Chapter 807: Diana's nightmare

In the deepest part of Shadow Island, Elise was sitting leisurely at a stone table in a dry forest, slowly twisting a cherry into her mouth.
Staring with interest at the Thresh on the side casting spells with a faint green lantern, she yawned lazily: "What are you doing again, Thresh?"
The Thresh on the side did not immediately reply, but silently recites the undead spell, and the frightening light surrounds him, releasing a weird evil spirit.
Elise on the side saw that Thresh didn't answer her words, she raised her brows, she didn't bother to ask, and continued to taste the fruit in the fruit bowl.
Until the gloomy light dissipated, Thresh shook his head and said, "Strange...How did she get rid of my magic?"
Thresh’s self-talking aroused Elise’s interest again. She took a bite of the apple and asked with a chewing sound: "She?"
Thresh, who was free, replied, "Well, I have bewitched another human recently."
She seemed a bit disgusted to talk to Thresh on such topics, the smile on Elise's face gradually disappeared, but she still couldn't help asking.
Thresh naturally knew why Elise would react so coldly to him when she heard such a topic, because she was bewitched into a demon by him.
Although they are now the leaders of Shadow Island, Elise has always been worried about it.
Pretending not to see that Elise's attitude suddenly became cold, Thresh continued: "You should know the Giant Peak, right?"
Thresh’s voice had just fallen, and Elise was about to reply, but a gloomy spear fell from the high-altitude black fog and landed precisely on the slate bench that was vacant in front of the stone table.
The gloomy spear gradually twisted into a ghost fire, and Calista, dressed in the costume of an ancient general, quietly appeared before the stone table.
"Giant Peak?" Calista, who was usually silent and utterly speaking, turned her head to look at Thresh, and was also interested in the topic of Thresh.
"Yes, the mountain closest to the sun and the moon, but ten thousand years ago, it was a holy mountain for visitors from the void..." As he spoke, Thresh couldn't help but recall some things he had followed Soraka ten thousand years ago.
"Say the important point!" Thresh coldly reminded Thresh not to take the topic away, and a hint of impatience appeared on Elise's pretty face.
Coughing embarrassingly, Thresh returned to the subject and said: "I bewitched a woman named Diana on the summit of the giant god. Diana was very interesting, she turned out to be a demigod, and she was practicing the magic moon magic that was long lost. If you completely demonize into a demon, you should also become a god."
"Diana...moon magic?"
Elise murmured to Diana's name and her magic. She remembered that when she was in Zuan, she seemed to be angry because of Ye Feng's believer, and fought with a demigod named Diana.
She was not a at the time, her strength was only at the pinnacle of a demigod, and after Diana was defeated, she ran away, so she finally let the woman run away.
"Elise, what's the matter with you?" Thresh frowned when she saw Elise lost in thought.
Pulled back to reality by Thresh's questioning, Elise calmed down the unnecessary emotions in her heart, took a deep breath and said lightly: "It's okay, you continue."
"Because the blood moon was still covering the sky, I easily confuse her, but she is a demigod, and it takes time for her to be demonized into a demon, but not long ago, she broke free from the demonization."
Thresh’s narration also reminded Calista that she passed the Giants Peak on the way back from the border inspection of the War College. She also landed on the top of a mountain out of curiosity and found a woman wearing a ghost mask.
Since the woman was wearing a blood moon costume and a ghost mask, she didn't care about who she thought was who bewitched the new human. Now when Thresh said that the woman had broken free, she also said, "I passed by over the Giant Mountain and saw a woman wearing a ghost mask sitting on the boulder. She is the Diana you said?"
Hearing this, the ghost fire in Thresh’s eyes flickered: "Well, did you find anything unusual at the time?"
Calista shook her head and said, "No, everyone on the mountain is dead. Did you move your hand or did it?"
"This..." Speaking of the Lieyang Clan who died on the Giants Peak, Thresh paused in the middle of speaking, revealing a grimly demon smile.
"It's a secret!"
A thick blood mist filled the surrounding space, where Diana was wearing a white dress in the style of the Stampa tribe, her pretty face was full of panic.
With a pale face, she was panting and running in the blood mist, but no matter how she fled, she couldn't escape from the blood mist.
The whispers of evil spirits echoed from time to time in the surroundings, which was extremely horrible. With these magic sounds lingering in her ears, she, who could not stand the torture, made a gesture to mobilize her magic power to dispel all fear and haze.
However, she found that her hands with the magic of the moon were limp, and she always couldn't work hard. The faint moonlight not only did not dispel the blood mist, but instead provokes filth that makes her even more afraid.
"Diana, you demon of the moon, betrayed the tribe, do you think you can be freed by killing us?"
"You hired the blood moon? You devil!"
"I said she is a heresy long ago, and a heretic like her should be put to death!"
"It is obviously the elder who has offended you, why do you even kill us?"
The dead people walked out of the blood fog one by one, surrounding Diana in the center. Unbearable, she wanted to escape from here, but the people who turned into resentful spirits were like a copper wall and iron wall, trapping her here, allowing her to accept the flogging and stimulation of their words.
"Enough!" Diana yelled violently when her spirit was at its limit. She was out of control and instantly released the boundless magic of the moon.
"Want to kill us again?"
"Diana, why are you so cruel to your family? Not even our dead souls let go!"
"I hate you!"
"Put her to death, heretic!"
"Summon the culprit of the blood moon, the demon of the moon!"
Sitting helplessly on the ground, Diana, who was surrounded by the grievances of her family, gradually collapsed. She trembled all over, covered her ears with her head in her hands, and kept retorting with her trembling words.
"I am not... I don't... not me..."
"I'm really not a demon... I didn't mean to kill you..."
"The blood moon is not what I summoned, really...uuuu...please believe me, I am not the demon of the moon!"
Suddenly awakened from the nightmare, Diana was soaked and gasped. A warm temperature came from the palm of her hand, Diana turned her head and looked to her side, and found that Ye Feng was guarding her.
"Have a nightmare?" Ye Feng smiled.
After what he said, Diana realized that everything that happened just now was a dream, and this was the real world.
The fearful mind gradually dissipated, and Diana, who was still in shock, let out a long sigh of relief and reluctantly squeezed a pale smile towards Ye Feng.
"thank you!"
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