Chapter 11: Part ways

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In the next few days, the crowd made a lot of money with Victor's stealing skills and Ruth's fantasies and souls, and lived a low-key life very well.
With the passage of time, people gradually disguised themselves in a disguised manner, and integrated into the world a little bit, it seems no longer so abrupt.
Until the early morning of the fourth day, the Orc elder who had an overall understanding of the world, used the excuse to fight with the local warrior to test the strength level of the world, and eventually disappeared, completely disappeared and became the first to leave the team. Reincarnation.
The orc was faintly rejected by the entire team, so he decided to act alone.
Also on this afternoon, the evil goblin chicken wings attacked a small disciple and tried to seize the other party ’s martial arts cheats. As a result, the conspiracy failed and was burned. The victim ’s brother was chased and killed, and finally got into the woods to escape Disappeared and became the second member to leave the team.
Early the next morning, Li Mo, who got up early, found that Andy and Ruth disappeared at the same time, leaving only the two of them and Tong En in the inn.
"Big Brother, are they disgusting us?" Little Loli changed her image of being stupid and cute and said mockingly when she found no outsiders.
"Can you change your expression? It's not cute at all." Li Mo held the chopsticks and pulled the beans in the plate. The little Loli looked envious.
"Brother Victor, you are so good! I have practiced for four full days, and I still haven't learned." Tong En said, reaching for the beans and stuffing them into his mouth. "The food here tastes good."
"Why always follow me? You should be better than me?" Li Mo is still an ordinary person for the time being, and Victor is just a little punk who exercises regularly. In this squad, except for the goblin chicken wings, everyone is stronger than themselves, including this extraordinary wild loli.
"A lot of people are powerful! I'm just a child, and one person is very dangerous. Big brother, you are a good person, I like your smell, I'm very comfortable with you, and I'm especially safe. Why, don't you think I Is it cute? Or would I spend my purse ..., cough, hire you to protect me? "Xiao Tongen flattered.
Li Mo thought for a while, Andy seemed to be a lover
child, and the look in Tong En was not right. Ruth is a drow, even if she behaves normally, it is unreliable. The rest, a goblin with no promise. A cruel and fierce orc. It seems that only you are more reliable?
Is it because of yourself? Forget about ignoring her, this girl has some value behind it, and she is clever, just leave her. This "Reincarnation Hall" is similar to "Master God Space". If you can cultivate a reliable teammate, even if it can only be counted as "half", it is also a good thing.
"Brother, don't you want to practice? I can teach you! I understand the skills of this world. I can be your coach and teach you amazing skills. You can still use it when you return to 'Hitaheim'!" "Little Loli tempted
"Do you think I don't understand cultivation?"
With that said, Li Mo drew two cheats from his arms and shook them in front of Tong En. One of the two books is called "Moon Toad Qi" and the other is called "Triple Cloud", both of which are the martial arts methods he exchanged from the Temple of Reincarnation.
The former practice alone is superior martial arts, and if it is combined with the relevant conception gates and the imitation method, it is also the top-level exercise for practicing qi and building the foundation.
After the cultivation is successful, you can use the internal force to simulate a trace of the power of "Taiyin". Its attributes range from yin to cold and unpredictable, but it is usually cultivated by women. After training, you can build the foundation directly, and after you have introduced a trace of Yuehua into the body, you can transfer to the advanced version of the "Taiyin Sutra" to enter a more mysterious cultivation.
The whole book "Moon Toad" is priced at 1,800 points. However, Li Mo was not completely exchanged. He is a martial art idiot and he has self-knowledge. Although the duck-duck stuffed a lot of basic knowledge, it could not be applied flexibly, let alone improve the end of mind conception, so only the part belonging to martial arts was exchanged.
The reason why Li Mo chose this soft girl to practice the Yinhan martial arts is entirely to match the most valuable copy of the "Resurrection Tribulation" among the reincarnation reincarnations.
As for another "Triple Cloud", this is the famous flower thief. Tian Boguang, who is alone in the thousands of miles, has the housekeeping skills. He belongs to low-level martial arts and is a top escape. It is good at long-distance raids, straight-line travel is extremely fast, and consumes little internal force. The farther the distance, the more unique it is, which can be called a life-saving stunt. If you practice to the fullest, you can travel thousands of miles a day, enough to cross the Wujiang Lake.
In addition to this, this light skill also has a big peculiarity, that is, it can be done like a ‘three-stage stacking’ of a two-stage jump. Once it is performed, it is like flying clouds and stepping on the three stacks of clouds. It is suitable for getting out. Tian Boguang usually flew directly to other people's windows by this trick, and then entered the room to gather flowers, which was chic and convenient.
