Chapter 1855: Jingbi Inner Test Mechanical Tiandao Seed Player ...

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When the dwarf king was excited to forge artifacts for Thor and Loki, the two parties also began to follow Victor for self-cultivation.
The first is Thor. Victor performed the ordination ceremony of the "Storm Double Blade" for him in advance.
I saw him put one hand on the top of Thor's head, and the 'radiation magic' circulated slightly, penetrating every hair follicle of him, killing all the hair roots. In an instant, the 'three thousand gold troubles' passed away with the wind. Beautiful and elegant.
When Thor's head was cold, there was finally a kind of "big insight", and he could not help but shed tears. That is sad tears! He finally realized that the principle of ‘some things will only be cherished after they have passed away but it ’s too late’, and then they will not be laid.
Seeing Tor's aggrieved expression, Victor was slightly overwhelmed. So his mind drifted away, and according to the shape of a movie of "Mr. Xu Jinjiang", he created the heroic style of "Lu Zhishen" for Thor.
Not only is it not ugly, but it also highlights the boldness of the Viking pirate to replace his brain with muscles, and it is even more attic! This is just like the successor of Odin, Asgard's three generations, it can even deter the dark forces in the universe.
Seeing Thor who finished the modeling, Loki, who thought that his brother would be ugly, couldn't help but shine. The former long-haired sledgehammer can only appear handsome, but the bald Tor at this time has a masculinity that he had never had before.
Afterwards, Victor crossed over and forcibly seized Thor ’s control of the body, and the spiritual power swam through his body, ingesting a trace of the power of Thor, forcibly flowing through the whole body in a way of
electrical impulse
, and finally arrived. At the end of Dan Tian ...
Vic is more blessed to the soul again, and has a clever move, wrapping a 'Tesla electric circle' for Thor, turning his Dantian into a 'biological version of high-frequency series resonant transformer', which has both wireless transmission and voltage boosting. Function, you can easily control the 'Thor's power' in the body, and create lightning with bare hands.
In short, even if there is no "electric current push", with this "Tesla Dantian" alone, he can become a walking magnetic detonation infantry, not relying on Thor's hammer, free-handed lightning ball is easier than Naruto rubbing the spiral pill.
However, under Victor ’s control, Thor ’s
Coil Dantian
will continue to invade the huge
Thor Power
in the body, allowing this huge and uncontrollable invincible energy to join the new power system a little bit, becoming Controllable divine power, this is the essence of 'Odinson turning'.
When Thor perfectly refines the ‘power of Thor’ in his body, Victor prescribes it as ‘Odinson turning 400,000 horses’, enough to fight four old Odins simultaneously. This is not that Thor is four times stronger than Odin, but that Victor brought ‘advanced practice experience’ to make him four times more efficient.
This is the gap between controllable fusion and steam engine!
And when Odin handed over the 'Ancestral Power' to Thor, and after perfect refinement, he would enter the 'Odinson 1 million horses'. At that time, his opponent could only be the fighting unit's flagwood. The four gods of the universe headed by Xing ', as well as a few background boards such as the life court.
After all, this "martial arts" is exactly the famous stunt of Hittarheim's generation of "Magnetic Storm Venerable-Nikola Tesla". There is no pressure on the Marvels!
Although this gangster immigrated late, he was a rising star with the same name as "Shark Valkyrie"!
(Magnetic Storm Tianzun and Fa Shark Valkyrie at the same time, the main world became famous earlier than ‘Victor’, but later than ‘anti-gravity push coffin bull blunt’.)
These two "Thunder Powers" are the two most dazzling newcomers in the contemporary "Thunderbolt Avenue" of the main world. Without talking about the past, just talking about the present and the future, there is nothing better than them to understand ‘thunder and lightning’.
However, if you compare them internally, Magnetic Storm Tianzun is undoubtedly better!
Although the Shark Martial God is strong, it is a "Budao Yinshen Line" that does not consume much of the brain. It is enough to fight; while the "Magnetic Heavenly Sovereign" is a "Faxiu Yangshen System" that proves the wisdom.
Even though many older generations of powerful men were covered by their sharp edges, during the third round of the epoch, the "Zeus" smuggled from a certain universe was bombed by Tesla and the Old Star Realm three years ago.
That battle struck several planets for two weeks before finally killing Zeus Town, taking its skull, pumping its divinity, refining its soul, seizing its divinity, and refining a great secret!

