Chapter 1636: Cup of Children of Luck-The 5th Dragon Ball Contest! Officially begin

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Considering that the time flow rate between different planes of Hitaheim is not uniform, Li Mo's 'Four Star Beads' is very short in time from being activated to completely exploding. The whole process is very rapid, the general process is as follows:
When he used the "crystal wall fishing" to pry the power of the heavenly path and activate the crystal wall to absorb the remaining six dragon balls, the creator of this thing took the lead in sensing changes in the heavenly aura and took over and dominated the "system".
Subsequently, the founder did two things: cast his thoughts on a colonial universe outside the crystal wall system; at the same time, he used the magical power to link the cause and effect network to capture and lock the list of the most important characters in the main world that were causally related to the seven dragon balls, and Select the seven most prosperous "Ming Ge" and start a trial game that in his view is only a "helping show".
When the Dragon Ball erupted, the seven Dragon Ball holders were in different states and were called up on different timelines. They did not resist this force, but obediently disappeared from the crystal wall universe.

On the Plain of Ten Beasts, the wild man still nibbling at the half-dragon skeleton, feeling the sudden burst of suction from the 'Six Star Beads', showed dissatisfaction on his face, and shot quickly.
The roots of the muscles on the arms are tight, and sharp nails grow out of the ends of the five fingers, which pierce into the dragon's heart fiercely. Like an ant lifting an object that is several times larger than himself, with a human figure, he dug out a giant dragon heart larger than a car with one hand, and was swallowed by the vortex behind him.

In a hotel box in the Old Star World, young men holding two half-fruit succubi, tumbling wildly on the sofa, attacking each other with their tongues suddenly stopped moving and raised their heads to take a deep breath.
Looking at the dragon ball that was erupting in his wrist, he scolded a dialect that twisted the astral realm, then reluctantly looked at the two confused succubus, quickly grabbed a coat, and threw a stack of banknotes from the wallet, then returned unwillingly Hand ... dig!
Grabbed the succubus' chest, and with endless milky fragrance, disappeared into the whirlpool.

The water element plane in the inner space, the beautiful elf sitting in the room with a meditating gas tray, suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the dragon ball placed on the table in front of him, and suspended, and opened an entrance.
Without saying a word, she rushed straight into it without hesitation. Then disappeared out of thin air, and the five-star bead also disappeared.

In Cybertron's mechanical realm, huge mechanical creatures look at the slowly appearing entrance, put a hand into the vortex, and then move from star to star. When I came back to God, I had come to another time and space.

In the nine-story hell, the long-tailed man who waited for a long time, after sensing the outbreak of the 'Two Star Dragon Ball' at hand, could not wait to prepare to leave. But at this moment, suddenly above his world, a thick cloud appeared to cover the sky and the sky and earth suddenly lost their colors, returning to endless darkness.
Subsequently, a powerful high-energy reaction mixed with the power of time and space, forming a huge vortex directly above the building where he was. The man holding the two star beads reacted and exploded to defend. The terrifying energy in his body surged, causing the space he was in to distort violently. However, a cold light tore through time and space and went straight through the fourth floor of hell, everything came to an abrupt end.
"I am Ape Demon Temple ..."
boom! boom! boom!
The words haven't fallen yet. The original building and the earth have been cut off. There is an unhealable space-time crack in the air. The creatures within a few square meters have also turned into gray ashes.
As for the shining ‘two planets’, they were also firmly locked by the dark vortex in the sky, ready to be taken away.

At this moment, the sudden death of Fang Jiezi also triggered a chain reaction, alarming the strength behind him. Owning a demon saint in the demon circle, the prestigious ape demon palace inserted a hand horizontally, blocking the departure of Er Xingzhu.
"Your Excellency has crossed the boundary!" The magnificent voice penetrated time and space and penetrated behind the vortex. However, on the fourth floor of hell, the creatures near the scene of the massacre did not react at all, as if they could not hear this voice.
"This thing has other uses and owes you a favor. This ape demon can keep it from being destroyed, protect it from reincarnation, and have another chance to compensate in the afterlife." Another voice came from behind the vortex, Can't hear men and women.
After receiving this reply, the demon saint of Ape Demon Heaven Palace did not have the consciousness of being hard-headed, and seemed to be afraid of the other party, or was satisfied with this answer, and withdrew the blocking of the two-star Dragon Ball and let it go away.
As for the one who died ... The true spirit has gone through the ‘VIP channel’ into the depths of the underworld, so please stop mentioning him.

