Chapter 63: Wind

In the hall of Xinjid's mansion, a middle-aged man wearing a military cap was sitting on the front seat. He looked at Riven at the door and said indifferently, "Why are you looking for me?"
A cold light flashed in the depths of Riven's eyes. She was now very worried about Ye Feng's situation and feared that Xinjid would abuse Ye Feng.
endure! Riven restrained her breath, lowered her posture, and said, "Master Xinjid, you said yesterday that my brother is with you, but I am worried about his safety. Can I meet him?"
Xinjid picked up the hot tea on the table, slowly uncovered the lid of the cup with his right hand, gently touched the wall of the cup a few times, and had a drink. Then he put the tea cup on the table, and he said: "There will be a time when you meet."
"Master Sinjid!" The soldier's shout suddenly came from outside the door.
"Look, this isn't coming?" Xinjid smiled slightly, as if everything was in his plan.
I saw a Noxian soldier stumbled open the gate and broke in, kneeling on the ground in a panic expression.
Xin Jide raised his brows, fearing that the kidnapping of Ye Feng had an accident.
"Ye... Ye Feng, the person you appointed, Lord Sinjid, was taken away by Lord Draven yesterday because he had offended Lord Draven. It took the little rider for a day and night to get back! "The soldier kneeling on the ground said incoherently. At this time, he was very worried about being punished by Xinjid.
"You didn't say that Ye Feng was the one I was going to take away?" Xin Jide directly crushed the teacup angrily.
"Say, but Master Draven..." Seeing the teacup broke to the ground, the soldier was so scared that he couldn't speak.
Xin Jide looked at Riven nervously. He didn't expect that his idiot's subordinate would tell all about Ye Feng in front of Riven. This is a big trouble.
At this moment, Riven's whole body trembled in anger, she stared at Xinjid fiercely. But she knew that it was not the time to settle accounts with Sinjid. She had lived in Noxus these few months and naturally knew exactly what kind of person that Deleving was like. If you don't go to the eastern town of Noxus in time at this moment, I am afraid that her brother Xiaofeng will be killed by Draven with that abnormal execution method.
Now, she must leave immediately without hesitation. Finally, after looking at Xinjid, Riven vanished in a flash.
The soldier next to him saw a living person disappearing out of thin air, and was taken aback by surprise.
Xin Jide looked at Riven's disappearing figure and laughed playfully. In his opinion, Riven made a stupid decision.
During the conversation with Riven just now, Xinjid quietly released his newly developed medicine. The medicine is colorless and tasteless. Once inhaled, no matter how great you are, your limbs will become weak when the medicine's effects occur, and it will be like a useless person.
Xinjid folded his hands together and let out a deep laugh. This time, you will not only lose your brother, but also your own freedom, Riven, hahahaha...
Heavy and rapid gasps continued to come from Riven's mouth. At this time, she used a kind of extreme wind power to help herself move forward. The frequency of the footsteps is too fast to distinguish the sound, as if floating in the air. In fact, Riven was running at a speed that ordinary people could not understand.
The exhausting wind power gathered what Riven had learned throughout her life and turned it into a light wind, making her speed continue to increase.
Riven ran in a straight line, so he inevitably hit some obstructions. But Riven is like the wind, ignoring any objects blocking him and penetrating everything.
It seems that Riven is the embodiment of wind, penetrating into the object, and then penetrating from the opposite side. I'm afraid that this terrifying ability can only be achieved if the comprehension of the power of the wind reaches a height that ordinary people can't reach, right? Although not a demigod, this ability is beyond the reach of ordinary demigods. Thinking about it, even if he couldn't beat the demigod, with Riven's understanding of the sword intent of the wind, he could escape safely.
I just don't know whether Riven can rescue Ye Feng before Ye Feng executes his sentence.
Riven rushed to the town intently, but when she was about to leave the city, she accidentally felt a strong sword intent, which seemed to be similar to her sword intent. But she didn't stay there, and now she can't be distracted by other people or things.
In the hotel at the gate of the city, Yasuo's hand holding the wine glass stopped slightly. He felt the power of the wind that passed by just now, and muttered to himself: "I look forward to fighting you more and more."
This speed is not enough...not enough! Riven's forehead kept oozing sweat, and the skirt behind her was already soaked. She exhaled, trying everything possible to push her speed to the limit. are dead!
"call"! In the forest, some branches were broken because they could not withstand the stronger wind force, making a creaking sound.
Xiaofeng, wait for me...
Ye Feng lay on the stone floor in the dark and cold enclosed space. Faint light penetrated through the window closed by the iron bars on the high wall, without a trace of warmth.
Ye Feng felt that someone was kicking and hitting him, and reluctantly woke up from his sleep. The sleeve of his right hand wiped his eyes, only to see that the person here was Draven.
