Chapter 323: Break the time ban

With a grin, Elise, who was completely plunged into madness, showed a devil's smile on her face.
From the little finger to the thumb, her right hand slowly clenched into a fist shape, and Elise directly cast a spell to shatter Kieran's heartless body.
There was a flash of blood in her eyes, and her figure appeared a few meters away in the next moment, tearing a crack in the void with her bare hands, and the blood blade of her fingertips instantly pulled Kieran out of it, cruelly dismembering his body.
Killing two Kieran in a row, Elise's pretty face was flushed with excitement. But the resentment in her heart did not diminish in the slightest, because she knew that she had killed the clone of that bad old man again.
Searching for the breath of Kieran, Elise stepped on the ground with one foot and flew upwards. As soon as she tried to tear the space crack with her blood blade, she was drowned in the magic of time.
"Smelly old..."
Before the word "head" was spoken, Elise's figure was fixed in place. But Kieran slowly emerged from the void, staring at Elise floating in the air with a gloomy expression.
Elise was more difficult than he thought, and she was able to cut off his two time clones in a row. If it wasn't for his own speed to escape, I'm afraid it was him who died.
Soraka below didn't know if it was an illusion, she faintly saw Elise, whose time was frozen, moved. She was not sure about using her little magic power to perceive Elise whose time was frozen, but found that Elise's body was struggling with Kieran's magic.
With horror in her heart, Soraka yelled at Kiran in the sky: "She moved!"
Hearing the sound, Kieran frowned and carefully looked at Elise's frozen body. I saw that Elise's body trembled slightly, and the stunned expression on her face turned into a weird and crooked smile.
This female devil cannot stay! The killing intent in his heart was full, and Kieran took advantage of Elise's time stasis that he hadn't completely solved his time stasis, condensing two time magic circles one after another on her.
A burst of magic bursting roar echoed in this enchantment with the dispersal of the bursting light waves. If Soraka hadn't been supporting the enchantment, this energy would be enough to tear the entire Presidian City.
Is that female devil it? Kiran let out a sigh of relief, but he didn't dare to be careless. He had experienced Elise's abnormal recovery ability before.
Within a moment, a ghostly laughter came from the burst center: "Hahahaha!"
Upon hearing this laughter, Kieran knew that it was Elise. His pupils shrank slightly, and he didn't wait for Elise to forcefully break through the center of the bursting magic circle, and cast a spell to freeze Elise's time again.
However, a scene that shocked him and Soraka happened. The smoke and magic light gradually faded, and Elise, who was held by Kiran, slowly moved. It's just that she is still affected by time magic. Although she can no longer make her immobile, the power of time stagnation has been distorted by her into slowness.
"Smelly... old... head... I... want... kill... you..."
Being suppressed by time magic, everything Elise does is slow motion. But it can be clearly felt that the restraint of time spells on her is getting weaker and weaker, and her actions are not as slow as before.
The magic burst just now did not kill the imprisoned Elise, and Kieran's confidence in killing her was also shaken. Even so, he still gritted his teeth, printed complex spells in his hands, intending to use his most taboo time spell to kill Elise who had not fully recovered.
Cold sweat constantly oozes from his forehead, Kieran watched Elise's every move nervously, and the strength of the seal in his hand became stronger and stronger.
The pupils of Soraka below shrank slightly, and she felt the power of the spell Kieran was about to cast next. If you really let him out, I am afraid that the entire Ionia will be distorted by the magic of time into the void of time confusion.
But when she saw that Elise's actions were gradually recovering, her heart to stop Kieran stopped again.
"May the stars guide my path..."
Putting his hands together, Soraka exudes a brilliant purple light, like a holy goddess of starlight. The strands of starlight magical power surged, slowly blending into the barrier she maintained, strengthening it.
Only listening to a cracking sound, Elise completely walked out of the shackles of time. She laughed presumptuously, mocking Kieran, who was sweating coldly on her forehead and was still guiding taboo spells. But at the bottom of her heart, she was extremely afraid of the spell Kieran would cast next, so she decided to kill him directly.
"Smelly old man, go to hell!"
Elise was tearing Kieran's body madly, her eyes flashing with excitement and sickly red.
Flesh flew horizontally, blood splattered, stimulating Elise's senses, and the bloodthirsty desire in her heart became intense.
After enjoying the sadistic pleasure for a while, the intense sense of crisis made Elise's complexion change drastically.
"Damn old man, another clone!"
In a rage, Elise screamed again, and the terrifying magic sound shook the area.
Although Elise's screaming magic sound was extremely terrifying, she was soon overwhelmed by a more powerful twisting magic power.
The earth shook, cracks began to appear, and the whole land began to shatter into pieces of rubble, floating in the air. The vortex of time distorted this space all the time, and Elise was gradually lost in it.
Soraka below was prepared for a long time, and shielded the unconscious Ye Feng people in her protective cover to avoid being affected by the distortion of time.
"Little girl, it seems that my old man is better."
Kieran's vague figure gradually became clear, and he looked at Elise who was lost in the illusion of warped time, showing a trace of pity.
As a demigod pinnacle mage who majored in time magic, Kiran had reached the pinnacle of time control.
Every time node he has experienced will have his clone, he can also control his time, it can be said to be almost invincible.
