Chapter 899: Soraka's hidden illness

In the Healer's House, Soraka had a faint smile on his mouth, watching the second daughter of Fiona come here early.
"I thought you would come here a little later. Didn't you say goodbye to important people? For example, Ye Feng..."
The red lips under the tulle lightly opened, and Soraka's purple eyes blinked, as if to say that she didn't mind the two coming over later.
The Laurent family Fiona's expression moved slightly, but did not speak. The childhood sweetheart Fiona looked at Soraka firmly: "No need, Lord Soraka, we want to go and come back soon!"
Unexpectedly that the two agreed to be so firm, Soraka's eyes flashed with astonishment, and then he muttered: "That's okay, the Mogron Mountain Trail has been supported to protect the magic circle, and the demigod of the Stampa tribe maintains the magic circle. Operation, there should be no problems for the time being. If you go soon, you will be back at night!"
While talking, Soraka threw a piece of warm starlight jade to the two women and Fiona. After the mission is completed, crush it and send it back to Ionia.
Seeing the two women carefully put away the starlight warm jade, Soraka smiled amicably: "Are there any questions before departure?"
Hearing this, the two daughters of Fiona looked at each other, and read from the eyes of each other that the other party had the same question as herself.
The two exchanged glances, and Laurent family Fiona spoke on her behalf: "Master Soraka, in fact, I always have a question in my heart. Why don't you go to the main continent because you are so powerful?"
As soon as she asked this sentence, Fiona of the Laurent family felt a little regretful. How could she arbitrarily contemplate a divine idea? The reason why Soraka didn't go to the main continent was something unspeakable, she shouldn't have asked so abruptly!
Her question also made Soraka a little sudden, but she did not expect that she would ask such a question.
Soraka lowered her brows and fell into contemplation under Fiona's worrisome gaze.
For a long time, Soraka slowly raised her head, but her seldom condensed brows made the second daughter of Fiona frighten.
Soraka sighed, noticing Fiona's uneasy emotions.
"It's okay to tell you. Actually, I maintain the entire Ionia's protective circle. If I leave without permission and be discovered by the Shadow Island, Ao Xing alone will not be able to make the Island Guardian circle resist the shadow in all directions. The erosion of the island, do you know the last time I appeared in the ancient forest of Kumang?"
"Well, you drove away the demon named Karthus!" For Soraka, Fiona still has a lot of respect in her heart, and the look of longing on her face is also hoping that their own kendo will one day be achieved The divine realm where Soraka is located.
"That time, although I prevented Karthus from slaughtering life in the entire ancient forest of Kumang, I also paid a price for it. Because my departure was discovered, Shadow Island launched a fierce attack on the eastern coast of Ionia to protect During the weak period of the circle, if it weren’t for Kiran and the others to cooperate with the circle to block, I’m afraid the entire Ionia would fall, and I was seriously injured in the fight against Karthus, and I haven’t recovered yet..."
Soraka's tone became heavier as he said later, and the purple pupils flickered with uncertain light. Her voice also gradually became hoarse, with a weird metallic tremor, and the second daughter of Fiona palpitated.
"Master Soraka, are you injured?" Covering her mouth, Fiona of the Laurent family took a deep breath.
The childhood sweetheart Fiona also opened her mouth wide, which was incredibly hard to believe. She had been in contact with Soraka during this time and she did not see that Soraka was seriously injured.
It's just that Sorakana suddenly heard them with a trembling sound like a dead metal, and there was always a cold feeling facing the dead.
"While I want to maintain the operation of the circle, I have to suppress the cold and undead aura that can destroy the minds of most people. It was almost healed, but in order to save Sivir who acted arbitrarily, it has deteriorated. The formation is actually easy to destroy, so I can't leave Ionia at will!"
After telling her current situation to Fiona's second daughter completely, Soraka sighed faintly, "I was injured, except for the two of you. No one else knows about it for the time being, and even injured me. Karthus doesn’t know, I hope you two can keep it secret for me!"
"Relax, Lord Soraka, we will keep this secret for you!"
Fiona's two daughters said to Soraka with solemn expressions that they would never tell this secret to others.
Soraka nodded and said she believed that the two women would be tight-lipped, so she would answer their questions after pondering.
She paused and continued: "Did you not report last time that there is a demigod Diana who practices the magic of the moon in the frontline camp? This time I asked you to greet me on behalf of me. Actually, I also want you to borrow it for me. A small bottle of sun and moon magic origin, coupled with my starlight power, should be able to dispel the undead energy in my body in the shortest time."
"Master Soraka, don't worry, we will definitely bring you back the source of Sun and Moon Magic!"
I thought they were just going to patrol the Moglong Mountain Path that held up the protective circle under Soraka's inspection, but they didn't expect that they were still shouldering the mission of bringing Soraka back to the source of the sun and moon magic.
Thinking of this, Fiona's sense of mission couldn't help becoming a little heavier.
Seeing that Fiona's second daughter began to pay attention to their mission on this trip, Soraka flashed a fleeting smile on the corner of his mouth: "You don't have to be nervous, a small bottle of sun and moon magic source, I think they will not be stingy. Yes, the time is almost there, you are ready to step into the starlight teleportation circle!"
Following Soraka's statement, the one-way teleportation circle that had been portrayed in advance on the center floor of the house slowly emitted a faint starlight, and the surrounding space began to tremble due to resonance.
Perceiving the activation of the teleportation circle, the second daughter of Fiona walked over without hesitation. When they all stepped into the circle, the faint starlight burst into bright colors instantly.
The roar of the teleportation circle reverberated in her ears, and the second daughter Fiona felt erratic before teleportation. In the blink of an eye, they appeared from the doctor's house in front of a fortress spreading death.
As soon as they saw this deadly fortress, the second daughter knew that Soraka's transmission was probably wrong again. But how did you teleport them to a place full of lifelessness this time? Isn't this an evil realm like Shadow Island?
Quietly hiding their respective breaths, the two daughters of Fiona hid in the dark and began to observe the surrounding environment.
However, this observation made the two women pale in shock, and their eyes slowly enlarged.
Because not far behind them, it is the pass connecting the north and south continents-the Moglong Mountain Trail!
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