Chapter 1972: The waste wood stood up! Live broadcast + commentary: radiation education class

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As the sky-trigger broke out above the sky, Li Mo temporarily shut up and joined Victor to admire the scene where the cyclops were forced to cross the sky-tribulation. Blanche also showed interest, and the wastes beside him, took out their mobile phones one by one and started watching them. The atmosphere was very active.
Not long after, the sky was overcast with clouds. But inside the dark black clouds, there is also a dazzling nuclear light, as if there is a sun to tear the cloudy clouds, the inexplicable contradiction.
"I don't know why, almost every time the sky-trigger is launched, the sky will be overcast with clouds, like the opening animation necessary for the game. But the cloud-robin ≠ the thunder." Victor said.
Li Mo guessed: "Maybe it is to pay tribute to the traditional "Xiandao Heavenly Tribulation." After all, the reference prototype of the Crystal Wall Heavenly Tribulation is the traditional Heavenly Tribulation of the fairyland universe."
"It is indeed possible." Victor nodded.
At this time, the radiation catastrophe has begun, and there is no other attribute of the sky catastrophe. It is a pure radiation system. However, they all fall within the scope of ‘radiation catastrophe’, and there are still many different forms of sky catastrophe falling from the sky. There are both Li Mo's familiar attacking methods and others he feels unfamiliar with.
With the deepening of the Heavenly Tribulation by tentative attacks, the endless overcast clouds in the sky made a rolling muffled thunder, which made him move: "Is there going to be a "robbery"?"
"No, this thunder is also something like a cutscene. It has nothing to do with the specific "Sky Tribulation" content, but it will thunder every time the Sky Tribulation erupts, just like the bell."
Victor's voice fell, and the cloud of robbing gave birth to a giant hand, which turned into a giant palm that fell from the sky, and shot it towards the unmovable cyclops on the ground. Just like a person, slap the mosquito on the table with a slap in the thunder.
Nuclear light on the ground first appeared, and then a mushroom cloud rose.
Behind the scum storm was a terrified spirit, blurted out: "Nuclear explosion-like the palm of the hand?!"
This is the so-called "Sky Tribulation"? If you do not practice well, you will encounter such attacks in the future. ! It's really terrible.
"No!" Victor shook his head and introduced to the waste alliances around him, "The nuclear light arm that fell from the sky is one of the three giants of the Radiation Legion, the ancient Yanmo "Yuanshi Dezhu" Arm projection. The demon master Yuanshi only uploaded his palm to the inside of Tiandao. As for the "nuclear explosion palm method" just now, it should be the spontaneous behavior of the Tiankai system."
"The devil’s "palmprint" projection itself is unmatched and full of "radiation robbing power", but it is just a simple ordinary palm. Tiandao may not want to waste this power, he spontaneously extracted the "Holy Light Tribulation-Rulai God Palm" ''S power-generating skills are used to optimize this simple and disordered'nuclear force', so that the quality of the Heavenly Tribulation is improved again. This is dead for the scum, but for the powerful robbers, it is only An interesting challenge."
Hearing this, Li Mo was filled with emotion, and the intellectual property recorded by Tiandao was too much. The original Primal Demon Lord took it in the palm of his hand. For those ordinary monks, it is already a difficult step. As a result, Heavenly Dao will also be randomly integrated into a god-level palm technique, and will not give ordinary robbers a way to live.
Zha Feng was terrified, and she was gone because of the lively trip she had just watched. She whispered in protest: "This is too harsh, is it too difficult?"
Victor laughed: "So we are here to test to adjust the power of'radiation robbery' to an acceptable range. Refine the strength of different levels of sky robbery, corresponding to different levels of practitioners, and maintain the elimination rate. More than 93%, and the mortality rate is locked at about 54%."
"So exaggerated?" Slag Storm shocked.
"The 54% mortality rate is already very benevolent. You have to think from the perspective of heaven and earth. The whole crystal wall system is a big cycle. There are too many practitioners, and the spirit of Bai's heaven and earth will lead to the end of the age of the last law. Rich, there is a vast and distorted astral world not developed, do not need to worry too much. But lowering the threshold of sky-tribulation is not a good thing. Anyway, there will be a'crystal wall reincarnation' in the future that can be cyclically developed, and increase the intensity of death can maintain healthy development. ."
