Chapter 285: Joan of Arc

   "This is the army of Muchu Zimou in Xuzhou..."
   Fei County lord and a group of Fei County tycoons came to the city wall and looked at the one hundred thousand army of Xuzhou who arrived below. Hundreds of red dragon flags were hunting and hunting, and the army under the city was neat and tidy, ranging from light infantry to crossbowmen, heavy infantry, and heavy cavalry. There were also a large number of courageous and horse-drawn carriages carrying food in the rear. Dang, can't see the end at a glance.
   After successfully becoming a Xuzhou animal husbandry, Chutian can give full play to the terrible war potential of Xuzhou.
   "Heavy armored infantry..."
   The Lord of Fei County couldn't help sweating. He saw the Tier 7 armour in the front of the 100,000 army. Thousands of swallow-clad soldiers armed with halberd shields and heavily armored uniformly.
   If this is a field battle, a thousand swallows will be enough to defeat the 10,000 infantry phalanx on the opposite side.
  Only the strong city walls can make Feixian lords and powerful people a little relieved.
   Three Guards Corps and two main force regiments were in front of the city, preparing to capture the first county of Taishan County in one fell swoop.
   "The lords of Feixian County were one of the three Taishan County lords who attacked Langya at the time. They were captured and executed."
   Chutian has already wiped out the lords who had targeted him in Xuzhou, and now it is the turn to eliminate the lords of Taishan County.
   Le Yi served as the main player of the siege, Li Guang served as the main player of the Xianden team, while Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun participated in assists.
   After breaking through Fei County, they can gallop in Taishan County.
   In order to occupy Taishan County as soon as possible, Chu Tian directly ordered a storm of Fei County instead of a long encirclement.
The    heavy team moved the parts of the siege equipment from the carriage to quickly build the siege equipment.
  咚! Boom! Boom!
   The Hercules with bare shoulders beat the war drum, the cowhide war drum made a dull and deep sound, and the Feixian lords and the powerful people were greatly frightened.
   Fei County will withstand the strong attack of Xuzhou's 100,000 army!
   "The Acoustic Shooting Battalion and the Infantry Battalion assist the Leyi Army."
   Chutian temporarily handed over the powerful shooting battalion and infantry battalion to Le Yi's command.
   The cavalry led by Chutian is so powerful that it doesn't add much to the infantry and longbowmen. Temporary command of the shooting battalion and infantry battalion to Le Yi, Le Yi can exert a stronger combat effectiveness.
   Le Yi used the flag to command and sent archers to suppress the defenders of the city wall.
   Thousands of arrows were fired, and the arrow rain of the shooting battalion poured down, constantly shooting at the enemy, so that the defenders on the wall did not dare to emerge easily!
   A Feixian hero was shot by the stream and fell on the city wall.
  The rest of Feixian tycoons and generals were pale. The arrow rain of the Xuzhou army was extremely violent, and they were completely suppressed.
   Joan of Arc, holding the Chilong Banner in her hand, saw that the Xianden team was about to attack the city. She rode up to Chu Tian on horseback, and took the initiative to ask: "Lord Lord, please let me take the initiative to participate in the siege!"
   Chutian glanced at her. He didn't understand Joan of Arc's abilities, but since she dared to take the initiative to ask for it, she should have some confidence in herself.
   "You lead five hundred elite servants as the first team."
   Saint Joan of Arc selected a group of five hundred servant infantry, including foot knights, Oriental samurai, and Togo sword players, to serve as the fourth first ascending team.
   The other three first-comers include Li Guang, Xue Rengui, and Zhao Yun, each leading 500 elite steppers.
  Leyi's army attacked Feixian from all directions, dispersed the defenders, and at the same time confuses the defenders, allowing the first ascending team to take advantage.
   The 15,000 defenders in Fei County were struggling to face the Le Yi Army's strong attack. Le Yi’s siege bonus caused a lot of damage to the defenders, and the number of casualties was rising rapidly.
   In the vast siege battle, the lives of soldiers are like grass, no difference from data.
   "The first team went into the siege!"
   About two hours after launching an offensive against Feixian County, Chutian judged that the timing was about the same, so he sent four first-come teams to take Feixian County in one fell swoop.
   "God is with us!"
   Saint Joan of Arc holds the Chilong Banner, with a trace of holy temperament. The morale of the 500 first-tier team she leads soars, and the first-tier team falls into a frenzy!
   She personally waved the battle flag, and the five hundred servants scrambled to charge the city wall!
   Chutian couldn't help looking sideways when he saw the fanatical first-comer team in the army.
   The ability of Joan of Arc is a bit like fanaticism, and even the soldiers in the East are more or less affected.
   Li Guang, Xue Rengui, and Zhao Yun’s first ascend team attacked almost at the same time, attacking Feixian from four directions, and wanted to climb the city wall first!
   "Use kerosene!"
   "Lord Lord, there are enemies on all sides, kerosene is not enough!"
