Chapter 961: Face-slapped enemies

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In the study, when Cao Yan entered, the leaders of the three clans were already present, and at the same time stood up and said, "City Lord."
"Sit down, what can I do?" Cao Yan sat down in his seat.
The patriarchs of the Phantom and the Earth Demons were old-faced and wise.
The patriarch of the Phantom wears a black robe and is thin.
The shadow behind him is actually changing rhythm, the duration is short, like a foreign body with life, it is extremely strange.
The talent of their clan is that the shadows behind them can differentiate their cultivation and give rise to various changes.
The patriarch of the Phantom is a deity at the beginning of the Heavenly God Realm. The Phantom behind him can transform into multiple clones and become entities at any time. On the contrary, he appeared illusory, as if overlapping with the shadow, hazy.
The other patriarch of the earth demons was small and thin, like a grandson of the earth, with brown scales.
The earth demons are good at observing the movements of mountains and rivers, absorbing the power of the earth veins and practicing. They are generally short in stature, but their strength is amazing.
At this time the two patriarchs looked at the Lord of the Storm together.
The Storm Clan is the first race to enter the city, and has a great say in the various races in the city.
The meaning of the two is obvious, let the Lord of the Storm speak on their behalf.
"City Lord, someone wants to incite us to create your reaction." The Storm Lord said directly.
Cao Yan said with a smile: "Someone from the Light God System sneaked into the city. I know that, is it theirs?"
When the three patriarchs heard the words, their movements and paces were surprisingly consistent, and they nodded together: "The city lord has nothing to do with it. It turns out that people who have known the light gods have entered the city?"
"Since a few days ago, someone has contacted us secretly.
At that time, the other party did not reveal his identity of the Light God Element. When I was out of the city to hunt, he took the initiative to contact me. A few days later, the other party gradually deepened, and until today did he truly confess his purpose, saying that he was willing to provide me the Storm Clan with training resources..." The Storm Lord Balabala.
The patriarchs of the Phantom and the Earth Demon clan kept pecking their heads like two old roosters, which meant that they were all in the same situation.
"The three of us came to the city lord's mansion and met and exchanged, and we knew that they were all here to report the same thing. We suspect that there are other races in the city that have also been incited and incited by the light gods, but they did not come to explain to the city lord. "
The lanky Demon patriarch said faithfully: "The city lord must be guarded."
The outside world lacks sufficient understanding of the internal conditions of the Sky City.
The Sky City and these races in the city have long been formed as one in all aspects, and they are all prosperous.
The races in the city may not all be loyal to Cao Yan, but even out of self-interest considerations, they will not easily betray and stand on the opposite side of the Sky City.
"What's the other party's level?" Cao Yanhao took time.
"Judging from the aura, he should be a guy from the Heavenly God Realm. This is the first time he has entered the city today."
The Lord of the Storm rubbed his hands, "City Lord, shall we get him?"
"I don't think we should do it now. He is definitely not the only one who has entered our Green Jungle world. Keep him first and dig out the people behind him." Phantom Patriarch proposed.
"There must be races in our city that have been contacted by him. We can monitor it secretly to see which tribes within the city he has contacted, and which tribes have been contacted, concealed and not reported, and not loyal to the city lord." Big things, enthusiastic about eating melons.
Cao Yan firmly said: "It is right not to catch him first. Continue to observe and see what other tricks he has.
You three clans are responsible for the matter, and the Xu and Snake Committee, how to do it, you are all old drivers, and I don't need to teach you. "
Although I don’t understand the meaning of the old driver, they are obviously praising them. The three patriarchs smiled together:
Don’t worry, the city lord, we will arrange things clearly, and pull out all the guys behind who want to calculate the city lord and dig a hair. Claw net."
Cao Yan laughed dumbly and separated from the three patriarchs after coming out of the study.
It's getting late, and the moon is rising.
Cao Yan walked along the path of the city lord's mansion to his home in the backyard.
The internal layout of the city lord’s mansion is exquisite and elegant. Cao Yan walked all the way to the backyard. Along the way, there were streams and pavilions, plants and flowers, clumps of flowers, winding paths, one step at a time, creating an infinite artistic conception in a limited space.
Cao Yan discussed with the fake system in his consciousness as he walked: "Which do you think wants to jump out and do things to get people to instigate the race in the city?"
"Who have you offended the most cruelly recently? I don't have any idea to force it? Or say that you have offended too many people, and you are completely confused." Fake System said.
"There are too many motivated goods, you are not a clue at all!" Cao Yan said.
"The most likely person hiding behind is Geyer, the godson of light."
The fake system beeped and said: "You didn't kill him last time, but you beat him in the face.
The hatred of the face is unforgettable, and he has no retribution, and he can't beat you, so he can only think of some tricks. "
"Well, I also think he is the stupid son of the landlord."
Cao Yan nodded slightly, and suddenly said to the void beside him: "You two also go out and see if you can find each other."
