Chapter 434: Advanced

The howling sounds are from the veiled eagle covering the half-bone skeleton.
The battle between the puppets only began, and it was injured by the skeleton without knowing any means. A bowl of blood caves appeared on the chest and neck, and it was infected with a layer of undead fire.
Under the burning of the fire of the undead, the covering cloud carving made a stern scream, a fan with two wings and tried to escape.
The white Qiu woman standing on the eagle eagle's head was terrified, and her hands continued to resist the pursuit of the skeleton.
半 That half-body skull has changed a bit when it first appeared.
In its hollow eyes, the soul fire is no longer a faint blue, and a light gold color spreads out from the core of its soul flame, dyeing the soul flame into a strange gold-blue interlaced color.
Soul soul flames turn to golden, this is a soul fire that does not belong to the undead system.
Everyone who fought far and near was very human, and one after another discovered the changes of the skeleton soul flames, everyone was astonished.
You must know that the blue soul flame indicates that the half-body skeleton is a king level, and everyone present has the capital to fight.
Golden Soul Flame said that this skeleton is beyond the ordinary cognition, and it is likely to have passed the monarch level.
In the clouds, the ghost turned his head to the bead curtain frame:
"Master Rokko, the golden soul flame ... the undead is afraid of being transformed by a deity, and its combat effectiveness is hard to predict. According to the words of our subordinates, we should immediately withdraw from this muddy water."
The voice inside the car said: "Although what you said makes sense, even if the skull is really transformed by a god, it may not be as powerful as imagined.
If you think about it, if he really transcended the monarchy, why not use the golden soul flame as soon as he appeared? "
Ghost elephant stunned: "Master's meaning is that even if the skeleton can use the golden soul flame, it will be subject to some restrictions, we may not be able to cope?"
"Well, the situation is not near the point of immediate withdrawal. But it is true that the skeleton is dangerous ..."
The voice in the frame paused: "In this way, ghosts like you also go down. Since we cooperate with the church, we must always fulfill the obligations of our allies. You go to the mountainside to help the church members to resolve the battle faster, and immediately withdraw when you succeed , We strive to withdraw as soon as possible. "
"it is good."
The ghost ghost promised, shook his body, disappeared in the clouds like a ghost, and landed on the ground below.
At this time, the fighting continued around, no one came to stop the ghost, and he easily entered the mountain belly.
After the ghosts left, the bead curtain frame was quiet for a moment, then the curtain slowly opened, and a hazy figure stood in the thick mist of water. A wave of water gathering under its feet appeared out of thin air, as if hanging from a rainbow bridge. Empty, suddenly extended out, resting on a branch of the world tree.
With the extension of the water waves, the figure in the shuttle car stepped on the world tree lightly and disappeared into the dense canopy.
Below, Qiao Zuo, Sora, and others also realized that the changes in the half-length skeletons have made the situation more dangerous, and intensively increased the intensity of the engagement, hoping to solve the opponents earlier.
Likewise, Auch and Modra on the World Tree realized that the situation was wrong.
At this moment, Modra moaned a battle ritual.
In the code beside him, a chant of congregation sounded, giving him blessing with divine power.
The war gun in his hand seemed to be ignited by divine power.
Such a dazzling light makes Auch unable to see the trend of the war gun at all. When the war gun burst out from the endless light, it appeared suddenly less than an inch above his chest.
赫 Auch had no time to avoid the key, and was stabbed into the shoulder by a war gun.
Modra rejoiced.
The angel war gun has the power of light. It is most important to restrain evil spirits such as demons. Not to mention being pierced into the body, it is wiped to a slight extent by the war gun. The power of light will be transformed into the fire of the soul and invade its body. Wreck or even obliterate the target.
With this shot in his body, Modra knew that the winning ticket was in his hands, and the demon opposite was about to become a ghost under the gun.
However, just as he pulled back his gun, he saw an evil sneer sneer at the corner of Ouch's mouth.