After Victor also intervened in the'Heavenly Tribulation System', he gradually realized these feelings. Crossing the robbery, talking about a huge army crossing a single wood bridge...
Li Mo interjected: "The rate of robbery is lower than the admission rate of the college entrance examination."
"How can the college entrance examination be compared with the cross-robbery? The 7% cross-robbery rate includes the lowest-grade one-robbery. What is difficult to say in the future, but no matter during the internal test period or the early days after the crystal wall public test, Tiandao is for monks The requirements for crossing the robbery are very high and do not allow fish to be mixed."
With that said, Victor looked at the Scrap Alliance headed by the storm again: "But don't worry, as an expert in this area, I can tell you clearly. Tiandao will increase the mortality rate and the robbery rate. "Down", it is not that you don’t give these slags a way to live, and good works do not understand? Heavenly good works can effectively reduce the value of karma, and how do good works come? All major forces monopolize good works in different fields, and the masters all have good works that fall. Quota, in addition to the krypton redemption voucher... In addition, you can also rent the magic weapon of the robbery, ask the big brother to help protect the law, buy the ghost bank bank insurance, and specialize in ghosts when the robbery fails...This is all business."
"Learned!" Slag storm suddenly, how can leek easily become a fairy? All have become immortals and Buddhas, and who are the immortals going to cut?
When Victor taught ‘truth’ to his waste, Li Mo found that the Cyclops lying on the ground was hit by the giant palm just now, and the only eye was blown out, spitting blood madly.
But after detecting her vital signs, Millie specifically lowered the intensity of the radiation. Then, once again, a'radiation claw' condensed in the sky.
Li Mo's observation of specific details is indeed not the shape of a human palm, but a grisly and terrifying style with ancient flames and demons. From the visual point of view alone, there is an illusion that is as heavy as Mount Tai and can cover the sky.
But he also found something strange: "Why are there only three fingers? Yuanshi Demon Lord is a disabled demon?"
"I can't say this! This is not our chassis. It is forbidden to have ears next to the wall. Yuanshi Mozhu has 17 arms, but it only has one handprint printed on it. This hand has nine fingers, which correspond to the Yinshen and Jiujiao. This way There are nine levels of "primitive radiation robbery", with the handprints of the Yuanshi Demon Lord, to test all the chaotic camp robbers in the bottomless abyss who have chosen the route of the martial arts and the gods. This radiation giant hand will be based on the strength of the robbers. , Corresponding to exponential attacks."
Victor thought about it and added: "But you should not equate the power of the "primitive radiation robbery" with the strength of the Yuanshi Demon Lord. The difficulty of the Sky Tribulation is determined by the Heavenly Path, and there are causes and effects of the robbery itself. Heavenly machines, good works, and karma are determined. This projection only removes a trace of the spirit of Yuanshi Demon in the field of "Yin Shen Refining Body", which is most suitable for bombarding first-class physical training."
Li Mo nodded to understand.
After two consecutive'three-finger palm prints', the Cyclops of the Yin and God three disasters was hit hard. At this time, Millie made a gesture to the employees behind her. The "primitive radiation disaster" in the sky robbery cloud was brewing again, but it was a complete nine-finger nuclear explosion devil claw.
The blind giant who was crucified on the earth felt the terrifying breath of death, struggling wildly, begging for mercy, crying. Hearing the scum storm and other people's hearts.
The atmosphere at the scene was like a group of scum that didn't study well. The parents were taken to the scene of the execution. They watched the high school students in the college entrance examination. They died on the spot because they didn't practice well on weekdays. One or two psychological shadows soared exponentially.
It’s another ‘radiation version-Ten thousand nuclear dynasty! ‘It’s smashed down, and then the mushroom cloud swells wildly, and in a day of catastrophe, a nine-fold mushroom cloud is shot, one larger than the other, like a bunch of Ganoderma lucidum covered by a big umbrella with a small umbrella.
"It's magnificent!" Li Mo looked at the Ganoderma-like cloud of the nine-fold mushroom, and he was sighed with a sense of genius, and he was artistic.
Zha Feng shook his hands, opened the video, and played it slowly. Then clearly saw the cyclops who were bound by the seal. Under the violent slap of the nine-finger nuclear explosion magic palm, they were directly exploded. The internal organs and flesh and blood were like squeezed water balls, which instantly exploded into blood mist. Then, it was burned into coke by the "radiant fire" that filled the world.
