Chapter 909: Shelling the war elephant!

The 400,000 ancient Indian army has launched an attack, chariots and war elephants galloping, under the cover of hundreds of thousands of infantrymen, stormed the defense line of the Han army!
The rain of arrows obscures the sky, and the armored war elephant advances through the rain of arrows, like a copper wall and an iron wall, ordinary crossbow arrows cannot even break the defense!
The chariot that rushed in the front tried to smash the phalanx of the Han army with its impact, but what was waiting for them was a large number of crossbow arrows produced by Chutian during this time!
Jianyan crossbowmen and Wei Wushou equipped with god-arm bows and thousands of arrows. Many chariots were shot into hedgehogs by crossbow arrows. Horses and soldiers on chariots were shot through by chaotic arrows and fell to the ground! The dumped carriage rolled over the infantry between the chariots, and the huge inertia pressed the infantry to the ground and rubbed, the internal organs were broken, and the death was terrible!
Behind a thousand tanks is a terrifying army of elephants, the earth trembles, and the soil on the side of the trench shakes off!
The Silver Spear Effect Jie Army rarely encountered a war elephant legion, nervously clutching the spear in his hand, dripping sweat to the ground.
Suddenly, with a loud noise, white gunpowder filled with smoke, and twenty solid bullets fell into the tank and the army of elephants. The huge kinetic energy cracked the tank and killed the elephant!
A war elephant was hit by a solid bullet, wailed, fell to the ground, crushing and wounding a dozen low-level infantry!
The solid bullet bounced among the infantry guarding the war elephant, and the infantry that was hit along the way was bloody!
The huge recoil caused the bronze cannon to retreat, and the gunner had to pull the bronze cannon back to its original position, clear the barrel, and then reload the solid round.
Hundreds of large bed crossbows used to siege and defend the city made the sound of crossbow arrows, and the one-meter-long crossbow arrows were shot out, penetrating an ancient Indian chariot and the soldiers on the second ancient Indian chariot!
The destructive power of the large bed crossbow at close range is also extremely amazing, not only the penetrating power, even the impact force is enough to cause the internal organs of the soldier in the armor to burst and die!
A giant crossbow pierced the body of the war elephant, splashing blood!
Bang bang bang!
A dense arquebus sound rang out, and the arquebus gunmen of the Shenji Camp had a silver gun to resist the enemy's line of defense built by the army on the side of the trench, and they did not hurriedly fired at the ancient Indian army in three stages.
The ancient Indian chariot rushed to the front of the Han army and found an almost insurmountable trench. The silver spear was held by the army with silver spears and formed a dense phalanx of long spears to block it, causing the chariot to fall into the trench and capsize.
Even if the chariot hit the Han army along the channel between the trenches, it would not be able to break through the long spear phalanx of the silver gun.
The silver spears effectively blocked the attack of the ancient Indian army.
Solid bullets, lead bullets, and crossbow arrows were all fired. The roar of cannons, the sound of arquebuses, and the roar of crossbow arrows made the elephants and tanks panic.
Especially the War Elephant Legion, which King Moonguard takes the most attention to. The elephants were panicked by the sound of firearms and the shouts of killing that echoed throughout the battlefield. Even the elephant slaves who trained the war elephants could hardly contain the increasingly anxious battle. Elephant.
"War elephants are gradually getting out of control!"
Some skilled elephant slaves have noticed that the behavior of the war elephant is extremely disturbed.
Firearms have the effect of frightening the enemy. The elephants are very sensitive to the movement of firearms and are on the verge of losing control.
Not only the War Elephant Corps, but the infantry and cavalry of the Ancient Indian Corps were also shocked by firearms and bed crossbows, and their morale was rapidly declining.
Although the number of the Han army was less than the 400,000 ancient Indian army, various long-range weapons were fired continuously, and the sudden outbreak of damage caused thousands of ancient Indian infantry, chariots, and war elephants to fall in front of the Han army.
"Use the fire camel!"
When the offensive of the ancient Indian army came to a standstill, the Han army released a large number of camels!
Each camel’s back contained hay, and the hay was set ablaze and burned!
The Han army did not hesitate to hit the camels with a hot red soldering iron, forcing them to scurry in the direction of the ancient Indian army!
A thousand panicked camels were forced to rush to the densely packed ancient Indian army, which means that after the Han army blocked the first round of the ancient Indian army's wild offensive, they can't wait to counterattack!
The red cannons were still roaring, and the solid bullets were fired every two or three minutes. In less than an hour, three hundred solid bullets were poured out. A dozen or so fearsome war elephants were directly killed by the red cannons and fell down. The mountains are shaking every now and then!
Thousands of large crossbow arrows were also consumed at the same time!
Firearms, matchlock guns, bed crossbows, and arm bows fired at the ancient Indian army at any cost, destroying the formation of the ancient Indian army. At the same time, thousands of fire camels ran away, causing the ancient Indian war elephant army to accelerate the collapse.
In the passage reserved between the trenches, the cavalry rushed out, followed the fire camel, and fiercely entered the most chaotic gaps of the enemy!
Xue Rengui took the lead, dragging Fang Tian to paint the halberd, and Fang Tian painted the halberd to dance wildly, reaping the low-level infantry of ancient India like cutting grass!
Thousands of low-level infantrymen of ancient India were picked up by Xue Rengui, and there was no way to fight back!
These low-level infantry of ancient India were originally used to protect the elephants and consume the enemy's physical strength. They were born in lower castes and had no decent armor. They were not harder than paper in front of the former warriors of ancient China.
