Chapter 1130: Civil Engineering Ability of the Central Plains Dynasty

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"The minister came to supervise the construction of'Fukuoka Castle' by the order of your majesty."
A minister of the Ministry of Industry paid a visit to Chu Wu.
This minister, Chu Wu would never see him at all.
Li Jie, a famous ancient architect in the Northern Song Dynasty, author of "Building French Style", was responsible for the construction of cities and fortifications.
Iwaya Castle was heavily defended by Oda Nobunaga. Chutian went to the Western Regions to fight against the powerful enemy Wokudai and the combination of mine dragging. So Chutian recruited Li Jie from the Ministry of Engineering to preside over the construction of Fukuoka Castle.
Chu Tian is good at cavalry advancing, equivalent to a saint-level cavalry commander.
The four eastern islands, which are dominated by mountains, are actually not conducive to Chutian's cavalry operations. Instead, they are Western Regions and Central Asia, suitable for assaults by cavalry in groups.
Only Chutian, who is good at cavalry, can punish them.
Crown Prince Chu Wu became the nominal supreme commander of the soldiers and horses of the East Road, and the actual commander was replaced by Le Yi as a killer in vain.
"Father's conception is far beyond my imagination, when will it reach one-tenth of the father's?"
Chu Wu was still in shock.
His father, in his eyes, is not only invincible, but also endless.
If there is no city, then start from the flat ground and forcibly build a large city.
Chu Tian's thoughts were not unreasonable, but estimated.
As an important harbor connecting Korea and even the Central Plains, Hakata Bay has the potential to become a giant city.
It's just that the great names of the Warring States Period liked to build castles on the mountains to strengthen the castle's defense capabilities.
For example, Hakata Bay is the territory of the Tachibana family, but the owner of the Tachibana family lives in Tachibana Castle.
Chutian had the idea of ​​abandoning Tachibana Mountain Castle and building a new city on the flat land of Hakata Bay.
The population of Fukuoka Castle came from the Central Plains and Tachibana Mountain Castle. It was quickly upgraded to a large-scale city. At the same time, it was also the first city in the Central Plains to colonize the four islands of the East.
Li Si, one of the cabinet ministers, came to coordinate the construction of Fukuoka Castle, and Li Jie from the Ministry of Engineering was the actual builder.
"The minister Li Si visits His Royal Highness."
Li Si also respected the future empire's heir.
The current Daxia dynasty is thriving. Chu Tian gave the main resources to the eldest son, and the prince has been designated. There is no tendency for the nine sons to win the prince. Li Si naturally stands with the prince.
"With Li Si and Li Jie overseeing the construction of Fukuoka Castle, it must be completed soon. My father said that although the purpose of building this city is to conquer the four islands of the East, this city will be important in the future. Trading port. I'm bothering the two gentlemen."
"The ministers are flattered and will do their best to complete the project as soon as possible."
According to Zhuge Liang's suggestion, Chu Wu helped these elders of the father and emperor's generation, and got to know Li Si, Li Jie and others.
The newly-appointed Marshal of the Eastern Army, Bai Qi, the Liaodong Army commander Le Yi, the Fubo Army commander Zheng He, the Korean Army Corps commander Li Chenggui and other generals, Chu Wu also invited them together, and deployed the plan to pacify the Dongying Four Islands.
With Chu Wu's ability, it is still impossible to formulate a tactical plan for the war of annihilation.
The deployment of the conquest of the four eastern islands was actually a plan left by Chu Tian in advance before he left Kyushu Island. Zhuge Liang assisted Chu Wu and executed the plan.
Zhuge Liang said privately to Chu Wu: "Your Majesty personally went to the Western Regions Protector Mansion and handed over the heavy task of conquering the four islands of the East to your Highness. Apart from your Majesty's personal handling of powerful enemies from the west, there is another important reason. That is to give His Highness the power of destroying the country and consolidate His Highness's position."
"Father's emperor really has a brilliant plan, strategizing."
Chu Wu worshiped his father even more.
Chutian has been fighting for more than 20 years. He has experienced strong winds and waves. He has been dead for many times and almost died in the "Nightmare" level epic battle copy not long ago. Both his knowledge and methods are far superior to his own son.
This also made Chu Tian taller in Chu Wu's mind.
Zhuge Liang watched Chu Tian grow up from behind, and he felt the same as Chu Wu, Chu Tian was equally tall in his mind.
After Chutian ordered the construction of Fukuoka Castle in Hakata Bay on Kitakyushu Island, various architectural drawings and craftsmen were soon transferred from Central Plains to Hirado Island, and then took a battleship from Hirado Island to Hakata Bay.
Chutian dispatched thousands of craftsmen, and also enlisted 100,000 soldiers to help, invested thousands of architectural drawings to enhance the prosperity of the new city!
First-level villages, second-level villages, third-level villages, first-level towns, second-level towns, third-level towns, small cities...
Soon, a first-level village was upgraded to a small city!
Moreover, the prosperity of the city continues to rise!
Fukuoka Castle is positioned as the island of Kyushu, which is the governing office of the future Kyushu Prefecture.
Therefore, Chu Tian left no room, and aimed directly at large cities, even giant cities.
Never doubt the two abilities of the Central Plains Dynasty-farming and civil engineering.
When the Central Plains Dynasty was determined to undertake a major project, it could be completed soon.
