Chapter 523: Forbidden Magic Stone

Seeing that Ye Feng was about to fall into the open mouth of the scorpion monster, the strong smell of blood brought the dull-eyed Ye Feng back to reality again.
Seeing that the four of them were about to fall into that smelly mouth, the desire to survive once again rose from the bottom of my heart. The thick lines comforted himself, he didn't want to be eaten by a monster with bad breath.
He stepped directly on the monster's face, holding Amumu with his left hand, and at the same time he embraced Sivir who was holding Lulu with his right hand, pulling Sivir back to reality.
"Ah! Stupid soft-skinned man, dare to step on my face, I will break your body into pieces!"
With an angry roar, the scorpion monster whose face was stepped on by Ye Feng felt humiliated in his heart. He shook his body frantically, trying to shake the stiff Ye Feng off his face.
As the scorpion monster swayed, Ye Feng, holding the three people in his arms, swayed unsteadily on the scorpion monster's rock-hard face.
After recovering, Sivir broke away from Ye Feng's embrace and held Lulu alone to stabilize his figure, while Ye Feng, who was holding Amum, deliberately stepped on the face of the scorpion monster.
Stomped heavily on his face by Ye Feng, the furious scorpion monster waved his two huge pliers and smashed it into his face. He cried out strangely: "Ah! You soft-skinned people, come down to me!"
The huge pliers swung violently, and Sivir, who was holding Lulu, was the first to be fanned down by the pliers and fell on the potholes forbidden magic stone excavated by the scorpion monster.
Since Ye Feng had tempered his body with Riven since he was a child, although he was often lazy, his figure was still much more agile than Sivir.
Dodging the waved pliers lightly, and stomping a few feet on the face of the scorpion monster to vent his anger, Ye Feng accidentally found a cave dug by the scorpion monster. He just wanted to turn around and call Sivir to follow him, but he heard Sivir and Lulu screaming when they fell to the ground.
Looking at the ground where Sivir fell, in desperation, Ye Feng swiftly jumped to the ground. After lifting Sivir up, the four of them ran towards the cave mined by the scorpion monster.
Seeing that the four of Ye Feng were still struggling to death, the scorpion monster that Ye Feng played with was completely angry. I saw that his hard shell began to be covered by the pure white crystal light, and the barbs on his tail went directly over his body and pierced the back of Ye Feng's neck.
After stabbing Ye Feng, the scorpion monster let out a cathartic roar, pulling back frantically, causing Ye Feng's body to rub on the ground.
Sivir saw Ye Feng let go of Amumu and was dragged back by the scorpion monster alone. She also put down Lulu at the right time and ran back.
"Ye Feng!"
Sivir’s anxious shouts naturally passed into Ye Feng’s ears. He was rubbed against the forbidden magic stone by the scorpion monster. He just wanted to make Sivir not chase him, and a lot of forbidden magic came into his mouth. Stone debris.
"Cough cough cough..."
The corners of his mouth and the inside of his mouth were torn apart by the fragments of the forbidden magic stone, and Ye Feng coughed violently. But as soon as he coughed, he was deliberately rubbed by the scorpion monster, and he inhaled more Forbidden Magic Stone fragments.
His mouth was almost filled with Forbidden Magic Stone fragments, which aggravated Ye Feng's cough, and almost subconsciously, a few Forbidden Magic Stone fragments were swallowed into his stomach.
For a time, part of Ye Feng's magic power and sword energy that were originally suppressed by the Forbidden Magic Stone leaked out. This discovery immediately delighted Ye Feng, who was in crisis. He tried to use the magic power and sword energy in his body, but he had just condensed a little bit of magic power, and the remaining magic power was not enough for him to continue. Stick to the magic, and then dissipate again.
Not knowing that the leakage of his magic power was a side effect caused by eating a small portion of the Forbidden Magic Stone, Ye Feng kept trying to gather his magic power. But obviously, no matter how he tried, he couldn't condense a trace of magic in his body.
At this moment, the tired scorpion monster lifted Ye Feng high and stared at Ye Feng with his big yellow eyes. He hoarsely said: "Soft skin man, you were not very arrogant on my face just now. Do you regret it now?"
