Chapter 686: Psychotoxin

The ascent of magic power has reached his limit. Vickers originally thought that he could easily deal with Elise's attack, but he could still feel the terrifying black magic power that made him jealous from Elise.
The two continued to fight and deduce various forbidden spells that can destroy everything. Fortunately, this city has the blessing of the magic circle left by the goddess Icacia, otherwise the entire Shurima Desert will be affected.
After a long time no victory or defeat, Elise's psychology appeared a trace of anxiety. She had been hit by the Void Vanguard before and was half-wounded. Every attack she made now was to force her magic power at the cost of tearing her wounds. Once time passed, she would definitely fall into a disadvantage.
And the tentacle monster in front of her that made her nauseous had a strong self-repair ability. If she didn't fight quickly and didn't need Vickers to overwhelm her with hard power, she would lose first because of exhaustion.
The more I thought about it, the more I didn't want to continue dragging it endlessly, Elise's eyes flashed and she decided to resolve the battle at a faster rate during the next period of time.
Either she died, or the tentacle monster that disgusted her died!
A huge spider phantom appeared from behind Elise, and she was like a poisonous spider hunting prey, rushing towards Vickers.
Seeing this scene, Vickers had an absurd idea in his heart for some reason, that he seemed to be treated as a blood eater by Elise.
He is a visitor from the void, once the top of this world, how could other races hunt him? Not to mention the woman in front of him who is regarded as mastering black magic!
Quickly forgetting the thoughts that made him feel ridiculous, Vickers was also aroused by Elise.
The huge eyes that occupied the entire head flashed with mysterious purple light, and a filthy dark purple void energy was released with the wave of its tentacles.
The void energy spread away, rushing to Elise who was greeted frontally. Elise, who flew by at high speed, was about to bypass the tiled void energy, but was firmly trapped in place by another chaotic void array mixed with restraining force.
Unable to break free for a while, while she was invaded by the power of the void in the circular void array, she was also overwhelmed by the tiled void energy.
The turbid liquid formed by the void energy wrapped her body in it, and attacked every inch of her skin together with the void power in the void circle.
She was mobilizing magic power at the cost of tearing the wound. She instantly felt her head stunned, as if she was in the endless sea. The breathless suffocation and the void energy that turned into liquid through the wound invaded her body. Feeling double stimulated her nerves.
She tried her best to get rid of this terrible situation, but her eyelids became heavier, her eyesight became increasingly blurred, and her body weakened.
"It seems that your life ends here, tiny human!"
Vickers' mocking words suddenly sounded in her sleepy mind, and the angry Elise showed a bitter look in her eyes. Her terrible obsession, which became more tortured and more reluctant, made her drowsy consciousness briefly awake.
But even so, as long as she is under the control of Vickers, as long as she does not step out of the circle, she cannot continue to use her black magic power at the expense of harming herself.
Everything about her body was imprisoned by Vickers, and Elise, who was suffering from a double sting in her body and spirit, could only watch Vickers' tentacles condense a dark purple magic light far better than before.
The cruel dark purple magic light turned into a beam of light, which instantly penetrated Elise's abdomen. Three different void spells all invaded her body, the mixed void power mixed with violent energy burst out several times more bursting magic power, tearing and decomposing her body.
With the loud noise of the explosion, the three spells lost their abilities, all condensed into one form and blended into every corner of Elise's body. There was a feeling of being dissected in her body. She bit her tongue humiliatingly, unwilling to roar with pain, and stimulated her nerves that were almost in shock with the tingling of the tongue and the smell of blood.
"Let me take a good look at how a small human like you became a god!"
Smelling Vickers' jokes, Elise, who had endured this pain countless times, calmed herself down. She shook her neck, and the crisp sound of bone collision made her realize that she could still fight now.
Numb, she gradually became accustomed to the pain of being continuously broken down by the power of the void. Seeing that Vickers was not planning to kill her for the time being, a strange arc appeared in the corner of Elise's mouth.
She is not a self-proclaimed righteous person, since Vickers despised her, then she used practical actions to make his contempt pay the due price!
After thinking about it, the sharp ends of the spider limbs that emerged from Elise's back were filled with blood-red light, like spikes filled with poisonous blood. The blood inside is a deadly psychotoxin for others, but for her it is the key to stimulating her to temporarily regain her mobility.
When the venom pierced her body from the limbs, all the pain she endured would be transformed into a source of excitement for her.
The greater the pain, the stronger she will be during this time!
Under Vickers's horrified gaze, those horrifying arthropods pierced into Elise's body. As the venom from the sharp ends of the arthropods was poured into the body, her mental torture became even more stinging than before.
But the tingling sensation turned the pain into a different kind of morbid pleasure, which activated all the necrotic cells in Elise's body.
Vickers, who realized that Elise had not completely lost her combat effectiveness, immediately floated to a higher altitude. Before Elise did not start, his huge eyes radiated an unprecedented purple laser beam and enveloped Elise in it.
However, Elise, who had regained her mobility, turned into a magical shadow, and went retrograde against the power of the void contained in the terrifying laser beam released from his eyes.
At this moment, under the stimulation of all the pain, she became more and more excited, and her psychology became more and more sick. The scarlet blood glow in her eyes was the best proof.
"How is it possible? How can a normal person bear the pain of being broken down!" Vickers was in a mess for a while, not knowing what to do.
"From now on, you are under my control. I will multiply the pain you caused me before, and I will return it to you several times!"
Accompanied by Elise's morbid laughter, Vickers' huge figure was kicked from a height by Elise. And the position where he fell was exactly where the two Fiona who had just killed the Void Vanguard were in. This was also a temporary decision made by Elise just now after a quick glance at the altar.
Now that the tricky Vickers has been solved, let's send these two women who have repeatedly prevented her from demonizing Ye Feng to die!
Vickers didn't want to just fall to the altar like this, he could fly and quickly stabilized his falling body.
Before he could catch his breath, Elise, who was wearing a spider's soft armor, fell straight down. She stepped on the sharp heel of her right foot and plunged into his huge eyes, forcing his body to fall.
"Go away, Fiona!"
Hearing the anxious voices of Sivir shouting two Fiona to escape in the distance, Elise's demon cheeks showed a sinister sneer.
With a loud noise, the stone slabs on the altar rolled up and flew across, while Elise kicked the painful Vickers head in disgust, and then walked towards the tentacles that smashed her body into the altar floor. Of the two Fiona.
"You have worked hard!"
Before the two Fiona could see her clearly, she kicked them and fainted.
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