Xue Rengui rushed into the low-level arms and slaughtered the Quartet. All that could limit him was his own physical strength!
"Mulan and Siphias, each led a team of light cavalry to outflank the wings!"
Chutian sent two cavalry generals to bypass the trenches and pinch the ancient Indian army!
Chu Tian had experienced many battles, and he had already mastered the use of cavalry. In the eyes of Chu Tian, ​​he had no knowledge of cavalry.
Times have changed.
Thousands of camels were sacrificed, the iron cavalry completely destroyed the ancient Indian army frontally, the light cavalry carried out flanking, the war elephant and the ancient Indian cavalry were hit by artillery and muskets, and the fire camels and the cavalry were attacked. They were dominated by chaos and fear. Without any room for maneuver, he had to turn around and flee, instead rushing into the huge infantry formation of ancient India.
There were dozens of huge war elephants finally unable to withstand the excitement, and fell into a rage when they retreated, trampling on the infantry following them.
Hundreds of ancient Indian infantry soldiers trampled into flesh by war elephants!
The Indian spearmen and archers on the backs of the war elephants were thrown off by the violent war elephants and were trampled to death in the chaos!
"No, they have completely lost control!"
When the elephant slave saw such a terrifying scene, he turned and fled. The power of the elephant after the rage is unmatched. Even the overweight cavalry will be topped by the rage elephant!
After the 400,000 army fell into chaos, the violent war elephants rampaged directionlessly, increasing casualties, and more and more war elephants were gradually out of control because of panic.
Hua Mulan commanded 15,000 cavalry of the Han Empire, while Siphias led 14,000 cavalry of the Byzantine Empire, respectively rounding around to designated positions from left and right, attacking the 400,000 ancient Indian army.
Wu Qi's Wei Wusher and the Silver Spear Xiaojie Army also crossed the trenches and attacked the ancient Indian army from the front.
The number of the Han army is clearly small, but like shepherd dogs, they drove the 400,000 ancient Indian army. When they forced the 400,000 ancient Indian army to retreat, they kept eroding the ancient Indian army!
The ancient Indian army has completely lost control, and even the Moonguard and his minister Kadiliye are unable to regroup in the chaotic battlefield.
It is naturally best to crush the opponent with the advantage of troops, but the greater the force, the more difficult it is to control once it loses control.
Even Han Xin Bai rises, after the collapse of the Million Army, he cannot restore order immediately.
The shortcomings of the human sea tactics are obvious, not to mention that the Moon Guardian brought 900 elephants that could not be controlled after losing control.
Defeated like a mountain, the 400 thousand ancient Indian army is defeated and defeated!
Seeing that the situation was not good, King Moonguard and Kadilia retreated riding a war elephant at the rear. The 400,000 army was defeated and returned to the main city.
All the cavalry of the Han army came out, chasing and killing them in the rear!
"Sure enough, the legendary kings of the classical era, their arms are too old, if they don't match more cavalry and firearms, they still can't be compared with the lord of the main world..."
Xia Xia Liang fell into thought when he saw King Yuehu's defeat.
The number of Cavalry of King Moon Guard was obviously insufficient, and he could not compete with Chu Tian, ​​who was best at cavalry combat.
The lords of the ancient times such as Caesar in the main world have realized this, so they absorbed other civilized legions to supplement the deficiencies of the Roman legions. After Constantine absorbed the Hospital Knights and the Byzantine heavy cavalry, it would no longer be due to the lack of heavy cavalry. upset. Absorbing the Genoese Crossbow Army can make up for the lack of long-range arms.
Alexander absorbed the light cavalry of the Hungarian Empire.
The legendary king of the classical era on the battlefield of the national warfare, but the elite cavalry and firearms are lacking, as long as they are weak...
"The solid bullets accumulated with great difficulty have been exhausted."
Although Chu Tian defeated the four hundred thousand army of King Moonguard, he was distressed by the solid bullets he had accumulated.
All 300 solid bullets were used to deter the elephant army and destroy the formation of the ancient Indian army.
Xia Liang, as the main general of the Firearms Corps, is checking the attributes of twenty red cannons: "Not only is the consumption of solid bullets, but also the durability of the red cannons. One of the red cannons has been scrapped, the others The 19 red cannons are not in good condition. Maybe they will explode in the next war."
"There are too many restrictions on firearms."
"The early artillery had all kinds of problems, but even so, it was still the most powerful firearm in "Lord"."
Summer cooler.
Seeing Xia Liang's helpless expression on purpose, Chu Tian really wanted to bully her.
"Ahem...The most urgent task is to hunt down and kill King Moonguard."
Chu Tian ignored the durability loss of the Hongyi Cannon, and first took the benefits that he was about to get.
Oda Nobunaga's army was still on the way, and King Moonguard had already been defeated, so Oda Nobunaga was stunned when he received the news.
The Moon Guardian had 400,000 troops, but was overthrown by Chu Tian's battle, and was defeated!
"Is this the strength of the sovereign nation?"
Oda Nobunaga's forehead was dripping with sweat the size of a soybean, and the palm of his hand holding a famous knife "press-cut" was sweating.
He fought with King Moonguard not long ago, and Oda Nobunaga was also a bit uncomfortable with the mighty crowds of King Moonguard, but Chutian's quick defeat of King Moonguard shocked Oda Nobunaga.
If he claims to be a person of the world, then the emperor of the suzerain country is probably the sky.
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