Chapter 115: No man's land

Cao Yan clapped his hands, removed the snack crumbs on his hands, stopped eating, closed the stall, and packed up all the packets of snacks.
I wonder if it was an illusion. Cao Yan felt that many people around him felt relieved after he put away the snacks.
Turn my head around 瞅 but didn't find anyone paying attention, everyone seems to be watching the blue sky and white clouds ...
He seems to be an illusion.
The ancestral bird is not high, but it is three or four hundred meters away from the ground. After leaving the city, it looks down below. It is full of green, and the crown of the tree is undulating with the wind, just like the green tide. It is very spectacular.
Not long after that, Cao Yan reached out to the pet master badge again. This time it was no longer a snack, but a pen and a small notepad.
He wrote with one hand, holding a small book in one hand, and started writing and drawing.
Ji Jiwen saw that he drew on the books, some of the places with water sources he saw along the way, "You recorded these for your own use in the jungle?"
"Um," Cao Yan nodded.
The geographical environment of the eternal jungle is recorded in many books, but most of the books are fixed geographic information such as large water sources.
What he recorded at this time was some seasonal water sources formed by the rainy summer.
Sitting on the back of the ancestral bird, the opportunity to overlook the earth is not many, after all, keep in mind that you can use it if you enter the jungle again.
Wu Caoyan also learned the details of the ancestral bird through his pet assistant:
名称 [Name] Detox (fourth-order, this species has reached the lord level 7 through conventional evolution)
分类 [Classification] Chordal animal phylum, ornithopoda, genus of flying family, large bird of warcraft
习 [Habit] In order to adapt to flight, this species has a physiological mechanism of constant internal heat and body temperature, which saves energy consumption in the body and facilitates long-distance flight. This kind of bird has sensitive eyesight and likes fish
主要 [Main habitat] Coastal cliffs where the eternal jungle meets the coastline, occasionally visible around large lakes deep in the jungle
[Capture difficulty] C
技能 [Skill] Bite, Claw Tear, Wind Attribute Element Control
弱 [Vulnerability] Under the belly, neck, with wings protruding from the nodes of the limbs (fix the click to make the creature lose its ability to fly)
Uh ...
The pheasant bird is amazing in size and fast in flight, and its wings are ten miles away.
Soon after leaving the magic city and flying east, Cao Yan saw a particularly strong old tree passing by, with a bird's nest on the canopy and a three-room and one-living room. Nest.
Considering this trip with the team, there are many masters in the team.
The leader of the team was Changmu, a well-known expert of the Association's Action Department. This lineup is still safe, so Cao Yan did not call the blue cloud bird to accompany him.
The cricket ancestral bird continued to fly and marched deep into the jungle.
About half an hour later, Ji Wen found strangely that Cao Yan threw something from the air and fell straight into the jungle below.
He was throwing an animal trap.
Ji Wen was a semiotic genius before, and was always proud of his clever mind. He immediately began to analyze Cao Yan's intention to throw the beast ball down ... He had a magic pet in the jungle, and he was just below it Throwing it down is to summon the magic pet to return.
Ji Jiwen's analytical ability is really good, grab the point.
Cao Yan is indeed because he has passed through the area where the eggs and other magic pets are moving, and he is about to recall them. When starting from the demon capital, Cao Yan passed on the idea to adjust the position of the eggs and rushed to the meeting.
Ji Jiwen continued to analyze: but ... he easily threw the catch ball, how can it be recovered?
After a short while, someone suddenly noticed a small black spot flying from the jungle below.
There are only a few people who are high in the team. It is clear that the black spot is a strange bird with six wings and fanning in rotation, showing a strange sense of rhythm. Every second, the six wings are flapping at an amazing frequency, so the speed is so fast, and the wind and the power are like it.
"What kind of Warcraft is this?"
There are many people in the Puppet Masters Association who are experts in magic pets, but they have never seen such a six-winged black strange bird, everyone is amazing.
Instantly, the strange bird came to the top of the ancestral bird.
Someone in the team was ready to try to catch this strange bird, and at this moment Cao Yan said, "This is my magic pet, put it in."
A middle-aged man sits above the neck and neck of the ancestral bird. He is the driver of the ancestral bird and a member of the Pet Association.
He heard Cao Yan greet him and patted the giant bird's head.
A small hole was revealed in the layer of cyan magic protection wall outside the tyrant ancestral bird, and the outside six-winged bird flew in, and Cao Yan disappeared into an animal trap.
Because the speed is too fast, no one can see the details of the strange bird's shape. In fact, it was evolved by the ants. Because they need to catch up with the ancestral bird, they have six wings.
This is the fastest flying form that ant colony can evolve at present.
Cao Yan just dropped the beast-catcher ball first to let the eggs and the leopard in the jungle below, and then the strange bird evolved by the ant colony grabbed the beaver-catcher ball and lifted it up. The leopard was brought back.
This is just a small episode of the team's march ~ ~ Then continue to move forward. The team jointly organized by the two major associations has entered the jungle more than two or three thousand miles near noon, and has entered the real No man's land.
The landscape of the jungle below me has also changed, and from time to time I can see the powerful Warcraft.
There is a golden-red, long-haired giant ape, stepping on the tops of two ancient trees with two feet, moving a pair of eyes, looking up at the association team passing by in the air.
"Is it the Lord's Pushing Mountain Ape? The breath is so strong, seventh or eighth?"
"Seventh-order peak, less than eighth-order, the eighth-order push mountain ape will grow four arms, this one has only two arms ..." Someone argued on the back of the ancestral bird.
As you continue to deepen, the scenery in the jungle is getting more and more amazing.
Cao Yan also saw a 30- to 40-meter-long cricket, poured like mercury, and shimmering all over his body. A pair of jaw feet in front were cut, easily cutting a black bear's waist;
There was a pangolin that got out of the ground and directly opened a mountain belly;
The male lion looks like a terrifying Warcraft with three tails ...
I can sometimes see the scene of Warcraft hunting and killing, the ground is shaking, the trees are flying like grass and mustard, which scares people.
"It's going to pass a quasi-monarch-level Warcraft territory, and it's not safe to fly directly over it. We have to land in the jungle and go a long way," said Changki, who led the team in front.
出发 From the morning on this day, the ancestral bird stopped flying, sometimes in the air, and sometimes fell through the jungle.
In the evening, the sunset reddened the sky, and I didn't know how far it had gone.
常 Chang Yan, the leader of Cao Yan's party who was marching in the jungle, said again: "The Moyan Valley in front is the destination of this trip. The ruins are in it. Everyone has worked hard."
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