Chapter 1079: Conquer Ghostfish and attack Wuyin

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When the time went back, when the Taiyin ink was in Muye and the Krypton gold system was vigorously developed, Li Mo of the Kingdom of Waves was not idle. After instigating the Wuyin civil strife with one hand, he succeeded in brainwashing another prisoner, the dried persimmon shark, in the shrimp base.

Although Shark Brother is ugly and can only stop children from crying at night, it is the most normal one among the Xiao organization!
He has no brother's bitterness and hatred for controlling Itachi, no madness in the flying section, no grief in blackening the earth, no paranoia in saving the world, No Uncle Snake's morbid passion for science. If everyone in the Xiao organization has serious mental illness and psychological problems, then the ghost may be the only exception.
His problem is only in the appearance that is very different from ordinary people, which leads to loneliness and unconfidence.

The shark head in his young age was loyal to Wuyin. He carried out various missions to death without complaints. He was dull, loyal, and happy. Until the chance coincidence, seeing the darkness of Ninja Village and human nature, Sanguan collapsed and chose to defect, and at the same time his heart was full of confusion.
At this time, he jumped out of the soil and used his tongue as a spring to spread his mouth and tell the ‘Eye of the Moon’ plan to rescue him from falsehood and pain and invite him to create a world free of hatred and pain. Ghostfish was empty and longed for beauty, and was deceived into a thief ship.
In Li Tuanzi's opinion, this is an excellent business ability, but the emotional intelligence is very low, very silly and naive guy. Yuzhong max is especially suitable for employees.

Li Mo didn't even have to spend much time. He just took the ghost shark in the open eye paradise to deduce the inevitable failure of the "Moon Eye Project". After all kinds of serious negative reactions, his fragile glass heart broke again.
The beautiful ideal of paralyzing the soul is just an unrealistic illusion of a secondary school student. What is more sad is that behind the ‘Eye of the Moon’ there is still a bigger shady scene, and he has been used as a gun again. The shark head is scarred and the gap is broken again. What is the most basic trust between people?
At the time of his serious self-doubt, Elder Victor sent warmth and expounded his beautiful ideals for the benefit of life, for educating the world, forging the world of forbearance and forbearance. But the ghosts that were deceived in succession have fallen into autism and refused to trust anyone.
Li Mo didn't force it, he just took him to visit the changes in the Kingdom of Bo and spoke with facts. Unlike those illusory bichi who only use delusions and use other people's behind-the-scenes hands, I'm Prometheus. Li Zhixing united to learn and apply, and never speak empty words!
I'm a good person, but I don't say it.

Soon afterwards, Li Mo released the ghost fish that had been beaten up, looked at the bustling streets, and said:
"If you think I'm cheating you, the smile on the people's face is fake, there is a better place in this world than here, then I can't say it, go after the ideal in your heart. By the way, At the same time, itachi has abandoned the dark cast and joined the country of waves, and is ready to rejuvenate the Uchiha family again. Now it is left or left, and you have the choice. "
Li Mo tried to make a comeback, and directly hit the soft underbelly. He is now in a confused period of emptiness, and the old fairy holds a brand new chicken soup.
Ghost Shark's expression changed, his expression hesitated and struggled. Eventually, he saw the old fairy tiger's body startled, turned around and left, and ignored the others. He hurriedly stepped forward and bowed his head: "Mr. is on, accept me!"
"Hey, let's go. The road of world harmony, hardships and obstacles hurry, I hesitate to see you, it is a person who is not determined! The great cause is difficult, and there is no tolerance for mistakes. I will not accept you. People are companions. "
Li Mo pretended to be pretended, but Piao Jiao refused, but did not leave, but turned his head to look at the sea at a 45 ° angle and acted as tight as B.
The ghost shark was shocked by his eruptive temperament (heart magic field), and he did not care about other things. He only regretted missing this opportunity in his life (in fact, it was Li Mo ’s spiritual suggestion), and said seriously: "I am sincere If you want to join the shrimp organization, benefit all living beings, please beg your husband, give me a chance, please give me a test! "
Seeing his sincere and sincere words, the film emperor finally couldn't bear to refuse, waved his sleeves and stood up, sighed: "Well! You come with me, if you pass the test of heart training, you will be given a chance."
At this point, Li Mo basically subdued the shark head, but this was not enough.

