Chapter 192: Unknown good thing

"The newly opened area of ​​the spaceship is a benefit to the host, and there is no such thing as a coffin."
The fake system said: "Some spacecraft space has special functions. In this open area, the host can decide how to use it."
"Decided? In other words, the owner of the spacecraft will still not show up?"
Cao Yan pouted his lips: "Fake system, wouldn't you be a ghost ship? Actually, I'm a living person on the ship, the others are the little tadpoles in the spaceship gene bank."
"The host's guess is baseless, and the system does not respond," the fake system was serious. "The spacecraft is a plane-level spacecraft with a large area. This time, part of the space opened for the host can be freely explored. "
The open host space needs to be explored, which may sound strange.
"Yes, explore,"
The fake system said: "The host should remember that when the spacecraft first contacted the host, it said that the relationship between the spacecraft and the host can be understood as an equal cooperation or an experiment, and the two parties involved in the process. Everything that happens in the process before the host grows up to a certain stage is an integral part of our cooperation. "
"Including the current self-exploration spacecraft?"
The fake system also said: "Questions generated by the host at this stage will be reasonably explained in the future with the increase of your personal strength and host authority."
"What level of personal strength does I have?"
"Enter the lord level of the seventh level of the professional, the spacecraft will inform some of the potential reasons for our cooperation."
For so long, Cao Yan still trusted the fake system.
The false system restored silence after speaking, and Cao Yan knew that asking more would not have any effect, and he also remained silent.
He thought for a while, and leaned again to the window of the spaceship wall and looked in.
The fake system only said that it was not a coffin, but it didn't say what it was.
空间 The space behind the windows is as dark as space, with ‘fake coffins’ floating one by one.
Since it is not a coffin, what will it be?
Cao Yan's brain makes up for speculation: Will it be the kind of space sleep cabin that appears very frequently in science fiction movies? Sleeping inside it, after sleeping for hundreds of years, people who wake up are still within the shelf life, very fresh.
如果 "If it's a space capsule, is it empty there, or is there an alien?"
Cao Yan's curiosity burst into the air, and he stood outside the window for a while.
发现 He found that those fake coffins were not the same size, some were several meters long, while others were only as short as a meter.
This shows that there are big and small aliens lying inside, young and old?
Of course, these are the brains of Cao Yan. There is no basis, and I think it is unlikely.
看了 He looked for a while and found that there was a door not far from the window, walked over and tried to push it.
A mechatronic sound sounded immediately on the card: "Identity does not meet the opening conditions."
Since he couldn't get in, Cao Yan took the big cat and continued to go deep into the passage, leaving this mysterious cabin full of fake coffins.
The footsteps of a person and a cat form a monotonous and constant rhythm, and in the empty passage, they emit a weak echo.
From time to time on both sides of the channel, you can see some potted plants that Cao Yan has never seen before. They are full of vitality and different colors.
After that, he passed through multiple windowed cabins in succession, and the situation was almost the same, with many fake coffins floating.
Without exception, the doors of each cabin cannot be opened.
Cao Yan finally came to the end of the passage. After the corner of one passage, he found another heavy hatch, which was also closed and unable to open.
The road is gone.
Cao Yan moved his gaze and looked up, down, left, and right.
At this time, a dark shadow appeared in the direction of the direction just passing, and the speed drifted like a ghost, which was the strange cat evolved by the ant colony.
It came to find Cao Yan, and it seems that the passage in the other direction has also been explored.
Cao Yan immediately took the big cat back to the original road and was going to take a look at the other end of the passage.
As the cat walked, he stared at the cat's eyes and looked at the ant cat that had one more tail than the octopus. He raised his tail and turned his head back, and his face was full of aggression.
Cao Yan laughed: "Sheriff, can you fight the ant colony after you have advanced? You can grab its tail if you fight too much."
When the big cat froze, he quickly shook his head, and then bowed his head down, very sad.
进化 Its evolved psychic ability is the ability to have a targeted influence, that is, it is good at heads-ups or dealing with a few opponents. As for the tens of thousands of ant colonies, the big cats did not have the ability to divide their mental skills into tens of thousands to affect the ant colonies.
Its strongest ability is almost useless for the ant colony, so the big cat is worried when it hears it.
