Chapter 1237: One hundred different poses of Feixian

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After the legend, the degree of freedom is extremely high, and the three gods are compulsory courses, but each person is different, and he can freely choose the direction according to his own situation. The excellent are naturally three-way fellow initiates, and the end point is that the three gods are consummated at the same time.
For those with limited qualifications, the true spirit is the easiest to get and repair to perfection, so ‘true spirit’ is the first small stage after the legend. In addition, the "yin god" in the body is easier to grasp than the illusory "yang god", so the "yin (satisfaction)" is listed as the second smallest level, and the "yang god" is the third smallest level.
In the eyes of ordinary people, it is naturally ‘Yangshen> Yinshen> True Spirit’. But for the real strongman, there are no strengths and weaknesses in the three stages, and they are the three starting points in parallel, but the lighting order is divided.

After the Three Gods were consummated, Daoji's growth to the limit was exactly the legendary first realm sign. From now on, the cooperation of "Jingbi Tiandao" is needed to start the robbery.
Although the Tao has not entered the internal testing stage today, the true 'transition system, the god-defending system' has not yet been opened. But like the "virtual divine personality", there is also an alternative method on the practice side, allowing the three gods to complete the virtual "robbing number" and constantly promote and transform.
The three gods each have nine robbers, and elective courses are now open. You can specialize in one subject or three-way fellow practitioners, and don't make demands. The realm level is subject to the highest number of robbery.
The three robbers and goblins that Li Mo encountered in the ninja world used the ‘true spirit’ as the core to go through the three robbers. The other Lei Xi, who was bought by Honghou Zhaoan, is a master of physical training of "Yin Shen Du Jie".

The conversion of strength after the robbery is closely related to ‘Daoji’. If Daoji is composed of ‘True Spirit and Yin God’, and does not involve ‘Yang Shen’, it is calculated according to the formula: (True Spirit Tribulation Number Squared + Yin Shen Tribulation Number Squared + Yangshen Tribulation Number) × Dawky [Strength Unit]
Example: Three robbers, two robbers, one yin god, and one yang = (3 3 + 2 2 + 1) × Dodger = 14 times Dodger
If Daojie has a very high gold content and covers the three gods at the same time, and the three main courses are the same, the sum of the squares of the three gods will prevail.
For example: Five Tribulation Yangshen Four Tribulation True Spirits Four Tribulation Yinshen = (5 5 + 4 4 + 4 4) Daojie = 57 times Daojie
If pure is promoted by external force, only the true spirit is cultivated. The square of the true spirit is added, plus the sum of the other two gods.
Two robbery true spirits, one robbery yin god, zero robbery yang = (2 2 + 1 + 0) Daoji = 5 times Daoji

Before the Three Gods satisfactorily entered the robbery, the theme was to polish Dawke. The root foundation is different, the fundamental method is different, the practice route is different, and the gold content of the ‘Daoji’ is also different. After entering the robbery, the main thing is to cross the robbery. The higher the number of robbery, the faster the strength is improved, but the risk is also great, and the mortality rate is high. The stronger the "Doji", the stronger the robbery.
Every time the robbery succeeds, the difficulty will double, but every '3,6,9', the difficulty of robbery will increase dramatically. Therefore, three robberies are common and four robberies are not. Therefore, the strength of the legendary stage is extremely large. The difference between whale and ant is the difference between Duke's strong Nine Tribulation and Dodge's barren one.
Therefore, the legend of the main world is roughly divided into four grades: the legend that polishes Douji before entering the robbery (many), the legend between one robbery and three robbery (a few), the four robbery starts with the highest six robbery (rare), and the six robbery The legend above (??).

