of the Sea of ​​Conquerors in order to escape Calista's hunt for the seriously injured Galen. Going to Ionia means that she will take her seriously injured brother through Demacia, which is already full of demons and undead on the Shadow Island.
Her only safe escape plan is the Freljord and the Majestic Barrier. Glancing at Galen who was unconscious on his back, Lux immediately denied Freljord's route. If she did leave Freljord, most of the seriously injured Galen would freeze to death there.
Only the magnificent barrier known as the forbidden zone of life is feasible right now. Lacus took a deep breath and looked deeply at the southern sky.
As long as Demacia is surrounded by the magnificent barrier, there shouldn't be anything dangerous, right? Lux comforted herself like this.
Glancing at Galen on his back again worriedly, Lacus condensed her eyes and stepped firmly in the direction of the magnificent barrier.
The southern border of Demacia is bordered by a magnificent barrier that few humans set foot on. It is unknown how many explorer bones are buried here.
While the border between the magnificent barrier and Demacia is separated by a forest, the peaceful and quiet forest on weekdays is particularly noisy today.
The flames burned and the flames skyrocketed. In the area close to the Demacia region, a woman in flame armor was entangled with dozens of undead soldiers. If Ye Feng were here, he would definitely recognize this woman as Shivana.
Not far from the battlefield, Demacia's prince Jarvan IV was bandaging his wounds.
Judging from the entanglement between Shivana and dozens of undead soldiers, she was so traumatized before that she could not exert the power of a demigod.
Seeing that she was about to be captured by the undead soldiers, she cast a savage flame that was several times stronger than before.
The flames killed these dozens of undead soldiers in an instant, and the corresponding Shivana also paid a painful price, and she could not use magic for the next half month.
Weakly walked to the prince's side, Shivana, whose face was full of sweat, took a few breaths before opening her mouth: "Your Royal Highness, I will not be able to use magic to protect you for the next half month. We have to rush to Ionia as soon as possible to ask for help, or the fallen country may not only be us Demacia."
"Shivana, do you mean that Demacia has to rely on outsiders for revenge?" The prince's voice was gloomy, and even his face was gloomy, very embarrassing.
Shivana didn’t notice the prince’s different radical attitude from the past, and a hint of apology was revealed in her eyes:
Your Royal Highness, the power of Shadow Island cannot be countered by a single country. The human kingdoms of Varoran must be united with each other. The opportunity to defeat them is not only for Ionia, but the union also needs the power of Noxus and other nations!"
"Shut up!" The prince roared like a beast, and he seemed to see the scene of Demacia transforming into a purgatory on earth again. The countless dead and ruined cities were all eroding his reason.
Not only that, but the prince's mind also recalled the scene of himself being captured by Swain, and even the scene of him being verbally humiliated by Swain in Noxus came into his mind.
The grief, self-blame, and conceit of the subjugation...
Various negative emotions flooded his mind.
As Swain once said, all the achievements of the prince are based on his possession of a king father, a general manager Xin Zhao, and a brother Galen.
Without the assistance of these people, he would only accomplish nothing!
The prince tried his best to deny his weakness in his heart, but the more he was, the faster his mental breakdown.
His face twitched, and he looked at Shivana who was worried in front of him with hatred: "It's you...If you weren't so useless, even a demon wouldn't be able to beat us, Demacia would not be destroyed!"
"His Royal Highness, calm down!" Shivana frowned, she was disgusted with the prince's self-defeating.
"Aren't you a demigod? Why didn't you save this country?" The prince rushed to Shivana, pressing his hands on the weak Shivana's shoulders.
"I've tried my best, and I'm very weak now, your prince, it's hard for me to restore my magic power." Shivana, who was already weak, had her shoulders hurt by the prince, and she struggled to get rid of the prince's hands. .
"I shouldn't believe in the power of others!" The prince roared nervously, let go of Shivana's shoulders and walked aside to mutter to herself.
"Only I can control the power by myself, is the real power!" The prince shook his hands on his chest.
Shivana was kneading her shoulders, and she was very worried about the prince's current condition.
The prince shook his head for a while and nodded, and under a roar, he turned and looked at Shivana.
The prince's eyes seemed to reveal a certain desire, and Shivana was uncomfortable being seen. She frowned: "His Royal Highness, what's wrong with you?"
"Sivana, did you just say that you can't use magic for half a month?" The prince walked up to Sivana and looked straight into Sivana's eyes with forceful eyes.
Shivana thought that the prince's spirit was normal, she nodded solemnly and said: "Yes, I will ask the prince to ask you during this time!"
Under Shivana's incredible gaze, the prince's spear made from keel pierced her left chest in one fell swoop.
"His Royal Highness, you..." Before she finished speaking, Shivana, who was already weak, passed out in darkness.
When she woke up again, she found her hands and feet chained to the tree.
The scene in front of Shivana darkened and brightened, and the prince's fuzzy figure gradually became clear. She looked at the prince with a twisted smile on her face in horror: "You...what do you want to do?"
The prince smiled grimly: "I once discovered a secret method in a ruin to transform the blood of a dragon into humans."
Shivana's heart jumped, and she still had a glimmer of hope: "Don't go on wrong, even if you have my power, you can't defeat the Shadow Island!"
"Shut up, you bitch!" The prince slapped Shivana's face with no mercy, and his heart was blinded by hatred.
Looking at the slap marks on Shivana's face coldly, the prince calmly walked to the side and chanted an obscure secret spell.
At the same time, Shivana felt that the source of magic in her body seemed to be dragged by something, and a trace of dragon blood magic power was being stripped out of her body. The power that seemed to pierce the bone marrow and squeeze every inch of dragon blood magic power in her body made Shivana howl like a ghost and a wolf.
The secret technique used by the prince was to forcibly drain the magic power, and the magic on Valoran continent, except for the lost magic of Icacia, would cause magic addiction. Once the magical power in the magician's body is exhausted, he will become a useless person, even inferior to an ordinary person; otherwise, he will die.
Shivana's horror was revealed on her face. She could hardly imagine that the prince of Demacia was so crazy for revenge, that she would sacrifice her life!
As the original magic in the body was exposed, Shivana was suffering from unspeakable pain, which tortured her whole body with sweat.
Finally, Shivana could no longer bear such torture and passed out...
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