A middle-aged man who just finished eating "Sucking Finger Phoenix" in the Penglai Fairyland of Ethernet, who had just tried to lick his fingers, saw the Qixingzhu stepped in the mud suddenly burst out, and after opening up a channel, he madly surrounded the "chicken" bones. Smashed in, muttering indignantly, turning his head to look around, checking the bonfire.
In the end, his eyes lit up, and he found that there was an unremarkable apple hidden in the corner. He quickly picked it up and wiped it with a clothes pendulum.
When one person after another is selected, either actively or passively entering the space-time tunnel opened by Dragon Ball, Li Mo also becomes one of them. As one of the parties, he was very keenly aware of this dramatic change from both ‘inside’ and ‘outside’!
The interior is easy to understand. He was informed by Li Tuanzi at the first moment that there was a strange space door in the apartment! It is even more exaggerated than the system program found the backdoor of Trojan horse!
As for this 'outside' ... he is the same crisis as the long-tailed Pujie.
These seven Dragon Balls might be completely strange to him, something he had never heard of. However, in the Hitachiheim crystal wall universe, it has a lot of fame and affects the hearts of many forces.
More precisely, most forces in the main world are aware of the existence of 'Dragon Ball'.

"Dragon Ball" itself is worthless, but all forces want to have a relationship with the creator behind it through this "Dragon Ball" that randomly scattered the main world. Even top-level forces like the Templar and the Radiant Legion do not mind making friends with this ancient creator.
Even as long as Blanche or Li Mo have snacks, suspend the crystal wall fishing and gambling behavior, and actively use their own network and intelligence network to investigate this kind of 'native dragon ball' whose origin is Hitahheim, they can retrieve huge data. Dragon Ball about the main world is never a hidden secret.
However, the attention of the whole family was concentrated on a ‘eater of the earth’, and it was completely ignored.
When Li Mo reacted, it was not only the "Four Star Beads" that broke out in the platinum apartment. The blood tree lord, who entrenched 403.8, was also attacked by strange forces from the abyss and even more distant spaces.

Four Star Beads are first hidden in the 'Platinum Apartment', which has a strong shielding effect of celestial beings; secondly, Li Mo's 403.8th floor is the Abyss Industrial Pollution Recycling Station, which is inherently equipped with 'IP hiding, anti-tracking' functions, even the Abyss Demon God is difficult Interview; Finally, Amurala, who is a rent-in-law, is itself a more powerful "source of the shielding force field of heaven." She was not happy, and the gangsters on the countertops also sent out information on the calculation of 403 faces.
This triple protection eliminates the possibility of enemies deducing the heaven and earth, directly targeting Li Mo believers, and conducting cross-border strikes.
The power of this wave of shots was all in a hurry to learn that a new batch of "Dragon Ball" was excited, so as to use "keywords" to search through the causal law network and launch cross-border attacks.
They can't determine the location of the target, but they can take the plunder. No matter whether it is successful or not, they still can't locate the coordinates of the other party, only this time the phone will be held.
The blood tree lord, on the face of MMP for Li Mo against the next wave of cross-border attacks. The enemy can't figure out who the target is? And the blood tree being attacked couldn't figure out who was beating himself? ! It can only be carried on in a daze.
Simply this vague "causal attack" has no end, and half of the power is consumed in the "locking process". And 403.8 is extremely difficult to locate. With its own strength, Blood Tree easily blocked Li Mo's robbery at the end of these powerful crossbows.

At the moment, not only Li Mo, but also the remaining five selected persons, suffered a large number of 'cross-border strikes' from unknown sources. It's just that the tail brother has the shallowest roots and is the only street player. He is regarded as a soft persimmon by a big guy, and he was squashed before the starting line. The dark box operation replaced a new candidate.
And the other five, some have deep backgrounds, some are well-prepared, some have the strength to fear attacks, and some are reluctant to be forced into by bigger men ... these people will certainly not be tempted by cross-border Disgraced.
Li Mo is also a strong faction, and he can easily stop these unknown attacks and snatches by himself.

At the moment of the explosion of "Four Star Beads", he was holding his wife's new favorite, eating pieces of sugar and soil, enjoying the fun of sucking cats. Then with the warning of Da Tuanzi in the Soul Channel, with the same face ‘Meow Meow Meow? 'The lion eating the soil disappeared in place.
Sixingzhu ’s space door opened in his ‘inside’ (space door), and Li Mo could not tolerate and resist, and disappeared with the beast eating the first time.
Blanche stared at her husband and pet who disappeared out of thin air, blinked blankly, and then instantly became angry and angry!
Dare to use the power of time and space to abduct her men and pet cats in her ‘Space Department Observatory of the Kingdom of Gods,’ it is simply impossible to repair!