My recent experience is really a twists and turns. First, he was arrested by someone sent by Singid, and this time he fell into the hands of his opponent Delevingne at the War Academy. Ye Feng laughed at himself in the bottom of his heart. It seemed that it was really hard for him to leave Fiona.
Seeing Ye Feng waking up, Delevingne grinned grimly: "Boy, let's go, it's almost noon, it's time for execution!"
"Execution? I didn't break the law, why do you..."
"Why? The law? This world is the weak and the strong, and the rules are the things of the weak, and I can exist above this!" Delevingne screamed disdainfully.
Before he finished speaking, Delevingne didn't care about Ye Feng's reaction and directly carried Ye Feng towards the outside of the dungeon.
Ye Feng wanted to resist, but found that he had already exhausted his physical strength and couldn't do anything.
Damn, something must be done, not just waiting to die! Ye Feng's mind was spinning quickly, constantly thinking about how to escape.
Until Draven threw Ye Feng in the middle of the street heavily, Ye Feng still didn't think of a way to escape.
Ye Feng looked around both sides of the street and found a lot of onlookers gathered. This made him very puzzled. It was not so much the execution scene as it was more like a group of onlookers performing strange tricks.
Although Delevingne had a fierce face, he was smiling at this time, beckoning to the crowds on both sides of the street, and bending over to pay tribute, like an actor about to perform.
"Gentlemen and ladies present, welcome to the upcoming performance at the moment of death. Next, this little brother and I will perform a thrilling chase performance for you. It is still the old rule. I will give this young man Ten minutes of escape time, after ten minutes, if he can dodge my throwing axe, I will let him go." Delevingne sang and said the rules of the game again.
After a moment, Delevingne continued: "Then, the game starts now, run, little brother!"
Immediately afterwards, the scene seemed to be detonated, and all kinds of cheers were endless. Some people even shouted Delevingne's name to cheer for him.
Ye Feng ignored the others at this time, rushing madly away from Delevingne. Ye Feng looked back from time to time, watching Deleving disappear behind him, he still didn't dare to relax a little bit.
When he was in the War College, he saw the power of Draven's throwing axe, and he knew that he had to be far enough away from Draven.
In this way, ten minutes passed quickly. Delevingne shook his neck on the spot, making a gurgling sound of bone collision. There was a light of excitement in his eyes, and he was looking forward to Ye Feng's performance, whether he would die under his throwing axe like other criminals before.
Delevingne flicked his hands forward, and the two throwing axes were spinning at a high speed, chasing them along the trajectory of Ye Feng's escape, and caught up with Ye Feng in the blink of an eye.
At this moment, Riven is already close to the border of the town. The specific location of Xiaofeng must be sensed! Where is his breath? Riven's eyes were wrapped in mist, and an invisible wind scattered into the town before her.
That faint wind quickly looked for Ye Feng's breath, but after all, it was too weak to find Ye Feng in no time.
After a while, Riven's eyes flashed while running wildly. Over there! Through the breeze that came out earlier, Riven clearly saw that Ye Feng was being chased by two throwing axes.
Damn, this distance will take at least half an hour to wait for me to arrive! Riven's face was distorted by anxiety and anger, terribly hideous.
Just when Riven didn't know what to do, two throwing axes hit Ye Feng's knees, and the bright red blood flowed out frantically, making Ye Feng no longer able to escape. Not only that, the two throwing axes turned again, trying to penetrate a hole directly in Ye Feng's upper body.
Do not! Riven yelled, and the broken rune sword in his hand gradually condensed into a solid body. While she ran wildly, she gathered the frenzied wind sword intent with both hands.
cut! Riven's brutal murderous aura lingered all over her body, and the frantic wind blade gathered at the tip of the sword. The murderous wind blade penetrated the space and cut towards Draven.
The next moment, she waved the rune sword again, and the wind blade crossed the boundary of space and came to Ye Feng's body, cutting the two throwing axes in half.
At the same time, the previous wind blade had penetrated the body of Delevingne who was waiting for news from the throwing axe outside the dungeon.
Until his death, Draven didn't know what killed him.
Riven sighed, and the damp sweat made her feel uncomfortable. Her body was already exhausted due to the far overloaded use of the sword intent of the wind, and what supported her up to now was her heart that wanted to save Ye Feng.
Riven's hanging heart can finally let go. Her figure swayed, she smiled comfortingly, and fell to the ground.
And Ye Feng, who had just walked out of the shadow of death, felt the wind blade aura that dissipated around him. Who would that familiar aura be if it wasn't his sister?
Feeling more and more excited, Ye Feng ran wildly towards Riven's coma following the breath of Feng Blade.
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