Chapter 988: Practical Teaching of Reincarnation: The Banknote Printing Machine

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Today is the happy day for Li Mo's reincarnation of the dirt, the two gods, the three styles and the scum storm gathered early to observe the old fairy and guide the teaching of the reincarnation of the dirt. In fact, this practical lesson is only for Nipherbito.
Shit officer Ke Mi Li completely mixed in and sucked Li Mo, at this time she was sticking to him with enjoyment, and kept sucking and sucking, feeling that this life was worth it. The dancing baby and the scum storm come together to see the fun. Baby Mai and Angel baby are waiting for their surprise gift packages.
Soon, the cranial mad devil ant meow brought up the sacrifice requested by Li Mo.
These are two failed clones with impaired vitality. The former has a mine attribute but is weak in health, and it looks like a tuberculosis who hangs at any time. The latter has dual attributes, but the Chakra reserves are extremely low. This is a congenital deficiency and it is difficult to break through. Endure the pass.
"Master, why did you choose these two kinds of garbage? We obviously have the most perfect experimental body, why not use it?" Ke Mi Li, who was stuck to Li Mo, although not learning nothing, was not really stupid, whether it was clone or dirt, They all have unique cognitions, so they ask questions from the bottom of their hearts.
At this time Bido also raised cat ears, which was also puzzled by the cranial cat.
"Your idea is correct. If you need to build a powerful puppet, the higher the quality of the sacrifice, the closer the strength of the" reincarnator "from the psychic will be before life. But do n’t forget, I called the undead this time, not to fight , But the memories and secrets in their minds. "
"The technique of filthy soil can ignore the will to manipulate the behavior, but the undead still retains their self-awareness. Especially the three generations of Leiying and the four generations of wind shadows are all arrogant generations. The strong will is not affected by external forces. However, the body and will affect each other . I choose the most suitable but weakest sacrifice for psychic. You can further weaken their will through the container, reduce the difficulty of questioning, and reduce their danger. "
Imagine calling out a weakened version of the rooster that is less than 1/10 of the strength of this deity. Even if the three generations of Lei Ying are reborn before they can live, can they get rid of the control of reincarnation? Even if he breaks free, can he resist Li Mo's repression? Slap the dead girl, call it again after 18 minutes, continue to play your dead girl!
"I see!" The Cranio cat nodded suddenly, what he learned.
Baby Mai and Angel also instantly realized Li Mo's good intentions. These two reincarnated souls are gifts for them. After being weakened, there is no danger. They are more suitable for practising confessions without worrying about turning over.
What Li Mo first summoned was the fourth generation Fengying Luosha of my father Luo Luo.
Although Fengying was murdered by Uncle Snake, he was not weak. On the contrary, he can stand out in Shayin Village and compete to the position of Fengying, which has strength in itself. Luo Sha's one-handed magnetic escape controls innumerable gold sand, and repeatedly suppresses a runaway guardian crane, which is also a personal thing. But his bigger function is to extract the gold to support Ninja Village's expenses from the vast desert of the Kingdom of Wind.
Luo Sha can become a wind shadow, and ninety-nine-nine is his blood-based gift of the "human-shaped banknote printing machine". Why did Shayin choose my Ai Luo to succeed the 5th generation of Fengying? In addition to thousands of generations of old women operating in the dark, there are also villages where the economy is sluggish, living standards are declining, and the people are centrifuging away from Germany. Many low-level patiences are eagerly hoping that Ai Luo also awakens the 'golden sand' talent and continues to act as a human-shaped banknote printer to provide love for the whole village. (Love = I love Luo)
But having said that, Luo Sha has two children and a daughter. I love Luo to inherit the red hair of my father and inherit the degraded version of ‘Magnetic Escape’. The pro-son confirmed that there is no doubt. However, elder sister Teju is blonde! Mommy Karowa has brown hair.
Take a thousand steps back, after all, uncle is also blond, let's just count it as intergenerational inheritance. Although Teju did n’t inherit his father ’s blood-heavy limits, and there was no degraded sand escape, but the wind attribute was one-half of the magnetic escape. What about Kanjiro? Black hair + puppet master ... and let us take a step back 10,000 steps, and then think about this difficult problem.
(Conan ’s face has a playful and friendly mysterious smile: There is only one truth! Kanjiro: Teeth! Exposed!)
When Li Mo, who was away from heaven, returned to God, looked at the four generations of wind and shadow standing in the coffin, his eyes full of pity.
Although the sand hidden village in this world is weak, it is far more than the original one, and there are three S-class towns. Although our money printing machine grabbed the position of Fengying, the situation in the village was not good, and there were political opponents and competitors.
Not only was he forced to act as a ‘gold scouring worker’ to make money to feed the whole village, the birth of his eldest son was also suspicious, but the couple were dumb to eat Huanglian and chose to be silent, having to raise cuckoo eggs. Then the wife conceived her son and died inexplicably in dystocia. She almost died of both mother and son and her blood was cut off.
During the lifetime of the money printing machine, I was afraid that I had to realize that in order to protect my son, I had to seal Shouhe in my body. It seems cruel and ruthless, but in fact it is full of fatherly love, a painstaking!

When Luo Sha woke up, she felt extremely weak and very uncomfortable. As if I was a kid, I was just forbearing.
He is a 'magnetic escape' ninja, but the sacrifice is a weak 'wind escape + earth escape' physique, which is restricted everywhere and uncomfortable. But fortunately, once the S-level pinnacle of power, magnetic escape has long been integrated into the soul to become instinct. And when he was psyched out, he also carried a part of "Magnetic Chakra" in his soul.
Driven by the instinct of digging into the bone marrow, he quickly merged the 'wind escape and earth escape' in his body, artificially awakened the magnetic escape blood to follow the limit, and became the money printer of the country of waves!
"Who are you ?! Where is this?" Breathing uncomfortable moist air, he noticed that everyone in front of him threatened him, and Luo Shali said.
Immediately afterwards, he found himself standing in a coffin! The next second, the brain was immediately overwhelmed by huge memories. He remembered the scene of the murder with Da She Wan, and the whole person was shocked and stood still!
"I am dead? How is it possible? Am I dead ?!"
There is a chaos in Luo Sha's brain. Da She Wan is indeed tough, but Lao Tzu is Fengying, there is a village behind him! No matter how weak Shayin is, there are three S-classes. How could he be blocked by Dashe Wan casually? Who leaked his whereabouts! Will Fengying not be guarded? Will it be better than Xiaoyin Ninja Village? Lao Tzu and Da She Wan have been fighting for so long, and there is such a big noise, just ask, where is the reinforcements? !
Who is it? ! Who is doing the dirty XX transaction behind his back? ! I've compromised enough, aren't you satisfied yet? Can't hold back, can't wait for me to die this Fengying? !

Luo Sha thought of something bad, and he looked crazy and runaway at any time. However, Bido used only one hand to make a seal, launching the manipulative maneuver of dirt, and his limbs were instantly stiff and unable to move.
Immediately, a beautiful fist continued to enlarge, occupying his vision, and then with a bang, the head exploded!
Li Mo looked at Bido with a punch, and always felt that this scene seemed familiar.
(Do n’t work hard in the water country, and suddenly shivered.)
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