Chapter 836: Seconds

In the middle of the night, Ye Feng, who could not move his hands, slept beside Diana at Diana's strong request.
In order to prevent him from accidentally turning over and crushing the fixed petrified arm, Diana turned sideways, her hand underneath tightly holding Ye Feng's arm, and the upper hand was placed on Ye Feng's chest.
She fell asleep like this, as long as Ye Feng turned down a little, she could feel it. After doing all this, Diana stroked the silver-white hair that blocked his vision, blinked with her beautiful eyes, and carefully looked at Ye Feng's face and Xiao Xi who was sleeping in Ye Feng's abdomen.
Growing up, it was the first time that she cared about a person like this. This wonderful feeling made her heartbeat very disturbed. In this way, Diana fell asleep peacefully amid the rapid heartbeat.
After she fell asleep, Ye Feng, who had previously closed his eyes, opened his eyes. Turning his head and looking at Diana who was sleeping sideways, Ye Feng glanced at his body that was so tightly held by Diana with a wry smile.
It seems that he has to fall asleep like this tonight... With a soft voice in his heart, Ye Feng took a deep breath and exhaled it again.
And it was such a deep breath that made him hear Diana's dissatisfied and confused voice: " movement..."
Started by Diana's vague voice, Ye Feng subconsciously turned his head to look at Diana.
I thought Diana was not asleep yet, and she would still stare at him with small eyes full of resentment. Who would think that Diana still closed her eyes tightly, still smashing her ruddy lips. Don't mention how sound you sleep!
Next, something that made Ye Feng a little bit dumbfounded happened. Diana turned her body uncharacteristically, lying flat on the bed and breathing evenly.
Didn’t you say that you should watch him so that he won’t sway his arms after falling asleep? On the contrary, she slept to death by herself, and released the hands that held him?
The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Ye Feng sighed helplessly. It seemed impossible to expect Diana to look after him tonight. He should pay attention when he sleeps, just like Diana who was in charge of looking after nightmares a few days ago, just don't go into deep sleep.
Just when Ye Feng was about to fall asleep, a call to his ears rang out, preventing him from falling asleep.
Smelling this familiar call, Ye Feng recalled that he had heard the voice calling him last night.
My mind flashed through the graceful figure of Space Knight Elise in an Icacia dress, and Ye Feng frowned with a headache. This woman won't really come to urge him to practice space magic, right?
Luckily, he thought that as long as he didn't go out, Elise would stop calling him after a while, and Ye Feng closed his eyes and pretended not to hear Elise's call.
However, as time went by, Elise's weak voice calling him not only did not disappear, but revealed a ray of anxious anger.
What made Ye Feng feel the numbness of his scalp was that the space around him was gradually distorted, and there were faint signs of being torn.
"Counting you are acquainted, wait for me here on time tomorrow night, otherwise... I will throw you into the space crack full of time and space turbulence!"
The cold warning words of Space Knight Elise flashed through his mind again, and Ye Feng took a deep breath. That woman wouldn't really want to throw him into a crack in space, would she?
As soon as this thought came out in his heart, Ye Feng's hairs stood up all over his body, feeling a kind of creepy.
The more I thought about it, the more I felt it was possible, and Ye Feng, who dared not continue to challenge Elise's bottom line, was shocked. He stood up with no sensation in his arm, but at this time when he was struggling to get up, the twisted space had already broken a tiny hole, and a weak turbulence that made Ye Fengxin tremble was blown out from it.
"Eilis, you are really playing!" With a low voice, Ye Feng glanced at the sleeping Diana and Xiaoxi, and ran out of the camp.
If someone in the camp wakes up at this time, he will be surprised at what kind of existence makes their Moon God Guardian behave so embarrassed.
Because Shihua's hands were full of cracks, Ye Feng did not dare to use the sword of wind to accelerate, so that his speed was no different from ordinary people.
Gasping for breath and ran to the dense suburban forest where Elise was, the cracks in Ye Feng's space were torn open more and more, and the turbulent flow of space was getting closer and closer to him.
Finally, before the turbulent flow of the space cracks scratched him, he ran to the space knight Elise, and Ye Feng, who was shocked in a cold sweat, bent over and gasped.
Thinking about the experience just now, he was a little scared. Ye Feng, who was relieved, felt that Space Knight Elise had done too much. If he is a step late, he may be scratched by the turbulence. If it was later, he would probably be sucked into the space crack and be strangled by turbulence!
The more I thought about it, the more angry I became. Ye Feng stood up straight, and said a little dissatisfied: "Elise, you almost killed me just now!"
"Didn't I tell you? If you don't come, I will throw you into a crack in the space. Do you think I'm joking with you?"
With a cold snort disapprovingly, Elise didn't care if Ye Feng was angry.
Unexpectedly, Elise had such a temperament in her previous life, Ye Feng was so angry that she couldn't speak.
Facing Ye Feng's angry gaze, Elise didn't have any fear in her eyes, and she didn't think she had done anything wrong.
"What are you? You didn't make the appointment on time. It would be nice if I threw you into a crack in the space before that time!"
Ye Feng's heart was very uncomfortable with the strong and domineering words of Elise. He didn't want to be so casually called when facing Elise's past life.
"I'm quit... I don't have to learn your space magic, Master Soraka's starlight power is no worse than your space magic origin!"
Ye Feng felt that he had to maintain his own dignity, and could not always be drunk by Elise!
Resolutely and resolutely turned around under Elise's stunned eyes, he walked back in front of Elise's face.
Feeling very angry at Ye Feng's disobedience to her, Space Knight Elise controlled the space around Ye Feng without a word, and instantly tore through three huge cracks.
Feeling the terrifying pulling force at the other end of the three space cracks, Ye Feng shivered subconsciously.
Ye Feng, who was still swearing in his heart to maintain dignity, immediately acknowledged it, squinted his eyes and turned around, haha ​​said to Elise, who was watching coldly: "That... Elise, can we speak well? So I can tear it up at every turn. It’s too dangerous to open space cracks, hehe..."
"Call me Master Space Knight!" Watching Ye Fengzheng's attitude coldly, Elise put her hands around her chest.
He was very aggrieved, but thinking of the space cracks in Elise that made him fearful, Ye Feng gave up his plan to "resist".
"Master Space Knight, that... Look, can you remove these space cracks first? I looked panicked..."
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