The death sickle in his other hand was cut backhand, not to attack the opponent, but to cut back a ray of black swordman, landed on his shoulder, and cut off one of his arms.
Broken arm fell into the black gas beside Aohe's body, and that black gas became thick like ink instantly.
Then, after the broken arm of Auch, the strength increased without any decrease, and it gradually climbed up. The black gas outside the body diffused and released in an instant.
The demon mutilated his arm and surprised Modra.
Seeing that Ouch's power was rising rapidly after the broken arm, Modra suddenly thought of a possibility: The demon used his broken arm as a medium to perform some evil skills, and it seemed to be nourishing behind his broken arm. Of ancient demons ...
Demon is a kind of pervert that regards fighting and hunting as the highest enjoyment.
At this time, the black gas rolled on Au He's broken arm, and there was no drop of blood. He was bathed in dark gas, and he could not see the pain of the broken arm, the cold smile on the corner of his mouth spread, and he seemed to be alive and well.
里 In the dark air outside his body, the ghost image of the ancient demon stood upright, utterly incomparable, and his figure quickly became clear.
These changes are cumbersome to explain, but they all happened in an instant.
The next moment, the demon ghost opened his mouth, and a dark air rolled out, flooding the surrounding area.
Modra was frightened. When black gas appeared, heaven and earth seemed to be blinded by a curtain. Modra's sight and feeling were affected accordingly, as if the five senses were covered by this layer of darkness.
劣 It is unclear how inferior to fighting in this situation.
At the same moment, the sickle on Auch's hand quietly disappeared, blending with the surrounding darkness, breaking away from the void, a blade appeared suddenly in front of Modra.
Mold stretched his hand and waved, and the code was like a golden waterfall, blocking the attack of the blade.
However, at this moment, the ancient demon ghost behind Auch also disappeared into the surrounding black gas, and instantly and strangely emerged from the darkness behind Modra.
The scriptures behind Modra retracted his wings and defended himself, while the war guns retracted, sweeping behind him.
But after the ancient demon received the sacrifice of Auch's broken arm, his body was solid, his strength skyrocketed, and his claws were drawn out, penetrating directly into the wings of the angel behind Modra, piercing his back, and a dark flood followed. Into Modra's consciousness.
Time seems to freeze.
He was severe pain in the chest, and Modra was awake again. But at the moment he was attacked by darkness, Auch had been approaching, his claws reached out, pierced his chest, and pulled Modra's heart out.
When Modra died, Auch made an inhalation action, and the heart in the palm was broken by the force of the devil and was sucked into his mouth.
Strange to say, Modra's body was infected by the power of the demon at the same moment, and a thick layer of black appeared on the surface.
Including the wings of the fighting angel that have not disappeared behind him, the war gun in his hand, and the numerous scripture characters ~ ~ floating in the body of the code all became black in an instant, assimilated by the spirit of demon.
Modra's essence seemed to be swallowed together by Auch's pumping action.
The demon black gas surrounding the maggot has an endless expansion and growth, which is more than a few times thicker than before.
Auch stands in the middle of the black gas, and between them, the body is nourished by the black gas, and wonderful and extreme changes are taking place.
"Auch advanced ..."
Somewhere above the world tree, Cao Yan muttered in a low voice.
He is squatting on a branch and looking at the green fruit.
"Fake system, will picking this fruit wake the world tree from slumber?"
That's good, Cao Yan's hand dragged, and immediately sipped the fruit down.
"Congratulations to the host, for obtaining the wood-like shard fruit of the World Tree (Note: this fruit has not yet been matured, it is detected as a primary fruit), reward points 100, attendant points 100 ..."
At the same time, the half-length skeleton in the distance suddenly stopped chasing the cloud cover, the flickering eyes of the soul fire, ‘look’ towards the position of the world tree.
At this time, the altar mountain also changed, and the mountain was shaken again.
The situation is changing rapidly. ...

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