Chapter 86: Fang Xuanling's Langya pair

Charcoal was burning in the brazier of the lord's mansion, and the house was filled with incense. Chu Tian invited the core figures of Xiazhen to discuss Xiazhen's strategic plan.
   Chutian's subordinates consisted of agricultural, economic, judicial, administrative, infantry, cavalry, and archer talents, which constituted his first team.
   Hua Mulan and Xia Liang are approaching, the two women are talking, while Zhou Yafu remains silent, Liu Sandao cocked Erlang’s legs from time to time, Fang Xuanling is playing against Chutian, and Li Li is sipping tea.
  Chutian holds the black pawn: "Mr. Please make a Langya pair and plan the development of Xiazhen."
   After Fang Xuanling understood the current situation in Xiazhen, Chu Tian asked him to put forward the same Langya pair as Zhuge Lianglong.
   Facing Chu Tian's ardent eyes, Fang Xuanling couldn't refuse. After all, he is now the plotter of Xia Zhen.
   "The lord can use the status of Kaiyang county lieutenant to attack the disobedient forces in Kaiyang County, expel the Taishan thieves such as Zangba, Sun Guan, etc., and then use Kaiyang County as a base to exile the state of Langya and occupy the land of Langya."
"Tao Qian is weak, Kong Rong is in the north, and with the land power of Langya country, he can recruit tens of thousands of troops. The lord then used the crusade against the Yellow Turban Army of Qingzhou as an excuse to make Zhou Yafu enter the North Sea State with tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and within a year, he could annex the North Sea State. The male ruled between Qing and Xu. At that time, the lord, depending on the situation, will compete for the two states of Qing and Xu and ask the court for the position of state herd."
   "Once you have the land of the two states, you can unify Yanzhou and Yuzhou south of the Yellow River, go south to Huainan, hit Hebei to the north, and go west to Guanzhong to divide the world."
   "Then you will have to look at Shu from Long, and go down the river, take the six counties in the east of the Yangtze River, and unify the world."
   "Fighting the Huns and Xianbei to the north and strengthening the control of the Western Regions Protector House is already the Great Emperor."
   Fang Xuanling describes the bright future of Xiazhen.
   Chutian listened carefully, isn’t the first half of the strategic plan Cao Cao’s development route?
   The only difference is that Cao Cao used Yanzhou and Yuzhou as his bases, while Chutian's base was in Xuzhou and Qingzhou.
   The second half of the plan is a routine for the Western Jin Dynasty to destroy Shu and Wu.
   Fang Xuanling’s Langya pair actually pieced together two ready-made routines.
   But what Fang Xuanling said is true. There are ready-made homework to copy in history, so the homework will not be copied crooked.
   To overcome the natural dangers of the Yangtze River, first conquer Western Shu, you can be condescending and pay back thousands of miles of Jiangling in a day.
   It's a pity... Xia Town now has only a population of more than 20,000, with hundreds of soldiers and horses. It is a bit difficult to achieve the first step of Langya's pairing-to dominate Kaiyang County.
   And the variables on the way may be very big, just like Zhuge Liang's Long Zhong right because of Guan Yu's careless loss of Jingzhou, completely declared invalid.
   Ideals are beautiful, reality is cruel, one step is wrong, every step is wrong.
   "I need time."
   Chutian knew that if the time point for achieving the strategic intent was not set, Xia Zhen would fall into a predicament of too fast or too slow development.
   If it develops too fast, it will be the same as the Mongol Empire. It will only devour the land without digesting the territory, and the territory will be divided rapidly in the back.
  If the development is too slow, then like Liu Biao and Liu Zhang, they will sit back and watch Cao Cao grow bigger and remain indifferent. When Cao Cao develops, they will be unable to recover.
   "How about taking Kaiyang County in one year?"
   Fang Xuanling carefully raised a point in time.
   The first epic battle of the Yellow Turban Rebellion began in December, and it is now the first month of the second year of the Lord’s calendar.
   "One year?"
