Chapter 881: The ginseng guided wet Victor Elder teaches you to make a fortune!

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At the end of the banquet, the atmosphere was warm. Li Mo just stood up holding the wine glass, and the scene immediately calmed down. All the demons looked at him, realizing that the main event was coming, waiting for the next speech.
Li Mo did not refrain from tweaking, and directly said: "After doing this cup, everyone is a friend. I'm Victor who is most fair in doing things and likes to be rich with money. Everyone who has money makes money together, and never treats friends badly. You should all know Well, this Gobi is my territory, and now it is divided and occupied by all forces. Although I am dissatisfied, I also admit it. But ... The resources occupied by you on average are not right, are they? "
Li Mo said the meaning, everyone gave me a face, to return the robbed you, I owe you a favor.
Hearing this, these demons also understood Li Mo ’s purpose, which was to reclaim the land. But since acknowledging his legitimacy, it means that he can use this as a bargaining chip and bargain, so he has calculated. In fact, the resources occupied by his own are not much, the big head is occupied by the legendary demon, and Li Mo ’s commercial potential seems to be more impressive?
At this time, a demon spoke boldly and said with a laugh: "Resources are trivial, even if you return them to your Excellency. But when I first came to your office, I realized that this is a place of Feng Shui! In the same hall, there are eight legends sitting in town. The rapid economic development is an unprecedented event. The business opportunities are infinitely fascinating. I am not afraid of your joke, I want to live forever and do n’t want to leave. "
The implication is that we just do n’t leave, we have the ability to make legends.
After listening to it, Li Mo understood that it was time to ask for a bargain, and said: "I have an immature idea, please listen to it ..."
Subsequently, he expressed his willingness to return the land with the resources he had in his hands. Afterwards, he detailed the products of "Feijian Sales Company, Demon Pharmaceutical Company, Demon Factor Company ..." that he had not yet established, and said that he was willing to eat a blood loss and give you the cost price. (I am worried that I cannot find my next home)
In addition, Lao Xian also vaguely revealed that someone behind him not only has the reincarnation hall channel, but also can carry out various reincarnation purchases, foreign domain smuggling ... and can also get all kinds of arms on the mechanical side. Finally, he temporarily opened the learning special effects of the "Little Sanctuary" to the many demons present, and this group of demons instantly moved!
Rich, it is too rich, this is a huge business opportunity. Although this group of demons overestimated Li Mo as much as possible, they still didn't expect this flaming demon called "Elder Victor" to be so energetic!
After countless years of development, the abyss has adapted to the crystal wall heavenly path and formed a stable food chain. These devil-level demons are usually attached to the legendary strongmen of various forces. The legendary level will seek the refuge of the yin, yang and yang gods, and then it will be the stronger primordial and demon levels. Layer by layer, they form a pyramid.
However, Li Mo is in a special situation. He not only has a successful career, but is also an excellent employee of the reincarnation hall. His wife is the behind-the-scenes manipulator across the crystal wall. Therefore, the level of his contact is far beyond the imagination of these demons.
Li Mo's plan is to eat meat and let them drink soup. This is called a demon who could only lick the plate like a dream, and Li Mo still wondered if he was too much?
The demons in the field were not fools, and they all flicked the small abacus in their hearts. Originally they also doubted whether there was a big secret hidden in this land? Otherwise, why do you have eight legends? Li Mo, a well-known demon, is determined to take back the land? But think again, even if there is really a secret, you really have the right to occupy, instead of being slapped to death?
Choosing to cooperate with Li Mo can get far more benefits than land resources, and it is stable for a long time. The most exciting thing for the present leaders is the special cultivation effects of Little Holy Land. No matter how good they develop in 597, they also work for the upper family, and the substantive benefits of their separation are not much.
If you have a good relationship with this old fairy, and cultivate one or two family elites, you will be able to shine in the future. There is one more legendary ancestor, but that's not shaking yet? Cultivate three legendary bigwigs, don't you just explode in place? !
"Elder Victor, I think what you said makes sense, I want to cooperate with you.", "Take me one!", "I also join the team!", "666! 666!", "Please bring!" ...