A curse and a response from the jungle goddess sounded in the void, and two undercurrents quietly went away.

In the depths of the eternal jungle, on a lush ancient tree, Sophis stood with his hands in a dark silver armor, looking out into the night sky from a distance.
Even if it is hundreds of miles away, you can still see the bright lights above the sky, like a miraculous sky city.
Behind Sophis, there are more than ten angels standing, all of whom are the elite guards of the godson Geyel, the lowest level is also a 16th-level archangel (Heavenly God Realm).
At this moment, more than ten people are offering their own codes at the same time, their breaths are connected, holding a symbol. It is the breath spread by this symbol that covers the void and hides the traces of their existence.
Sophis suddenly made a gesture, narrowed his eyes, and looked down.
In the moon-shrouded, dimly lit jungle, a pair of green eyes suddenly appeared.
Those are the eyes of a hyena.
After it appeared, dozens of pairs of the same eye pupils quickly appeared beside it, which looked like ghost fire floating in the night.
These hyenas flocked in large numbers, but there was no sound.
They scanned the surrounding area, then simultaneously sucked their noses, smelling a certain odor in the void.
"It's a hundred miles away from the city in the sky, and the sentry dogs they released have actually checked so frequently."
"We came here less than a quarter of an hour, and we have encountered hyenas seven times. This kind of beast has such a keen sense of smell that we almost spotted us just now."
"More than a hundred miles, there are traces of these hyenas within thousands of miles in the Sky City. The number of their ethnic groups is very amazing." Sophis also passed on the spirit and participated in the conversation with the angels behind him.
At this time, the hyena in the jungle below found no abnormalities, and re-hidden into the void again, disappearing.
But a dry angel still hides itself motionless.
The next moment, those hyenas that had just disappeared emerged from the same place again, and Leng Sensen's eyes closed and he scanned the surrounding area again.
"These animals are so cunning."
Sophis frowned and said, "Go and come back. If you neglect it, they will find it."
Boss Cao loves to sap others himself, and he is extremely guarded against others who want to sap himself. His subordinates from the tribe to the Warcraft are a bunch of insidious, good at various routines.
The hyenas responsible for perimeter guard patrols are no exception. They are cruel, cunning, and sap.
"Master Sophis, why do you want Sigel to contact the tribes of the Sky City so quickly? Doing so will expose our purpose prematurely. Isn't it just to make those heretics in the city alert." An angel asked.
Sophis calmly said: "You look down on these heretics too much, even if we don't take the initiative to expose it, it is not easy to hide Cao Yan from the race in the city.
That being the case, I simply took the initiative to arrange Sigel to contact the race in the city. There are two advantages to doing this. One is to make them paralyzed. When Cao Yan discovers our people, he will feel that everything is under his control. Another advantage is that he and the races in the city are susceptible to each other, as long as he starts to suspect that certain races in the city may have been contacted by us, he will betray him.
Even if we don't take action, chaos will occur in the city and provide us with opportunities.
At that time, it is the right time for us to really come forward and rebel against the race in the city. "
The inquiring angel suddenly said, "It turns out that the adult had deliberately sent his son to Cao Yan to eat, and the plan was for the future."
Sophis showed a far-reaching conceited smile and said: "It is not suitable to stay here, let's leave first. The heretical game with Sky City has just started. It won't be long before I will let Cao Yan take care of one another. Slowly drive him to desperation."
"Should we get rid of a few important people in the Sky City first and accelerate their chaos..."
During the discussion, the group left the hidden tree and disappeared.
The night is quiet.
Green jungle world, bright church.
In the Pope’s bedroom, Saint Glee was awakened from his sleep, turned over and sat up, and muttered: "I am old and sleep lightly. The last time I was so noisy by you, I don't need to sleep tonight.
Is there anything you have to say now? "
After being released by Cao Yan, he naturally became boss Cao's eyeliner.
At this time, in his consciousness, Cao Yan's divine consciousness sounded: "The Guangming Kingdom sent people into the green jungle. I want to know how many people have come?"
"I was put back by you, and I have not been trusted by the Light God. They entered the green jungle world and did not use the church's time and space beacon. How do I know?" St. Greer said.
"Frank and lenient." Cao Yan said calmly.
The pope thought for a while: "I only know that their number is about fifteen. They sneaked in and borrowed the space-time lighthouse as coordinates, but did not use the entrance and exit of the lighthouse. Initial estimates are that they should all be the title angels of the Celestial God Realm. ."
Cao Yan said with satisfaction: "Your old man will continue to sleep. Remember to take the initiative to report next time, don't wait for me to ask."
After regaining silence in his consciousness, Cao Yan has severed the connection.
Putting on a white robe, the pope came to the window, looking up at the void, silent for a long time.
Within a few days.
With close preparations from all quarters, the branch system opened by Sky City in the world of gods was quietly created, and the gods of all parties were recruited to join.
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