Chapter 518: Reincarnation

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When Li Mo performed the magic of the little vest and opened the door to give Andy warmth from the air, his deity held a sheepskin roll and came to the clone breeding research and development center.
The Clone Warrior plan is a high-confidentiality of Yinchao. There are not many participants. They are all individuals who have been brainwashed by him. Therefore, only a few staff moved around in the lobby.
After entering the test area on the first floor, spherical amniotic fluid bags with a diameter of two meters were densely arranged, each of which was immersed in a fighter clone. These amniotic fluid bags are hung one by one three-dimensionally, looking at least thousands of people, dense and tidy, making the scalp numb.
This is his perfect super mass production device combining the strengths of ‘Sound Nest’ and ‘Protective Umbrella’. Most of the replicators use the pinnacle humans such as Terry, Andy, and Sakazaki as the template, which is also the main cannon fodder of Yinchao Company in the future.
After inspecting Li Mo for a lap, he stopped his inspection work and communicated with the person in charge for more than half an hour. After pointing out some technical deficiencies, he came to the second floor alone.
The number of clones here immediately plummeted, with only a few varieties. They are the replicas of the three artifacts, as well as several "big snakes" before the awakening.
"Empress, how is the cloning plan going? Can you refine the bloodline?" Li Mo looked at a replica of the grass Yajing and couldn't feel the mysterious power in them, feeling a little disappointed.
"The genes of the three artifacts are slightly different from normal people. The clones are stronger than humans, but there is no special power. I guess the power of the three artifacts is not only related to the blood, but also involves other factors. The so-called 'blood lineage' 'It's not just a simple' genetic bloodline ', it also involves the fields of soul inheritance and energy inheritance. "
After hearing the queen's inference, Li Mo nodded in approval. Grass fire is not as simple as imagined. Judging from the normal timeline, most of the Caoyajing Legion cloned in the later stage of Yinchao was also garbage that could not set fire.
The ‘flame’ of the grassroots family is energy similar to true qi, which can be slowly accumulated or plundered and transplanted. The bloodline is only a necessary medium to carry this power.
K's arm was transplanted with Kusanagi's genetic factors, and then his flames were extracted to gain super powers. The genuine herbal medicine residues that have been squeezed out several times in a row have been plunged in strength for many years and it is difficult to recover. The eight gods were also robbed of the flame by Asako, and fell from the high B grid "Cangyan Eight Gods" to "Paw Aba".
The three artifacts that Li Mo has cloned now are those that have their own appearance, lack of soul, and have no activation of blood.
"What about this family of big snakes?" He turned his head to look at the duplicate version of Qilongshe, Chris ... The schools and companies where these people were located were secretly controlled by Yinchao, and they easily obtained genetic information and completed cloning.
"The big snake family is even worse than the three artifacts. They are just ordinary people now, not even a layer of clones." The Queen replied. Although they collected the genes of Qibla and Sharma, the replicas were just ordinary people.
"Okay, I know the power of the big snake family, it is impossible to get it so easily." Li Mo had already been psychologically prepared for this, and did not regret it.
Not long after, he came to a young girl's clone, suspended her high-speed growth, entered an anesthetic, released the artificial amniotic fluid bag, and released her from the warm nutrient solution. This young girl, who spent half a month, quickly matured to the 13-year-old Kagura Tortoise Duplicator.
The cloned turtle has the same genes as the original, but the physical qualities vary greatly. Just like the same four-wheel car manufacturing technology, Li Mo made a small broken car with a price of 10,000 yuan, and the original Wangui is an extended version of a luxury car with a price of tens of millions.
Looking at Shen Mian's body, he took out the sheepskin roll and wrote: ‘What do you think? Does it meet the requirements? ’
'stick it on! ’
A line of ink showed up, and Professor Li scolded insignificantly, and then attached this 'scrupulous' sheepskin roll to the girl's smooth and tender belly.
Mr. Lan's sheepskin roll clings to the cloned turtle's body and emits a slight light, which looks magical and magical. Li Mo and parchment have been together for more than two months. It is rare for him to take the initiative to release his power. It is estimated that this paper has a limited reserve of magic energy. This time I chose to shoot the clone, indicating that the following things are extremely important to him.
This is also the first time Mr. Lan has exposed his abilities. He just judged his level from the clues and guessed his strength level.
