Chapter 195: Sarah's brother

Bilgewater, a maritime city-state composed of various taverns, is located in the southeast corner of the Sea of ​​Defenders of Valoran Continent.
This is a paradise for pirates. Almost all residents living here are pirates. They often go to sea to intercept cargo ships and passenger ships in Noxus, Ionia, and Bandar City, and use this to make a fortune.
Due to the natural barriers of Blue Flame Island and the peril of the sea, the countries on the mainland cannot take such a big risk and send a large number of troops across the perilous sea of ​​defenders and the mist of souls that will appear from time to time to wipe out Bilgewater’s pirate.
Furthermore, Bilgewater’s military shipbuilding industry and maritime combat capabilities are far from comparable to other countries. Combining multiple factors, this also resulted in Bilgewater never being invaded.
Bilgewater’s pirates and gangs are complex, but almost all of them are loyal to Planck, the cold-blooded king of pirates. Even if they are dissatisfied, they will please the pirate king on the surface.
In recent years, a newly emerging power has gradually begun to affect Bilgewater's power structure. That is a pirate force headed by bounty hunter Sarah. Sarah quickly annexed large and small forces, and soon became Bilgewater's second largest force. No one knows Sarah's name, they all call her a bounty hunter, including Planck, the pirate king.
Planck, the pirate king, was very interested in Sarah. But Sarah was far from strong enough to make Planck, the pirate king, feel threatened. Because Planck knew that not only Sarah was loyal to him on the surface, but even most of the forces that were less than Sarah, and even his subordinates, were not loyal to him. This is the pirate, they will never be satisfied with their current position, as long as there is a chance they will kill their first collection and replace it.
Even if he knew this, Planck would not care. Because these mobs did not dare to overthrow him, he was the cruelest and most ruthless king here, and everyone was afraid of his terrible methods, including his men.
A port in Bilgewater, bounty hunter Sarah and her Siren docked at the pier. Sarah, wearing a luxurious pirate horn hat, walked out of the Siren's deck with a grim face. She glanced at an ordinary man behind her, and slowly said, "Raven, how are you preparing for the next thing?"
"Miss Sarah..." The man felt as if he had been bitten by a poisonous snake before he finished speaking. He raised his head nervously and said, "Sorry, Captain, that fellow Drizzt finally got his heart this time and took the job. It seems that he is very satisfied with the commission you gave Captain, but it is not clear when he will act. "
"And then?" Sarah glanced around her eyes, always on guard for the movement here.
Raven lowered his head and whispered, "I have sent someone to help him escape the prison secretly."
"Not found?" Sarah's eyes narrowed slightly, her voice full of coldness.
"No, don't worry!" Raven took a breath, really afraid that Sarah would kill him if she was upset.
A smile appeared on Sarah's gloomy face: "It's time to go back, Raven, remember, you don't know me."
"Wait, Captain, there seems to be someone on the shore!"
Levin's words instantly made Sarah no smile on her face, and some of her eyes were full of murderous intent.
Feeling the killing intent on Sarah, Raven shuddered. The temper of his leader has changed too erratic.
Raven wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "The man seemed to be drowning and was washed to the shore, and he didn't dress like a Bilgewater."
"Go, go and see!" Sarah ordered. She sneered in her heart, unconscious? Maybe it was pretend! Whether he was in a real coma or a fake coma, he must die!
Sarah will never allow her secrets to be discovered!
When they came to the shore, Sarah found that the man with his back facing them was dressed in tattered clothes, and the burns on his body were terrible. Raven pushed the strange man who was lying on the shore under Sarah's sign, but the man still fainted on the ground, motionless.
"Turn him over!" Sarah's tone was already a little impatient.
Levin got the order and turned the strange man's body over and faced them. Even from the front, the man's body was covered with burns, and his appearance was unbearable.
Rao is a pirate like Levin, and I have never seen anyone hurt so badly. Except for a few burns on the face, the man has scars almost all over his body.
Looking at the man who was about nineteen years old in front of her, Sarah always felt like where she had met. After thinking for a long time, she finally remembered. Didn't this man eavesdrop on her plan Ye Feng in Noxus? It's just that she didn't have complete evidence, and she let Ye Feng go because she was so soft-hearted. But she only recognized Ye Feng, but she didn't know Ye Feng's name.
Turning her eyes, the killing intent in Sarah's eyes temporarily dissipated, and she planned to take Ye Feng back to talk. If Ye Feng is really a pirate's subordinate, she will definitely make Ye Feng, who was lucky not to be burnt to death, die even worse!
Sarah turned her head and glanced at Levin indifferently: "Levin, this person will be my brother from today. Without my permission, you are not allowed to touch him. Do you understand?"
Although I don't know why Sarah would make this decision, Raven did not dare to disobey Sarah. He whispered: "Yes!"
"You first take him back to my house in the slum neighborhood, and don't let anyone discover your identity!" After speaking, Sarah's eyes were as cold as a snake. It seems that if Raven is found, he will undoubtedly die.
Leiwen shuddered, picked up Ye Feng who was unconscious, and fleeed away.