   Kaiyang County must have an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers, maybe more than 10,000 square kilometers. Chutian doubts if Xia Town started as a secondary town, and whether such a large site can be built within a year.
   "As long as you occupy Langya City, spread the towns, and let them descend on the wind. If anyone disagrees, let General Zhou Yafu, Hua Mulan, and Liu Sandao lead their troops to pacify them."
   Fang Xuanling's words changed Chu Tian's thinking.
  In Chutian's original idea, occupying a place meant conquering every village and town.
   But in fact, as long as you occupy the county seat, county seat, and governor's house, you basically control this area. Most of the villages and towns are grass-roots, and whoever has the big fist will listen, and only a few will really resist.
   "But before that, we will use up the quota of the vassal villages of Xia Town, try to occupy the villages and towns near Langya City, and realize the villages and towns encircle the city."
   Chutian supplemented Fang Xuanling's plan.
   Langya City is a large city. After Xia Town is upgraded to a small city, you must bring a group of villages and towns to capture the big city.
   Zhou Yafu, who was silent, interjected: "The lord must also be careful about the movements of Tao Qian, the governor of Xuzhou. Once we plot Kaiyang County, Tao Qian may mobilize troops and horses to attack us with Zang Ba."
   Hua Mulan nodded: "It's not impossible."
   Tao Qian is also a trouble. On the surface, Zang Ba was Tao Qian’s captain riding captain, but in fact he became a force in Langya, and he also had Sun Guan, Yili and other Taishan thieves. In Ju County to the north, there seems to be a Langya state minister Xiao Jian, who also has some soldiers in his hands.
   If Xuzhou governor Tao Qian, Qidu Wei Zangba, and Langya state minister Xiao Jian knew that Xiazhen had less than a thousand soldiers and horses plotting Kaiyang County, and planned to capture Langya City within a year, he would definitely feel Chu Tian was crazy.
The Taishan thief power represented by Zangba, even Tao Qian did not want to eradicate, and he wanted to use Zangba's reputation to restrain other Taishan thief and deal with the Yellow Turban army.
   But Chutian has this confidence. What he lacks is not the generals, but the territory and troops.
   Zhou Yafu and Hua Mulan were invincible when they commanded tens of thousands of Han troops on the battlefield of Guangzong County, which was completely different from those in Xiazhen.
   The clever woman does not cook without The overall strength gap of the territory cannot be made up by one or two generals. As long as the opponent's generals are not too bad, and the national strength is ten times yours, just defense and harassment can consume you alive.
"Why don't you train your soldiers and horses in this cold winter? Once the spring starts, immediately capture the surrounding villages and towns? When the harvest this year, you can collect grain from various places, temporarily recruit tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and quickly take Kaiyang City. This plan can be set as a spring offensive and an autumn offensive. ."
   put down the tea cup in the summer.
  Only players will put forward the concept of "XX offensive".
   "Spring offensive, autumn offensive... this name is very good."
   Zhou Yafu read a word
   Chutian holds Heizi in his hands. The summer cool plan is divided into two steps. The spring offensive will conquer the villages and towns near Langya City, and the fall offensive will occupy Langya City.
   Chutian pondered a little: "There is another problem. If the autumn offensive starts in July, it must end before planting in October, otherwise it will not only affect planting, but also winter will come."
   "Lord Lord, if Langya City cannot be defeated in three months, there is no need to continue the attack, because Tao Qian and the other Taishan thieves will be here soon, and we can escape."
   "There is one more person to use."
"Xiao Jian, the chief of Langya of Ju County. The chief of Langya is equivalent to the prefect of the prefecture. He should have been the leader of Langya, but now the most influential person in Langya is the Taishan thief. He naturally doesn't like Zangba. If he can. If Xiao Jian and Zang Ba become enemies, Xiao Jian may be able to borrow troops."
   In the not-so-large lord’s mansion in Xia Town, the strategic plan to compete in the Central Plains was gradually improved during the discussion of several people.
   The first step is to dominate Kaiyang County, train troops, build territories in the cold winter, and launch a spring offensive in spring.
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