However, it is regrettable that Hittarheim's 'Thunderbolt Avenue' is destined not to radiate to 'Holy Light Zen, Flame Demon ...', so that a big brother stepped into the peak of the universe.
Due to the inherent thinking of Immortal Dao, which is always linked to Thunder Tribulation, ‘Thunder Tribulation’ caused ‘Thunder Avenue’ to be forcibly occupied by 30% by ‘Jingbi Tiandao’. As the official private property of jingbi, it enjoys the final interpretation right.
Therefore, ‘Falcon Shark Valkyrie’ competes with ‘Magnetic Storm Heavenly Venerable’, and the vast majority of thunder systems, but it is only an incomplete road. It is like "space, time" that is completely monopolized by the crystal wall. Although the power it exerts is not worse than that of "radiation, holy light ... Avenue", but the proof is that "Dao Guo" is not complete, and the Supreme Master is hopeless.
Therefore, after completely adapting to the rhythm of the life of the main world, the Shark Martial God, after wielding his sword with the ‘Temple One Beautiful Zen Master’ and severing the roots of love, was completely obsessed with martial arts and embarked on the path of physical cultivation and proving the Tao. Prepare to bypass the Thunder and Light Avenue, choose the purest "Physical Repair Avenue" and repair the "Electromagnetic System".
'Magnetic Heavenly Venerable' is even more versatile. As the 'Yangshen Eight Tribulation Power' who was once recruited by various forces and recruited as a guest, he also embarked on the 'Destruction Department, Fluctuating School', and added machinery in secret On the side, I completed the registration of the 'Machinist' and established the Taoist ancestry in the mechanical sect ... it can be said that 'the two flowers of the mechanical fairy road'.
Li Mo also happens to be an unreliable ‘machinist’. His family's "Li Momo" has been developing in a low-key manner on the mechanical avenue. He has some understanding of the "magnetic storm Tianzun" peer, and even long-term attention, trying to maliciously plagiarize the other party's patent, this is the secret of the "Tesla coil Dantian". .
As early as he had worked hard to create the 'small electronic sound', and the Ministry of the Environment had not yet risen, he had no energy to develop the 'mechanical side', let alone the 'mechanical juzi' vest. At that time, the "Magnetic Storm Venerable" had secretly registered the patent of the "Tungus Thunderstorm Town Demon Tower" ... Frequently sold mechanical magic weapons for the mechanical gods, and had close contacts with the Gaita Empire, earning a lot of money .
It was at that time that the dumplings that had been selling "Rose Ruins" for a long time were staring at Tesla.
The last time the other party killed Zeus in the Old Star Realm town, it was suspected that they were building a "divine mecha" that no one had ever seen, and they were preparing to fully develop into the field of "pilot". The original technology of this mech also originated from the Gaita Empire.
Do n’t ask why, Tuanzi has a lot of ‘Imperial Technology’ in his hands, and there is a ‘White Princess’ in his family.
In short, no one knows the real purpose of "Magnetic Storm Heavenly Sovereign", it seems that it can emerge in every field. Li Mo and Hong Hou also talked about this, seriously doubting that the other party might have to attack the supreme fruit position of the 'Mechanical Heavenly Dao' ... The 'Magnetic Heavenly Venerable' on the side of the Xiandao is simply a cover.
Tiandao internal test, 49 to the high pit battle, Cybertron has 13 direct entry places, and there are 13 pits for the mechanical gods ... How many can be selected in the end? It is unknown.
The red queen was eager to try this, and the big group was still a little bit angry. For the mechanical side, Victor actually has ideas, but the foundation is too shallow.

Although the 'Malicious Cottage Project' of the year of Tuanzi failed, it successfully stolen a large number of exclusive rules of 'Tesla', which were then used in vain.
These things cannot be used in the main world, they can only be shredded and broken up as a reference, and they are still the foundation of the magnetic storm Tianzun, the core technology. But here is the Marvel Universe, and it is not subject to the jurisdiction and sanctions of Jingbi Tiandao, so he is directly piracy ... No, how can the matter between the big brothers be copied?
Tesla in this universe is just an ordinary person, which is clearly original from my Victor!
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