Although Elise was strong, she was still lost under his most powerful time spell. The time in this space has been completely distorted by him. The intersection of the past and the future will affect the time of all people in it.
Anyone who strays into this chaotic time will be lost. They will fall into the chaos of time, confusion, panic, and fear distorting their memories and bodies. This never-ending nightmare will not end until their mental breakdown is complete and turned into a pile of bones.
The expression on Elise's face was fluctuating, just as Kieran thought, her spirit was gradually breaking down.
"Let me help you out!"
The killing intent was full, and Kieran's right hand lined directly to Elise's left chest, mixed with violent time magic, and wanted to tear her to pieces.
Just when Kieran's hand was about to touch Elise, her right hand stretched forward and grabbed his.
"Are you still conscious?" Kieran suddenly had a horrible feeling. He obviously didn't expect Elise to suddenly grab him.
"Smelly old man, it should be your true body now!"
With a violent shout, the blood blade on Elise's hand and the numerous joints on her back plunged into Kieran's body. While injecting toxins, she was also sucking his blood to restore her severely injured and dying body.
The contented evil smile gradually appeared on Qiao's face, but after only a moment, her face became gloomy again.
At the same time, a Kieran appeared not far from her again, and smiled amiably at her: "Little girl, lie to me, this old man, you are really good!"
"Smelly old man, it seems that if you don't kill all your clones, you won't die!"
The phantom of the giant spider appeared and disappeared from time to time behind Elise, and her power was greatly improved at this moment.
Kieran frowned, and he did not expect that Elise could still improve her strength. But when he thought that as long as time continued to flow, his true body would be invincible forever, and Kiran became firm again.
"I said, I will kill you all from the past to the future!"
Elise was completely mad. While cutting off Kieran's body instantly, she quickly slashed many empty voids with blood blades.
Several terrifying red lights flashed by, and after a while, several bodies fell from the void and hit the floating gravel.
Soraka's eyes widened below and looked at those bodies in disbelief. After careful investigation, she was completely stunned by the scene in front of her.
Because these bodies killed by Elise from the void are all Kieran's bodies!
In this space, Kieran's body was still being cut down from the void by Elise's blood blade. She didn't seem to know what tiredness was, and slashed at the void at an extremely fast speed.
Although Kieran tried to confine Elise's actions through time stagnation time and time again, Elise was no longer affected by his spells at all, and moved quickly.
There were millions, millions of corpses...Kieran's corpses were increasing, piled up like a mountain, and Soraka was stunned. However, not only did Elise not feel tired, but the blush on her face from the killing was getting more and more intense.
"the last one!"
While speaking, Elise chanted an obscure ancient spell in her heart. She directly grabbed Kieran's last real body from the void, not afraid that time would continue to pass, Kieran created another clone.
Time was still passing, but after Kieran's magic power was imprisoned by Elise, she could no longer create a real body. Moreover, his magic power was almost exhausted after creating so many clones to block Elise's fatal blow for him.
The same is true for Elise, she is also at the end of the battle. But compared to Kieran, it can be seen that her strength is slightly better.
Falling on a floating gravel, Elise threw Kieran heavily on it, and she glared at him angrily.
After taking a few breaths, Elise slowly raised her right hand, brandishing a blood blade turned from her nails, and stabbing Kieran's chest coldly.
With a flutter, Kieran's heart was pierced by Elise's blood blade. His wrinkled old face showed a trace of unwillingness, glaring at Elise.
With a grinning grin, Elise said, "Smelly old man, this is the end of defying the will of Shadow Island!"
While speaking, in order to stimulate Kieran before he died, to make him feel resentful, Elise laughed out loud again.
Halfway through the laughter, her strong sense of crisis stopped her.
Before she could dodge, her body was covered by a brilliant star light exuding divine magic. The starlight corroded the dark magic in her body, restrained her stubbornly, and made her desperate for life.
"So... Soraka, I want you..."
Before the word "death" was spoken, Elise, who had little magic power left, couldn't bear the starlight purification and fainted on the spot.
Looking at Soraka who appeared in front of him to heal his wounds, Kieran said weakly: "Thank you for your presence, Soraka, the son of the stars, otherwise my old man will be killed by this female devil."
Soraka didn't expect Kieran in front of her to know her. She smiled and said, "This old man, may I ask you?"
"Kieran." The weak Kieran returned his name, and said no more, accepting Soraka's treatment.
After a long time, Soraka stopped and said: "Old man, I temporarily suppressed the injury in your body, but if you want to heal you, you have to return to Presidian City with me. The children below also need further treatment. As for this Female devil..."
Halfway through the conversation, Soraka wanted to take Elise back with her for treatment, but she didn't want Elise's fainted body to disappear.
"Let her run!" Kieran's face sank, and when he thought of Elise pretending to be lost before, he guessed that this time Elise pretended to be unconscious and took the opportunity to escape.
With a faint sigh, Soraka no longer thinks about Elise. She looked deeply at this time-distorted space, and quickly swept into Presidian City with Kiran and the unconscious Ye Feng and others.
When they left, a spatial crack appeared on the previous boulder again, and Elise rolled down from it embarrassingly. Looking at their disappearing figure, her slightly squinted eyes showed resentment.
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