Chapter 1079: Battle against the Roman giants!

A Persian general stood on the wall and directed the Sabalan cavalry out of the city gate to harass the Han army that was about to attack the city.
Chutian was stationed here, preparing siege equipment, and the Roman legions were watching.
"The city is the defender of the Persian civilization. Wei Wudi attacked the city and seized the city as soon as possible. The other cavalry guards against the Roman legions."
After Chutian drove Pompeo away, Pompeo stationed nearby, and might attack at any time.
There are only five cities on this island, and one less if one is captured. Lords who have not won the city gather near each city to fight for the opportunity.
In addition to Pompey in Rome, there were Chen Shengzong, the king of the Greater Vietnam Kingdom, Chen Huang, and the Emperor Sonny Ali of the Songhai Empire. The two were also coveting this city.
If they cannot take the city, they will soon be forced to withdraw from the battlefield of the national war.
There is still some hope to win the city, and there is no hope at all if it is not.
When Chu Tian was attacking the city, he had to refuse the three parties to come to the enemy.
Pompeo, Chen Huang, and Sonny Ali, the three dare not act rashly.
Chu Tian was not good at attacking the city with all his strength.
NPC defenders attacked the city from time to time, allowing Chu Tian to confirm that the defenders of this city were from Persian civilization.
The situation was a little stalemate for a while.
However, the trebuchet was throwing stones at the city, damaging the morale of the Persian defenders.
The Han regiment began to ignore other lords around it, preparing to attack the city.
Chu Tian only used Wei Wuzu to attack the city, and the other cavalry waited for the opportunity to move.
"The Han army dared to ignore us, isn't he afraid of my Roman army?"
Pompeo was shocked when he learned that the Han army had attacked the city.
"When will Caesar arrive?"
"Caesar has just taken down a city and is still reorganizing his army. I don't know if it will be too late."
"In case the Han army conquered the city in advance, the big thing is not good."
Pompeo couldn't help but worry.
He would rather give this city to Caesar in exchange for a benefit from Caesar, rather than let Chu Tian take over the city that was half assaulted, otherwise he would not get any benefit.
Pompey’s youngest son, Sextus Pompey (Little Pompey), urged his father: "Father, that is the general who we are about to obtain. How can we pass to the emperor of the Han Empire? It is the decisive victory at this time. At the right time, other lords will not miss this opportunity. The defenders in the city may also go out of the city to counterattack."
Pompeo asked the Roman and Gothic generals under his command: "What do you think?"
Aetius said: "If you can't take down the city, and you can't replenish weapons, food and grass, there will be no capital to compete for the main city. Why not give it a go?"
"This is reasonable, Roman Legion? Listen to my orders! The enemy is the strongest legion in the world? But I want you to defeat them with your bravery? Use your blood? Prove your loyalty to me!"
Pompey assembled a team of Roman Imperial Guards, nine Roman legions, as well as Visigoth heavy cavalry, Gothic swordsmen, Germanic barbarian Tomahawk soldiers and other arms? March to Chutian's legion.
"The Romans can't hold back."
"With their arrogance, it is really hard to tolerate the spoils that are about to be obtained? Give it to the lord of other civilizations."
"This is our opportunity."
The Army of the Great Vietnam? Chen Shengzong gathered around ten famous generals of the Great Vietnam to peer into the city.
Chen Shengzong took Chen Xingdao, the famous general who fought against the Mongol Empire, as the vanguard general, waiting for the opportunity.
The king of Songhai Empire also wanted to fight for opportunities.
The battle for the sub-city has been fierce, and the battle for the main city is bound to be even more fierce.
Some lords just want to compete for a sub-city.
Rome, Da Yue, and Sang Hai? The three civilized legions approached. Da Yue Nation and Sang Hai Nation wanted to sit back and watch Chu Tian fight against Pompey. These small and medium-sized lords had a chance only when they missed out.
"The three legions have approached this city."
Chu Tian was monitoring the movements of the three legions at the same time.
