Chapter 294: Successive income

"No ... oh, still ..."
Although Cao Yan inferred the method of opening the box, after all, the box was not made by him, and it was not easy to open it. This is the same as password lock. Even if you know which numbers the password is, there will be many combinations of these numbers. It takes time to find the right way.
Cao Yan tried again and again, the box showed no movement and showed no signs of opening.
Cao Yan's posture was quite weird at this time. He turned the box upside down and blocked the eyes of others with the table on which the box was originally placed. He leaned forward and looked as if he was looking at the bottom of the box. Quickly touch one symbol under the box with one hand and try another way of opening.
"According to the data, the Guertes respect" Left "in terms of position. They think that the numbers 3 and 4 have mysterious powers....... The third star and the fourth star ’s mental powers can open the box ...

Cao Yan murmured to himself, constantly trying various opening methods.
When he touched a certain symbol of the box, and input mental energy into it.
Countless symbols on the surface of the box quickly gathered in the center, and then dispersed in all directions.
The box opened quietly.
This kind of mysterious device with elemental power that still works as usual for thousands of years, and its internal structure is precise. Cao Yan had already determined that its opening process was silent, so he dared to steal from the public.
The opening of the box is the same as the trapping of a beast ball, and a space gap emerges. The box itself has no change in appearance.
The open entrance is being turned down by Cao Yan. With the box itself and his posture at this time, he can block the movement of his hand underneath.
"Is there any danger in the box, can I reach in directly?"
"Yes," said the fake system.
Cao Yan didn't hesitate, and the hand underneath probed in instantly.
"Cao Yan, what's wrong, can you see any new clues?" Ji Qianshan smiled and was walking towards Cao Yan from a distance.
It was too inconvenient for him to come here.
Just on the other side, Ji Wen was also returning to Cao Yan's place. Cao Yan looked up and gave Ji Wen a wink, and then stared at Ji Ji Qianshan with his eyes.
Ji Wen took a moment to look at himself, then what did Ji Qianshan mean?
Her former semiotic genius, the chief symbolist of the Modu Association, quickly analyzed and reached reasonable conclusions in the shortest time, giving Cao Yan a ‘reassured’ look.
Cao Yan's meaning, she actually understood, it was a big miracle.
Ji Wen temporarily turned her direction and trot to Ji Qianshan: "President Ji, look at this, I made a simple record of the evolution of the big guy ..." When I spoke, I handed out the record book in my hand.
Ji Qianshan didn't quite understand why Ji Wen wanted to show this to herself, but still stopped and took the logbook she handed in.
Cao Yan praised Ji Wen's ability to comprehend ‘eyes’.
At this time, he reached into the box and touched something. It felt firm and cold. At the moment of touching, there was a breathtaking coldness flowing into Cao Yan's body along his fingers. His whole little The stinging of his arm seemed to freeze and stagger Cao Yan.
What did you feel in the box?
The box is the same as the trap ball, the memory space and the size are unknown.
Fortunately, as long as Cao Yan probes his hand into the box and touches something, the fake system can use his contact to transfer things into the spacecraft in a vacuum and complete the theft process. .
The first thing he encountered was taken away by the fake system at an instant, and the chill feeling rushed into his body with his fingers faded away.
His hand moved around in the box. Whatever it touched, the fake system took away what he stole. Then Cao Yan soon encountered the second thing in the box.
The first one was cold and spooky, the second one was a little softer, and it was taken away by the fake system at the moment of contact.
Ji Wen only delayed Ji Qianshan for a moment, it was not easy to forcibly hold him back.
At this time, Ji Qianshan came to Cao Yan's position again. Ben was not far away, and came to Cao Yan's eyes within a few steps.
"Did you find anything?" Ji Qianshan was full of interest.
"The third thing ..." Cao Yan's criminal psychological quality thief was perfect, and in front of Ji Qianshan, he drew a hand in the box and encountered the third thing very smoothly.
It is a pity that there is obviously something in the box, but it is too late to continue to take it.
Failing to steal all the contents of the box, Cao Yan reluctantly retracted his hand and closed the entrance to the box smoothly.
He turned the box over, and when it faced up, the entrance to the box had disappeared and it looked normal.
"Nothing new." Cao Yan responded calmly, and then put the magic box back on the table.
In the consciousness, a false system prompt came: "Congratulations to the host. The acquisition of the contents of the death box has been completed; the task requirements: to obtain the contents of the death box, at least one minute, the time has arrived. Reward: 200 points; physical improvement One copy of the potion is ready for the host. "
"There are still things in the box. Do you need to take them out to complete the task?" Cao Yan asked.
"The target of the spacecraft is only one of the items in the box. The second thing the host encounters is the mission target. The rest of the items are worthless to the spacecraft."
Fake system: "The mission is over. Please ask the host to look for opportunities. Items can be returned to the box."
Cao Yanxi said: "Don't you have an inattention to the fake system? No one knows what's in the box. Do you want to restore the crime scene after stealing it? A yarn? You put it in the spacecraft after you run out and it belongs to me. "
The fake system was silent for a while before responding: "The host's requirements can be met, things are stored in the spacecraft, please host to come and take them as soon as possible."
Ji Wen followed Ji Qianshan and gave Cao Yan a look, which meant how did I cooperate?
Cao Yan nodded slightly, affirming Ji Wen's performance.
Ji Wen is now completely reduced to the chief backbone of Cao Biaojiao. He is full of admiration for Cao Yan. He doesn't even ask him why he just made himself stop Ji Qianshan. It saves Cao Yan's explanation.
The situation is simple thereafter.
Regarding the opening of the box, even if you grasp the right direction ~ ~, it will not open immediately.
Everyone deduced a symbol that appeared on the surface of the box, and then constructed the deduction result into a new symbol structure, and then reversed the push. In order to try to find out the basic structure and operation rule of the magic box, it was the problem of opening.
This process takes about two or three days, and if the steps are wrong, it will be extended.
That night, when everyone finished their work, they could dissolve and go back to their families.
The magic box is not allowed to be taken out of the secret library, and since then, there have been people around Cao Yan, and he did not find the opportunity to continue to steal the second round, thanks to the moment he just seized the fleeting opportunity and completed the task.
When leaving the secret library, Cao Yan was drawn into the middle-aged and elderly team by Ji Qianshan and the leader of Guo, and talked about the next step of opening the box while walking.
Moonlight is like water in the sky.
Out of the secret library, Cao Yan and Ji Wen said goodbye to the others and quickly returned to their residence.
Cao Yan sent the emotion still excited, Ji Wen, like a fart, locked the room door and entered the spacecraft after entering the house to check the theft results.
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