Chapter 315: Do not accept

He said that someone approached in the distance came from another church team, that is, the team led by Murafah.
Before they arrived at the battlefield, they had passed the fluctuations of the Code and felt that a fierce battle was happening ahead.
"My code is shaking a lot. It seems that the church members in front have already shot. It should be the spear that jointly urged the trial, otherwise my code will not fluctuate." A soldier in the team rode on Yintong. On horseback, guessed.
等 "Wait for us, maybe the battle is over." Another soldier answered.
Their conversation was quite relaxed.
They have long been accustomed to annihilation of heresy, and indeed there is no need to be nervous.
The soldier who first spoke said with a smile: "Master Naki's quick combat ability can be at the forefront of our entire army. I remember that in October we were sent to destroy a heresy, and Lord Naki took 21 seconds Twelve heretics were purified, and none of them were below the elite level. This record has so far been unbreakable in our group. "
别 "Don't talk nonsense, the battle ahead seems fierce, let's speed it up."
A young man beside Mullafah stopped the others from chatting and urged everyone to move forward.
As the distance approached, Murafa's brow gradually frowned.
He and other soldiers need to sense the different battlefield conditions through the vibration of the code.
As a senior overlord, Muraffa can more intuitively sense the situation on the battlefield. Even within a few miles, he can also feel that Najib has used the overlord aura, which caused strong element fluctuations in that area.
Not long after the battle began, Naki took the Lord's Aura and shot it himself ... Murafa thought.
再 The closer the distance was, Murafa and his party saw the trees smashing and a messy scene in the dim jungle light ahead.
A soldier in the team stood up on horseback and looked at the battlefield ahead: "Oh, look at the scene, the opponent seems to be quite difficult, the battle process is fierce ..."
Before he said anything, he saw a corpse of church members scattered in the jungle.
The blood was everywhere, and the bodies were all over, all of them were members of the church.
In the middle of the battlefield, Naki lay there, showing no signs of life, especially conspicuous.
Jonathan is dead!
The soldiers behind Mullaffa were quiet and everyone looked incredible.
Murafa was also very surprised. Although he had some bad feelings before coming here, he did not expect that the situation would be so bad.
He turned darkly and dismounted, heading for the battlefield ahead.
In recent years, Murafa has fought in the Quartet, killing countless people, but when he saw the tragic scene, he still felt his heart pounding.
Especially those who died were all their own, and had an unspeakable heartache.
He walked to the nearest corpse and looked down.
的 The chest cavity of this corpse, and even the entire body collapsed completely, seriously distorted, looking like it was hit by an unimaginable powerful force, and died instantly.
There is also a silver pupil beside him, which also collapses.
The scene at the scene made all the church members feel scalp and palpitations.
Murafa frowned, looking around on the battlefield, his face was getting more and more gloomy.
来到 He came to the place where the deputy Naki died tragically.
There was a huge hole in Jainaki's chest, and his chest was hollow.
Behind Murafa, the Codex man was always with him, and the rest were scattered around to investigate the situation around the battlefield.
Murafa squatted beside Naki, and for a while he didn't say a word.
大 "Master, no trace of the enemy was found around him. The team led by Lord Naki ... has all been summoned by the true God." A subordinate came to report after the investigation.
Everyone else was somber and said in unison: "May they enter the kingdom of God after their death and live forever."
Murafa asked, "What else is there to gain?"
"Through the analysis of the signs at the scene, all the killed church members died of gravity strikes, and their bones were broken. All the horses were missing except the three dead silver pupil horses. In addition, the code of each church member was also killed by the other party. Taken away, nothing remains. "
Murafa stared at Naki's chest injury and said slowly: "What a terrible power."
He followed the Codex man next to him, picked up the two-handed sword next to Naki's body, and saw a dent at the front of the sword's spine.
There are also very small cracks around the marks. It was the mark left behind by Auch's fingers.
After a moment of thinking, the Codex man thought that he couldn't believe he raised his finger to the position of the sword mark, and suddenly took a breath. What kind of force is needed to cast a cracked dent into a sword made of rare metal? !!
The Codex man's thoughts fluttered in his head: "It was obviously his target that Lord Naki encountered. The evil creature on the Pope's hand. Both sides encountered here and fierce fighting ... Lord Murrafa knows what evil creatures are fighting. The talent is so amazing, the power is overwhelming, and the evil indulgences are so painful? "
不用 "No need to guess, Naki's death has given us the answer."
Murafa said, "The other party is a demon!"
There are thousands of life groups in the green jungle world, and in some special areas, there are also demonic species. Although the number is scarce, Murafa has fought for many years and he has not encountered it. Especially the church regards the devil as the most evil creature in the world. The devil's record is very detailed.
Murafa had judged through Naki's wounds and various signs at the scene.
"I teach the classics that the devil is the race that loves heart hunting most, because the heart is the source of the human body's power and the place where blood is gathered. They like to hunt the heart of the strong, like a ritual."
Murafa stood up and said, "This demon is strong, but he has not yet reached the lord level."
The Codex man was shocked and said, "What is the judgment made by the adult, if he has not reached the lord level, how could he have killed Lord Naki?"
Murafah shook his head: "He killed Naki very quickly. When we were miles away, I still felt the elements here fluctuated, but it took only a few breaths to stop the fight. From this we can It is inferred that the opponent ’s power is very strong. He said he did not reach the lord level because there were several people who were apparently killed in the evacuation state. If a demon reached the lord level and launched the demon realm, they did not have the opportunity to escape of."
The people around me were silent.
The demon's fierce name has been heard by everyone in the church.
The legendary pure-blooded demon can even compete with the gods ~ ~ its terrible place is beyond ordinary imagination.
"The blood spattered from the scene is still not cool, and the murderer should leave soon. My lord, shall we chase or not?" A subordinate asked.
当然 "Of course we have to chase. As the elite members of the church, do we have a fear of a demon?" Murafa looked coldly.
"I track well, how can I help the adult find out the killer?" The code man recommended himself.
"Very good, gather the team, ready to go." Muraffa nodded slightly, and everybody quickly turned over.
Code man opens his code.
一 A scripture on his code fell off and imprinted on his eyebrows. For a moment, the code man pointed in one direction: "The opponent is going in this direction."
Murafa waved a finger and the team was ready to move forward.
At this moment, someone in the team looked up at the sky and yelled, "What's that?"
Others are also looking up. There is a black spot in the sky that is falling rapidly, and it looks like they are where they are.
The black spot zoomed in quickly, and everyone realized that it was a man in a black cloak and his arms around his chest were falling from the sky.
情况 This situation is full of weirdness, which makes people wonder.
Murafa realized that it was wrong: "Alert, full combat readiness."
The ground was shaking violently, and it was Ohe who fell like a shell from the air.
He once again showed a terrifying jumping power, jumping from a distance, and smashing to the side of Murafa and others.
Auch looked at the crowd when he landed, and calmly said, "My boss left beforehand, but he didn't agree with it, so I came back."
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