The Great Yue Kingdom is located in the south of Jiaozhou? It has always been incompatible with Jiaozhou and Mu in the Han Empire. The Songhai Empire is in West Africa.
The two kingdoms are not the first-echelon civilization? The strength is similar to that of Mang Yinglong of Tongyu.
"They all want to attack the city, so? They can only quickly defeat them. This time, first strong and then weak? After defeating Pompey? The other two civilized kings? I dare not act rashly."
At this time, Sun Bin put forward a proposal contrary to the previous one, thinking that he should be the first to defeat the strongest Pompeo.
Although Pompeo is at the bottom of the three Roman emperors, he is still stronger than the Great Vietnam and the Songhai Empire.
"Iron Cavalry, Beiwei Army, Jiangdong Army, the three armies follow me to destroy the enemy!"
"Wei Wuzu will take this city as soon as possible."
Chu Tian repeated the old skills and carried out night attacks.
Yang Xingmi said: "Heiyun Longsword has requested to go to war!"
Chu Tian also brought along the Black Cloud Long Sword Army, which currently had only two thousand people.
The Black Cloud Long Sword Army may be able to play a role at a critical moment.
The sword is also one of the commonly used weapons of the Roman Legion.
Chu Tian counted more than 30,000 people and went for a surprise attack.
In the summer cool Shenjiying camp, Wu Qi speeds up the attack to prevent more lords from being attracted.
At night, at the camp of the Roman Legion, Pompey led the Roman cavalry on patrol. The Roman Legion was divided into three groups, each of which had three Roman Legions stay awake to prevent surprise attacks.
Aetius and several barbarian generals are discussing how to line up and defeat the Han army.
Among them, among the barbarian generals is the Visigoth king Theodoric I.
"The Han Empire has vast grasslands and good armor. Therefore, they have a large number of elite heavy cavalry. They usually use infantry phalanx and chariot as the backbone, and then use light cavalry to harass and attack by heavy cavalry."
Aetius deduced the attack and defense with the Han army on the map, but it was difficult to find the flaw.
The Han Empire has a complete range of arms and no obvious shortcomings, which is the biggest advantage.
Suddenly, shouting and killing broke out outside the camp.
Generals such as Aetius and Theodoric were invaluable.
They were less than thirty or forty miles away from the Han army, and there were shouts of killing at this time, indicating that the Han army launched a surprise attack at night!
"Aetius, I didn't expect that one day we would join hands against the enemy."
The Visigoth king Theodoric rode on his horse, commanding the brave and vigorous Visigoth heavy cavalry regiment.
"Roman and the barbarians, why can't they join forces?"
Aetius has an extra bonus to the barbarian army, so recruiting barbarian soldiers is beneficial to Rome, but also very dangerous.
The various legions of the Roman camp immediately got up and went into battle under the command of various Roman generals.
Little Pompey’s Roman cavalry has been fighting with Yue Fei’s back!
Yue Fei's Liquan spear stabbed more than a dozen spears forward, and several Roman cavalry fell their horses!
The Beiwei army wielding a long axe took the lead to defeat the Roman cavalry and broke into the camp!
In the camp, the garrisoned Roman legions formed a phalanx, commanded by Pompeo himself, and threw heavy javelins at the Beiwei army!
The sharp javelin broke through the air, piercing the iron armor of the Beiwei army, and many of the backwei army cavalry fell!
The javelin is also a weapon commonly used by the Roman Legion, with an armor-breaking effect!
The Roman archer in the back sent all arrows!
The Beiwei army appeared in the dark and hit the Roman legion. Yue Fei personally acted as the vanguard and broke through the formation with a gun, trying to open the gap and let the Beiwei army in the rear tear open the Roman phalanx.
Yue Fei picked dozens of people, and Roman heavy infantry armed with spears and short swords came from all directions to besiege Yue Fei.
The Beiwei army is like a wave, one after another hitting the Roman phalanx!