'qualified. Meet the requirements and can be used. ’
Mr. Lan paused, the parchment continued to emit light, countless black energy inks, forming one by one Li Mo could not distinguish, even after reading it, he quickly forgot mysterious characters that could not be remembered, tadpoles generally snaked on the skin of the turtle Moving, continuously radiating outward, and quickly crawled all over the body of this cloned body, and then penetrated into it.
These words are magical, similar to his personal ingenuity runes, and should be the exclusive words of Mr. Blue. They have a higher level than the Queen ’s magical words and have powerful power.
‘What is this for? ’
‘The most basic technique of marking. Next, I say you do. 'Soon, a variety of demanding raw materials emerged from the sheepskin roll, requiring him to make something special in the corresponding order.
Li Mo couldn't understand those words, but he could infer from the analysis of the production process that this was a "spell" that had been changed from magic to unrecognizable. It had a complicated structure and was suspected of having a control function.
Mr. Lan only asked Li Mo to manufacture the precision shell. As for the core magic runes and rune programming, these were secretly carried out by the sheepskin rolls, and finally they were made into black boxes, which did not give Li Mo the chance to spy.
‘Do you understand the handprint method? "Another line appeared, Mr. Lan asked.
'Slightly understand slightly ...' When he first reinstated the mission, he had a friendly and friendly exchange with the Tibetan monks in the academic atmosphere, exchanged exercises, obtained the big handprint of the Tantric mantra, and integrated it into the 'Dayan' Among the magic hands.
‘It ’s good to have a foundation, learn this set of fingerprints and practice ...’
At the moment, on the parchment, like a computer screen, there are countless general documents. With more and more information in the data, an inconspicuous scroll bar appeared on the edge of the sheepskin roll, which can be pulled up and down by hand, which made Li Mo unable to vomit.
This is the cultural fusion imagination of Hittarheim after communicating the heavens and the worlds. Are you still a sheepskin roll? Are you really a sheepskin roll? Obviously more advanced than the notebook, ultra-thin curled smart touch screen paper!
Li Mo's vomiting heart has just risen, and was immediately shocked by the content of this set of materials!
"Introduction to Ninjutsu", "Twelve Handprints and Magic Reforms", "Ninjutsu and Spell Gestures and Traditional Practice Circles and Prospects" ... Except for a large amount of basic handprint magic reform knowledge, there is no record of even one Ninjutsu, even the most basic 'three body technique'. Afterwards, the follow-up of the information is accompanied by a half set of S-level forbidden surgery, business operation articles of reincarnation!
Is this the rhythm of our aunt cos big snake pill? No wonder Mr. Lan is so determined, no wonder he wants to clone the body of Kagura Wangui himself! With this technology, the soul of the turtle can be pulled out.
Mr. Lan in the sheepskin roll is not clear about Li Mo ’s thoughts, nor does he think that he knows the content related to ‘ninjutsu’ and can judge the value of these techniques. Because it was discovered by one, it was sealed by some reincarnation gangsters in preparation for a privately shared development world, few people know.
There are many types of mission worlds in the reincarnation hall, most of which are public and open to all reincarnations. There are also worlds with special uses.
In addition, there are some new worlds where the power system is very suitable for some samsaras, or some gangsters need a proving ground. At this time, reincarnation bosses can choose to pay for the development rights of this new world, and prohibit the reincarnation temple from sending reincarnations to these worlds. But no one can buy out, once the contract time is exceeded, either renew or open for free.
Mr. Lan's "Reincarnation" is high-end materials bought from a contractor, and after combining the essence of "Undead Spell" and Devil's Skills, he was born from the original "Reincarnation" and changed it to a more high-end exclusive technology.
The information obtained by Li Mo is only the simplest manual part of the original, which is equivalent to a driver who is learning driving skills. As for the various core warlocks, mantras, and charms of the "Reincarnation of the Defiled Earth", just like the manufacturing process of cars, all are completed by Mr. Lan.
At this time, a series of comments continued to appear on the sheepskin roll, which helped Cissa to understand the endurance of this unique "power system", allowing him to quickly reach the level of an operator, and assisting the sheepskin roll to psychic out the soul of the turtle.
Mr. Lan only needs to train an inexplicable operator, and Li Mo deliberately disguises as a fool, and constantly shows that he does n’t understand. reserve.
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