Chapter 198: Overcoming technical barriers

In the morning of the same day, when Cao Yan was studying a new beast-catching ball in the store, the eastern part of the magic capital.
In the sunny room, a thin young man raised his curtains and looked at the street view outside the window.
He was wearing a black bust with a book mark on his chest. This shows that he is a member of the Church of the Kingdom of God, and has a special status, and has a profound understanding of the teachings of the Kingdom of God.
There was another person in the room, middle-aged, of average size.
At this time, the middle-aged man's expression was eager and excited: "God has made you finally come. We are all looking forward to your arrival. May you always be bathed in the light of the true God."
"Oh, Ji Mo, you should learn to be calm, not to be easily excited or nervous because of anything."
The young man who looked out the window gently said, "Tenseness is not a good state and it is easy to make mistakes."
The middle-aged man bowed his head and responded.
The youth sighed with emotion: "The magic capital is really a good place. Compared with the borders of many countries in the core area of ​​the mainland, the frictions are constantly tense, and the magic is much more comfortable, making people easily like it."
Middle-aged humanity: "But after all, here is outside the shroud of the true god, heretics are constantly killing believers of the true god. The city is ruled by heresy, so I do n’t like it here, and I even feel disgusted."
"Well, let's get down to business."
The young man seemed to be a bit disappointed in the attitude of middle-aged people and waved his hand: "You have been lurking in the demon capital, overthrowing our forces here, and tell me."
"In order to prevent the heretical forces from expanding too much, we will periodically execute some heretics with potential.
Prior to the death of the previous bishop, a execution order was issued to a genius of the Pet Master Association. Unfortunately, the target was not successfully executed, but instead caused a heretical blow, which led to the cleansing of our teaching staff. "The middle-aged man said in a deep voice.
"You said the genius of the Pet Master Association is Cao Yan, right?" The young man asked lightly.
The middle-aged person was surprised and said, "Is the adult actually aware of this heresy?"
Youth said: "Not only do I know, but I have also come into contact with it. He is indeed a very talented person. He has an amazing talent in semiotics. He should be executed."
"Adult, do we have to do something to him again?" The middle-aged asked.
The youth laughed and said, "On the contrary, things matter.
Although Cao Yan's talents in semiotics are strong, they are not a big threat to us, and apart from semiotics, he has not shown anything else. At least at this stage, there is no need to pay too much attention to him, we have a lot of things to do in the magic. "
Then he said, "Go on a trip to Landis, as I told you, and tell the church members there that we will start a joint operation."
The middle-aged man answered with respect.
The young man looked at the peaceful and peaceful city outside the window, and thought for a moment: I hope the peace of this city will not be destroyed by my arrival ...

Ji Wen went to work in the association this morning, near noon, and caught up with Chuanyu of the Modu College to work in the association. When the matter was over, he went to the logistics department again to ask Cao Yan if he had returned.
Director Xiao took care of things, and directly asked Ji Wen to bring Chuan Yu to the magic pet's house, and asked Cao Yan to ask.
Therefore, the middle-aged man who entered Jijia's house with Ji Wen was Chuanyu.
When the two ascended the second floor, Cao Yangang finished making a new animal trap and was testing the function of the animal trap.
He released a fourth-order wind-blade devil wolf captured on his way back to the magic city, and then threw a new catch ball.
The element symbol flashed on the surface of the sphere. Under the control of Cao Yan's mental power, several chain chains of elemental force were derived. The speed thief fastened the neck of the demon wolf, plus the space originally possessed by the trap ball The telephoto function instantly loads the demon wolf into the trap.
The elemental chain bound the demon wolf. This scene was very fresh in the process of catching the beast ball, so it just surprised Ji Wen and Chuan Yu who just came up and asked.
The inquiries of the two were the voices heard by everyone downstairs.
Need to know that the green jungle world's trapping ball technology, developed very well.
As for the beast-catcher ball itself, according to different functions, it can be divided into common space beast-catcher balls, which have strong elemental strength and can enhance the evolution speed of Warcraft, as well as higher-end master and vision balls.
There are even burial dedicated to burying Warcraft, powerful prison and many more.
Because of the relatively perfect technique of catching the beast, Chuanyu and Ji Wen suddenly saw Cao Yan come up with a strange weird catching ball that he had never seen before.
Cao Yan took the catcher ball that had just loaded the devil wolf back into his hands, and said to the two men: "This is what I made to play, it is a new catcher catcher ball, I am going to call it a strong catch ball."
Ji Wen and Chuan Yu are experts in the pet profession, and Cao Yan's meaning can be understood at a glance.
The so-called catching beast catching ball is the most commonly used type of catching beast ball, which is used to capture Warcraft.
Cao Yan's new beast catcher has increased the elemental chain, which can obviously increase the chance of capturing Warcraft. It is very suitable to call it a strong catch.
"You beast trap ball is a symbolic chain structure added to the beast trap ball, which is used to restrain Warcraft and increase the capture success rate, right?" Chuan Yu asked.
"Well," Cao Yan nodded.
"But how do you draw a complex element symbol like a chain structure on the surface of a trapping ball. I remember that similar ideas have been tried before. Unfortunately, the surface area of ​​the trapping ball is too small. There is no way to draw a complicated chain structure. "
Chuanyu puzzled: "How did you do it?"
Symbolic chain is a kind of compound symbol structure drawing method. The drawing method is not difficult, but it is quite complicated and requires a lot of area. It is mostly used for large tools.
I want to draw a symbolic chain on a limited area of ​​the surface of an animal catching ball ~ ~ Even if I draw it reluctantly, I will lose other functions of the animal catching ball.
Therefore, adding a chain symbol to the animal catcher ball has always been a technical obstacle and cannot be achieved.
"You simplified the existing symbolic chain structure?" Or Ji Wen had more confidence in Cao Yan and thought of the key points.
"Well, I saw some inspiration from the symbolic chain you brought yesterday. After thinking about it for a day, I simplified the structure of the symbolic chain a little. Then I can barely draw the structure of the symbolic chain through the double-layered sphere. I made it myself. Come out and try. "
Both Chuanyu and Ji Wen have seen Cao Yan's ability in semiotics.
It is not surprising that he can simplify the symbolic chain, and after the initial surprise, he quickly accepted it.
At this time they thought of another problem.
The symbolic chain structure was successfully simplified, and the sacrifice was engraved on the beast catching ball. The success rate of catching the beast catching pets is bound to increase. Even a small increase can be regarded as a technical innovation of the beast catching ball.
It can't be trivial.
Cao Yan's stuff is probably equivalent to inventing a patented technology on the trapping ball. The value is mainly determined by how much the chance of catching pets can be improved.
Chuan Yu and Ji Wen asked at the same time: "How much can the success rate of catching a pet be improved with this strong catch?"
Cao Yan tossed the beast-catcher in his hand, "I don't know. Just come out, you have to experiment to get a conclusion."
Chuanyu came together and said, "Give me the beast catcher." He said that he would reach out to get the beast catcher.
Cao Yan smiled: "You wait, will you come to me for something?"
Chuan Yu took a look, patronizing the beast ball, almost forgotten the purpose.
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