Li Mo didn't forget the fundamentals when he shot down the enemy, and used the moon dial to move the heart demon net. At the same time, he secretly used the magic method of the Taiyin demon sound to confuse people's hearts and enhance persuasion. He even manipulated the special effects of the Little Holy Land to eliminate the vigilance of these demons, and blessed himself with a ‘Ginseng Mentor Aura’.
Seeing that the effect of brainwashing is good, he is no longer satisfied with simple fooling. Although these family heads and heads are only third-rate local small forces, they have hidden unique contacts and channels, and have great potential. It's a pity to be a customer alone, and it's worth cultivating.
Unlike the 233 brainless little demons, everyone in the banquet hall is a sanctuary, and being able to sit in this position shows that they have a mind and ability. Li Mo is not interested in strength, this group of extremes is that there is no strength in the demons of Sanctuary. He prefers their minds, experience, and abilities, which is not brought by electrotherapy brainwashing, and must be accumulated a little bit through life.
Simply put, all present are talents!
He wants to do something in the abyss and build his own business empire, he must cultivate a group of capable backbones to assist. So Li Mo made persistent efforts to continue Amway's group of demons, vowing to train them to become sales elites, brainwashing became their first batch of offline.
"You guys, after chatting for so long, I found a fatal problem in you!" Li Mo said in alarm.
"Oh? Lao Xian has something to say but it's okay to speak." A familiar demon cooperated and made a deaf ear.
At this time, Li Mo continued to urge the Demon Net, and the demons present were not weak. He did not forcefully distort his thinking, because that would easily cause a rebound of the defensive spirit. It is a hint of implied impression, the effect is very gratifying.
"I heard your exchanges and found that you have lost your dreams and are bound by your life now. There is no passion and no hope, like a group of dead bones walking dead in a group of tombs!"
This group of demons were unhappy, and wanted to refute, but were interrupted by Li Mo: "I just proposed a deal and cooperation, but you only want to buy panacea, blood, weapons, and expand the family or martial forces from me, which is really disappointing me Now. "
"Lao Xian's words are bad, are we doing this, is it wrong?" A demon said slightly angrily.
"No! Very wrong! You just want to run out of family savings, buy resources from me to accumulate a genius, and then send it to a higher level of power, brutally compete with those arrogant sons, desperately a chance to achieve a legend, After nine deaths, I returned to the 597th floor to strengthen the influence of the family or martial arts. Have you ever thought about how low this probability is? "Li Mo asked.
The demon heard silence in the field. "Hey, the abyss is so cruel, we are also helpless!"
Li Mo shook his head in disappointment: "No, the opportunity has come! It's entirely your own problem if you don't grasp it."
"What opportunity? Is it the blood of the outside world that enhances the roots? We have decided to buy it." The devil doubted.
"You have a problem with your thinking, why should you use the hard-earned savings of each family on one person to make an uncertain possibility? Instead of investing? I am grateful for your willingness to return the land. I want to say two truths. I make an exception and sell all kinds of resources to you at a cost price. This is a business opportunity! Why do n’t you take this opportunity and sell these resources to other forces at a high price? "
Note that Li Mo began to flicker!
"What? Let's sell resources, this is impossible! Such precious things must be held in their own hands. Sell to outsiders, make them stronger, and in turn threaten us?" One demon retorted, the other demons repeatedly said Yes.
"Hey, the concept is outdated, the pattern is too small! Come, let me give you a lesson!"
As a teacher of Victor, the special effect of the Chi Yan Academy was launched at this moment, a small classroom of the old enchanted Victor old fairy was launched, and many brains began to brainwash many demons. Perform various assumptions and analysis:
Spend money, buy resources, cultivate genius, have a small chance, die, die, invest in the street, bankruptcy, family failure, and destruction.
Do business, join the Laoxian business group, be a second-level agent, and earn no compensation! Make big money, get more and more, buy more resources, get more and more money, cultivate a bunch of geniuses, join the Chi Yan Academy, teach talents, become more prosperous families, talents come from a huge industry, and second-level agents become big companies! 、 Don't look at your face, directly evolve into 597 noble / second-rate school, continue to cooperate with Lao Xian, unlimited business opportunities, walk out of 597 to the bottomless abyss, get bigger and bigger, more and more money, family sect is more powerful, super evolution → _ → Abyssal nobles, large enterprises across planes, horror like this, what a bull! ...
