Chapter 1151: The secret of Tuanzang: The Legend of Konoha Ghoul

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The impression of the Japanese foot on the roots is based on the Muye Village Sewerage System. The inverted pyramid structure with layers shrinking and falling is like a honeycomb in Raccoon City. When he broke into the dungeon, the space nearby had shrunk very little.
He was useless even to see through the eyes, and guessed that the secret chamber of Tuan Zang must be the bottom of the entire root! It is also the floor with the smallest space, where his greatest secret is stored!
However, at this moment, the Japanese foot was surprised to discover that the real roots were by no means a hidden organization that used soil escape to go deep tens of meters underground to create an inverted pyramid space. The real structure of the root is a funnel-shaped space!
(The hive of sublimation crisis 1 is expanded to the hive of biohazard 5)
Even the backbone members of the root are not clear. Under the "root", a larger space is opened up. The secret room ladder of Tuanzang is the narrowest part connecting the two sides of the funnel.
After stepping out of the slanting downward staircase, the Japanese foot found itself on the top floor of a huge underground space deep underneath, at the foot of which was a spiral staircase. And this huge underground space does not have a treasure that he imagined suppressing root luck, but ...
A tree he can't name, can't tell whether it's an animal or a plant? But the volume is extremely huge! Exuding strong vitality, the powerful Chakra waves, like the heart constantly contracting and beating, releasing the horrible extreme pressure, making him feel depressed, nausea, suffocating horror creature!
The Japanese foot was dumbfounded at the moment, and at the first sight of the thing, Sanguan collapsed instantly. His heart was frightened, and his brain was blank, and he once lost his ability to think.
How to say it? This thing is definitely a living creature, it looks like a tuber of some kind of plant, and think of a huge deformed heart with a length of more than twenty meters and a height of more than ten meters, almost touching the ceiling of the underground space.
Its texture is between the roots of the plant and the pieces of animal flesh, which can't be described as strange and evil. The animal side, like a deformed heart, is trembling, shrinking and expanding. On one side of the plant, the surface is irregularly bumpy, covered with nodules, extending numerous fibrous roots and plunging into the earth.
With the pulsation of this stuff, those things like roots and tentacles are also regularly contracted, and under the pressure of pressure, they transmit some sticky substance. Did it penetrate through the cracks and let the surface of the entire tuber and countless tentacle roots, dissatisfied with the sticky material, tick down.
It is the surface of this huge gadget that most shocks the scalp and numbness of the Japanese foot, embedding the large and small eyeballs with no regular distribution. The smallest basketball size, the largest eyeball with a diameter of one meter, each is blood red and blood red, without pupils, floating a black hook jade, irregularly turning around in the eyeball.
"Write ... write chakra?"
The heliotrope, whose heart was beating violently, felt like he had broken into a magic cave. It took a long time to recover from the terrible mental shock, and gradually recovered his thinking ability, recognizing this disgusting eye, how similar to the writing wheel eye of the Uchiha family, except for the size ... and it looks like a creature It looks like a tuber of a plant ... 'Wood Dun' immediately appeared in his brain!
Depressing the urge to vomit, his heart was still shocked, feeling that he had discovered a shocking secret by accidentally hitting it! Really ... he can't think anymore, he can't organize language.
Everything in front of me is really supernatural for a veteran ninja who has experienced great winds and waves, mastered the extraordinary power, and has seen all kinds of bizarre blood successors!
As he expected, there is indeed a treasure under the roots to suppress luck. This indescribable description is the treasure of the biological family that is comparable to the treasure of the town clan passed down from generation to generation on the moon, the super-large ‘reincarnation eye’! However, the specific use is unknown.

Naturally, the Japanese foot has never read the "Cthulhu" series of novels, otherwise the words "Ancient Evil, Indescribable" will be reflected in the mind immediately.
But what he encountered just now was to look directly at things that could not be looked at directly, beyond the scope of what he could understand and think, the spirit failed to pass the judgment, resulting in a series of dementia, mental pollution, nausea and vomiting after the SAN value dropped Viewing collapse, shaking and wanting to kneel ... and other normal physiological and psychological phenomena.
Although there are stairs in the underground space, there is absolutely no normal person willing to enter below this platform.
It is already a great courage for Japanese foot to feel that it can stand on this top platform instead of fleeing. Those who are willing to go down the stairs to get up close and personal with this indescribable thing, I am afraid that only the monster hiding in the group!
After calming down the turbulent mind, the sun is enough to reach the high platform next to the ceiling of the underground space, which is actually a small room with transparent glass on all sides, more like a laboratory for observation, and not In the distance there are tables, chairs and bookshelves.
He walked over and found a lot of information, all about the study of Mu Dun cells and writing chakra eyes. His uneasiness gradually subsided. The disgusting monster below is definitely related to Mu Dun writing chakra eyes. The product of a taboo experiment.
However, the shape is too exaggerated and horrible, and it is no less than the top-level psychic beast. With the appearance of mental pollution, the style of painting has slammed out of this universe and approached the ‘Lovecraft Universe’ next door.

