Chapter 1897: The first emperor's Cybertron strategy plan (revised version)

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After complicated security inspections, Montenegro was finally introduced into a super-large palace, and met the owner of this holy land, the well-deserved No1 of the Underworld, the first emperor.
It's just that the picture in front of him is different from what he expected. It is gorgeous and domineering, and the mechanical dragon-like center with a width of nearly 2 meters is not a black and powerful 'small mecha' but a pink jade. Thinking, a boy who is never older than the second grade of elementary school.
A black children's clothing robe with a crown on his head, his expression calmly and his eyes extremely calm. After seeing the Heishan family, Xiaozhengtai's mouth twitched slightly and smiled: "Aiqing, I've been waiting for you for a long time."
Heishan's was a mess of water, could not help looking at Xu Fu, and asked with his eyes: Who is this little carrot head?
I was even more surprised in my heart. Is this "Qin II"? It doesn't make sense, shouldn't the degraded be destroyed by humanity early? Did the first emperor settle down in Hittarheim and began to cultivate a new 'Second World'? Not afraid of the death of Afang Shengjing in the underworld?
"No need to be surprised, this is just an incarnation of what I cut out, and I need Ai Qing to help me well." Zheng Tai smiled.
Xu Fu also took the initiative to step forward and answer questions for the Montenegro.
The real Emperor was not in Afang Shengjing at all, but participated in the construction of the 'crystal wall reincarnation' in the depths of the underworld to seize the opportunity. That one can be called the ‘core deity’, and it has the strongest strength, which is equivalent to the ‘Tain Ink (Deity Ink)’ of the Li Mo series.
In addition, there is another founding emperor in the holy realm of Afang, who inherited the ‘Emperor ’s Fate’, which is also used to participate in the ‘New Five Elements Avenue’ plan, and is in charge of the Great Underworld Empire, somewhat like the radiant emperor. Because of the high B grid and countless Ma Zi, + the reason that the early dynasty is being held, it is impossible to condescend and dignify to meet the Montenegro.
In addition to one master and two main occupations, "Emperor", Shidi still has a large number of different uses, either light or dark sub-professional vests, and the Zhengtai in front of him is one of them.
Don't look at the pink and tender, the hair has not grown, but it has been given high hopes. This doppelganger has extremely high status, potential, and uses, similar to Li Mo's 'Shuyue Doppelganger'. For example, the unsuccessful ‘killing ink, desperate ink’ is of great use, but it has not been opened yet.
If you receive a Montenegrin to receive the Montenegro, it seems not formal enough. So Emperor Shidi used this 'quality trumpet' to summon him, which can be described as giving his face, and also showing his attitude of seeking for virtue and thirst.
This is easy to understand. A ‘avatar’ that is second only to the two major ‘divine ’s, has great potential, but has not had time to develop. What does this represent? A new project!
Such avatars summoned Montenegro, and has revealed a lot of information. This Zhengtai obviously corresponds to a new project that hasn't been started during the "beta period". If Montenegro participates, it will be the original partner.

