Chapter 964: Surprise brought by Peach Blossom and Ferrier

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Wanli clear morning.
"My lord, what should we do next?" An angel asked on the boat of light.
Sophis strategized and said: "A city lord who can't even protect his wife, has any ability to convince the crowd? The time has come to contact the various races in the city of the sky. I dare to say that the city of the sky will fall apart in the near future. "
Suksula has always been imprisoned on the ship as a traitor. Hearing Sophis’s words, he almost laughed: Made, this guy arrested Princess Ferrer and Peach Blossom Vice City Lord, all of them were pits dug by the City Lord. , He stepped in, thinking that his calculations were successful, he was really short-sighted...what is the matter with Feryl and Vice City Lord Taohua? The city lord will never be so cruel to pick up his wife, right?
Suksula made up a wave of brains, but also puzzled.
At this time, Sophis was admonishing his subordinates, saying: "When contacting the tribes of the Sky City, priority should be given to choosing relatively weak races. Such a race must not have enough resources in the Sky City. It is easy to accumulate dissatisfaction over a long period of time. If they are enlarged, their success rate will be higher."
He glanced at Suksura: "The first target is the Earth Demon Race. Now, I am ready to act."
The moment his voice fell, the void outside the ship suddenly changed, and a hand burst out of the air, grabbing the boat of light in his hand.
Sophis and other angels were taken aback in the rush of transformation.
"It's just a few archangels who dare to attack the Sky City!"
On the ship of light, deafening sounds rang from the consciousness of every angel, and the powerful fluctuations made their consciousness turbulent and almost collapsed.
Sophis suppressed his horror and quickly gestured to lead the angels out of the ship.
However, the void flowed in rules, solidified like a lock, and in a flash, the angels were firmly suppressed in place, making it difficult to move.
The ship was shrouded in darkness, completely suppressing the element of light.
"It's the Darkest God who made the shot himself." The Earth Demon Clan Chief thought with a surge of heart.
When the darkness on the ship permeated, the chains of light that bound Suksula disappeared.
He jumped up vigorously and came to Sophis, who was restrained in place and unable to move. He stretched out his hand to poke the opponent's face, and exclaimed: "Xiaobi, you have been targeted by our city lord. You I don’t know if it’s right, but the jumper is happy. I make you beautiful and want to burn me to death, you idiot!"
Sophis was completely dumbfounded, he didn't know what went wrong, and the situation changed subversively in an instant.
"Are you not convinced?"
Suksula: "You want to know why the city lord even let you kill more than 20 guards and take away the city lord's wife and the deputy city lord since you have already revealed the trail, right? Hey, I won't tell you."
"You send away Mrs. Ferrer and Peach Blossom Vice City Lord, the use value is gone, so you are now a prisoner, I am waiting to see what you will end up!"
Suksura's heart is very transparent, and the feeling of salted fish turning over is great.

The four archangels took Peach Blossom and Feryl, left the green jungle world, released another boat of light from the code, hurried along the road, and returned to the realm of the gods after crossing the long time and space distance.
At this moment, the godson Geyel is not in the Kingdom of Light.
He chased the three goddesses such as Floridite to the hunting shrine.
In a hall of the shrine, Phlodite, Artemis, Dio, Geyel, and Rhea, the of strength, came back and forth behind Geyel.
The hunting shrine is unprecedentedly lively, and the gods gather.
"The Lord Frodite fell into the hands of Cao Yan to save me last time, and his divine power is still banned. I have been deeply disturbed," Geyer said.
Frodite wears an apricot-yellow long dress, and his plump and enchanting full figure shows a seductive curve through the long skirt, with Dio wearing a white robe beside him, and Al, who is wrapped in emerald green armor with long legs. Themis has formed a very different but equally bright and moving style.
Frodite said indifferently: "The godson does not need to take it to heart. I just did what I should do. Even if the godson was not attacked at the time, I would not let him be caught by someone from another light god. Cao Yan killed."
Rhea echoed: "Frodite just did it casually, and my godson thinks too much."
Geyer calmly said: "I have made arrangements, and the prohibition of Lord Frodite will be released soon."
Dio wondered: "We tried all kinds of methods, but we couldn't take out the crown of thorns in Frodite's consciousness. What good way does Godson have?"
Geyer looked at Artemis: "Please Cynthia (also known as Artemis) temporarily open the space restriction of the hunting palace. My people are coming over and will give you a surprise."
Artemis flicked his fingers, and there were scripture symbols flashing in the void, lifting the space restriction of the hunting temple.
Then a little light stretched into the portal, and four angels rushed over through time and space.