I do n’t know Li Mo ’s sinister ghostfish, followed the old immortal into the Devil ’s Cave (private laboratory), lying on the test bench irresistibly, and could not wait to face the heart-practice test (virtual soul brainwashing). In another cycle of rebirth, in various desperate situations, the old fairy encounters light and salvation, walks out of the predicament and leaves the mark of loyalty.
Li Mo is shameless for ten consecutive rounds of reincarnation, and the ghost fish is even more silly and irresistible. Let Li Mo tear the firewall and engrave all kinds of branding in the core of his soul, built a series of 'Tai Yin Xin Mo Liu
Meng brainwashing software ', Tampering with the core soul code, and finally successfully completed the test, became the No. 1 fanatic of Tianzi.
"Congratulations, you have passed the test, and you will be a comrade of the shrimp organization! From today on, you are the fourth 'Wang shrimp seven martial arts', codename ... well, let me think about it, just call it 'shark pepper'! "
"Thank you, Lord, give your name!"
The tears touched by the ghost fish only felt a new life, and the Qingming thoughts of Lingtai were accessible, and the indescribable unsatisfied satisfaction seemed to have gained great light and joy.
Seeing this scene, Li Mo was acting as a human-shaped electric fan on the side, trying hard to escape the little rhinestones of the fan. The corners of his mouth twitched violently, his tongue sticking out, and the secret pits were poisonous, just like the teeth of the teeth, unable to vomit.

Seeing Ghostfish's fierce and firmer eyes than blood teeth, Li Mo felt emotion in his heart and could not help but sneer: "Hiss, this generosity is a little bit."
Tuanzi was dissatisfied and said: "Nonsense! This mortal who does not have a tire to protect his soul can't stand firm for three rounds. You have ruined so many essences, let him reincarnate for ten games, and the loyalty mark is engraved on the field, and the fanatics also Change your faith by your washing! "
"Wrong! The fanatic believer has been imprinted with divine power by the gods and penetrated into the core of the soul. The chance of brainwashing to change his faith does not exceed 0.01%. Even if I am proficient in the magical method of the Taiyin Mind, it is more likely to be self-denial and the soul collapse. Road.
If the loopholes of fanatics are so easy to drill, the way of the devil has long been blown by the big brothers. Everything works against each other, and the Taiyin Demon is not omnipotent.
Li Momo heard the words and changed the subject, angering him for his extravagance and waste: "Is such an indigenous shark head worth the investment and waste? Those resources are enough to produce a hundred pairs of jade jade!"
"It's a bad word. The haunted ghost haunted from the hidden part, and is proficient in silent assassination. He is a personal talent and is closely related to the next big experiment."
Da Tuan's eyes lit up: "Would you like to use that crippled personality?"
"Of course!"

Soon after, the shrimp organization secretly sent the king shrimp seven martial sea two, Zuo Zuozi and dried persimmon shark, each led a cloning team, secretly infiltrated the water country to perform secret assassination missions.
Supported by psychic network intelligence, there are spies who are no longer developing, and there are phone worms to send materials across time and space, and kryptonite magic nets give power, and the two shrimp kings are like invisible ghosts, constantly stirring up the two camps of Wuyin. Contradictions, creating small-scale fighting.
During this period, the two kept attacking the middle-level backbone of Wuyin, and they were seamless and silent. Then collect the corpses of the dead, destroy the corpses, and then perform the resurrection by Taiyin ink, recreate the reincarnation, and forcibly control and modify the soul, become the undercover of the wave country, and reinsert it into the fog.
Replace yourself without flaws, no one can detect. In this way, in just one week, the two big shrimp kings had invaded 1/3 of the grassroots backbone of Wuyin, and at the same time penetrated into the upper and lower directions, and the time was finally ripe.
Under the control of Li Mo, another caravan belonging to the Kingdom of Waves was wiped out by the cruel corpses of Wu Wu at sea. Provoked twice in a row, the "land of waves", the land of projectiles, was finally intolerable, and the cockroach tree launched a war against the country of water.
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