While the chipmunk was furious at the frypot, huge information poured into Li Mo's mind. One of the most conspicuous one is the four-star beads he holds, which is the trial version of Dragon Ball No. 2.
Prior to this, the first batch of seven No.1 Dragon Balls, led by the creators, opened the first "Dragon Ball Fighting Martial Arts Conference" and was a complete success.
Then the creator created No. 2 trial version, trying to no longer personally participate in the lead, but scattered it around Hittaheim, set it as the 'cause and effect to choose the master', as a great opportunity to randomly drop it, was awarded The lucky ones selected and continued to bring them different dooms, attracted more contenders, and finally decided on the best genius with great luck and special life, and spontaneously activated the second "Dragon Ball Fighting-Budo Conference" '.
Obviously ... the founder failed, No. 2 was flawed and was not successfully inspired.
The fact is that one of the lucky ones took the four-star bead to the heterosexual universe and disconnected the tracking signal. In the following years, the lucky man was killed, and the four-star beads fell into the hunter world and were contested by different colonists. In the case of long-term separation from Hitaheim, the four star beads automatically shut down.
Until ... it was picked up by Li Mo. Due to the long-term disconnection and shutdown, it suspended the "Curse of Doom" and did not cause disaster to Li Mo. At that time, Li Mo's strength was still very rubbish. Without being able to study this four-star bead, he randomly abandoned it in the platinum apartment and relied on the apartment's powerful 'natural shielding defense' for a long time, and finally forgot.

Since then, the founder has rebuilt the more perfect No. 3 Dragon Ball, and the second Dragon Ball Challenge is successfully held. Then the main world experienced No.4 and No.5 dragon ball hegemony, and the name of this ‘tournament’ became more and more prosperous ... only spread in a small circle of children of luck.
The original No. 6 Dragon Ball Contest was still in preparation for a while, and it is currently waiting for the real luck son to compete for a place before it will inspire.
But No.2, who has been offline for a long time, suddenly scammed, so the creator was in a good mood, and immediately re-organized the `` Fifth Dragon Ball Contest ''!
Originally ... the "Four Star Beads" in the unowned state should be selected and called up in the Crystal Wall Heavenly Dao record at the first time, "Fate, Qi Yun" is more vigorous than Li Mo's "Emperor Ziwei-Hua Li ... Blanchi 'That's right, not her favorite concubine' Victor Mo. Lee '.
However, this space door was opened directly in Li Mo's "mechanical seal", and he was not given the opportunity to choose. He could only choose "Chi Yan Lord or Tai Yin Real Man" which does not look too garbage.

Li Mo, who understands the causes and consequences, embraces a little lion who is scared and dare not to move, embarrassedly stuck in a crack of "empty", and he can't keep up.
He could sense that Sixingzhu was urging him, quickly branding his own information, and then finished the calf, and do n’t whisper here, hindering its normal operation.
"Huh?" Li Mo froze for a moment, then suddenly.
He, who had passively called ‘Dragon Ball Fighter’, should have entered the game in one step, and this is how the other six seed players entered directly into another ‘Crystal Colonial Universe’, waiting for the event to start. The exception is Li Mo.
Unlike a normal genius who does n’t change his name and sits and does n’t change his surname, he is born with only one ‘Tiandao household registration’. Li Mo, a stowaway, has two legal ‘Tiandao IPs’.
The IP of Aboriginal Victor, and the IP of Li Mo, who was mistaken as a successor. In addition, in the big collection of Li Mo + Victor, there is a pit father's "Bone Sword Sword-Li Xiaoyao" IP, which seriously interferes with the real-name authentication function of the four planets. (After all, it is the second-generation Dragon Ball with imperfect functions and cannot be compared with the more advanced No. 6.)
After locking the owner, Sixingzhu has no right to choose which IP to play for him? So just stuck the eggs sent by time and space, making each other painful and abnormal.

After understanding his situation, Li Mo was hesitant and began to analyze, which IP did he choose?
This "Dragon Ball Fighting for Hegemony" has a long history, and it has been around since the end of the third round of the Reign. It has held so many sessions that have been widely praised and sought after.
The ability to choose yourself in this event clearly proves from the side that you have the potential of the world's son of luck, a generation of arrogance, a peerless genius, and a future big brother. Therefore, such a good self does not mind this opportunity or this challenge.
But playing identity is very important!
Unlike the last time the "Tian Dao in the test practice" smuggling, this time as a formal and fair player, he needs to enter complete identity information. Because the quality of the prizes in this contest is extremely high, it is closely related to the ‘crystal wall heaven’, and it is bound to the true spirit and yangshen. It is not allowed to be transferred and must be inherited by the real name system.
Even if you win or lose, just participating in the "Dragon Ball Challenge" experience, you can add a strong color to your "Tao Dao Archive", just like the excellent record in your resume, it has the ability to consolidate your life and gilt the Yangshen. Great benefits.
So, which IP did he fill? Which identity can be strengthened once.

Radiant Flame Demon, Chiyan Lord, Tianzi disciples, behind-the-scenes shareholders of Xiaodian, Chief Minister of Phoenix, and Victor Big Devil, now famous in the abyss, get an additional experience of "Dragon Ball Fighting for Hegemony", but it is Icing on the cake.
On the contrary, the ‘Taiyin Real Man-Benzun Mo’, which is about to go to Star World to start a business, is still in an unknown state. Among the many ‘Moon Lord’ candidates who are competing for the ownership of ‘Taiyin Avenue’, they are very unremarkable! Continue one or two famous battles.
It's time to help Celebrity Mo!
With an idea in mind, Li Mo immediately filled in the contestant information in the 'Four Star Beads'.
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