After more than ten minutes, the ant cat stopped at one place.
There is also a hatch on the wall of the aisle next to.
Cao Yan tried it, and the hatch could open.
The space behind the yamen should be seven or eight meters high, and a little light spot appears on the top wall, like stars in the night sky.
When Cao Yan entered it, the light on the top wall of the space increased its brightness. From starlight to round moon, it was very strange.
The light in the space becomes clearer with the light, the interior is empty and extra quiet.
"The top wall of this room is paved with shimmering crystals of the star core. The star power in the room is strong. Retreating here has a good assisting effect on the improvement of spiritual power. The host can come here frequently to nurture. Spiritual power. "The fake system explains what makes this room special.
Cao Yan looked up at the top wall.
其实 He doesn't really know what the core of the stars is, but the seriousness of the fake system explanation is not low.
Cao Yan followed with uncertainty.
He stayed in the room for a while before leaving, and continued to go deep into the passage with Antcat. He suddenly felt that no one in the spacecraft was actually very good. All the good things were at his disposal. Somehow he gave birth to a treasure hunt.
Continue to move forward, there will still be hatches from time to time on both sides of the aisle wall, but unfortunately they are all closed and unable to enter.
After a few minutes, Cao Yan followed the ant cat to the end of the channel.
的 The hatch on this side is openable.
The space exposed behind the door was extraordinarily wide. Cao Yan first saw a metal ring standing in the center of the space. The shape was similar to that of a Ferris wheel, but smaller, with a diameter of over a dozen meters, and a glimmer of elemental power gathered around it.
The metal ring itself is engraved with dense semiotic characters.
Taking Cao Yan's mastery of semiotics as a rough look, he seemed to have more than half of the symbols he had never seen.
Cao Yan walked forward happily, came under the metal ring, and looked up to see the symbols.
Quiet in the space, Cao Yan stood there to look at the characters on the ring, while ants and big cats explored separately in the space.
This time the ant colony disbanded the cat's form, and tens of thousands of ants spread out, like a mercury diarrhea, carrying out an all-pervasive search in all parts of the space.
time flies.
Cao Yan is attracted by the characters on the ring, his expression is focused, his eyes are shining, and the semiotic knowledge in his head operates at a high speed. Compared with the characters on the ring that are known or not known, he analyzes and learns the above as if deciphered. Character content.
I don't know how long, Cao Yan murmured: "The ring of space ..."
This is a kind of comprehension that he gave birth to after seeing the characters on the ring, and naturally spoke the words of the ring of space.
圆环 This ring is called the ring of space. What is its function?
Mysterious and strange objects seem to be everywhere in the space of the spacecraft.
Then, after Cao Yan looked at many characters on the ring, the interface screen suddenly popped up. An item was displayed on the screen, which was a skill book, surrounded by purple and gold halo which was never seen before.
This is a level higher than the master level, the perfect level for the first time-semiotics skill book;
The number of redemption points displayed is continuously decreasing: 550 ... 500 ... 450
Cao Yan knew at the first sight that the reduction of redemption points was because he had seen the characters on the ring, which was equivalent to learning about new character knowledge ~ ~. Therefore, the level of mastery of semiotics had improved invisibly. Therefore, the value of this skill book that required high exchange points before was virtually reduced.
But the 450 redemption points are still too high.
After redeeming Taohua for 50 points to recover the potion in order to chase Banser last time, Cao Yan was now worth 450 yuan. Let him consume it all to redeem a skill book that is not urgently needed, he will never do it.
What's more, he only looked at a small part of the characters on the space ring, and continued to study. The exchange points on the skill book will definitely continue to decline. There is no reason to choose to exchange at this time.
With this in mind, Cao Yan folded his interface screen with a wave.
He is preparing to continue to watch the characters on the ring of space, and the fake system reminds: "It is time for the host to enter the spacecraft this time. Welcome to the host to enter next time and continue to explore the space ring and other opened areas of the spacecraft."
Cao Yan sighed, feeling a little unsettled.
With helpless thoughts coming out, the ants gathered like tide water, returned from all sides of the space, quickly gathered together, and Cao Yan took out the maze locket and directly collected it.
Big Cat also got the trap.
A force inverting time and space came, and Cao Yan disappeared into the spacecraft out of thin air.
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