As far as Li Mo knows, legends are different due to specialization. It is divided into three categories: "True Spirit, Yin God, and Yang God". The level of the realm is subject to the "robber number", but the strength is also calculated separately. After the legend, it is the higher ‘Yuanshen’.
The cohesion of ‘Yuanshen’ also has a very high degree of freedom. The minimum threshold: the three gods should go through at least one robbery, and the total number of robbery exceeds five. The weakest prince of the Yuanshen, as long as the Yinshen and Yangshen each rob themselves, the true spirits cross the three robes, and the three gods become one, then the ‘Yuanshen’ will be born.
If you encounter ambitions and pursuits, you can wait for the completeness of the Three Nine Heavens Tribulation, and then join the ‘Yuanshen’, one or two generations of senior hidden old monsters.
In the Yuanshen stage, there are also nine-fold robbery numbers, which are collectively referred to as the "Four-Nine Sky Robbery". How to choose? It's up to everyone to choose, not to be forced.
From the perspective of ‘Xiandao Civilization’, all legends have been cultivated into ‘True Spirit’, collectively known as ‘True Man’. In fact, even if the real person does not go through the robbery, as long as Jingbi Tiandao is officially tested, he can choose the lowest difficulty soaring and rank in the fairy class. (Different households with low-income insurance in Xianjie, a type of hardship subsidy, suitable for environmental sanitation work, Tianbing Tianjiang etc.)
Ascension is similar to the belief in gods, the power system is directly transformed, and the strength of Daoji's immortalization has jumped into another dimension. It is called ‘Sanxian’ (the weakest chicken fairy). This type of Sanxian corresponds to the "false god" of the divine system. (God rank0)

After the legend enters into the catastrophe, at least a heavy catastrophe, the magical energy in the body will undergo a qualitative change, and it will be transformed into 'fairy power' (similar to divine power). 'Corresponding.
Some people immortal who are not sure about condensing the ‘Yuanshen’ can choose a medium-low difficulty soaring to obtain the ‘Tianxian Fruit’, corresponding to the ‘weak divine power’. (Shenge rank1-5)

At least the monks who condensed the ‘Yuanshen’ through the Five Tribulations are called ‘Dixian’. The strongest among them is not weaker than the soaring "Tianxian" or "weak divine power". Once unable to improve, you can choose to fly on a medium difficulty level. After Daoji's immortalization, its strength surges sharply. (Rank5-10)

At present, Jingbi Tiandao has not yet been tested internally, and there is no such thing as a "flying ascension". The owed "Four Nine Heavens Tribulation" will also be repaid in the future. However, the real big guys with strength and background are not in a hurry to ascend, but accumulate foundations for insignificant development.
After ‘Dawky ’s immortalization and a sudden increase in strength’, if you want to further improve on the immortal road, you need to accumulate and spend time in units of tens of millions of years.
On the contrary, if the repression does not erupt, it can accumulate fully and be polished before soaring. This is a golden opportunity for newcomers to overtake on a corner and accelerate to catch up with the old driver! The best ones can even directly preach ‘Golden Fairies’ (medium power).
(Jinxian is the highest standard for soaring, and the accumulated foundation can't surpass Jinxian again.)
Li Mo understood these shady scenes early, so he was forced to get stuck in the sanctuary and did not rush to improve. The purpose is to avoid all kinds of pitfalls, and to make ‘Daoji’ into ‘Dao Da Da’ without leaving any regrets.
"Dawkee" is strong, it is really strong!
As a simple example, if the common legendary road base is unit 1, then his road base must also start at 5. Ordinary legendary cross three robbery, combat power is ⑨, his combat power is 45. If everybody soared the three celestial gods together, the increase of Dow Sianhua is assumed to be 100 times. Then it is the gap between ‘500 cents vs. 4,500 cents’.
The same level, the same number of robbery, and the same Xiandao fruit position, because of the different levels of study and hard work as a child, the salary (combat power) received after growing up widened the gap.
What's more, he chose the three gods as fellow initiates, at least each of the six robbers and then united with the gods, and then continued the robberies and continued to accumulate, and the development was insignificant ... The heavenly test did not rise, learn the first and second generations of the old Yin B, and then the Dao Jin Fairy, starting with moderate power, overtaking in corners, plus the increase of the road base, is it not beautiful? !
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