Chapter 1430: Be a teacher and ruin people

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Faced with the majestic question of the little demon king, the oldest of the three men quickly got rid of fear. After all, Tang Men, who are "girls with problems like tigers," are elite, and their psychological qualities have nothing to say.
He looked around and immediately got an idea, directly throwing the pot to the assassins of Butiange, with a helpless tone: "It is not the three of us who are slow, but the strength of these captives are uneven. The endless hurry delayed the process. "
The girl heard the words and looked at the group of captives, glancing at 15 people. The three strongest among them have reached the first-class level and are no worse than their own followers.
Li Bai picked up 12 assassins from Bu Tian Pavilion to form a team. This time he entered Shu and sent four collaterals directly. It's a pity that the girls are mentally and unintentionally, they succumbed to the street before they broke out, and only one fluke escaped to be accepted by Li Bai.
In the current team, in addition to the three strongest through the body meridians, even if the poison in the body can still rely on the superior quality, pulling the rack to hurry, as for the other prisoners are uneven. Some were beaten by leather lashes, barely able to keep up with the team; others became soft-footed shrimps, and it was useless to be beaten and beaten.

The girl was annoyed with a whip: "Huh, a bunch of idiots, did the three of you forget my purpose? I picked up any broken garbage. I only need high-quality test products, and these can't even keep up with walking, There is no value in living at all! Simply die. "
Suspicious of the team delaying the speed, the little demon called to stop everyone, and then Lema stopped and turned over and came over. The three young men looked embarrassed and smiled at her. The other captives were breathless and the atmosphere was solemn and silent.
At the same time, the assassin, who was gritting his teeth and pulling the car, bowed his head to cover his eyes from outsiders. And using the remaining light to observe the surroundings, she quickly captured the girl's figure, squinting her feet, and was approaching herself unguarded.
It's coming! ... and getting closer!
Several of them have not really rested since they were ambushed yesterday. Day and night, walking on the road, taking turns to pull the truck, the limbs are dry and dry. Not only did the poison in the body have no power to fight back, he only drank three times a day and ate a dry biscuit to barely hunger. At this moment, he was exhausted and there was no threat.
The girl is very clear about her ability to use drugs, knows the situation of everyone present, and is more confident in her martial arts! So she came unsuspectingly, preparing to screen, eliminate the worthless set, and subtract the burden and burden.
Suddenly, the assassin who had been unable to bear was moved!

The other captives are already the end of the crossbow, but this assassin is special. In addition to practicing martial arts, he also cultivates a rough and hard work. At this time everyone was sealed off by the poison, and his advantage finally appeared.
The assassin made a sigh of relief, and his figure suddenly burst out. He pulled out a sharp wooden thorn that was hidden on the rack by an external force. In a flash, he moved sideways and followed up from the girl's visual blind spot. Just blinking Kung Fu, he has lifted his arm, pinched his throat with one hand, and poked the intercarotid artery with a stab of kung fu with one hand.
Some martial arts practice swords and swords, and some martial arts practice guns and clubs. However, the assassins of Bu Tian Pavilion are very special. There are no routines for the failure of the system, but it is more circumstantial, flexible and flexible.
This assassination is a required course for almost all assassins. Normal assassination has no time to give you PVP, often only one trick, be sure to kill with one blow! A chopstick and a piece of wood can all be put to death after finding the key.

This assassin has rich experience and this trick is also full of spirituality. Although the meridians dry up without a drop of internal force, he is burning his spiritual will at the moment, feeling that this trick is completely the rarest blow in life!
But in the eyes of the young girl, the other party's body has been tortured. At this moment, it is all supported by a will, and the blessing of hard work is ridiculous. Do n’t even have internal power, and deserve to be assassinated in front of me? Which Ningxia people gave you the courage? !
The girl was disdainful and listened to the argument. When she was close to herself, she slowly shook her arm and lifted her arm. A small cylindrical wooden barrel appeared in the palm of her hand, just clenched by one hand.
A second before the assassin's hand is about to hit himself, the girl's right hand slightly exerted force, and the palm of the palm of the hand made a clicking sound of `` mechanical brace '', a slender silver needle, blooming like a pear! Stormy shot! Like a metal storm, it covers the opponent in all directions without dead ends.
With only one scream, the assassin flew out in pain, and the girl slowly retracted the right foot kicked out, and then the left hand moved slightly, and there was an undetectable low noise. A squirrel bolt was nailed to another assassin. His thighs made his sprinting motion crooked, and then the young Tangmen youth who had reacted, wrapped his ankles with his whip and fell to the ground.
"Hum, garbage, really garbage! There is no one to fight." The girl sighed, looking at the distance at a forty-five degree angle behind her hands. , It was really disappointing. "