Listening to Li Mo's rational and well-founded analysis, the demons present are gradually stealing the concept from the old fairy and completing the first round of brainwashing. It feels like this!
Accepting the asylum of the big forces and working for them as dogs, how can you accept the old immortality (exploitation) and have your own business as a boss? Far-reaching, unlimited business opportunities. How much resources can a family buy? I only earn one-tenth, I easily sell one hundred, and the profit is more than ten small families, half of which are used to train family talents, sent to the Chiyan Demon Palace to learn the radiation avenue, and half continue to be invested. Wouldn't it be beautiful to force those small families to have a strong family and huge industry?
Continue to develop three-level agency, the industry is getting bigger and bigger, but also need to stubborn? Would n’t it be nice to have evolved into an abyssal noble family and an abyssal family, and to start a martial art yourself?
With Lao Xian's brainwashing + fooling, plus the magic field is so powerful, and the fierce ‘educational special effects’ of the small holy land, all this blessed, the atmosphere on the scene is fiery, and the passion of all demons is detonated!
Taking advantage of this excitement, Li Mo drank another bowl of wine and blew B: "Everyone, I have good news here. A few days ago, when I was on a plane trip, I met a noble person (Red Queen). The great incredible (spirit) from the nobles, subject to the laws of heaven and earth, IMHO cannot speak out. "
Listening to Li Mo's words, this group of demons fry the pan instantly! How big is a big man who can't even speak directly? Isn't this the same as the gods of the old era? Victor is such a good chance!
"Cough!" Lao Xian pressed her pressure hand and said to be low-key, and then continued to boast: "We are very lucky to talk together, she decided to give me a great fortune. This blessing is too big, I A holy domain demon ca n’t afford it, so speak up and share it with everyone! "
"What's the chance? Lao Xian, come and listen!" These demons were boiled by his blood, feeling Li Mo was the God of Wealth.
"This indescribable existence is preparing to build an unprecedented huge commercial network in the abyss, comparable to the abyss trade network of the mechanical magic network! You may join me in becoming the first crab-eating demon ?! This project The potential is endless, but this is a shortcut to the top of the pyramid! The chance is only this one time! "
"Okay, I'm joining!", "I want to take my family to Lao Xian!", "Reverse the Taixu Demon Sect, I want to join Chi Yan Tian Gong!" ...
Li Mo chased after the victory and held up his glass: "Come and come and wish us a happy cooperation. Everyone shouted with me, I want to get rich, I want to make money!"
"The devil wants to get rich! The devil wants to make money!"
"Make money! Make money! I vow to become an abyss giant!"
"Make money! Make money! Vow to become an abyss giant!"
"Work hard! Become an abyss family!"
"Work hard and become an abyss family!"
Lao Xian borrowed the prestige of the Holy Land, and the incarnation of the ginseng mentor shouted slogans in the hall with a group of demonic heads and little heads. The atmosphere was about to burn and boil, the infectious force was so strong that several demon who insisted on their own hearts were quickly brought into the ditch, and then they were brainwashed and became fanatics of Lao Xian, followed by the roar.
The shocking sound was neat and loud, and the resonance caused by the sound caused the air to tremble and the earth to vibrate. The demon guards who followed the house owner and the head of the party together and were left at the door did not understand what was happening. They only heard the terrible thing in the room made of rocks: ‘earn money! I want to get rich! Abyssal giants! Become a family! Against him, I want to make money to build a school! ’S roaring frightened their legs, what happened inside?
Fortunately, Li Mo has the double protection of the sword formation and the holy land, and did not let this exciting scene spread out and was discovered by outsiders.
"Again, what are our goals?"
"Get rich together, buy the abyss!"
"Very good, follow me and shout again, to be invested! Bring emotions, and imagine that you have carried forward your family and become an abyss giant, and countless gods and demon powerhouses will also creep under your feet!" Diffusion, followed by a Phoenix Magic Fist, put them into the fantasy realm.
This group of demons who have already floated up has once again issued a shocking cry: "Make money! Make money!"
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