Chapter 725: Fubo Legion Expansion

   "At present, the most advanced shipyard in Dongnae County is still a sixth-level shipyard..."
  Fubo Legion intends to build a batch of new warships to replace the old warships whose durability has declined.
   In "Lord", durability is an attribute of many items. Even if the ship is not used, the durability will gradually decrease until the ship is damaged.
The Fubo Legion was established for a long time. Except for capturing Jeju Island and protecting the fleet from the Han Empire to Dongying, the warships almost did not fight, but a new batch of warships had to be replaced, because most of the blessings built before have the durability. bottom.
   "According to the plan, 1,200 ships of various types will be built to train 120,000 soldiers, sailors, and handymen."
   Yu Yunwen got the ambitious navy expansion plan of King Xia Mansion.
   Although the Fubo Legion did not achieve much success, this time, Chu Tian finally began to attach importance to the unknown Fubo Legion.
   Fubo Army has not been reused, mainly because of the lack of threats from the sea.
   Chutian’s main opponents so far are powerful civilizations on the land, and a group of navy soldiers cannot be allowed to ride on the grasslands to fight the Mongolian cavalry.
   conquered Liaodong and Goryeo, but they could attack the city from the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea by water.
   At this time, Chu Tian thought of the Fubo Army.
   "The sixth-level shipyard is too low to even produce turtle ships, and King Xia does not attach importance to navy."
   Yi Sun-sin of Goryeo Kingdom knows that the naval barracks, shipyards, and docks of the Chutian forces are only level six, so I cannot help but regret.
   Chutian hadn't paid much attention to the navy before.
The Chutian forces have two tenth-level cavalry battalions in Xiacheng, Hala, and Lin (Mongol Empire). In contrast, the navy buildings of the Fubo Army seem a bit pitiful. It can be seen that Chutian smashed all resources in the early stage. The Cavalry Corps.
   Yi Sun-sin has a drawing of a tortoise ship, which is a strong defensive ship and requires a seven-level shipyard.
"Apply to the Xia Palace for the construction of seven, even eight, and nine shipyards. The more advanced shipyards, the more advanced ships can be built, and the construction efficiency is greatly improved, and multiple warships can be built at the same time. ,shorten the time."
   Zheng Zhilong followed Yu Yunwen to the shipyard in Dongnae County, and found that the most advanced shipyard in Dongnae County was only a six-level shipyard.
   "The drawings of the eighth-level shipyard, it's not easy to get them..."
  Yunwen Yu knew how difficult it would be to build an eight-level shipyard.
   "We still need 1,500 materials for warships, only 400 materials, the fleet's combat power is not enough."
   Zheng Zhilong saw that the shipyard was building a four-hundred-fortune ship, which could hold a hundred soldiers and sailors.
  Water warfare is nothing more than fire attack, boarding, archery, artillery, and impact. The larger the ship, the more it represents the combat power. Unless in some waters with submerged reefs, the boat is less flexible, and the boat will be more effective.
   Zheng Zhilong is not satisfied with the four hundred fortune ship less than 30 meters long, but wants to build a large war ship with a length of more than 40 meters. With its huge hull, it can knock over the boat and crush it all the way.
   "A warship of 1500 materials also requires additional drawings."
   Yu Yunwen found that it would take a lot of energy to strengthen the Fubo Legion.
  The navy burns more money than the cavalry, so Chutian didn't consider expanding the Fubo army until the middle and late stages.
   "According to Mi Zhu, the Dongying people are building ships, especially the Shimadzu family that controls the Satsuma country. They established their own navy in Satsuma."
   "The population size of Dongying is destined to not toss the wind and waves."
   "Our goal is mainly to transport troops through ships and attack Liaodong and Goryeo."
   "The Goryeo Kingdom controlled by King Ming seems to be secretly preparing for the establishment of a navy."
   "Just destroy them."
   Several navy generals discussed and turned their attention back to conquering Liaodong and Goryeo.
   The primary goal of Chutian's expansion of the Fubo Legion was to defeat Mingguan with the help of the Fubo Legion.
   "A level eight shipyard?"
   Chutian received the request from the Fubo Legion, and couldn't help having a headache.
  The Han Empire is obviously a continental civilization, and the emphasis on naval forces is mainly in the Yangtze River basin. The drawings of shipyards of level 8 or above are priceless.
   The shipyard is different from the barracks of infantry, cavalry, and archer. It is difficult for non-marine civilizations to obtain the most advanced shipyard construction drawings.
   "Maybe it can be exchanged through the national war. I don't know if there is a shipyard's drawings this year."
   Chutian was unable to obtain the high-level shipyard drawings through normal channels, so he put his hope in the exchange of national war points.