At the moment, the three strongest men have fallen, and the remaining captives are desperate.
The girl observed everyone's looks, picked out the eight weakest among them, and then directed the followers to put them out in a row. This time she robbed, on the one hand, for money, on the other hand, she robbed others.
As a member of Tang Men, Xiaomo's actions are strictly controlled, and he cannot really do whatever he wants in the field of study. For example, the big snake pill in wooden leaves, because of the high pressure, was very restrained in human experiments. The same is true for young girls, who can't take the disciples in the door to do some excessive (extinct humanity) learning and training, so they hit their minds on the middle people.
In terms of ‘people’, those with high internal strength and strength are not too stupid in themselves. And the higher the martial arts, the stronger the vitality, the more able to withstand the devastation, hiding a toughness, is an excellent product, the most suitable for learning knowledge. The eight people she picked out were inferior and unworthy.
But the problem cannot be seen in this way. The girl has rich experience in evangelism. In the past teaching practice again and again, it was found that the so-called 'defective products' are not all garbage, and there is often a very small chance that hidden 'gold' will be born.
Her purpose is not to train the strong, but to train the scholars! The martial arts talent is secondary, and the brain is the most important. Masters often mean not being stupid, but true 'smart people' may not always be martial arts masters.
So before dealing with this group of defective products, she has to conduct a test. Dalang Taosha see if there is any rare gold that can shine?
"Everyone, tell everyone the bad news. Because you are too weak and delayed my journey. So at least half of you will die ... or more."
The young and energetic pretty girl patted her hands and looked at the eight people kneeling in a row. With a sweet and crisp voice, she spoke a string of words that did not match the style of painting. The scene was silent, and the tired half-dead assassins were desperate and stared at the ground in a daze.
"Ha ... you do n’t have to be so serious, I ’m not intimidating, and I do n’t doubt that you all have a heart that is not afraid of life and death, nor is it intimidating you to betray the sect to submit to me. I just elaborate a problem. Some of them can survive. Crooked Serel? "
With the girl's words, the captives gradually regained their anger. Yes, there is still a chance to survive, why give up?
"So what kind of people can survive? My next question is very important. Please listen carefully and answer carefully. Cough, first question: There are pheasants in the same cage today, there are thirty-five There are ninety-four feet under the head, and ask the pheasant the geometry? "
"??? Σ (⊙ ▽ ⊙" a !!!!!! "
Faced with life-and-death issues, the eight assassins and eight faces were stunned, and the eyes that were originally full of despair suddenly widened and stared at the girl, a pair of you? Play my incredible expression.
"Don't you hear me? Then I repeat ... There are pheasant rabbits in the same cage, with 35 heads on the top and 94 feet on the bottom. Ask the pheasant rabbits for their geometry? Such a simple question, which of you is the first to answer? Come out, you can save a death. "
The scene was very embarrassing at one time, only birds and chicks squeaked.
The assassins of Butian Pavilion collectively ignorant, the eight weak chicken assassins who were named to death, and they were cold and sweating with sorrow and anxiety; and the three Tangmen disciples were eager to try, a pair of ‘Quick me! Choose me quickly! ’S expression.
"You can't answer it so simple? It's unreasonable!"
After waiting for a while, no one answered, the girl was completely angry, took out the poison needle of the weapon, aimed at the many shots of everyone, and seriously injured them, and at the same time, they gave the "correct solution", and began to explain orally, carefully People are suddenly bright! It turns out this way!
"Do you understand? My poison needle is strangely poisonous. If you can't get the antidote within an hour, you will bleed on the spot. Now, I will have another chicken and rabbit cage, who are you? Answer it first, and I will give him the antidote. If you answer incorrectly, you will take another needle, and the time of poisoning will be shortened. You remember, you are using your life to answer, think about it and then grab it. "
In this way, during the next two tea time, the girl repeatedly used the ‘chicken, rabbit and cage + quenching poison silver needle’ in the equation of one dollar to drive a crazy assassin. After eating three silver needles, and Xiao Ming had only half an hour left, he could not bear the pressure and collapsed completely.
Ordinary people face torture and torture, but only physical pain and torture, but facing the devil at this moment, it is spiritual torture. One after another boring "chickens and rabbits in the same cage", it's poisonous!
"Come and come, we will change the way. You have heard of the" three-legged golden toad ", so now the problem has changed, the chicks are in the same cage ..."
Another torture crazy.
"Now it's" Toad and Rabbit "..."
It did n’t take long, the first maniac had been killed by poison, and the others were more stressed ...
"This time we don't count feet, we count the tails. The chicken and rabbit toad are in the cage, the golden toad has no tail, the rabbit and the chicken each have a tail, then ..."
Under the pressure of death, everyone worked miracles and mastered the solution to this type of question, which made the little devil very gratified.
"This is a simple one, from one to one hundred, no voice is allowed, only mental calculation ..."
Another crazy ...
"Do you know right triangles? Come, I'll show you, this is right angles. Now the question is coming, the two right angle sides are ... So who of you can tell me, how long is the long side?
Everyone ’s San value started to go crazy ... not at all!
Senior, please repeat this question again, not thoroughly understood!
"Known ... Please ..."
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