Vol 2 Chapter 1254: Fate showdown

Thousands of Cossack cavalry wielded bright sabers and attacked the troops of the Holy Roman Empire and the Kingdom of Poland.
Ekaterina’s Tsar characteristics and Ekaterina the Great’s characteristics provide bonuses for the Cossack cavalry, driving the Cossack cavalry into a frenzy, wave after wave, attacking the Polish wing cavalry.
Arrows fell like a rain, a dense rain of arrows fell, and the charging Polish wing cavalry fell.
The Cossack cavalry flanked and fired constantly, consuming the strength of the Polish wing cavalry.
The Polish king himself wore iron armor and held a four-meter lance, leading tens of thousands of Polish winged cavalry to launch an impact.
This is the last elite of the Kingdom of Poland.
The famous Polish cavalry commander-"Polish Lion" Jan Sobieski was also cooperating with the Polish king's attack.
The Poles and the Rus are the enemies of life, and the two civilizations have been grieving for a long time, just like the contradiction between China and the East, which is difficult to resolve.
The phalanx of Polish wing cavalry moved forward. In the army of the Russian Empire, a team of Tsarist guards appeared, and arquebuses launched a salvo at the advancing Polish wing cavalry, and more Polish wing cavalry died.
Ekaterina is riding a war horse, supervising the battle in the highlands, constantly mobilizing legions one after another to revenge the Crusaders.
The price of offending Maozi is very high.
After three years of hard fighting, the Tsarist Empire not only failed to be defeated by the Crusaders, but exploded with a million soldiers for revenge and completely resolved grievances.
The millions of Maozi army was angry.
For a long time, they have been crushed and beaten by the Crusaders, and now they are backed by the Daxia Dynasty. Maozi attacked with all his strength, and the momentum was even stronger than the Crusaders.
Tsarist prince Chu Peter said to Ekaterina: "Mother, the elder brother sent a letter requesting your Majesty to defend temporarily. After the eldest sons defeat the Kingdom of France, they will come to meet and defeat the Holy Roman Empire in one fell swoop.
"Is the eldest sons sure to defeat the Kingdom of France? The Kingdom of France has mobilized almost a million troops to gather all the domestic forces."
Ekaterina had some doubts about Chu Wu's ability.
Chu Wu's performance in the conquest of Dongying was indeed outstanding. However, what Chu Wu attacked was not the main force of Dongying, but the rear. The real main force of Dongying was completely destroyed by Chutian, Bai Qi and others.
After all, the generals of the eldest sons were too young, so it is not surprising that Ekaterina doubted whether the eldest sons could defeat the French army, which had experienced many battles.
The French army has almost one million troops, with Richelieu as prime minister, Louis as king, and many famous French generals and knights of the Knights Templar.
Peter Chu said: "Since the father has allowed his brother to be alone, he must believe in his brother's ability."
"Indeed, he shouldn't go to war without preparation."
Ekaterina believes in the present Chutian.
Chu Tian's war experience, I am afraid that not many people in the entire "Lord" can match.
Out of trust in Chu Tian, ​​Ekaterina chose to turn to the defensive, containing the forces of the Kingdom of Poland and the Holy Roman Empire, so that Chu Wu's eldest son had a chance to fight alone with the Kingdom of France.
The 500,000 eldest sons were at a disadvantage against the 1 million French army.
The forces of the Kingdom of Poland and the Holy Roman Empire are also greater than those of the Tsarist Empire. However, Ekaterina continued to conscript troops for an all-out war, and gradually equalized the forces of the combined forces of the Kingdom of Poland and the Holy Roman Empire.
This time, Ekaterina wanted to end her troubles forever and complete a fateful duel.
"The eldest son of the Great Xia Dynasty has only 500,000 people and is already attacking the fortress where Louis was stationed. Louis warned us."
"Ekaterina was helped by the mere 500,000 eldest sons, and she dared to push back. She was too trusting of the eldest sons."
The emperor Hohenzollern of the Holy Roman Empire received detailed information.
According to information obtained by the Western lords, the eldest son, known as one of the elite of the Daxia Dynasty, had only 500,000.
Compared with the terrifying 5 million standing army of the Daxia Dynasty, the eldest son of 500,000 is only one-tenth and very young.
However, it was such 500,000 people who were solely responsible for all the way, merged with Ekaterina, and attacked the Kingdom of Poland from the plains of Eastern Europe.
A group of German princes discussed together, discussing how to defeat Ekaterina and the eldest son.
"Louis is now called the'Sun King' by a foreigner. He has experienced many battles and is assisted by Cardinal Richelieu. He is strong and should not lose to the eldest son."
Hohenzollern knew that Louis had many elite corps and believed in Louis' abilities.
A duke said: "Your Majesty, it is better to let Gustav lead the Nordic Legion, cooperate with Louis, and defeat the eldest son army, and then come to join us and defeat Ekaterina."
"Alright. Come here, inform Gustav that his Swedish Legion will help the French Legion."
Hohenzollern simply calculated that the Kingdom of France is already 60 to 70% sure to defeat the eldest son army.
Coupled with Gustav's Swedish Legion, the confidence of defeating the eldest son army rose to eighty to ninety percent, almost sure.
In the teleportation formation of the fortress where the Kingdom of France is located, the Nordic lion Gustav II led the Swedish legion out of the teleportation formation.
As a holy firearm hero, Gustav II is the commander of the strongest mercenary army in Europe.
Northern Europe is sparsely populated, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is financially inadequate, and the Holy Roman Empire has paid for Gustav's army to attack Ekaterina.
There was a territorial conflict between the Kingdom of Sweden and the Russian Empire, and the Holy Roman Empire contributed money, so Gustav II was very willing to send troops to help the Crusaders and completely defeat the powerful enemy of the Russian Empire.
The Kingdom of Sweden and the Russian Empire also have hatred.
In fact, the Czarist Russian Empire is really not seen by the lords of the Western continent. They regard the Czarist Russian Empire as the civilization of the East and are incompatible with them.
"Gustav, even if your Swedish legion does not come, I can easily defeat the eldest son of the Great Xia Dynasty."
Louis of the Kingdom of France and Richelieu personally greeted Gustave II, a lion from Northern Europe.
Gustav glanced at everyone in France: "Hohenzollern gave out a lot of gold... and defeating Ekaterina and dominating the Baltic Sea is my last long-cherished wish."
Gustav was also old, and his temples were graying.
Regardless of the powerful empires in the East and the West, they all want to end the war as soon as possible before the stars fall.
"We join forces."
Since Hohenzollern of the Holy Roman Empire took the initiative to pay, Louis saved a sum of financial expenditure.
The army of the Kingdom of Sweden arrived at the French fortress one after another.
At the same time, a large number of Viking berserkers followed the Nordic lion Gustav II to travel to Poland.
"It's best to gather them all..."
Chu Wu, who was located outside the city, was happy to see a large gathering of enemy troops and was not nervous.
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