   National War Points, Chutian hasn't consumed much yet, because the redemption list shows better rewards.
   To build a more advanced shipyard for the Han Empire, it is worth using national war points.
   Chutian currently has four main naval heroes, Yu Yunwen, Zheng Zhilong, Li Sunchen, and Xu Sheng.
   Yue Fei can also be regarded as a half naval hero, but he wants to guard the Bingzhou and cannot join the Fubo Army.
   Fubo Army was still not the protagonist in the battle against Liaodong. Its main role was to harass the rear of the Liaodong Army, so that the Liaodong Army had to keep a few troops to defend the coast.
   The current navy chief of the Chutian forces is Yu Yunwen.
   Yi Sun-sin, as a general of the Goryeo Kingdom, was recruited by Yu Yunwen. Chu Tian has not seen this person.
   "Let Yi Sun-sin come to see me."
   Chutian took the initiative to summon Yi Sun-sin.
   Yi Sun-sin is one of the few generals from Korea.
   120,000 people in the Fubo Regiment consisted of special navy soldiers as soldiers, and the other members were basically sailors and handymen.
   Among the soldiers, there were 18,000 dead navy divisions in the Southern Song Dynasty (Yu Yunwen), 30,000 Zheng Jiajun (Zheng Zhilong), and 5,000 Soochow archers (Xu Sheng). In this way, they have already occupied 53,000 places.
   Yi Sun-sin also has special arms, occupying 17,000 people.
   Fubo Army has a total of 70,000 soldiers, 50,000 sailors and handyman.
  Sometimes, soldiers also participate in paddle or handyman duties.
   "The navy of the Han Empire were mainly concentrated in the Yangtze River and the coastal waters. It was difficult to expedition to the west by sea."
   Chutian has a lot of worries about the future.
   Dongying in the east is not a real threat because of the population size and the size of warships.
   The real threat from the sea is the American continent further east. The United States does not have many heroes, but has many firearms. The United States may be preparing to build its own fleet.
   After bringing back the wealth of the Kingdom of Hungary from Eastern Europe, Chu Tian finally became a rich navy master.
   "Uncle, what are you looking at?"
   A little girl climbed up from behind Chu Tian, ​​and Chu Tian lifted it up with one hand.
   "Don't be presumptuous here."
   Chutian feels helpless to Ma Yunlu, who often haunts the Palace of Xia. The people of Xiliang are fierce, and Ma Yunlu is not afraid, completely treating the Palace of Xia as the back garden.
   Ma Yunlu waved his small fist in protest: "I want to practice martial arts from several sisters."
   "Before martial arts, learn character from your sister Xia."
   Chutian drove away Ma Yunlu.
   "Gee--" Ma Yunlu stuck out his tongue, then trot out.
   Chu Tian shook his head, and those who entered the Palace of Xia seemed to be full of military virtues.
"Western lords are attacking the Hungarian Empire, Attila and Temujin. These two old enemies seem to have a hard time. If Ekaterina can solve Temujin, I will have one less trouble in the future... "
   Chutian was unable to go to Eastern Europe to solve Temujin at this time. Temujin had been thinking about returning to Mobei. This trouble must be resolved.
   Liaodong Army and Guanzhong Army, they are actively preparing for war, and the target is obviously Chutian.
   Chutian goes to Eastern Europe again, the consequences may be very serious.
   Therefore, it is impossible for Chutian to lead troops to Eastern Europe in a short period of time, otherwise the civil war of the Han Empire may be triggered at any time.
   Chutian took a look at the world rankings (the second year).
   First place, Mughal Empire in India, Brahmin, 970,000 points.
   Second place, the Han Empire, I just want to farm well and earn 900,000 points.
   Third place, Tsarist Russia, Ekaterina, with 870,000 points.
   Fourth place, the Kingdom of Macedonia, Alexander, with 800,000 points.
   Fifth place, United States, Marshall, 790,000 points.
   Sixth place, Holy Roman Empire, Hohenzollern, 700,000 points.
   Seventh place, Roman Republic, Constantine, 600,000 points.
   Eighth place, Kingdom of France, Louis, 470,000 points.
   Ninth place, England, Charlie, 420,000 points.
   Tenth, Han Empire, Mingguan, 400,000 points.
   Eleventh place, Roman Republic, Caesar, 390,000 points.
   No. 12, the Mughal Empire in India...
   "Lord of the Mughal Empire in India, the points are so high?"
   Chutian was a little surprised to see the first place occupied by the lord of the Mughal Empire in India.
   "I need information about the South Asian subcontinent. Why does the Lord Brahmin of the Mughal Empire in India have so many points?"
   Chutian Eastern Europe campaign, directly killed cavalry, infantry, no less than 100,000.