Soon, the sharp-eyed Japanese foot found a stale old report on the dense bookshelf, and he pulled it out.
Looking at the date, it was already 20 years ago. At that time, he was only a young man, and he seemed to have just mixed up with Zhongren. Shaking his head to get rid of the misunderstandings in his head, he read them carefully. His heart twitched when he saw the problem!
"Abnormal Appetite-Zhicun Tuanzang Investigation Report"
As he read, his heart thundered again. The document was smeared, and many things were hidden from view. But he even got a guess, as well as the reasonable guesses of several other reports, but also clarified an unknown story.
About twenty years ago, a group of strangers appeared in the ninja world, crushing the fairy-level strongman of that era! They have giants that cover the sky, dwarves who master the thunderbolt, and men with mouths that devour everything ... Before they disappear, they left the steam giant bloodline, demon fruit, and three-color domineering in the ninja world ... Since then, the power system of the ninja world has soared !
Tuanzang, who was a high-level Muye at the time, was also involved in spying on the intelligence of these mysteries. Shortly after the reunification, it showed many abnormal conditions, such as a sudden increase in appetite, like meat, and no seclusion ... etc., Muye had many strange stories at that time, and many residents often disappeared inexplicably.
Soon, Tuan Zang seemed to be sick and began to seek the help of medical ninjas, but no one knew how it turned out? He pulled a large number of outstanding medical personnel of the same generation as Tsunade into the roots and thoroughly brainwashed and controlled. The unusual behavior of Tuanzang aroused the vigilance and attention of the three generations of the purpose, but it was still erased by the pot king, and eventually it was gone.
Further back, Tuan Zang is hidden deep in the roots, and he doesn't easily shoot. He funded Dashe Pills, with a clear goal to study the blood relay limit of the two immortal bloodlines of "Mu Dun, Writing Wheel Eyes".
Uncle Snake naturally eats rice. With the help of fundamentally powerful resources, he conducts his own research and only gives back some first-class techniques. Tuan Zang was dissatisfied in his heart, knowing that Uncle Snake was an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf and was not worthy of trust.
While obtaining the fruits of Uncle Snake's labor, he also has an undisclosed secret research team (many medical ninjas), so at the bottom of the roots, digging a huge space and launching a super plan.
At that time, Tuan Zang had no other gods to use with Uncle Snake. Da She Wan is clever and clever. During the process of dealing with Guo Wang, he found that the other party hid his hand, the purpose of which is not only to transplant ‘Mu Dun and write the wheel eye’, but also hide a bigger secret and want to peep.
Just before Uncle Snake was about to touch the truth, Guo Wang felt bad, kicked him decisively, and reported to three generations, Uncle Snake had no choice but to be forced to defect. Going further, the pot king gets a kaleidoscope of water stop, which hides deeper and becomes lower-key.

The "old antimony" under the wooden leaves is actually a semi-plant and semi-biological product cultivated by the fusion of "Uchibo cells" between "pillar cells", and its main purpose is to provide food for Tuizang. The tumors that grow around the irregular eyeballs are the fruits of this thing, and the vitamins hidden in the group.
Over the years, the biotechnological achievements of the roots, although not the first in the ninja world, cannot be underestimated even by Uncle Snake. After all, behind the Tuan Zang, there was a whole wooden leaf to transport talent for him, and the scientists at the root piled up, which was worth half the big snake ball.
As a result, Tuan Zang is fully capable of controlling and closing the "Writing Wheel Eyes", and behaves like a normal person. So why should he wrap his eyes? Because of his right eye, he was born with blood red! Since having been tortured by a BT reincarnation twenty years ago, and being tortured for a whole day, Tuanzang has become an unknown ‘Kiye corpse ghost’!
One-eyed 喰 species, wood leaf pot king, Zhicun Tuanzang!

Regarding corpses and eating living people, Tuan Zang has always refused. As a ninja, no matter how despicable his character is, he still insists on his own:
For example, for decades, as an excuse for ‘I ’m all for Muye’, I just brainwashed myself and became a die-hard diehard in Muye Village. For example, I have longed for the throne of Naruto all my life, and I have struggled for my whole life for this. Nothing can shake his enthusiasm for the position of
Village Chief
With such a determined will, as long as Tuan Zang refuses to eat people, he can do it!
After being transplanted with the "Blood Blood", he summoned a large number of medical staff to examine for himself, and got the report of "Abnormal Appetite". He exposed the secret of ‘crying corpse’, and he controlled everyone and took it into the roots. His anomaly caught the attention of three generations and was finally resolved without leaving any traces.
In the end, Tuan Zang and his think tank had an idea, ‘喰 种’ is the mysterious blood of evil. In order to suppress the abnormal appetite to eat human flesh, it must be suppressed with a more powerful blood vein! What ’s more, Tuan Zang had longed for the blood-limit of his teammate ‘Uchi Wave Mirror’ throughout his life, so he had the idea of ​​transplanting ‘Writing Eyes’ to suppress the ‘Semen Lineage’.
Eventually, he found Dashe Pill and used each other, transplanted the blood lines of the two immortals of Mu Dun and Chalunyan, and suppressed the ‘喰 种 血脉’ in his body. But abnormal appetite is a big problem, and he also found that after eating many enemies, his strength is constantly increasing.
Tuan Zang longed for the improvement of the "essence of life" after "cannibalism", and he was also afraid of the terrifying demonic power of the "Blood Vein". Eventually, he made a great super experiment under the roots and cultivated Named things, produce food for yourself.
The food spawned by the blood of the two great immortals, he thinks it is ‘plant fruit’, but the substance is undoubtedly the same as the ‘crying corpse’, but he can easily pass the test in his heart. Long-term consumption of this product can make the 'Blood Blood Vessel' merge with the 'Fairy Blood Vessel'.
From the conflict of the three bloodlines to the barely balanced, maybe one day, they can be perfectly integrated?
Closing the investigation report and other information, the scalp of the Japanese foot numb. Thinking of Tuan Zang's unbearable behavior over the years, he felt an ominous hunch in his heart.
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