Chapter 127: dry

In the morning, the sun was clear, but the jungle was humid and stuffy.
Cao Yan noticed that someone was following her, and suddenly she turned into a tree and hid her body.
A strange figure stood behind him, dozens of meters away. It's like a chameleon. In the dark jungle, it seems that it can blend with the surrounding environment, and it needs to be carefully discovered to find his existence.
He is this strange figure following Cao Yan.
Cao Yan disappeared, and he soon found out.
人 The man acted very cautiously, stood still and thought for a while, turned and came to a tree, maintained a semi-stealth state like a chameleon, climbed to the tree, and stared at Cao Yan's disappearing position.
This person's reaction reflects the meticulous thoughts, occupying the vantage point of the commanding heights, and believes that Cao Yan can really disappear.
唯一 The only thing he didn't notice was a squatting little butterfly on a tree branch a little further away.
With this ant butterfly, Cao Yan determined the position of the person following him.
The reason why he chose to hide and disappear into the opponent's line of sight was to turn the light into the dark, turn the defense into an offense, and compete with those who tracked himself.
Cao Yan's disappearance is actually a behavioral trap. The ideal situation is to attract the other party to the place where he disappeared.
If the other party really did as expected, check the situation near where Cao Yan disappeared. The opportunity for Cao Yan came, he would not hesitate to launch an offensive, occupy the initiative, and kill the follower.
Unfortunately, the other party was not fooled, and Cao Yan's follow-up plan naturally could not be launched.
The two sides have not yet met, and the first round of competition has begun, but no one has the upper hand.
Cao Yan hid behind a tree not far from where he disappeared, thinking: "The story says that the villain is a brainless pig. … But the guy following me is so cautious, it looks like an old hand, not a brainless pig at all, how can this be done?

Cao Yan's current advantage is that ants and butterflies are eyeliners, and they know the situation around tens of meters, and the tracker has no knowledge of this.
He followed Cao Yan very carefully, quite far away, did not see the specific situation of the ant colony, and it was not even clear that Cao Yan had a group of ants as his magic pet.
At this time, Cao Yan thought for a moment, and quickly came up with a way to attack the other party.
He took out two beast-catcher and filled them into the leopard and big cat separately, so that the space exit of the beaver-catcher ball remained open, that is, the big cat and the leopard could come out at any time.
Then gave the two beast traps to the ant colony who was always with him.
The ants immediately pushed two beast-catching to roll on the ground, covered by trees and grass, and quietly approached the tracker's hiding place.
After a while, the ant colony pushed the two beast catching balls, came sneakily to the opponent's hiding tree, started digging in the ground, buried the two beast catching balls, and covered a few leaves.
Ants dig traps, and God doesn't even know it.
Everything is arranged properly, the old Cao Yan is hiding in the dark, waiting for the other party to step on the trap.
For ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour ... After such a long time, the follower hidden in the dark stared around like a hawk, his eyes were numb, and no abnormality was found. He finally began to suspect that something was wrong with his judgment. Cao Yan might have had a solution that he didn't know and left.
He can't always be consumed on the tree. Once the belief is shaken, he suspects that Cao Yan has left, and he immediately descends from the tree.
The tragedy happened just as soon as he got down the tree. He just reached the ground with his feet, the earth was flying, and a dark shadow suddenly emerged.
This is too abrupt, the tracker never expected, no precaution.
The first thing I rushed out of was to encourage the leopard.
It is very eager to show positively, let the master see his own ability, so he has unreservedly exerted his own advantages, at an amazing speed, alternating left and right claws at an instant, scratching out as many as thirty or forty claws. Can't see clearly, it is absolutely extraordinary play, Leopard Health Limit.
嗤 ~ 嗤嗤!
The void seems to be torn by leopard claws, a movie.
The tracker's strength is amazing. In such unfavorable circumstances, he actually used the big tree around him as a cover and turned a little sideways to give himself an instant respite, even if he was ready to launch a counterattack.
However, the tracker's counterattack did not begin. The mud under his feet opened, and a dark shadow was thrown. A claw was scratched on his calf, and the skin was cracked.
The big cat followed closely and launched an offensive. After one claw succeeded, the body had already come up, and the second claw scratched at the tracker's throat.
At the same time, the spiritual level of the tracker was also attacked, and there was a stagnation, and his thoughts were slowed by half a beat. "Spiritual skills."
That's right, Cao Yan's remedy for big cats can't directly promote the evolution of big cats, but it effectively improves its spiritual attributes and makes the big cats, which are only initially formed, more powerful and more aggressive. .
As soon as the big cat appeared, he directly used the skills of mental retardation.
Although the other party is strong, it is attacked continuously and unavoidably, it is affected by the big cat's skills, and his body is paused.
I was this stagnation, it was too late to avoid it.
人 This person has lost the ability to stay in a chameleon-like invisibility ~ ~ reveals his body shape.
A colorful chameleon was squatting on his shoulder. The tracker was affected by the skills of the big cat. However, the chameleon responded in time and spit out a ball of water savior.
A slamming sound, the water element burst, but blocked the second wave of attacks from the big cat and the leopard like a shield.
Cao Yan actually arranged a triple combo, and there were no ants in the dark.
But when I saw this man showing his figure, a powerful elite magic chameleon crouched on his shoulder, his heart moved slightly, temporarily changed his mind, and the rumor ant terminated the third wave of offensive, so that the ant should not show up.
"This person can be hidden into the environment, it should be some kind of mysterious master technique, borrowing the chameleon ability on the shoulder ..."
Cao Yan stepped out of the hiding place and watched a little further away.
The big cat and the leopard stopped attacking, and quickly retreated to Cao Yan's side, taking advantage of the breathing time of the other person's withdrawal.
Although the follower appeared in shape, his face was covered with a layer of armor, but he still did not reveal his true meaning.
"You take off the veil on your face, you are not an elephant, things are on your face, and you don't dare to see people." Cao Yanchen said ironically.
Unfortunately, in the green jungle world, the baby's stalk on the elephant's face does not understand each other.
The tracker was full of anger at this moment, staring fiercely at Cao Yan, with murderous eyes, and did not answer.
"Why are you keeping an eye on me?" Cao Yan asked coldly.
In the past, he and others were directly tortured, without talking nonsense. But this time it's different, he really wants to know why the other side is looking at himself.
Cao Yan asked himself to come to this world, and he was careful to act and never complained with others. Except for completing the task of the fake system, I occasionally made two waves, but one wave does not cause others to be malicious, so why kill yourself?
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