Chapter 477: Carry out the queen's will and faith

An Ran arrived at the terminal area, and there was no guard on the way. Ye Feng worried: "Ellie, why do I always have a bad feeling, is it too safe on this road?"
Elise, who was walking in the front, paused, turned her head and smiled: "Indeed, those guards should all be waiting for us in the secret tunnel."
Elise's relaxed smile really made Ye Feng feel a little confused. He said silently, "You know that you still smile?"
"Because they care too much about lying in a dark tunnel, they will definitely be negligent here. We took Dr. Hart's weapons that are forbidden to be touched, and then cut off their electricity. You think they can hold on in the dark. Are we two?"
While speaking unhurriedly, Elise searched for the power system main gate that controlled the entire base. After searching for a long time in the huge terminal area, she found the main gate that could shut down all the power systems at once.
"Ye Feng, I found the main gate, come here!"
Opening the door of the power distribution room, all the large and small switches inside appeared in front of Elise.
"The reagent area, the human specimen area, the terminal area, the weapon area, and the hidden channel of the forbidden magic device. That's it, that's right!"
Excitedly holding Ye Feng who was walking over, Elise excitedly pointed her finger at the four large areas and hidden channels displayed at the top. Although it is not the same as a master switch she envisioned, at least the largest terminal control requires only five buttons.
Ye Feng scratched his head and said, "But if we turn off the electricity, we can't see it anymore!"
"It's up to you! I just took you to the weapon area for nothing? You fool!"
With her thumb scratched the bridge of her nose, Elise took out a pair of gray-black glasses from her pocket and put them on.
"I think you have come for nothing during the time you came to Zuan. As long as you have night vision glasses, you can see it even in places where there is no light source. Hehe, admire my learning ability!"
She curled her mouth playfully, a girl's energetic smile appeared on her face, and Elise smirked in her heart for a while. Had it not been for the memory of the otaku playing the game last time in Piltworth, she would have not understood so much.
Inexplicably taunted by an Elise who was lying on the bed almost half the time, Ye Feng put on night vision glasses annoyed. But everything in front of him turned green. He couldn't help taking off his glasses and exclaimed, "Why are everything green when I put on my glasses?"
"This is the characteristic of night vision glasses, idiot!"
She patted the head of Xia Yefeng with her left hand, and Elise used her right hand to press the main power gates of the four main areas and the underpass.
"Hey!" Elise improvised a voice for the base after the power was cut off, and then said with a solemn expression: "Stop playing around, let's go to the room of the Forbidden Magic Device in the chaos, they should Some people have already rushed here."
However, Ye Feng, who was not wearing night vision glasses, seemed to be stupid, staring at her motionlessly. A little nervous being stared at by him, Elise groaned: "What are you looking at? We have to go!"
The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, Ye Feng opened his mouth and hesitated: "Are you sure the power is off?"
Facing Ye Feng's suspicion, Elise raised her head and said with dissatisfaction: "Yes, I turned off all five switches. Didn't you hear the sirens all around you?"
Everything in front of him was so bright, even though those buttons were pressed, Ye Feng was sure that Elise had never turned off successfully. Under Elise's timid and flustered cry, he took off Elise's night vision glasses and let her see for herself.
Originally wanted to scold Ye Feng lightly, but still messing around with her at this time. But when she saw the bright lights around, she seemed to understand something.
"Is this?" She covered her small mouth and said something in disbelief.
"We didn't succeed in turning off the power system of the underground base." Ye Feng solemnly returned the words that Elise had not said in her heart.
With her eyes flickering, Elise was thinking about all this quickly, hoping to find out what went wrong.
There was a flash of light in her mind, her pupils shrank slightly, and she said nervously: "This has happened. This alarm is not an alarm for the destruction of the power system, but a protective alarm to prevent the intruder from destroying it!"
"Then what shall we do? How about evacuation first?" Ye Feng still considers the safety of the two, if it is not possible, he will give up on this mission.
Anyway, he and Elise were not sure whether Valoran's magic power had been completely cut off by the Forbidden Magic Device. If it is really cut off, even if the Forbidden Magic Device is destroyed at that time, the magic of this world will never return.
Rather than doing something that might be completely meaningless, Ye Feng still wanted to protect Elise's safety.
And the severance of magic is not necessarily a good thing. Although you can't see the direction of the way forward, at least the demons and undead of Shadow Island lose the qualification to fight humans.
He didn't know that the girl in front of him was Elise. He was a little worried about what would happen to the demon Elise who lost his magic power. If it turned to ashes, his conscience would be more severely condemned.
The fiery pain on his face instantly pulled Ye Feng, who had fallen into his own small world, back to reality, and he was somewhat astonished to cover his left half of his cheek swollen by Elise.
"Idiot, have you forgotten the purpose of our two coming here? Isn't it just to destroy the forbidden magic device and let the magic return to Valoran? If we just give up here, we might as well just die!"
Elise straightened her chest, held her head condescendingly, and stared at the unconscious Ye Feng with her contempt and hateful eyes.
Looking at Ye Feng who was dumbfounded, Elise roared again: "Didn't you vowed to be a great hero before? Why are you shrinking now?"
Feeling the aura of anger and majesty on Elise, Ye Feng took a breath and relieved the pressure, before he was not convinced: "But the two of us are now using our lives to destroy a world that may have been cut off by magic. Forbidden Magic Device, why should we continue to take meaningless risks?"
"Pointless? Then everything we have given during this time is empty? Ye Feng, sometimes people live not to live but to carry out their beliefs. It's all here! You talk to me halfway through. ?"
Ye Feng's expression was startled, and Ye Feng closed his eyes, and said, "Actually, what I don't want is that you are here. I am afraid that you will be killed in vain. The matter here has nothing to do with you. I can protect you. Come back again to destroy the Forbidden Magic Device."
"Do you think I am the kind of soft and weak woman who only babbles behind men? Oh, this queen will let you understand my determination now! No matter what you think, you must listen to me from now on Or I will let you understand the horror of servants rebelling against the Queen!"
While she was talking, Elise stared at Ye Feng with horrifying eyes. She didn't know when she held a laser sword in her hand. The bright white beam seemed to interpret her determination.
"Ellie, calm down, we have been spotted by the guards now. If we get into conflict again, how can we escape?"
Closing her lips, Elise hummed disdainfully, suddenly raised her right hand and waved directly at Ye Feng.
Under Ye Feng's horrified gaze, her action was abruptly retreating, and then she swung towards the main switches in the power distribution room.
Zi La... Zi La...
There was a sound of chaotic electric currents, and all the switches in the entire cubicle of the power distribution room were completely damaged by the laser sword danced by Elise.
With the buzzing sound, the entire base except the room of the Forbidden Magic Device was plunged into darkness.
"Since the power cannot be cut off by normal means, then we should use abnormal means."
Speaking lightly, Elise put on her night vision glasses again for Ye Feng.
The queen-like expression on her face gradually melted, and the corners of Elise's mouth became faintly curved.
"Ye Feng, I hope that you will face no matter how big the difficulties and obstacles are in the future, even if you know that you can't undo it, you still have to do what you want to do, and don't leave any regrets for yourself, just like this forbidden magic device, regardless of the ending. However, it must be destroyed by us!"
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