  The defending army faced four first ascended teams at the same time, without redundant troops and sufficient defensive materials, and could only rush to organize defenses in each section of the city wall.
   The defenders poured fire oil and threw stones. The soldiers who were siege of the city were screamed and fell from the ladder.
   An Eastern warrior was hit by a stone and his head was bleeding. He still gritted his teeth, climbed up the city wall, and assisted Xiangyong who defended the city with a samurai sword!
   A few defenders surrounded the samurai with their spears.
   Encouraged by Joan of Arc, the Eastern Samurai desperately killed the defending army's spear phalanx and was penetrated by the spear!
   Although none of the defending soldiers was stabbed by the samurai's sword, their irrational attacks made the defenders afraid.
   There are crazy Dongying warriors and Dongyu sword players on the wall in the rear. They went forward and succeeded, fighting with the defenders at all costs, breaking the defenders’ spears, and killing the blood!
   A team of foot knights ascends to the city, they are well armored, armed with shields, crash into the long spear phalanx, and stab the defenders to death with their long swords!
  The first army of five hundred servants of Joan of Arc attacked regardless of the cost. After hundreds of people were killed in battle, they have established a firm foothold on the city wall and continue to expand their occupation.
   Saint Joan of Arc personally ascended the city, planted a red dragon flag on the wall, held a knight sword, led a dozen knights into the defender, killed a few with his own hands, and forced the defender to retreat!
   A defending sergeant swung a knife at Joan of Arc, but was knocked away by the fanatical knight around Joan with a shield, and the knight's sword pierced the defender's chest!
   The soldiers around her are so crazy, they are constantly attacking!
   On the other side, Li Guang also led a team of first ascending to the city. He held a strong bow and kept shooting the defenders. His bow and arrow can shoot through most armors at close range.
   Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun ascended the city personally. With their personal strength, they quickly swept the defenders on the wall, and the bodies of the defenders were stepped on by them. The narrowness of the city walls allowed Xue Rengui and Zhao Yun to use their force to the fullest.
   The first ascend team's breakthrough made the defender's situation more dangerous, and the defender also faced the continuous attack of the Leyi Army.
   "Already... lost!"
   All sections of the city wall are fighting hard, and Feixian faces so many fierce fighters that it is difficult to support it alone.
   The Fei County Lord's face was pale.
   He thought it could last for a month or two, but he couldn't stop it for a day without defense.
   A small group of knights, led by Joan of Arc, came straight to the Lord of Fei County.
   The defenders around the Feixian lord were defeated, and they found that their spear stabbed the knight in full body armor, and they did not break the defense.
  A gold-rank military commander went to intercept, but was assassinated by Joan of Arc with a sword, and blood splashed on the face of Lord Feixian!
   The lord of Fei County sat on the ground with fright. As a player, he knew that this was a cavalry from the West, and the one capable of wearing full body armor was not an ordinary cavalry, but a noble knight.
   "How can there be knights in Xuzhou..."
   The Fei County lord looked desperately at the knight who only showed his eyes and raised the sword.
   Feixian lords died in battle, Feixian surrendered.
   Chutian had already decided to execute the Lord Feixian before he attacked the city, so the siege troops need not be merciful.
   Xuzhou army stationed in Feixian County to get supplies.
   "What should the heroes of Feixian County do?"
   "Kill all of them, and the proceeds from home ransacking go to the lord's mansion."
   Chutian launched a war against Taishan County. The amount of grain and grass consumed every day was an astonishing number. A siege war consumed as many as 100,000 arrows. In order to make up for the expenses, Chutian ordered all the tycoons of Feixian County to be executed.
   These tyrants chose to resist and gave Chu Tian a reason to execute them. At the same time, their property was confiscated to make up for the loss.
   "Fei County has been defeated, and the cavalry can drive straight in and get supplies on the spot."
   Chutian dispatched the White Robe Corps, the Scout Corps, and the Servant Corps. They set out from Feixian County and tens of thousands of cavalry went straight to the Taishan County office.
   "The abilities possessed by the legendary heroes of France are really terrifying. Even the troops in the East will be affected. They are as crazy as the faith soldiers of the Arab Empire."
   Chutian watched Saint Joan of Arc led thousands of servant cavalry soldiers, and Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, and Hua Mulan went northward, and had some understanding of her abilities.
   But it's a pity that such a legendary hero is no longer owned by France.
  Three cavalry regiments galloped in Taishan County, as the vanguard, broke through the defenders of Taishan County, and divided their troops together!
   They captured towns, villages, and even cities, and supplied them on the spot, with little dependence on logistics.
   "Kill the enemy!"
   Saint Joan of Arc holding the Red Dragon battle flag, led thousands of servant cavalry, with more than a hundred knights as the vanguard, followed by the rear cavalry, and disperse the 10,000-man army of the Lord Tarzan!
   The low-level infantry and archers are powerless to face the expensive knights.