"The 26th Legion, push forward to the left, and the 27th Army, push forward to the right!"
Pompeo used three Roman legions to meet the Beiwei army.
The three Roman legions are already equivalent to tens of thousands of high-ranking soldiers.
Chu Tian led the iron cavalry into the Roman camp from another direction, and encountered the Gothic heavy cavalry of Theodoric King of Visigoth!
Xu Chu served as the vanguard of the Iron Cavalry, and slashed a knife. A Gothic heavy cavalry was split into two diagonally by Xu Chu!
The "Tiger Crazy" effect is triggered, and the morale of the surrounding Visigoth heavy cavalry drops by 20 points!
The Baibao Xianbei and Xuanjia army formed a cone-shaped offensive formation and attacked the Visigoth heavy cavalry army!
The Visigoth king Theodoric held a mace and hit the armor of a Black Armored cavalry with a hammer. The terrifying power and heavy armor-piercing weapons caused the Black Armored Army's armor to sink, and the ribs broke. Kill with a hammer!
Theodoric showed the terrible force of the Barbarian King!
The Visigoth heavy cavalry has Theodoric's "King Goth" bonus, and Aetius's extra bonus to the barbarian warriors, bravely confronting the cavalry composed of many high-ranking heavy cavalry.
Part of the heavy cavalry is equipped with Gothic plate armor, with amazing defensive power and high fighting spirit.
The Jiangdong children of Jiangdong Xiaobawang Sun Ce are advancing, breaking through part of the Roman camp, and fighting the Roman legion that wakes up from his sleep. Sun Celi cuts a Roman general!
A group of ancient Roman gladiators holding short swords and shields attacked Sun Ce as if they were desperate.
Sun Ce fought Roman gladiators in the chaos, and found that these Roman gladiators were very powerful, but they were not good at fighting in formation.
In other words, Roman gladiators are not suitable for battles between imperial armies, suitable for fighting opponents' fierce generals, or for surprise attacks.
At this time, Sun Ce was besieged by a group of ancient Roman gladiators.
This group of Roman gladiators are good at fighting and culling beasts. In the melee, they cut off the horse's legs and forced Sun Ce to dismount and fight!
Sun Ce fell, and dozens of desperate Roman gladiators immediately rushed forward!
Sun Ce's overlord spear swept across, and a dozen Roman gladiators died in the midst of lightning and flint!
"kill him!"
The Roman general Brutus (assassinated Caesar, defeated in the battle with Octavian) used three Roman legions to block the soldiers of Jiangdong, and then instructed Roman gladiators and assassins to kill Sun Ce.
Because of his confidence in his own military force, Sun Ce broke into the enemy's formation and was out of touch with the soldiers of Jiangdong.
Hundreds of Roman gladiators besieged Sun Ce, while the Roman assassin held a powerful crossbow and shot Sun Ce's armor. Sun Ce snorted.
If this continues, even if Sun Ce is a fierce general, he may be killed.
Sun Ce's negative characteristics are frivolous (contempt for his own safety, the probability of being assassinated by UU Reading www.uukā is increased), he was restrained by Brutus, the Roman hero who assassinated Caesar in history.
Brutus has assassins and gladiators under Brutus, who are a huge threat to the fierce generals.
Sun Ce even hit three crossbow arrows, and a dozen wounds were drawn on his body by a gladiator who was not afraid of death. His physical strength was declining!
"Everything is pending, how can you die here!"
Sun Ce's momentum is rising rapidly.
Chu Tian told Sun Ce not to easily use the effect of the SSS-level feature "Strike the Mountain", and at this time, Sun Ce fell into a desperate situation, thinking that it was necessary to enter a violent state!
"Strong to the world!"
Sun Ce roared, the veins violently violently, dozens of gladiators besieging Sun Ce were lifted by the air wave, cracks appeared on the ground!
The Roman general Brutus witnessed the terrifying scene Chu Tian saw in the Battle of Julu, and he was stunned.
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