Sivir below was also rushed to the place where Ye Feng was suspended by the barbs. She was suppressed and unable to use her magic power. She was worried that Ye Feng would be eaten by the scorpion monster, so her brain went up with the help of the scorpion monster's hard as rock body without thinking deeply. climb.
After Ye Feng saw this situation, he was shocked by Sivir's reckless behavior. He just wanted to remind Sivir to get out of the way, the scorpion monster waved his pliers and clamped Sivir's body.
"You soft-skinned female, I'm going to eat you first!"
Ye Feng couldn't understand why Sivir, who could keep his head sober, was so irrational this time, but he knew that if he didn't stop him, Sivir would be eaten by the scorpion monster.
Suddenly, Ye Feng forcibly shook the back of the neck stabbed by the barb, enduring the severe pain of separating from the barb, and jumped directly onto the pliers where the scorpion monster was holding Sivir.
With such a jump, he loosened the pliers of the scorpion monster, and Sivir, who was almost eaten, fell to the ground.
"Ye Feng!"
Sivir, who fell in pain, did not breathe a sigh of relief because he escaped from the dead, but cast his eyes on Ye Feng who was still on the pliers of the scorpion monster.
At this time, Ye Feng bumped everywhere because of the violent scorpion monster, and his body would be bumped against the stone wall of the Forbidden Magic Stone from time to time.
He inadvertently swallowed an egg-sized Forbidden Magic Stone fragment. Ye Feng only felt that something was madly running around in his body. The hot feeling made part of the magic and sword energy in his body leak out. .
"Does it have something to do with this Forbidden Magic Stone?" Ye Feng muttered to himself, forgetting the pain of his body being hit against the stone wall for a while.
Suddenly, Sivir's nervous shout sounded again: "Ye Feng, run!"
Hearing the sound, Ye Feng also instinctively sensed a dangerous aura approaching him. Subconsciously looking in the direction of the scorpion monster, he saw that the two pliers of the scorpion monster clamped a lot of forbidden magic stones and smashed at him.
He was shocked, if he was hit by so many rubbles, he would be at least half disabled without the magic and sword energy protection. In a hurry, Ye Feng could only jump to the side.
But his speed was too slow. In the angry throw of the scorpion monster, Ye Feng's body was still hit by many flying gravels, and the larger ones were even bigger than Ye Feng's body.
The clothes on Ye Feng's body were smashed by gravel together with his flesh and blood, and Sivir, who saw from a distance, was so scared that he was paralyzed on the ground, and made Sivir cries of distress and despair.
Amumu and Lulu, who were hiding farther away, also cried helplessly when they saw this situation.
Perhaps Ye Feng, who was stunned by the smashing of the cries of Xivir and others, barely opened his eyelids. His face was full of gravel scratches and he coughed. He stared vaguely at some small Forbidden Magic Stone fragments, and he had a bold idea in his heart.
That is to swallow these forbidden magic stones!
Judging from the previous two accidental consumption of Forbidden Magic Stones, most of the reason why he leaked his magic energy stemmed from this.
If he swallows a little more forbidden magic stone, he may be able to temporarily cast magic and sword energy in the forbidden magic field formed by the forbidden magic stone.
Rather than just sit and wait, it's better to take a gamble!
With a decision in his heart, Ye Feng just wanted to pick up the Forbidden Magic Stone and put it in his mouth, but he found that he was too weak to move.
Subconsciously remembering some of the palpitating self-mutilation behaviors he had seen with Elise before, Ye Feng jerked out the tip of his tongue and bit his bleeding mouth with his teeth.
The smell of blood in his mouth and the tingling of the tongue stimulated Ye Feng's almost shocked senses. Before the stimulation had subsided, Ye Feng suddenly grabbed some of the Forbidden Magic Stone fragments that could be stuffed into his mouth.
Under the shocking gaze of Sivir and others and the scorpion monster, Ye Feng was like a madman, swallowing a lot of Forbidden Magic Stones abruptly.
However, Ye Feng, who swallowed too much fragments of Forbidden Magic Stone, trembled suddenly. The suppression of magic power and sword aura was not temporarily eliminated as expected, but there was a wave that was enough to burn his nerves out of reason. The burning sensation swept through the body.
Accompanied by a scream that was not like Ye Feng himself, the strange shimmer of the Forbidden Magic Stone began to appear on Ye Feng's skin.
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