   Such an active army on the battlefield of Taishan County has attracted the attention of many people, and soon news came out that Joan of Arc was active on the battlefield of Taishan County for Xuzhou Muchuzimou.
   "How could our saints serve for the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty?"
   "Does she really have surrendered to the lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty? She is the hero of our France! Did she forget her identity, or was she conspired by Chu..."
   France was in an uproar when she learned that their saint was really working for Chu Tian.
They once sent envoys to ask Chu Tian to redeem Joan of Arc. Chu Tian claimed that Joan of Arc had become a free citizen in the Eastern Han Dynasty. They didn't believe it, but news of Joan of Arc's battle for Chu Tian in Taishan County spread. France, the French believe 60 to 70%.
   In their eyes, Joan of Arc has been treason, and the saint has fallen.
   "Speed ​​up the march!"
   Yu Jin, who arrived in Jibei, hurriedly assembled 30,000 Qingzhou troops. He had been caught off guard by Chu Zimou's blitzkrieg. Chu Zimou's iron cavalry galloped in Taishan County, as if entering the land of no one, at this time Yu Jin had just assembled his troops to rescue Taishan County.
   "I hope it's still too late..."
   Despite a little despair, Yu Jin still marched towards Taishan County according to his original plan. If Taishan County can be held, Taishan County will be merged into Cao Cao's sphere of influence, directly threatening Langya Kingdom.
   "Master prefect, about forty thousand cavalry officers drove straight in, and the fastest cavalry is less than 100 miles away from Fenggao County!"
   The Taishan County prefect learned that the Xuzhou cavalry drove straight in, and his hands trembled.
   Chutian attaches great importance to cavalry tactics, completely leaving Taishan County prefect without time to organize effective defense.
   Forty thousand cavalry smashed the dead, everyone in Taishan County was in danger, and no one dared to send troops to support Fenggao County, the prefecture of Taishan County. Once in the wild, encountered by the three cavalry regiments in Xuzhou, the whole army will be wiped out and no one will be spared.
   "Cao Kui, I wonder if you can block Xuzhou Mu's army for me?"
   Taishan County's prefect asked a historical general for help. He has only one historical military commander, Cao Gui, a general of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period, defeated Qi in the Battle of Changshao, leaving behind the allusion "Cao Gui Debate".
   "I am afraid that the general will not be able to turn the tide. It is better to hold on to the city."
   Cao Kui was equally helpless when facing the situation where Taishan County was attacked by the Xuzhou army and the Xuzhou cavalry was invincible in Taishan County.
   Cao Kui has a certain military ability, but he appears weak in the face of absolute strength.
   "It seems that defending the city is the only chance."
   Taishan County's prefect thought that Chutian could have 40,000 cavalry in the south of the Yellow River, so he could not have the idea of ​​fighting with him in the field.
   "Why haven't the reinforcements Cao Cao promised arrived yet?"
   Taishan County's prefect will place hope on Cao Cao's reinforcements.
  Peiguo, Yuan Shu’s pioneer general Qiaoyu has arrived here, and Peiguo is attached to Yuan Shu’s lord, gathering 30,000 soldiers and horses, and is constantly recruiting to attack Xiaopei.
The lord and hero of the bridge protagonist feast in Peiguo: "The Master Mu of Yuzhou will come to Peiguo with one hundred thousand troops to attack Xuzhou. We have 30,000 soldiers and horses as our vanguard, and we will recruit another 20,000 new recruits, which can have 150,000 troops. Known as half a million, destroying the forces of Chu Zimou with Mount Tai overwhelming."
   "One hundred and fifty thousand army..."
   The lords of Peiguo present were shocked when they learned that Yuan Shu had assembled an army of 150,000 to attack Xiao Pei and Xia Pi.
   Most people didn't notice that Yuan Shu's power was expanding rapidly, and it was already possible to gather an army of 150,000 to attack Xiao Pei.
   If a 150,000 army attacked Xiaopei and cut off the connection between Chu Zimou and Gongziwen, then Chu Zimou might lose the battle for hegemony in the area south of the Yellow River.
  Qiaoyu made a toast to the lords and powerful people: "You help Master Yuzhou Mu in the capture of Xiaopei and Xiapi. After you have done it, you will be rewarded with your credit."
   "His lieutenant, this is the information collected by Peiguo spies. Yuan Shu's general Qiaoyu recruited 30,000 troops in Peiguo, and he is still recruiting a large number of new recruits to attack Xiaopei!"
Yang Ye, who had just taken refuge in Chutian and stationed in Xiaopei, received information from Peiguo’s spies, and finally decided: "We can take the initiative to defeat Yuan Shu’s vanguard and drive him back to Xuchang. Otherwise, Yuan Shu’s army will come and join the vanguard. , The momentum is greater."
   Yang Ye led the old cavalry unit of 10,000 Guangling County, quietly left Xiaopei, and took the initiative to attack the bridge.
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