Staring at the disappearing figure of Raven from a distance, Sarah's eyes grew colder. If Ye Feng wakes up this time and can't give her a satisfactory answer, she doesn't mind sending him to personally!
Two months have passed since Ye Feng was rescued by Sarah. Since Ye Feng has been unconscious, Sarah secretly hired a doctor as a bounty hunter to deliver some nutrient solutions to Ye Feng every day. Ye Feng had been in a coma, but the burns on Ye Feng's body were healed at a visible rate every day, without scars. The doctor was shocked, which reminded him of the magic on the mainland. Perhaps only that kind of magical magic can heal a person who has been burned beyond recognition.
Finally today, Ye Feng showed signs of awakening. The doctor hurriedly notified Sara and checked Ye Feng's body. After confirming his physical condition, the doctor asked Ye Feng some more questions. However, after questioning, the doctor found that Ye Feng had amnesia.
Ye Feng can't remember everything that happened before, but he can communicate normally, and his intelligence is not hindered by normal people. Through the doctor's telling, Ye Feng knew that he had a sister who was nicknamed a bounty hunter, and she was the only existence that Bilgewater could compete with Planck.
Who is Planck? Ye Feng shook his head, he didn't know him. Even if he hadn't lost his memory, he wouldn't know Planck.
Soon, Sarah hurried back. I wanted the doctor to avoid it. She had to ask Ye Feng some questions alone, but she didn't want the doctor to say that Ye Feng had amnesia.
Amnesia? Sarah frowned and asked the doctor again. After confirming that it was a real amnesia, Sarah killed herself. She has stayed in Ye Feng for too long, and now another doctor knows that her bounty hunter has hidden an identity here.
Before killing Planck, her identity here cannot be revealed. Even if Ye Feng and Doctor are left behind, the chance of her being exposed is not high. But just in case, both Ye Feng must die!
Sarah, who moved to kill, quietly put her hand on her waist, preparing to take a shot and kill.
At this moment, Ye Feng looked at Sarah longingly: "Are you my sister? Can you tell me something before?"
sister? Sarah trembled. She hadn't heard this term only among relatives for a long time. Since Planck killed her family when she was young, she hadn't heard this kind call for fifteen years. If her brother is still alive, he should be about the same age as Ye Feng.
Seeing Sarah staying in place, Ye Feng asked, "Are you my sister? Then what is your name? What is my name?"
Sarah subconsciously replied: "My sister's name is Sarah."
As soon as she spoke, Sarah regretted it. She even revealed her real name!
Ye Feng continued to ask: "Sister Sara, what about me?"
The killing intent in Sarah's eyes quietly faded, her heart softened. Yes, this is the second time she has killed Ye Feng with a soft heart. Just for the two words Ye Feng called-sister.
At least until Ye Feng recovers her memory, Sarah will not kill Ye Feng for the time being.
Sarah sighed faintly, and said dotingly: "Your name is Wood, you are my younger brother of Sarah."
In front of her eyes, the lovely figure of her young brother emerged. But for a moment, her eyes were occupied by Planck's figure.
Her hatred, her killing intent quietly leaked out, even Ye Feng and the doctor on the side felt it.
Sarah turned her head and stared at the doctor coldly. Since Ye Feng can't kill for the time being, kill the doctor first. Moreover, she also wanted Ye Feng, who had amnesia, to quickly adapt to Bilgewater's survival rules.
In Bilgewater, even a slight threat may cost you your life! Her brother Sarah must understand this truth in order to survive here.
Before the doctor could react, he fell to the ground.
The doctor's forehead was shot through, and blood splattered over Sarah's cruel face and body.
After losing his memory, Ye Feng saw someone die in front of him for the first time.
He looked at Sarah in fear, with a hint of confusion and puzzlement in his eyes.
"Sister why are you killing him?"
Smelling Ye Feng’s trembling voice, Sarah said calmly:
He knows the identity of our siblings. People living here don’t know that I’m a bounty hunter or that I’m Sarah. If you reveal this to Prang K, it is our brother and sister who died!"
Sarah's plain tone made Ye Feng very uncomfortable, and he shook his head. Even so, Ye Feng couldn't kill people so casually.
Seeing that Ye Feng had no awareness of killing and being killed, Sarah knew that there was still a long way to go before Ye Feng could adapt.
But she had already started this, she must let Ye Feng have this consciousness.
Sarah approached Ye Feng and reminded with her chilling tone: "You live in Bilgewater, you are my brother Sarah, you are the younger brother of a pirate who has murdered countless people, which means Your life may suffer revenge from your enemies at any time. You must learn to kill, and you must have the consciousness to be killed. Otherwise, not only you will die, but also your sister and me. Understand, Wood?"
Ye Feng was frightened by the scene of the dead before him, and when Sarah said so suddenly, his face turned pale and dull.
When Sara saw Ye Feng's expression, she smiled with satisfaction. This is just the beginning. A character like Ye Feng has lived in Bilgewater not long ago. She must thoroughly teach Ye Feng the cruel rules of survival and change his naive and funny kindness!
Because Sarah would not guarantee that after Ye Feng's memory awakened, she would not personally kill the "brother" she cultivated by herself.
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