Chapter 740: Wind from Liaoxi

Youzhou, Jixian, officially upgraded from a large city to a giant city, with a population of one million.
This city is one of the frontline cities confronting Liaoxi County.
The Han Empire had not yet established Shanhaiguan, so the Eastern Liaoning Army attacked Youzhou from the Western Liaoning Corridor. There were basically no obstacles, and the Eastern Liaoning cavalry could drive straight in.
Wei Qing commanded Youzhou Army and fortified Jixian and Yuyang County.
At the station of the Tiger and Leopard Corps, Cao Cao is training the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, waiting for the outbreak of the Liaoxi War.
"To the east is the stone, to see the sea, where the water is Dandan, and the mountains and islands stand upright"
Suddenly, Cao Cao was very prosperous. He led a team of cavalry to break into the Liaoxi Corridor to investigate the terrain. After returning to Youzhou, he slapped Fang Yao.
Cao Cao looked at the Yuefu poem on the paper, very proud.
Cao Cao is also a half-person, capable of martial arts.
However, there is still a volume of books on the counter, and the pen and ink are still wet.
Chu Tian repeatedly urged Cao Cao to compile a new book by Meng De, a total of 14 articles, but Cao Cao only wrote half of it after a few years.
"It won't work today, write it tomorrow"
Cao Cao only wrote a few words and complained repeatedly, and felt a headache for compiling Meng De's new book, so he postponed it to the next day.
There was a rush of footsteps outside the camp, and Cao Cao's clan brother Cao Chun walked into the camp: "Brother, one person is here."
Cao Cao was surprised. Did Chu Tian dispatch another general to the Tiger Leopard Army?
A young general walked in and saw Cao Cao, a little excited.
"Zixiu, why are you here?"
Cao Cao was a little surprised. The person who came was not an outsider, but his eldest son, Cao Ang.
Because among the lord, Cao Cao did not experience the battle of Wancheng, and did not have the aunt Zou who coveted Zhang Xiu, so his eldest son Cao Ang did not die.
Cao Ang was very energetic, and the newborn calf was not afraid of tigers: "The King Xia sent me to my father's army to experience, and hope that I can be alone in the future."
"You are still far behind." Cao Cao thinks that Cao Ang's ability is inferior to himself, but he can't attack Cao Ang's self-confidence. "Since you have come to experience, then all act in accordance with military orders, and you can't rely on private relations and do anything wrong."
Cao Ang formally joined the Tiger and Leopard Army and served as a captain under Cao Chun's command.
Cao Cao is also considered a high-ranking member of the Chutian forces, and Cao Ang is under the shadow, so he is a captain when he goes out of office.
The captain was second to the generals and captains. In the Han Dynasty, he was already a very high official position. The captain of a county could even control the soldiers and horses of a county. But at this time, the princes became kings, and the military merits increased. Generals and captains were everywhere. It can only be regarded as the middle and lower level.
"Your father has fought for King Xia for many years. Now he is an officer to General Zhenbei. Don't lose your father's face."
Cao Chun patted Cao Ang on the shoulder.
Because Cao Cao is no longer the lord but the boss, Cao Chun is more relaxed, and there is no pressure to get along with Cao Ang.
"I, Cao Ang, will definitely work hard and live up to the reputation of the Cao family!"
Cao Ang makes a fist.
The Cao family is currently a large family of Chutian forces.
The Cao family and the Xiahou family were full of talents during this period. The two families have always been close, so they formed an influential family in Qiao County.
Chu Tian opened one eye and closed another. In the Cao family and Xiahou family, the two generations of Cao Cao and Cao Pi were OK, but after the third and fourth generations, they began to decline.
The existence of aristocratic family is inevitable, as long as it is within the controllable range.
Since Cao Ang’s first official career, and Cao Cao’s second son Cao Pi is less than ten years old, Cao Chun also favors Cao Ang: "Very well, I will lead a team of tigers and leopards to visit Yuyang County soon. You follow me. ."
"Yuyang County?"
"Yes, Yuyang County. We and the Liaodong Army are bounded by Yuyang County. Both sides migrated to the hinterland. The population of Yuyang County may be only a few hundred thousand people. Our Tiger and Leopard Army needs from time to time. Visit Yuyang County to prevent the Liaodong cavalry from raiding Jixian County. Jixian County has many important buildings. Once Jixian County is lost, Youzhou will lose half of it. Not long ago, your father and I led a team of Qingqi to go deep into western Liaoning for exploration. Maybe they will fight back."
"The Liaodong Army's stronghold in Liaoxi County is Guzhucheng?"
"Western Liaoning Corridor, Guzhucheng to the west, and Liucheng to the east, are all fortresses set up by the Ming king to control the entrances and exits of the Liaoxi Corridor. If you want to attack Liaodong, you must open the Liaoxi Corridor. You can also attack the Fuyu country through the prairie. The Liaoxi Corridor is in the hands of the Eastern Liaoning Army and poses a great threat to Youzhou. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the terrain and forces around Guzhu City."
In Yuyang County, a Xianbei cavalry was ordered to enter here.
Ming General Sun Chuanting stationed in Yuyang County ahead of time and joined this Xianbei cavalry.
The Xianbei tribe is not only the Xianbei, but also a mixture of Han and Huns, with complex composition.
"A cavalry entered the west of Liaoning not long ago and marched all the way to Jieshi Mountain. We must fight back."
Sun Chuanting said to Murong Xianbei, the head of Murong Xianbei.
Sun Chuanting was classified as a general of the Western Liaoning Army by Mingguan, belonging to the direct line of troops, so his actual status is higher than that of general Xianbei.
