Chapter 1236: The decline of the golden family

   Persian Empire, Baghdad, Alexander's commander Belisarius conquered this ancient city.
   It didn't take long for the Golden Family to conquer Baghdad and was captured by Alexander's Macedonian army.
   Xu Liewu, who was in charge of staying in the Persian Empire, was defeated by the holy commander Belisariu and retreated to the north.
   Alexander left the General Seleucid to guard the city of Baghdad to prevent it from being snatched by the Romans, and then led the army to chase Hulagu with Belisariu.
   In the city of Tehran in the Persian Empire, Xu Liegu fled to this city and joined the remnants of Wakutai and tow mines.
   Wo Kuotai and Tuoling fled southward from the Caspian Sea, while Xu Liegu fled northeastward from Baghdad City, and just met.
   Alexander’s army is approaching Tehran, the last territory that the Golden Family can control, the Persian Empire, and Alexander the Great, who was captured by Syria, is easily attacked.
   The month comes first near the water tower.
   The Persian Empire is next to the Syrian Civilization Zone, and Alexander will not let go of the opportunity to annex Persia.
   "The child is incompetent and defeated by Belisarius. Please father Khan to punish him!"
   Xu Liewu was ashamed when he saw the tow thunder.
   He was responsible for guarding the Persian Empire, but in the end he lived up to Drag Thunder's expectations and was defeated by Alexander.
   "Alexander has always been ambitious and his military capabilities are amazing. It is not surprising that you are defeated by his army."
   Tuolai did not blame Xu Liewu.
   If the Golden Family wins the decisive battle in the river, then the situation is very good, and even Alexander will come to meet him.
   It is the decline of the Golden Family that will enable Alexander to attack the Persian Empire with confidence.
  Wokuodai looked solemnly: "Persia is our last territory, the Indian Peninsula and the Guishuang Mountains have been dominated by Timur, if it is not handled well, the luck of the Golden Family will end here."
   "May we choose to retire?"
   The surviving Mongolian generals, as well as the servants and generals, were caught in a dilemma.
   They can choose to surrender or retire.
   Drag Lei smiled bitterly: "Alexander wants to defeat Chu Zimou, and he will definitely not let us live in seclusion. Our Golden Family has the most experience in fighting Chu Zimou, and Alexander will probably use us."
   "That's it..."
  Wokuotai also had no way to fight against Alexander's king army with the remnants of the war that survived the river.
   Alexander’s king army came from Macedonia, the Greek city-states, the Hungarian Empire, Asia Minor, Syria, and the Caucasus. They also breached the city of Baghdad and assembled a group of Persian soldiers and horses to form a powerful force.
  The Golden Family at its peak can actually suppress Alexander and force Alexander to divide his sphere of influence with the Golden Family.
   However, it is impossible for the current Golden Family to compete with Alexander.
   "Khan, Alexander's secretary Yumenis, please see me!"
   "Alexander has come to surrender us."
   Wo Kuo Tai and Tuo Lei are not mortals, they already know Alexander's intentions.
   Youmenis brought a group of Macedonian silver shield soldiers to the city, looking around the Mongolian, Turkic, and Persian troops who survived the war in the river.
   The morale of these soldiers was low, their armor was broken, and they had obviously experienced a protracted battle.
  The scale and intensity of the war in the river are unprecedented. The two sides only saw the early stages of the seesaw and lasted for several months at the same time on several battlefields.
   In addition, in addition to the decisive battle, the subsequent pursuit of thousands of miles caused heavy losses to the army of wakutai and mine dragging. The number of soldiers and horses captured by the Xia army alone was as many as 500,000.
"The Golden Family is indeed tyrannical, and it can fight to such an extent. But this also means that the Daxia Dynasty is a powerful enemy that has never been stronger. The emperor of the Daxia Dynasty, even our king, did not get it under his hands. Any benefit..."
   You can imagine the tragic situation of the remnants of the Golden Family. I am afraid that only the battlefields of Eastern Europe can be compared with it.
   The Great Xia Dynasty led by Chutian is likely to be a powerful enemy of the Kingdom of Macedonia.
   The Kingdom of Macedonia, led by Alexander, who is committed to expansion, has expanded its power from the Balkans to Persia. However, Chutian has already occupied Central Asia and Timur has occupied South Asia. Alexander has no room for expansion.
   Either the various forces live in peace or continue to fight for space.
   With the personalities of Alexander, Timur, and Chutian, they will never give up.
   Temporary armistice, but neither side is ready, or, affected by this cold winter, all forces are reluctant to fight in the cold winter, except for the Russian Empire...
"Wokuotai sweats and Tuoling sweats. Our king hopes to cooperate with you to defeat the Daxia Dynasty. Our king is willing to grant you fiefs, intermarry with the Golden Family, and even make the woman of the Golden Family the queen. Seek sincere cooperation to defeat powerful enemies."
   Seeing Wokutai and Tuoling, Youmenis did not easily underestimate the Golden Family because of the failure of the Golden Family in the decisive battle in the river.
   Although the Golden Clan was defeated, there are still a group of surviving generals and troops. If placed in the Western Continent, the size is equivalent to a kingdom.
   This is the so-called skinny camel is bigger than a horse.
   Inspired by his teacher Aristotle, Alexander began to gather his strength to deal with Chu Tian in the future, instead of going up alone.
  The expansion of Chutian in this period of time is not only in the Central Asia River area, but also in the Indochina Peninsula and the four islands of the Southeast Asia civilization.
   In other words, the territory of Chutian is several times that of Alexander.
   Unless the Crusaders can unite, there is no hope of challenging the Great Xia Dynasty.
   Wo Kuo Tai and Tuo Lei heard about Alexander's condition, and couldn't help but move.
   In order to win over the Golden Family, Alexander did not hesitate to grant the Golden Family territory and marry a woman from the Golden Family as the queen.
   Such conditions are undoubtedly a booster for the declining golden family.
  Wo Kuotai looked towards Tuoling intentionally or unintentionally, and found a way to revive the Golden Family: "Ben Khan wants to meet with Alexander in person. Anyway, Ben Khan hasn't dealt with him much yet."
   "Our king has agreed to your request and will meet under Tehran."
   The Golden Family and Alexander the Great of the Kingdom of Macedonia negotiated under Tehran as agreed.
   Alexander's own force is not low, as well as the Spartan King Leonidas and the Spartan warriors guarding him, and he is not afraid of the assassination of the Golden Family.
   In addition, the Macedonian army has already besieged the city. I am afraid that the Golden Family will not agree to his terms and it will be difficult to get out.
   "My goal is to defeat Chu Zimou in the East."
   Alexander is straight to the point.
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