Although in front of him is an underage dragon robe Zhengtai, but Montenegro clearly hides an old Yin B under the false skin sac, so after a simple greeting, both parties went straight to the subject.
His information was leaked by Xu Fu long ago. What's more, in the promotion of the 'primitive death' who just arrived in the underworld, he was exposed to the light of the holy realm of Afang, and he also passively released a lot of information, and the power system was read by the other party.
"Your" Twelve Industrial Evil Mechanical Divine Beasts "are very interesting. You once got my twelve" Divine Engines "to prove. With them, just one can turn your" Mechanical Divine Beasts "into one. Divine Mecha, but you have no related methods of sacrifice. Entering my holy realm today, I will pass you the avenue, and then enter the twisted astral realm, feel the `` mechanical avenue '', accelerate the time with a double stack, no In a century, you can condense 12 'mechanical deities'. If you are sincere, I can also give you a top-level place for corpse cultivating mechs. "
With a wave of his hand, he passed through hundreds of T of materials, including a lot of graphics, formulas, drawings ... Similar things Li Mo also has one, and the quality is higher. The first generation of the "Mechanical Engine" of authentic mechanical gods . The essential analogy is probably a complex of the ‘heart core, power source, and bloodline’ of a ‘God-level mech’.
It is a pity that he lacks the correct method of sacrifice, and only the most common ‘Pilot ’s Cultivation Techniques’.
Twisted Astral World is the only place in Hittarheim where
before the closed beta
is unrestricted and a
true god
can be born at will. Therefore, not only a number of true gods emerged from the mechanical realm, but also a large number of 'divine mechas and god-level mechas' were born on the mechanical side. The level algorithm is very different from the 'divine system and the Taoist system', but it is different from the 'artifact and spirit treasure system' More similar.
The strongest card announced by Shidi is the set of "Twelve Golden Men-Death Mecha System":
Through years of accumulation, the king of the hands has collected and consumed a total of 12 'Remains of the Original King Kong of Cybertron Mechanical Realm' + 12 'Remains of Zu Wu' acquired by different universes of different degrees + 12 elaborately crafted god-level machines A ... Finally, through the complex 'mechanical refiner' means, combined with the magic technique of "Dao Dao-Benming Shenmo" and the method of cultivating zombies, they were buried in the twelve forbidden places in the underworld and absorbed for ten thousand years (accelerated Time flow rate) the power of death, and the 'twelve gold men' finally obtained, used to suppress the luck of the Holy Realm.
The Emperor's "Twelve Gold Manpower Office" can be regarded as the "dead mechanical life" after death, and it is also the "innate mecha spirit treasure" certified by Heavenly Dao. It is also the twelve ancestors, zombies, and also the twelve. Taishen-class mech ... After laying the 'Dutian Twelve Gods Sha Dazhen', hang the invincible hands of the underworld.
Montenegro mixes with him, and naturally can learn this technique. But this kind of achievement is obviously not achieved, because it is purely 'resources' piled up. Being rich is self-willed.
"Unfortunately ... Now that the gods on the mechanical side are flooding, the choice of the" priesthood "has become the biggest difficulty. Even in my hands, the powerful mechanical side" priesthood "has already been exhausted and divided to other powerful people. "Divine Mecha" needs to find a way by itself. "Zheng Tai said with emotion.
On the way to here, Xu Fu also passed science to him, and the core industries of the Emperor Emperor were all inside the 'Underworld'. But besides that, Wu Anjun and others often played pirates in the old astral world, laid a lot of planets in the distorted astral world, transformed into a dead planet, and specialized in recycling mechanical side garbage. (Mechanical cemetery)
Therefore, in addition to the ‘traditional death system’ and the ‘death machinery system’ that occupies the core position, Afang Shengjing still has pure machinery-side industries to attract talents. It is even a broken wire to the mechanical sect, and it is easy to contact the ‘Emperor Gaita’ who is still sitting on the toilet.
After receiving so many benefits, it was naturally not given in vain, and the Montenegrin asked the other party's purpose.
Zheng Tai didn't hide it, and asked directly: "Do you know the identity of the lord of 'Little Dianyin-Zizang Sect?'"
Suddenly, the surface of Montenegro was shocked in his heart. Was his foot counted? But still shook his head pretending: "I don't know." At the same time thinking in my mind. The Dizang Sect is an uncontrolled branch, and it is developing in the underworld. Could it offend the 'Afang Shengjing'? Want me to take the pot now?
So curious temptation: "Your Majesty knows the identity of the other party?"
The dragon robe is too smiley to smile: "Your partner is not a small one, the former vice-president of the Sith Vatican, the master of the dark force, the Sith ancient Buddha is like a comeback-Adolf!"
Fuck, that's the thing! Wait, I exposed myself!
Montenegro has also heard the news of "Darkness is coming", but everyone's business is not related, so I don't care much. He was even more annoyed that his IP hiding technology was too crap. I haven't made any trouble on this side yet. Did you really let it go? Rubbish, really rubbish! However, considering the identity of the first emperor, it is not surprising to be calculated.
"Your Majesty has a grudge against the King of Tibet?" Heishan asked, thinking about selling his teammates? Anyway, the Tibetan Buddhism was not connected with Xiaodianyin, so it sold.
"There is no hatred, no complaint, even the well water does not violate the river. Even if this ambition is ambitious, I want to penetrate the underworld with a" belief system ", and it is still not a serious disease of ringworm. However, his ambition is too big, he wants to use a" Yuanzu King Kong "as a chess , Interfering with the 'mechanical side' blocking my way, I had to settle accounts with him. "
Heishan's ears were confused. The scum of the deity ink was still worrying about how to promote the ‘Private Rule’ into the 3,000 sequence, rush into the first 1,000, and mix the big Luoguo position.
Really big guys, have already begun to lay out the crystal wall, planning how to eliminate all competitors in the internal testing stage, and dominate the crystal wall system ‘Core Avenue’. In front of him, he is preparing for 49 Supreme.
In addition to the clarified "New Five Elements", the "mechanical side" is also one of his goals?
"I have a plan here ..." Longpao Zhengtai suddenly established contact with the Montenegro and began to send data.
Xu Fu narrowed his eyes, and the old was standing beside him, staring blankly at the floor.
"Let your flame demon body cooperate with me, and use the three forces of the" Radiant Legion, Xiaodianyin Temple, and the Ministry of the Environment "to jointly eliminate the" fallen King Kong "that is entrenched in the bottomless abyss. I want to seize its body and mechanical personality. "
"I am not interested in the abyss, but I can give you the authority of the" Abyss Mechanical Rules "in their hands ... but you must also cooperate with me to fixate the Tibetan Sect and take it away ..."

Today, although Montenegro has returned to Hittarheim, it is in the holy realm of Afang from beginning to end, unable to communicate in depth with ‘Taiyin Demon Net’ and share information with each other synchronously.
So I do n’t yet know Victor ’s experience in the Marvel Universe. There, the king of the earth and the nucleus succeeded in getting on the line, py each other, and became plastic friends; here, Montenegro directly hugged Zheng Tai ’s thigh and plotted another plan.
Abyss's "Falling King Kong" is one of the 13 main gods in the mechanical realm. He was defeated in the battle of tearing the B at the end of the second round. He went to the same place as Honghou and chose to fall in the abyss and joined the "Abyss Heaven". Mixed well.
Now the Emperor must use the abyss as a springboard, with the help of indigenous forces to eradicate the fallen King Kong, re-separate the inheritance of the `` cybertan mechanical realm '', and return to Cybertron to compete for the inheritance of the `` mechanical side '' with the attitude of the newly fallen King Kong.
As for the Zizang Sect, the former deputy chief of the 'Sith Religious Order' defected secretly, the road to the rise of the emperor's malicious villain, and fortunately obtained part of the chance of 'Fallen King Kong', which just blocked the footsteps of his boss .
Shidi pushed back on the celestial machine and found that the best breaking point was on 'Black Mountain', and he needed his help and cooperation. In the end, the first emperor exclusively enjoyed the complete ‘Fallen Vajra Godhead’ and went to the mechanical realm to complete the follow-up plan; while the complete ‘Abyssal Mechanical Law’ was useless to him, all of them were given to the ‘Black Mountain’ as hard work.
After thinking and thinking repeatedly, after confirming that this wave did not lose, Heishan resolutely agreed to make a vow with Zhengtai and form an ally. Let's do it together!
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