"The opponent's cavalry can go deep into the Liaoxi Corridor, retreat all over, and it is certainly not easy for the person leading the cavalry to investigate."
Murong Ba and his cavalry dismounted, the iron armor rubbed against the heavy horse armor, making a crash.
Murongba's elite cavalry units are equipped with iron cavalry.
"You led a team of cavalry and went with me to Jixian County to investigate the situation in Jixian County to show the counterattack and frighten the enemy at the same time. King Xia probably has not made up his mind to attack Liaodong. His primary goal is Guanzhong."
Murong Ba's order to Sun Chuanting was difficult to resist, because Sun Chuanting's status was higher than him.
Sun Chuanting saw two other people beside Murongba: "Who is this?"
Murong Ba replied: "My son Murong Ling and Murong Lin."
"Murong Xianbei is really talented."
Sun Chuanting's emotions sounded like thunder to Murong Ba.
Murong Ba had noticed the meaning of Sun Chuanting's words, and Sun Chuanting was very wary of Murong Xianbei.
Tribes such as Murong Xianbei, Tuoba Xianbei, and Yu Xianbei lived in the chaotic Sixteen Kingdoms of China and the Northern and Southern Dynasties. There were hundreds of years of wars and talents emerged.
Sun Chuanting guarded and vigilant Murong Xianbei to a certain extent. Murong Ba had noticed Sun Chuanting's vague hostility.
Although the two people are in the same camp, they are on mutual alert.
Sun Chuanting used his extra light to observe the two sons brought by Murong Ba. Among them, Murong Ling was handsome and looked like Wu Shuangquan, while Murong Lin was a little afraid of him and was not liked by Murong Ba.
Obviously, Murong Ling is Murong Ba's optimistic heir.
"With the help of the two lords, the exploration in Jixian this time will surely be successful. We will leave tomorrow."
The Xianbei cavalry marched to the west secretly.
The total strength of King Xia and King Ming stationed in Yuyang County exceeds 100,000, and the cavalry of hundreds of people is hard to detect.
"Ling'er, you must not love the battle this time. If something goes wrong, you will immediately retreat. We are here to investigate, not a battle. King Xia and King Ming are still preparing troops and horses, and there will be no war."
Murongba intends to train his eldest son, Murongling, so he exhorts on the way.
And Murong Lin, who was not valued by Murong Ba, was aside, looking at Murong Ling's eyes full of envy, jealousy and resentment.
"The winner of the battle between King Xia and King Ming must be King Xia. In the future, the battle between Liaoxi and Xi will be the time when you make merit. Maybe the battle between Liaoxi and Xi is over, and you can be promoted from a captain to a captain, or even a general."
Cao Chun took a team of tiger and leopard riders, patrolling the border fortress in Yuyang County with Cao Ang, and said to Cao Ang.
"In the battle between Liaoxi and Western Liao, my father can definitely defeat General Wei Qing and defeat Sun Chuanting, the guard in Western Liaoning."
"Don't underestimate western Liaoning. There are Wuhuan and Xianbei tribes in western Liaoning. They are King Ming's eagle dogs. Our Tiger and Leopard Riders have clashed with them from time to time in recent days. The two sides have suffered hundreds of casualties and have not received much benefit."
Cao Chun personally had small-scale battles with the three legions stationed at Mingguan in western Liaoning, so he knew how powerful Mingguan forces were.
Mingguan forces deployed three legions, Sun Chuanting, Xianbei Legion, Murongba, and Wuhuan Legion, along with the Yulin Legion Wei Qing, Tiger Leopard Legion Cao Cao, Xia Houyuan, and Defensive Forces deployed in Youzhou. The legion Zhou Yafu confronted.
"The leader of the Wuhuan tribe is Yudun, the chief photographer of the Three Kingdoms of Wuhuan, and the Wuhuan people compare him to Maodun Shanyu. This person is the leader of Wuhuan who supported the upper ranks of the Ming King. Therefore, his loyalty to the Ming King should not be Low. Although Wuhuan people compare it to Maodun, his ability is estimated to be far behind Maodun. Even so, it should not be underestimated."
"There are also three Xianbei tribes, Murong Xianbei, Yu Xianbei, and Duan's Xianbei. They are more brave than Wuhuan. The Intelligence Department is investigating the Wuhuan tribe. It is suspected that the barbarians came out in large numbers some time ago. Some of the Xianbei leaders fled to the east of Xianbei, hiding their identity. ."
"The leader of the Western Liaoning Army is Sun There is an elite group under its command called the New Qin Army."
Cao Chun explained the situation in western Liaoning to Cao Ang, who had just arrived.
In short, the Western Liaoning Army is the core. In addition to the Western Liaoning Army, there are also the Three Kingdoms of Wuhuan and Xianbei.
At the end of the Han Dynasty, the Central Plains war continued, and many people fled to Liaodong and Liaoxi for refuge, which expanded the population of Liaodong and Liaoxi.
Cao Ang nodded while listening. He had indeed heard that in the past two years, many barbarian heroes were born. Even King Xia recruited a group of barbarians, and Mingguan, because of Wuhuan, Xianbei, Goguryeo, Gaoli, Jurchen The Fuyu tribes are mixed, so there may be more barbarian heroes. Some were killed, some surrendered, and some were hidden in various tribes to avoid hunting down.
It can be said that the situation in eastern Liaoning and western Liaoning is more complicated than other counties.
The tigers and leopards of Cao Chun and Cao Ang were patrolling. They didn't know that, not far away, the cavalry led by Sun Chuanting and Murongba were approaching them, attempting to enter the territory of Jixian County for investigation.
At this time, Cao Chun and Cao Ang had few tiger and leopard riders.
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