Imagine that when you are struggling with people, or are besieged by group beatings, and the combat power is in danger, you suddenly use the "reverse step on the three stacks of clouds", just like the fairy in the middle, Ling Xu stepping, stepping up, rising directly from the fight , And then turned around and ran away. With another elegant dress, there is really a B grid!
Li Mo, who inherits Victor's memory, knows the essence of being a thief, and his strength is second. The key is to be able to run and escape, so that he can make a comeback. So he did not hesitate to choose "Triple Cloud", which is a cheat that can run and be chic. In the future, if you take part in "Pharmaceutics" again, you will get a magical version of Tian Boguang!
In the past few days, Li Mo has been familiar with reading the martial arts route of these two martial arts every day, and various notes have been made, but he has not tried to practice formally.
Because after a week, the planting of the memory of the reincarnation temple in his soul will begin to germinate and spread a little, releasing the memory that belongs to the "magic bone".
If there is a master's memory as a reference, practice can avoid many detours. With mutual verification of one's own ideas, one can deepen understanding.
"Well, I knew you were playing pigs and eating tigers, and you actually got cheats. That little book is definitely a space item! But how is your brother so bad? It doesn't look like it's disguised. And your kung fu is The original version can only be used in the world of different degrees, and does not meet the rules of 'Hitaheim.' So, if you take me, I will tell you how to practice martial arts in Hitaheim. "See Li Moshen's family is also generous, and Tong En is determined to rely on him, deliberately showing a pitiful expression, begging.
"Forget it, look at you pitifully, and take you in. In the future, honestly, if you have any questions, don't hide it, you know?"
"Uh huh, would you take me out for a ride, OK?" Tong En continued to plead. In the past few days, she asked Li Mo to take her out of the mountain bike every day.
The strange things like mountain bikes are like mysterious birds to the earth, full of mysterious charm. Not to mention that Tong En was deeply obsessed with it, even the owner of the inn was shocked by the artifact, and wondered, wondering what kind of Mojia institution this is, and the ruthless horse of Zhuge's prime minister.
In the afternoon of the same day, Li Mo brought Tong En into his bedroom, then closed the door tightly, and did not come out all afternoon. Until dinner, the little girl yawned and returned to her room with a tired look.
But Li Mo in the room was staring at a piece of paper. He did n’t do anything else this afternoon. He had been asking Hitun about ‘Hitaheim’, especially the most powerful heroes on the mainland. What did they come from? What kind of power? And the power of this magical world is graded.
According to Tongen's introduction, combined with the verification of Victor's memory, Li Mo has a preliminary impression of the world of 'Hitaheim'.
The most terrifying place in this world is the existence of gods! The gods possess divinity, master the priesthood, and condense the divine personality, which is the embodiment of the rules of the Dao, a powerful and immortal existence, and omniscience and omnipotence. It may be exaggerated, but Hittarheim ’s power level is not inferior to the mythological story of the earth, and even catches up with the ancient wilderness.
Of course, the gods of Hittarheim are also very different from the gods in the heaven mythology. They are more similar to the gods of Greek and Nordic mythology. They are very similar to the witch clan of the heaven. They are all natural authority dogs. , Different fireworks, invincible by no reason.
However, as the time and space storm torn the crystal walls, this group of gods sitting on the rule of gods, but they do not know the reason, have fallen out of grace and gave the human strong man a chance to counterattack.
This world's classification of non-gods is similar to the dnd world, but there are also huge differences.
Under the gods, humans are divided into twenty initial levels, fifteen of which are ‘Holy Domain’, and twenty is a final watershed. Every level up is an enhancement. Anyone who surpasses level 20 is collectively referred to as the 'Legendary Strong'.
For mortals, every five levels is a hurdle, the greater the difference, the difference between heaven and earth. After breaking through five levels, the level of life has undergone a transformation. The legend beyond level 20 can no longer be described by humans.
Levels 1 to 5 can generally be achieved as long as you practice carefully and have sufficient resources to assist you. The five-level professional is already the limit of human physical fitness, and is called the extreme power. Putting it into the martial arts world is basically a master.
The so-called tenth level involves the first transformation of the spirit and soul, and people with insufficient qualifications can hardly reach it in their lifetime. The tenth-level mage who specializes in spiritual power is even more terrible, often referred to as the "big
mage". In Li Mo's view, it is a humanoid self-propelled fortress.
As for the fifteenth-level sanctuary, it is to reach the extreme of a certain field, come into contact with the rules, and condense the rudimentary strongman of the field. And the final 20th level is the end that a strong man can reach.
