Chapter 862: Partition of the Kingdom of Poland

Timur controlled the Delhi area of ​​the Mughal Empire in India.
The population of the Mughal Empire in India is almost the same as that of the Han Empire. There are hundreds of millions of people. In Delhi alone, there are tens of millions of people.
So Timur has become a lord with a population of tens of millions.
From a crippled thousands of households in the Western Regions War to a great lord with a population of tens of millions, Tamerlane's ability has been proven.
The real heroes, as long as they appear in "Lord", there will always be a chance to emerge.
"Khan, Lord Timur teleported from Delhi City to Peshawar to see you. The teleportation formation between Peshawar and Delhi City is open, and you can move troops between the two empires in the future."
"Timur came to see me, it can still be reused."
Wo Kuotai put down a bit of killing intent.
Timur took away his hundred thousand cavalry and established his own stronghold in Delhi.
The object of allegiance to the 100,000 cavalry is still Wokotai. As long as Wokotai recalls the 100,000 cavalry, then Timur loses the core army and will be madly retaliated by the nobles in Delhi.
Timur came from Delhi to see Wokutai, and he was still respectful of the second Mongol Empire.
The subordinates of Wokuodai, Yelu Dashi and Mahmoud, were also conquerors similar to Timur.
"Your Majesty the Great Khan will live up to expectations and capture Delhi."
Timur salutes the titular second Mongolian empire with great sweat.
"Timur, I heard that you are at war with the foreign lord Brahmin. Are you confident to conquer the Mughal Empire in India and turn the Indus, Ganges, and Deccan Plateau into our pasture?"
"The Brahmin's territory has hundreds of millions of people, and in the end there will be only one place in Delhi, with a population of one-tenth that of the Brahmin. Even if its 100,000 army is destroyed, the Brahmin can easily recruit 200,000, 300,000, and 500,000 troops. "
"Ben Khan will help you defeat the Mughal Empire in India, and with your military merits, you will be the king of Delhi, and Delhi will be your fief in a radius of three hundred miles."
"Thanks for sweating."
Tamerlane's surface is humble, but his heart is full of stormy waves.
The second Mongolian empire was a great sweat, planning to take command of the army and conquer the Mughal Empire in India!
Tamerlane wanted to conquer South Asia with his own power and become the lord of South Asia, but Timur's master lays his hands on him, and Timur can't stop him.
Timur asked, "Why didn't the Great Khan intervene in the Han Empire's civil war and retake Mobei in one fell swoop?"
"The princes of the Han Empire have many generals. If Ben Khan intervenes in the civil war of the Han Empire, most of the princes will cease fighting and defeat Ben Khan first, and he cannot repeat the same mistakes."
"The weather in the Mughal Empire in India is hot and humid, which is not suitable for our cavalry operations. If you want to conquer the Mughal Empire in India, I am afraid that you will have to use the local dignitaries. Please leave it to the end."
"Timur, you don't seem to want Ben Khan to intervene in the Ganges Plain and Deccan Plateau?"
"it's not true……"
Sweat oozes from Timur's forehead.
Wokotai has already seen that Timur wants to turn the entire Mughal Empire of India into his feudal state.
"Conquer the Mughal of India, your fief will change from three hundred li to a thousand li, and people should learn to be content."
Wo Kuotai's tone was cold, Timur lowered his head and said, "Yes."
In St. Petersburg, Ekaterina returned to her main city, the emperor of the Tsarist Empire. She and Chu Tian’s youngest daughter, Chuanna, hugged Ekaterina’s boots and walked very awkwardly.
"Sophia, during my departure, what happened to Hohenzollern, the new emperor of the Holy Roman Empire?"
Ekaterina picked up her little daughter and asked her deputy Duke Sofia.
"The Holy Roman Empire declared war on the Kingdom of Poland. The Teutonic Knights, the Knights of Swords, and the German princes allied forces to invade the Kingdom of Poland. Obviously, they are not satisfied with the territory that the Kingdom of Poland ceded last time."
"The Kingdom of Poland deserves it."
Ekaterina did not mean to help the Kingdom of Poland, because the Tsarist Empire and the Kingdom of Poland are enemies.
"But we cannot allow Hohenzollern to annex the Kingdom of Poland so easily. We must also obtain territory from the Kingdom of Poland. Order the hero of the glacier, Alexander Nevsky, to lead a hundred thousand troops into the Kingdom of Poland from the east, and he will deal with Teutonic The Knights have some experience."
Ekaterina learned that the Holy Roman Empire, dominated by German civilization, was marching towards the Kingdom of Poland, so she sent a partial division to forcefully divide the Kingdom of Poland with the Holy Roman Empire.
The Kingdom of Poland is caught between two increasingly powerful civilizations, and it is destined to end badly.
Ekaterina already has elites such as the Tsar Guard, Shooting Army, Boyer Cavalry, Polish Winged Cavalry, and Novgorod Heavy Infantry. The Teutonic Order of the Holy Roman Empire is one of the three major European knights. It is also the largest knight order.
Sophia once again confirmed to Ekaterina: "We really want to go to war with the Kingdom of Poland? Hohenzollern has already regarded the Kingdom of Poland as his possession. If we divide the Kingdom of Poland, it will cause Hohenzollern's dissatisfaction. , And even broke out with the Holy Roman Empire. The Holy Roman Empire has little room for expansion. They may change the direction of expansion to the east. You should know that between the Holy Roman Empire and our Tsarist Empire, if a war breaks out, It will become a war sweeping the entire Western Continent..."
Ekaterina looked at Sophia's blue eyes.
Sophia is also a player, and naturally knows what the war between the German civilization led by the Holy Roman Empire and the Tsarist Empire means.
"The Poles, the Mongols, the Swedes, the French, the Germans, they all want to occupy Moscow, but they will all fail in the end. Don't worry about Hohenzollern's war with us. We have enough depth. The cold winter is our best. Great Wall."
Now that Ekaterina decided to carve up the Kingdom of Poland again, Sofia, as a subordinate, only needs to faithfully execute Ekaterina's orders.
On the Polish plains, the mighty Teutonic Knights charged the opposite Polish wing cavalry, and the grasslands were trembling!
The first few rows of Teutonic knights even equipped with expensive full-body plate armor, armed with lances, and broke into the Polish winged cavalry!
The extra-long carbine of the Polish wing cavalry pierced the plate armor of the Teutonic Knights, and the cavalry of the Teutonic Knights followed, and the same sharp spear pierced the breastplate of the Polish wing cavalry!
Two elite cavalry are in a brave knight showdown!
"Your Majesty ~ ~ Empress Catherine of St. Petersburg, who has assembled her forces. A hundred thousand troops have entered the Kingdom of Poland and want to share the Kingdom of Poland with us."
"Unreasonable! The Kingdom of Poland is the emperor's prey. This time, it will gather hundreds of princes to hunt on the Polish plains, and Ekaterina wants to intervene horizontally!"
Hohenzollern's expression was gloomy.
The Czarist Russian Empire poses a huge threat to other civilizations in the Western Continent, and it seems incompatible with the civilization of the Western Continent. In particular, the Royal Family of the Czarist Russian Empire has half Han blood, and alliances with the Han Empire pose a greater threat to the Western Continent.
"Maybe it is necessary to unite France, Macedonia and Sweden to divide the Tsarist Russia empire and not let it grow."
Hohenzollern was very dissatisfied with Ekaterina's looting behavior.
The Tsarist Empire was surrounded by powerful enemies. Ekaterina fought everywhere, but all civilizations had nothing to do with her.
Unless several great empires join forces.
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