"This is my angel guard, let them say the rest for themselves." Geyer said.
One of the four angels who rushed over said: "The godson let us secretly sneak into the green jungle world and wait for an opportunity to deal with the city of the sky. After we entered the green jungle world, we found the opportunity and captured Cao Yan's wife Ferrer, and A deputy city lord of the Sky City."
His words released the power of light, spawned the kingdom of space, imprisoned in it, closed his eyes, and appeared in front of everyone like a sleeping peach blossom and Feryl.
Geyel's eyes swept over the two women, her heart moved slightly, Ferrier's appearance was as beautiful as anyone, and her temperament was coquettish. After becoming Cao Yan's wife, she gained a soft and mature charm. Sent out.
And the domineering figure of Peach Blossom made Geyer a big surprise.
He regretted that he shouldn't directly let his subordinates release the two in public... His thoughts went up and down, and Geyel said:
"With these two people in hand, even if Cao Yan is allowed to act in person to unlock the prohibition of Lord Floridian, he dare not resist."
Dio said solemnly: "The godson Cao Yan's woman. I am afraid that the situation will get out of control. Cao Yan is likely to directly lead the sky gods into the gods and go to war with us."
"Dare he?"
Geyer disdainfully said: "If he had the courage, he wouldn't have been hiding in the green jungle world. Taking a step back, if he really leaves the green jungle world, the time for the destruction of the sky gods will come, which is just what I want. ."
Dio asked the four angels: "Did you come all the way from the green jungle world?"
"Yes." said the angel.
"There was no pursuit along the way?" Dio asked again.
The angel who was questioned laughed and said: "The saint can rest assured that Lord Sophis led us to raid each other. Except for the two captured by us, all the rest were killed on the spot by us, and none of them slipped through the net. It’s impossible for people to get the news and then react, trying to find and catch up with us.
Besides, Lord Sophis still has a follow-up plan. Cao Yan is overwhelmed at the moment, so there is no time to chase us. "
Dio slowly said, "I feel very bad, and danger is approaching."
Phlodite and Artemis showed solemn colors at the same time.
Dios can become a saint of light, her soul is pure, and her talent in telepathy can almost predict the future.
She said that feeling bad means something bad is happening, or danger is about to emerge.
His voice fell, and even the godson Geyel was stunned, his pride diminished slightly.
Artemis shouted: "Come here, send an alert, and be prepared for battle."
Dio's eyes fell on Peach Blossom and Ferrier, who were bound by the power of light: "They both have problems."
There is a light symbol floating on the eyebrows of Ferrier and Taohua, suppressing their spirits.
The two eyes closed tightly, bound by the power of light, floating in the air.
"After they were captured by us, Master Sophis personally verified and confirmed that they were fine..."
Before the voice of the angel who spoke, her eyes closed tightly, and Ferrer who was lying there suddenly spoke: "Old Sa, don’t hide it, reveal the For you to blow your own incarnation technique. People can see through at a glance."
‘Felier’ stood up and sat up, his face changed, and he turned out to be like Boss Cao. He stretched out and looked upright, calmly looking at everyone.
The peach blossom around him also changed, and his face transformed into the appearance of Asazli.
Asazil previously said that he would go to find a place to practice, absorb the power of the source of light, and try to impact the realm of the king.
After this period of time has passed, his practice has ended, and his impact on the realm of the king has not been successful, but his strength has increased and he has returned to his personal heyday.
Only his powerful divine power, using the technique of incarnation, can he hide from everyone's eyes and use fake and real.
The more than twenty guards that Sophis killed before were the incarnations of Asazil evolved from angel feathers.
He and Cao Yanyi are bold, incarnate Felier and Taohua, wanting to use their tactics and touch the light of God to kill Geyer.
Now Geyel came to the hunting shrine, and the risk factor here was much lower than that of the Kingdom of Light, but it became more convenient for the two of them.
"I said that when I was incarnate as Ferrer and Peach Blossom, you had to make me into Peach Blossom and yourself as Ferrer..."
After Azazel got up, he looked at Cao Yan angrily, put his hands on his upper body, and said: "I admire you, the deputy city lord, who has to help you with such a heavy load every day."
"Fuck you." Cao Yan scolded with a smile.
After the two men were exposed, they talked and laughed as usual, not even conscious of being trapped in the enemy camp.
This kind of contempt made the gods of strength Rhea and Artemis both look angry. Suddenly, Rhea's figure approached Cao Yan's body, and the hammer of power suddenly appeared in her hand, blasting towards Cao Yan, and the void collapsed in pieces.
The battle broke out suddenly.
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