Professionals who cross legends are almost heroic heroes in myths and legends. After reaching 'Legend', there are generally two ways to go.
If you choose to retain the identity of human beings, then you will continue on the path of exploring power, from level 25, level 30, level 40 ... theoretically there is no end. However, humans have all kinds of innate limitations. No matter the life span or physical strength, there are limits. If you choose to keep your identity, you will eventually die.
If you want to get immortal life, eternal power. Then when a professional enters the ‘legend’, he is eligible to absorb the divinity and become a demigod. Then go one step further, collect the divinity, control the priesthood, and finally condense the personality into a new deity. However, Fengshen is an extremely bumpy road, and since ancient times, few people have been able to succeed. The spirits are mostly born dogs with authority.
In addition, for the legendary strong, you can also try to transform into a lich, join the abyss to accept the baptism of the evil source, and become the abyss lord; or surrender to the gods and join the hell, these are good ways to obtain a long life.
The above set is the definition method before the "catastrophe".
However, since the "time and space storm" fifteen years ago, after swept through the crystal walls of Hittarheim, the gods were disqualified, the reincarnation hall came, and a large number of reincarnations brought back the power belonging to the outside world, the power system of the main world was completely Chaos, although some people continue the original "leveling system", but there have also been more concise new levels.
Nowadays, the most popular method of grading is related to the rating inside the reincarnation hall, from one star to ten stars. The original level 10, 15 and 20 levels correspond to 3 to 4 stars, 5 to 6 stars, and 7 stars respectively.
The higher the star in the reincarnation hall, the more exaggerated the span. Nine Stars can theoretically hang the dog of the authority of the main world.
Li Mo summarized it in the most intuitive way: Samsung ’s median position is almost innate in the martial arts, and the four stars have entered the foundation to start cultivation. Further division, he is a mortal who knows nothing, and it is not easy to put his beak.
Li Mo now has a one-star reincarnation evaluation, but it is actually the same as "sporadic". Unfortunately, there is no "zero" rating in the reincarnation hall. Even if a mouse, a dog, and an underpants, as long as they enter the reincarnation hall, they all start one star.
After understanding his own situation, Li Mo heard from Tong En about the situation of several other teammates. Talented races like Orcs and Drow elves have higher starting levels than humans.
Ruth's strength is not obvious, but at least one star has a high evaluation, and the overall ability is added together, which is probably the peak level of the second-rate rivers and lakes. Elven races are generally flexible and ingenious, and Drow also has a fighting basis. Even if you do n’t practice martial arts, the fighting skills will not be worse than the average master. And the elves obviously exchanged their skills and practiced for a month. Maybe their strength could be improved?
Not to mention that half-orc, a murderous, blood-stained body, it is a battle-hardened generation. In addition, half-beast physique is generally stronger than humans, and it is placed in the martial arts world. It is a talent with a different talent and proper natural divine power. Li Yuanba weakened the template and walked. It is really exciting for this kind of guy to practice iron cloth shirts.
The last Andy, listening to Tongen's tone, this guy should be a standard knight template. After undergoing rigorous training, his intelligence will never be low. If he is baptized in the main world, he can even awaken the power of the Holy Light. Perhaps his skills are not as complicated as the martial arts world, but his physical fitness is excellent, the moves are simple, powerful and efficient, and with a valuable armor, it is not difficult to eat a few martial arts people. If there is a horse, the strength can be further increased.
As for Little Lori Tongen, she has also been exposed to the magically modified internal power. She has a sensitive movement and extraordinary strength. In the afternoon, she is still performing a palm-print coffee table in the room. With a slap, she drops a small handprint on the solid wood table. To be more honest, she hanged Li Mo.
As for the last goblin, Li Mo finished exploding it! ! ! Why do you suddenly feel more confident?
"In other words, I am actually the penultimate. But I also have an advantage. The memory of the demon bone has begun to be released. In addition to the basic knowledge of the reincarnation hall, I can also understand the secrets of internal power. As long as you practice carefully, you can Master your internal skills, further enhance and strengthen your own strength, so as to embark on the path of the strong! And here is the 'Dragon World', which belongs to my home field, and there are many shortcuts to enhance strength. "
Li Mo recalled the plot of the "Tianlong" while calculating the next path: "Unfortunately, if you catch the cheater" Northern Deity God "before the plot begins. What you lack is time and lack. It ’s internal strength. For three months, even Lin Ping ’s sister, who is holding back evil spirits, ca n’t get back to heaven.

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