This is the terrible centralization of the unified dynasty, which can mobilize a lot of resources to do one thing.
Li Si was dispatched to supervise the construction of Fukuoka Castle, and the Qin Li Si, known for his harshness, would strictly limit the time for completion.
In Tachibana Castle, many people were moved to fill the population of Fukuoka Castle.
To upgrade a large city, certain population conditions need to be met.
Tachibana Castle has a tendency to be abandoned.
Tachibana Doyuki was shot by the horse-riding iron cannon of the Cyclops Masamune. He was seriously injured and was recovering. He has officially passed the position of the house governor to Chiyo Tachibana.
Tachibana Castle is about to be abolished. As the governor of Tachibana, Chiyo Tachibana had to ask Chu Wu in a low voice: "His Royal Highness, I grew up in Tachibana Castle. All requirements..."
"Fukuoka Castle has been completed and its scale is continuing to expand. More people are needed to enrich the city. Moreover, the functions of Fukuoka Castle and Tachibana Castle conflict, so the scale of Tachibana Castle must be reduced."
Chu Wu's story is difficult.
Tachibana Chiyo bit his lip lightly, not knowing how to convince Chu Wu.
"Tachibana Castle can be kept, but the population is not more than 3,000. It is considered to be a historic site. The premise is that you leave the Tachibana Castle and follow me in the battle. As for the affairs of the Tachibana family, you can leave it to the family elder."
Chu Wu didn't do it, but turned Tachibana Castle into a town. As for the function of the city, it was given to the newly built Fukuoka Castle.
The location of Tachibana Castle is destined to be unsuitable for expansion into a large-scale city.
"I can promise your Highness..."
Tachibana Chiyo was repeatedly bullied by Chu Wu, but she had no better way.
Emperor Xia has issued an order to abandon Tachibana Castle and build the new office of Kyushu Island, Fukuoka Castle. Chu Wu can fight to retain the main body of Tachibana Castle, and he has done his best.
Xia Di didn't care about a petty Tachibana's request.
She did her best to keep the last stronghold of Tachibana's family.
After trying to trick Tachibana Chiyo out of Tachibana Mountain Castle, Chu Wu then let her go back to deal with Tachibana's affairs.
Every husband is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crime.
With firearms, it would be impossible not to serve Chu Wu.
The scale of Fukuoka Castle continues to expand, and it will be upgraded from a small city to a medium-sized city. It is only two steps away from the large city that can open the teleportation array!
After Bai Qi replaced Le Yi as the Marshal of the East Army and Horses, he deployed a line of defense to the south of the new city.
Before Fukuoka Castle was upgraded to a large-scale city, Bai Qi focused on defense to ensure that Fukuoka Castle opened the teleportation array smoothly, and then the Central Plains army continued to emerge from the teleportation array, and it would be easy to calm Kyushu Island by then.
The stronger the national power, the stronger Bai Qi is.
Xia Jun suddenly stood still, making Oda Nobunaga of Iwaya Castle and other daimyos wait and see.
What does Xia Jun want to do?
The news that Xia Di Chutian came to Kyushu Island spread in Iwaya Castle, so that Oda Nobunaga did not dare to act rashly.
During the hesitation of the Dongying daimyos, Fukuoka Castle was upgraded from a small city to a medium-sized city, and it was only a step away.
Finally, ninjas such as Kotaro Kautaro from the Hojo family and Hattori Hanzo from the Tokugawa family found the information the Toei daimyo wanted from the north.
"Xia Di seems to have left North Kyushu Island and went to the Western Regions Protectorate."
"Xia Jun built a new city on the flat land of Hakata Bay, and most of the Tachibana family were moved to the new city!"
At this time, both Oda Nobunaga and the steady Tokugawa Ieyasu were all shocked.
These daimyo also built many Pingcheng, or mountain castles, and they quickly understood the purpose of Xia Jun's construction of the new city-to open the teleportation array, to directly transmit the Central Plains army to Hakata Bay instead of Hirado City.
The Central Plains dynasty had great wealth, and it was really possible to directly build a large city and then use an expensive teleportation array.
"The emperor of the celestial dynasty, his ideas are simply wild, but with the national power of the Central Plains dynasty, he can do it..."
Oda Nobunaga felt a deep sense of powerlessness in the face of opponents of this level.
Chutian's great handwork shocked the famous names of the Seventeenth Road in the Four Islands of Dongying.
No big name can forcibly build a large city in a short period of time.
"We can't sit still, we must destroy the new city!"
Nobunaga Oda is a little afraid of Fukuoka Castle's teleportation formation, otherwise they will lose the home court advantage.
"Destroy the new city and drive them into the sea!"
A group of daimyo pondered the gains and losses, and finally agreed that they must take the initiative to destroy Fukuoka Castle before it can be upgraded to a large city.
"Date Masamune, did the Tachibana family really take refuge in the heavens?"
Too Takahashi, who survived the battle for Shiga Island, heard that Tachibana Doyuki, who originally wanted to take him as his son, took refuge in the heavens, but couldn't believe it.
His hope of entering Zuolihua Mountain City may be lost.
Not only that, even Tachibana Chiyo who agreed to get married was snatched by Chu Wu.
Takahashi made a fist.
"Otomo's house has been severely damaged. In the next battle, join our Date's house."
The Cyclops Masamune tries to recruit Takahashi, who is known as the "Woners of the West".
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