"This is the end of bad practice and self-sufficiency!" Bido knocked on the scum storm's head, and spoke alarmingly.
The scum storm shuddered and retorted: "It's only the Yin Tribulation, the "primitive radiation robbery" of the Nine Tribulation, and it will naturally fail. And it is not prepared to cross the robbery magic weapon, there is no predecessor's protection, no recharge and karma... I only Not like this."
But Millie shook her head: "Do you think the Yin God Nine Tribulation only crosses the Nine Tribulation? Let's put it this way, the first-order cross-tribulation requires nine attacks of robbery. Six of them are first-order bombardments, and the other three are in one to three. Random. This random, the investigation is the character, your good work and karma, your life and luck. In the second robbery, the robbery doubles. This one-eyed giant Yin Shen three robbery, eat 27 bombardments, if Its character is too bad, and it may not be possible to randomly mix a nine-robber attack into it. This is the typical'the sky wants you to die'."
Blanche listened for a moment and said with emotion, "The sky is so dark?"
Victor smiled and said: "The characteristics of the abyss area are only. The bottomless abyss, chaos and evil, was originally the key supervision zone of the Heavenly Dao. It is normal to increase the number of robbery. It can only be said that the bottomless abyss, there are no ghosts under the sky. "
In the next hour and a half, Victor introduced the "Fire Elemental-Radiant True Fire Tribulation" of the Inferno Master to the scum of the Waste Wood Alliance.
"In this radiation catastrophe, the master of the Inferno Prison uploads a ray of real fire to the heavenly path. It is tested against the Yangshen monks of all legal systems. When the skyjacket is launched, the plane of the fire element will also split a space-time crack, and The robbery numbers are brewed together, and turned into a group of'element radiation true fire' 360° no dead ends to roast the robbery. The specific power is adjusted according to the level of the robbery number."
"It is worth mentioning that this "radiation true fire robbery" not only affects the "bottomless abyss." It will also be promoted on the plane of the fire element. Fire life bodies outside the abyss have opportunities when they cross the robbery. Eat a wave. And this robbery number will help force all the fire law practitioners of the crystal wall system to learn the "radiation law" to avoid robbery and expand the spread of the "radiation avenue."
Li Mo nodded to the side, what Yan Dao did was very painstaking. It is worthy of being the predecessor of the old generation of Radiant Flame Devil.
The Dojo of the Flame Prison Master is not in the abyss, but is set on the plane of the element of fire. He even competed for the throne of the'crystal walls and four elephants' in Hitaheim, but was rejected by the'four prime ministers' and he still had a place in the'element plane of fire'.
With his participation, the scope of "Radiation True Fire Tribulation" was expanded to all "Fire System Tribulation Numbers", so that monks in non-abyss areas also had the opportunity to encounter them while crossing the robbery, thereby expanding the user range of "Radiation Avenue".
Translation of adult words: "radiation questions" are not only required for college entrance examinations in the abyss area, but also in other areas not related to the abyss. When issuing your own college examination papers, the "radiation questions" may also become the test site for the "fire department test papers" One. This forced all candidates to have to buy related counseling materials, which led to the continued popularity of the cheating business of Radiation Education Press.
Later, the coalition watched more than ten different styles of "radiation robbery", and bombarded a group of powerful abyss lords. The barbecue scent was on the scene, and the waste was desperate. After all, I vowed that after returning home today Practice well and be a new person.
Finally, Victor also showed his "radiation soldier robbery." The sky-falling "Da Chi Yan cuts the ship flying knife", regardless of the Yin God, Yang God, and the true spirit, will have to suffer the knife. When we arrived at the "God God Nine Tribulation" where the three gods were in one, even more than 129,600 "nuclear blast chopper ship flying knives" were put into a large formation, and the rain of the heavens was lowered, and the world was utterly romantic.
This radiation catastrophe also has the triple concept of'radiation, gold and machinery'. Because of the sharp attack style and the lethality of death, it has been praised by Heaven.
The more robbers who die in his'cutting the ship and flying sword', the greater the prestige of his'Abyssal Warlord'. This is the way Heaven is advertising him!
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