   Returned to the Han Empire and killed the Northern Huns and Mobei Xianbei cavalry, 100,000 up and down, and also killed tens of thousands of Jieren cavalry and Tuoba Xianbei cavalry.
   In the second year, there were 300,000 enemies who fell under Chu Tian’s soldiers.
   Because of the lack of such powerful opponents as the Mongol Empire and the Four Khanates, Chu Tian won less points than he did against the Mongol Empire in the first year, but the fighting intensity was not small.
   Even with such a high-intensity battle, the Brahmins of the Mughal Empire in India have even higher points.
   Chutian asked Xueyue to go to find out what happened in the South Asian subcontinent.
  Because of the existence of players, as long as you pay a price, you can quickly obtain information about the South Asian subcontinent.
   "A tragic epic battle broke out on the Indian Peninsula. The Brahmins, the Maratha Kingdom, and some maharajas of the Deccan Plateau fought out. Together, the two sides killed more than one million troops..."
When    Xueyue reported the news to Chu Tian, ​​there was a touch of shock in her tone.
  The second year of the national war has not ended. The number of soldiers killed in the Mughal Empire in India exceeded one million!
  The population of the Mughal Empire in India is almost the same as that of the Han Empire, and the population is denser.
   The territory of the Mughal Empire in India is equivalent to the area of ​​the prairie controlled by Chutian, with a population of hundreds of millions.
   Therefore, the war within the Mughal Empire in India will affect more people, and the casualties will be even more severe.
"No wonder this Brahman has such a high score. He caused the Mughal Empire in India to lose more than one million young men... Although the Mughal Empire in India has a large population, most of the millions in the army are low-level soldiers, or even none. What kind of fighting courage, but if more than one million young people die, it will shake the country..."
   One million more people died before he barely ranked first. Chu Tian believed that the price was not worth it.
   These one million people are productivity and the source of troops for the future.
  The reward for the second year, no one knows what it is.
   It is estimated that Brahman is not willing to pay such a high price, but he has to do so.
  In the Mughal Empire in India, the lives of soldiers of lower castes are worthless in the eyes of the NPC lord.
   NPC lords exploded madly. As the player lord, Brahman had to expand his army and deal with NPC lords even though he knew that he could not lose the country like this. So the two sides exploded madly, even pulling Xiangyong to participate in the battle to gather the number of troops, forming a vicious circle.
   A war broke out in the South Asian subcontinent with more than two or three million people. A population similar to that of the Han Empire was crowded on the Deccan Plateau. They fought and suffered heavy casualties.
   "In the third national war, hundreds of thousands of young men died in the Mughal Empire in India, and a million young men were lost in the fourth national war. Only their population is willing to do so."
   Chutian thought of their loss and couldn't help shaking his head.
   The civil war in the South Asian subcontinent does not seem to be over. UU reading Chutian estimates that the end of the war on the Deccan Plateau of the Mughal Empire in India will cause the Mughal Empire in India to lose at least two million young men.
   For the Han Empire, this seems to be a good thing.
   This goes down and the other grows.
   Deccan Plateau, high in the west and low in the east, is an ancient, long-eroded, remnant mound-like area with many trenches, with an average elevation of 600 to 800 meters.
A war broke out between the Mughal Empire in India and the "barbarian kingdoms" of the Deccan Plateau, such as the Maratha Kingdom, the Gokanda Kingdom, and the Bijapur Kingdom. The densely packed soldiers crowded the quasi-plain between the Deccan Plateau, like dense ants. Groups of biting, cavalry weaving between the trenches, fighting each other!
   Millions of infantry and cavalry fought in a melee. Most of the infantrymen were wearing poor-quality armor, not even half-length armor, and they stabbed at each other with rough spears.
   The violent war elephants trampled on these shabby-equipped Mughal infantrymen. Wherever the war elephants went, the Mughal infantrymen were trampled into meat sauce, and their morale was greatly reduced!
  The number of war elephants invested by all parties is as many as several thousand!
   The Brahmin, the lord of the Mughal Empire in India, standing on a remnant hill, saw countless soldiers killed in battle, blood dripping from the bottom of his heart.
   While Chutian was deliberately planning to plunder the population and accumulate strength, the Mughal Empire in India was fighting desperately to consume the potential of the empire in the future.
   Moreover, one of the most desperate things is that the Brahmins were not sure to defeat the maharajas of the Deccan plateau.
  In other words, even if so many soldiers died, he could not destroy the kingdom of Deccan Plateau and unify the South Asian subcontinent.
   Within the Mughal Empire of India, castes, beliefs, regions, races, and civilizations are different. It is more difficult to unify the South Asian subcontinent than the Han Empire.
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